The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 26, 1966, Image 9
Henderson Hall’s Mother Keeps Up With 88 Sons c c c c c Pressing ties, running errands and sewing on buttons are famil iar chores for the mother of col lege boys. Mrs. Elizabeth Murphey keeps up with 88 young men — none of them her sons. She’s dorm mother of Hender son Hall, the Aggie athlete’s home away from home. Mrs. Murphey calls her job “wonderful”. “Pm very much at home here,” she smiled. “It’s great to work with young people. They keep me busy and interested in life.” At present, the hazel-eye bru nette is preparing to take in new roomers. The football play ers will be heading home next week. Most of the 92 beds will be filled by summer school students, including high school teachers on Sociology students from six Texas colleges and universities have banded into a Texas Student Sociological Association. Membership in TSSA is aimed at all undergraduate sociology majors in the state. Representa tives of Texas A&M, Texas, Bay lor, Sam Houston State, East Tex as State and Texas Woman’s Uni versity met recently to establish guidelines and elect officers. Rumaldo Z. Juarez, A<fcM sen ior from Robstown, was elected president. Other officers include vice president James Hance, East Texas; extension chairman Bob Welsh of A&M, sophomore of Col lege Station and secretary Eva Ashworth, Sam Houston. Faculty advisor is Dr. William P, Kuvlesky, sociology professor of the Agricultural Department of Economics and Sociology. campus for National Science Foundation Institutes. Tree-top tall teachers hunting oversized beds would be wise to check with Mrs. Murphey. Hen derson Hall has five 90 inch-long beds. A seven-footer would be able to stretch out comfortably on these. The remaining beds are 80 inches long, eight inches longer than normal. “FOOTBALL players are get ting bigger,” Mrs. Murphey not ed. “But you can’t always go on size. Take little Charlie Riggs (A&M’s pint-sized sophomore quarterback). He’s a dandy. And remember George Hargett ? He didn’t weigh 150 pounds soaking wet. But there’s not a better football player or one who had more heart than he did.” “The purpose of TSSA is to bring students studying sociology together and promote understand ing of contemporary sociology and its uses,” Juarez said. TSSA functions include a mem bership drive mailing, scholar ships, publication of undergradu ate articles, annual convention, directory and awards. The president indicated the organization will promote high school sociology instruction. Chemistry Lecture Scheduled Friday A Chemistry Colloquium here Friday features a Chevron Re search Laboratory scientist. Dr. Roger S. Porter of Orinda, Calif., will lecture on “Physical Chemistry of Liquid Crystals” at 4 p.m. in Room 231 of the Chem istry Building. Mrs. Murphey doesn't get much opportunity to practice her nurs ing profession. She trained at Baylor Hospital in Dallas after attending Rusk Junior College. “Oh, I take their temperatures sometimes before sending them to the trainer, Billy Pickard,” she remarked. “And I fill their ice- bags when they have a lump on the head. Mostly, I just give them tender, loving care like I would my own sons.” John Pat Murphey, her son, at tended A&M and now works in Humble’s production department in Houston. A NATIVE OF Troup, Mrs. Murphey played basketball in high school and has always been a football fan. She watched all the Aggie scrimmages this spring and thinks A&M is “really going places this fall.” “Coach Stallings has a way about him that instills pride in the boys,” she said thoughtfully. “They take pride in what they are doing.” Like other mothers, Mrs. Mur phey listens to the boys’ prob lems when they want to talk. “I’M A GOOD listener” she commented. “I try to give them an attentive ear. My job has its rewards, but it has disappoint ments, too. It hurts me to see a boy quit the team. It takes a lot of hard work and heart to stay with it. “These boys are the cream of the crop,” she beamed. “They inspire me. A number of them go to church regularly. They help to renew my faith in young people.” The U. S. Geological Survey ’is preparing geologic maps of the moon’s surface covering 9 mil lion square miles — an area ap proximately equivalent in size to the North American continent. The scale of the maps is 1 inch equals 16 miles” Senior Selected President Of Texas Sociology Group How Many Aggies Hava We Helped To Save Money On Textbooks, Supplies, and Other Col lege Necessities?- We Don’t Know. We Lost Count Several Years Back. Thousands and Thousands Probably But One Thing Is Certain: We’re Ready, Willing, and Able To Help The Next 9,000! North Gate Loupot's College Station TELEPHONE TIME . . . Mrs. Elizabeth Murphey takes a call for one of her 88 “boys.” Texas Plumbing Contests Scheduled For June 22-25 Fifty contestants will compete June 22-25 in Texas Plumbing and Pipefitting Apprentices Con tests here. Contest Coordinator Richard E. Pulaski said contestants will rep resent 22 apprentice programs in the state. He said 1,003 students are participating in apprentice programs this year, an increase of 33 per cent over 1965. More than $2,000 in prizes and awards await 18 winners. Principal purpose of the con test is to evaluate plumbing and pipefitting instruction in the classroom and on-the-job train ing, Pulaski explained. Dr. Walter Kerr, executive director of the National Youth Foundation in Tyler, will speak at the June 25 awards banquet. Dr. Kerr’s career has been varied. He worked in radio and theater after studying law at the Univer sity of Texas. Later he practiced law in Lufkin and for the gover nor’s office. A&M’s Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Education depart ments and Texas Engineering Ex tension Service will host the con test. Winners will advance to the national finals Aug. 14-19 at Pur due University. THE BATTALION Thursday, May 26, 1966 College Station, Texas Page 9 Chemistry Prof Picked To Study Under Authority Dr. Jerry L. Jones will study electronics in a three-week Uni versity of Illinois course June 25- July 15. The assistant professor of chemistry was selected from a large field of applicants for the course under Prof. H. V. Malm- stadt, an internationally known expert in chemical instrumenta tion. Jones’ attendance is sup ported by the National Science Foundation. Oklahoma State and Arkansas- educated, Jones will attend lec tures, labs, discussions, films and seminars on electronic principles, servo systems, operational ampli fiers, digita circuits and other devices used in lab research and engineering control problems. A caged animal regards the cage as its territory. Anyone climbing into the cage of a lion or tiger is apt to be attacked for that reason. • • • • • ••••••• Authorized Dealer for VOLKSWAGEN Graduating: Senior’s New 1966 Volkswagen’s Bank Rates on 100% Financing Hickman Garrett Motors 1701 S. College 822-0146 BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES On* day 4# p*r word 1« per ward *ach additional day Minimum chars*—SO# DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before publication Claaaified DUplay 90* per column inch •ach insertion FOR SALE Refrigerator, single bed and mattress, pole lamp and other room accessories. Real Cheap. 408 Ash, College Station, 846-7339. 320tl AKC Bassett Puppies, 7 weeks old, $36 anc Alston, 823-1062 after 6:00. Puppies, 7 weeks old, and $40. Shots and wormed. Call George 320tl 25,000 BTU air conditioner, $260, 4209 College Main, 846-4652. 320tfn Scuba Diving outfit H-W Lung, wet suit, weights, 2 masks, 2 depth guages, H-W regulator. Call 846-4979 after 6:00 p. m. 320t2 1965 Mustang V-8 motor, air conditioned, automatic transmission, power steering. 822-3667. See at 906-A East 29th. Bryan. 320t2 One knee-hole desk with seven drawers. One chest of drawers with six drawers. Sold together or separately. Cheap—846- 3417. 320tl 12 foot wood boat with 22 h.p. Mercury motor, trailer, cover, accessories, good for skiing and fishing. Excellent condi tion, $300. Phone 846-6528. 320tfn Senior Boots, 13-C, 18” calf; roll-away led, $20.00 ; easy chair with ottoman, 820.00 ; mirror, 24 x 36, beveled edge, $15.00 ; 8 x 10 rug, $10.00 ; 822-0473. 319tfn amond-sapphire styh, new di blond cabinet. Call 822-4064. ns, tfn Electrolux Sales and Service. G. C. Wil- dams, 1105 E. 28th St. Bryan. Phone 123-5331. 268tfn WORK WANTED Aggie wife would like to do baby sitting in my home evenings. 846-7838 after 5 :00. Teacher wants summer job, some typing and shorthand, experience in library work and dealing with public. Bilingual in Spanish and English. 1316-B Antone, TA 2-5062 after 4 :00. 319t3 REMODELING, REPAIR WORK AND GENERAL CONTRACTING, after 5:00 call 846-5918. DON MARABLE. 290tfn VAN’S BOOK SHOP LOTS OF OLD AND SOME NEW BOOKS For Your Reading Material Magazines - Paperbacks - Comics BUY - SELL - TRADE COME IN AND BROWSE 8Q8 Yf. 25th — 823-5726 REPORTS, TRESES, DISSERTATIONS Miscellaneous Typing BARBARA ROBISON 332 Jfrsty Street, College Station, Tex. PRONE: 846-5832 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: Qeorge Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 SOSOLIK'S TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV All Makes - TV - Repaired 713 S. Main 822-1941 Cecil Sez: We meet all advertised prices on Major Brand Oils. Filters % Price — All Sizes. 100% new oil 10^ qt. All Brands Motor Oil Wholesale Prices. BRYAN OIL WHSE. 805 N College (Highway 6, N) at 19th FOR RENT EMPLOYMENT Bedroom for rent, $5.59 per week. 846- 5559. 320t3 Two bedroom brick apartment, completely furnished, central air and heat, two blocks from University, North Gate Area, J ' per month. Available June 1. 823-8181. Large, cool bedroom, nicely furnished, single beds for one or two occupants. 500 Main Street, College Station, 846-5644. 307tfn STATE MOTEL, rooms and kitchen, day and weekly rate, near the University, 846- 5410. 262tfn VICTORIAN APARTMENTS Midway between Bryan A A&M University • All General Electric built-ins • 1 & 2 bedrooms with 1 or 1% baths • Central heat & air • Large walk-in closets • Beautiful courtyard with swimming pool • Carpets & Drape dr 'urnisnet • Resident manager. Apt. 1 ,pes • Carports & laundry facilities • Furnished or unfurnished Phone 822-2035 164tfn OFFICIAL NOTICE Official notices must arrive in the Office of Student Publications before deadline of I p. m. of the day preceding publication. At 8:00 a. m. Thursday, May 26, 1966, ere wili be posted on a bulletin board the foyer of the Coke Building a list of those candidates who have completed all academic requirements for a degree. Every candidate is urged to consult this list to determine his status. H. L. Heaton, Director of Admissions and Registrar numl FENSE STUDENT LOANS will be mad for Summer Session ’66. Funds availabl are limited, only those students who ar qualifying to teach at elementary, secon dary or college level will be considered. her of NATIONAL DE- de e Hi lalifj _ or college ation forms may be obt Student Financial Aid, 303 YMCA, April fying to teach at elementary, or college level will be cor Application forms may be obtained from 25 - June 16. CORRECTIONS IN SUMMER BULLETIN Astronomy and Applications of Modern Physics, Summer 1966. Contrary to the Bulletin of Summer Session 1966 recently nd me: prerequisites. Physics 202 and Math- tics 103, respectively. Only in the second summer term is there a restriction, that Physics 314 is reserved for students in the NSF Earth Science Institute. 304tfn NOTICE Designations as to sex in our Help Wanted and Employment Agency columns are made only (1) to indicate bona fide occupa tional qualifications for employment which an employer regards as reasonably neces sary to the normal operation of his business or enterprise, or (2) as a convenience to our readers to let them know which posi tions the advertiser believes would be of more interest to one sex than the other because of the work involved. Such desig nations shall not be taken to indicate that any advertiser intends or practices any un lawful preference, limitation, specification or discrimination in employment practices. RESERVE YOUR U-HAUL TRAILOR NOW. WISNIESKI ’66 SERVICE Hwy. 6 & Poplar 846-5111 HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th 822-2819 FREIGHT SALVAGE • Brand Name Furniture • Household Appliances • Bedding • Office Furniture • Plumbing Fixtures All damaged items restored to full utility by our repairs department. C & D SALVAGE CO. 32 nd & S. Tabor Streets — Bryan Owned and operated by Henry and Josephine Conaway, assisted by Carl Birdwell. AUTO REPAIRS All Makes Just Say: “Charge It” Cade Motor Co. Ford Dealer HELP WANTED Experienced T. V. and/or Radio-Phono repairman. For part or full time job. Permanent or temporary. Gil’s Radio and T. V. 2403 South College. 822-0826. 3I9t5 Part time commercial artist—Drafting or architectural student considered. Phone ne t4 Waitreas Wanted: Apply in person at The Ramada Inn. 208tfn Married Students MEN and WOMEN You Can Earn $8.50 per hour Now and this summer in time. Daily c/o Bryan 305tfn R.N. to work 3-11 p.m. and 11-7 a.m. and relief shift at Madison County Hos pital. Starting salary $350.00 and up. Meals provided; uniforms laundered. Con tact B. Tugger, R.N. at VI 6-5483 after 6 p.m. 187tfn WANTED TO BUY T. V. Cable Contract, 846-3147. 319t2 LOST Senior pin ’66 at the Ring Dance. Call 846-7503. 319t2 Advancing cities are gobbling up the nation’s farmlands at a rates of a million acres a year. DONAHO SALES CO. 207 W. 28th 823-6666 Damaged & Unclaimed Freight, Quality Merchandise At Substantial Savings. TRANSMISSIONS REPAIRED & EXCHANGED Completely Guaranteed LOWEST PRICES HAMILL’S TRANSMISSION 118 S. Bryan —Bryan— 822-6874 CHILD CARE Aggie wife in College View would like io keep children inmy home. Call 846- 3553. 319t2 Child care, all ages. Baby food fur nished. 846-8151. 257tfn Gregory’s Day Nursery—846-4005. 218tfn HUMPTY DUMPTY CHILDREN CEN TER, 3406 South College, State Licensed. 123-8626, Virginia D. Jones, R. N. 99tfn LEGAL NOTICE • Watch Repair • Jewelry Repair • Diamond Senior Rings • Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers North Gate 846-5816 TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main 822-6000 ng trom 5 :00 p. m., May 27, 1966 at the School Administration Building. Any and all persons interested and having business with said Board are invited to be present. Board of Equilization 318t3 SPECIAL NOTICE SUL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300 A.F. & A.M. Called meeting Thursday. May will 26, 7 p. m. F.C. Degree be conferred. 320tl LEARN TO KNIT AND CROCHET THIS SUMMER Register Now Free classes beginning June 6. The Spinning Wheel Yarn Shop, 804 Villa Maria Rd., 823-8453. Separate knitting (1 to 6 p. m.) Classes Jr. High, Sr. High, and Adult. Morning, afternoon, evening. THE SPINNING WHEEL Mrs. W. B. Lancaster Save up to 40% auto parts, tires, bat teries, seat covers, mufflers, tail pipes and accessories. SEE WHITE ANTO STORES. College Station. VI 6-5626. SIGNATURE LOANS $10 TO $100 Prompt Confidential Service UNIVERSITY LOAN COMPANY 317 Patricia (North Gate) Tel: 846-8319 INSURE TOMORROW TODAY EUGENE RUSH earnestly solicits your call when you want to talk about life or health insurance for your family. Now in 18th year with same reliable company. PHONE: 846-5800 (Days) 846-6121 (Nights) Havoline, Enco, Ama lie, Conoco 30c qt. Where low oil prices originate. Quantity Rights Reserved Parts Wholesale Too Filters, Oil, Air - Fuel 10,000 Parts - We Fit 96% of All Cars - Save 25 - 40% Nylon Carpet Set $16.95 Brake Shoes $2.90 ex. (most cars) Auto trans. oil 25 AC - Champion - Autolite plugs Tires—Low price every day — Just check our price with any other of equal quality- Your Friedrich Dealer Joe Faulk Auto Parts 220 E. 25th Bryan, Texas JOE FAULK ’32 20 years in Bryan