The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 24, 1966, Image 1
—* Che Battalion g5NTEST|^ » • Volume 61 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS TUESDAY, MAY 24, 1966 Number 319 9 Students Cleared 11 More Cadets Charged In Probe Nine Texas A&M students previously dismissed were given lightened punishment by the University Appeals Committee over the weekend as the outbreak of physical hazing continues. Eleven more students—nine sophomores and two jun iors—were suspended until September and dropped from the Corps of Cadets. All the sophomores are from Company A-l and the juniors are from Squadron 2. Seniors winning appeals from the UAC are Angel Saenz, James A. Dimock and George sr! »se ^011 THE MASKED HARANGUER Unidentified students displayed disapproval broomhandle and attached axe head. The of action taken against cadets in the recent Corps shakedown has resulted in the suspen- hazing probe. Outfitted in executioner’s sion of several students for striking fresh- garb, Sully was masked and provided with a men with brooms. Campus Political Club Ban Reaffirmed By Committee The Texas A&M Executive Committee reaffirmed its policy banning campus political clubs Monday. The committee responded to a May 10 letter from the Student Senate “urging recognition of political clubs as official on-cam- pus organizations. H. L. Heaton, Executive Com mittee secretary, notified Senate President-Elect Barney Fudge the committee reviewed “the matter thoroughly. “The Executive Committee re affirms its policy established on Oct. 28, 1963 and on April 20, 1964 relative to political clubs on campus,” Heaton replied for the committee. “The Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and the head of the Department of History and gov ernment are most anxious to as sist in establishing a political study forum provided enough A&M Consolidated Program Honors Outstanding Students Outstanding students at A&M Consolidated High School re ceived honors at the annual Awards Day ceremony Friday. Most of the awards, furnished by local and national civic groups and foundations, honored those who had contributed the most to the school. Lions Club presented awards to Arline Dollar and Sandy Haight for art; Billy Randal, commer cial; Ivo Junek and Douglas Rich ter, craftsman; and Sharon Skra- vanek and Rick Landmann, Eng lish. Kiwanis Club honored most valuable players Mark Riedel, tennis; John Skrabanek, golf; and Richard Runkles, track. Charles Powell was presented the Bausch Lomb science award; Barbara Hedges, National Math ematics Association of America; Linda Isbell, Crisco homemaking; and Ann McMurray, Betty Crock er Homemaker of Tomorrow. Students receiving medals, tro phies or cash awards were: Bob Franke, University National Bank Star Green Hand; Mike Thiltgen, Producers Co-op Star Chapter Farmer; Larry Wilhoit, Rotary (band); Fran Haugen, DAR American History; Mary Ruth Watkins, scholarship and Ardis Kemler, good citizenship. Ten speech students were awarded special certificates for one-act plays; eight students, in dividual speaking awards and nine students, homemaking awards. Economics honors went to Laurence Nemec and Shirley Oates; social education awards, Mary Elizabeth Griffin, Jan Har ris and Wally Williams; vocation agriculture, Franke and Thiltgen; Tom Shelton and Donald Street. student interest can be manifest ed to learn about the workings of the political parties in the United States,” Heaton wrote. “The Executive Committee re affirms its position in the en couragement of students to ex press political views, study politi cal parties and participate in lo cal activities of political parties, he continued. Heaton said the framework for a political forum was now under study by the Executive Commit tee. The 1963 ruling came after Young Democrats and Young Re publicans asked for recognition as campus clubs. Committee minutes report “after due de liberation, the Committee came to the conclusion that it would be inadvisable to recognize either of these as campus activities. It was suggested that these clubs make contacts with Republican and Democrats Headquarters of this county and become a part of those organizations in whatever ways seem most appropriate . . .” The 1964 action called attention to Sec. 2, Article V, H. B. 86 of the 58th Legislature which states, “None of the moneys appropriat ed by Articles I, II, III, and IV of this Act, regardless of their source or character, shall be used for influencing the outcome of any election, or the passage of defeat of any legislative mea sures. . .” The 1964 action noted “the 1963 ruling was still appropri ate. . .” L. Eastman. These students’ suspension was lifted effec tive immediately. Juniors winning appeals are Victor O. Harvey, Elroy Garcia, George B. Davis and Joel Aldape. Garcia’s suspension is lifted immediately, while the others may apply for enrollment in September rather than in February as the previous punishment stated. Sophomore whose suspension was lifted effective immediately are Sanford T. Ward and Daniel L. Bailey’ Dean of Students James P. Hannigan said no students were exonerated and none were re instated into the Corps. The new suspended students are juniors A1 J. Ludwig and Henry C. Miller Jr. and sopho mores Stephen C. Hodgkins, Lar ry L. Barbee, Robert W. Clapper, John H. Daly, Charles W. Daw son, Lee W. Horton, John W. Morgan and a student whose name was not released by the university. These students are the last of 29 upperclassmen charged with wacking freshmen with broom handles. All were suspended from the university but permit ted to complete finals exams next week. The hazing incident was brought to the attention of Department of Military Science officials YMCA Past Reflects Changes By DANI PRESSWOOD Battalion Managing Editor Editor’s Note: The following is the first installment of a two- part series outlining the history and functions of the YMCA. The concluding segment will appear Thursday. Texas A&M’s YMCA has seen a myriad of changes since J. Gor don Gay began active service in 1928. Before the construction of the Memorial Student Center and the All Faith’s Chapel, the building was the primary recreational and religious center of the campus. Today the YMCA program is geared to the development of the individual student’s mental and spiritual self and prepare him for the outside world. But despite alterations in meth od, the purpose of the Young Men’s Christian Association has remained the same: to provide an atmosphere that would develop within students a sense of fellow ship. “The program has expanded greatly through the years due to the creative interest of the boys,” First Bank & Trust now pays 4 1 /&% per annum on savings cer tificates. —Adv. Gay reflects modestly. “I’m real proud of the Aggies.” AFTER 24 years as assistant secretary, Gay became general secretary in 1952 and was named Coordinator of Religious Life in addition to his YMCA duties in 1957. “One thing I haven’t been able to find out is when the YMCA was first established,” Gay said, “but we do know it was a going concern 71 or 72 years ago.” From research he has discov ered that rooms in the basement of Leggett Hall were used as a YMCA several years ago. Since that time, some of the major changes have been in reli gious life on campus. “When I first came here stu dents had compulsory chapel,” Gay recalls. “Every Sunday morning everybody would march to Guion Hall.” It was made non-compulsory in 1930 and students were encour aged to attend their own church groups. GAY RECALLS that the YMCA was at one time the students’ main gathering place, the campus “living room.” “The ‘Y’ had a swimming pool in the basement for several years,” he said. “But they cov ered it when the college built an other one.” With the impletion of the pool, the basement was developed into a recreation center with a four- lane bowling alley and 15 billiard tables. In addition, the building housed a barber shop, a confectionary and rooms for short courses. “The YMCA was the student center of the campus,” he noted. “But when the MSC was built there was no longer a need for these things here.” Although some changes have been for the better, Gay was dis turbed at the loss of Religious Emphasis Week. “We had some outstanding speakers here for Religious Em phasis Week,” he remarked, “and it was a big event here.” RE WEEK was introduced in 1942, discontinued until 1945 and observed annually until 1962. It was then turned over to the area churches and was terminated this year. “An outgrowth of Religious Emphasis Week was the Mar riage Forums,” Gay disclosed, “and also the popular Man Your Manners program.” Annihilation of the YMCA- sponsored movies is another maj or change Gay has seen take place. “For 20 to 25 years we had movies here on Wednesday and Saturday nights for the stu dents,” he recalls. “They cost 15 cents on Wednesday night and a quarter Saturday or students could buy a coupon for $5 to see every Saturday show throughout the year.” A PET project and one Gay is most proud of has been the inno vation of the freshman YMCA camp. “We started the camp in 1954 and it has grown every summer since then,” he commented. “This year we are shooting for three camps of 100 each.” The camp’s purpose is to give incoming freshmen an insight into college life and answer some of the ever-present questions in volved. While changes have been nu- meroTi's in the past Gay has a few in mind for the future because “there’s always room for improve ment. “I think we could do some things better,” he added. “We fall flat on our faces sometimes but we try to analyze and see where we went wrong.” through an annonymous source Wednesday. First Brigade unit commanders were ordered late Wednesday to turn in to the Commandant’s of fice lists of all freshmen with bruises apparently received from brooms. Some units in the bri gade did report cases of beatings. Final Exam Schedule Final examinations for the spring semester 1966 will be held May 30-June 4 according to the follow ing schedule: Monday, May 30 Monday, May 30 Tuesday, May 31 Tuesday, May 31 Wednesday, June 1 Wednesday, June 1 Thursday, June 1 2 Thursday, June 2 Friday, June 3 Friday, June 3 Saturday, June 4 Saturday, June 4 8-11 a.m. 1-4 p.m. 8-11 a.m. 1-4 p.m. 8-11 a.m. 1-4 p.m. 8-lla.m. 1-4 p.m. 8-11 a.m. 1-4 p.m. 8-11 a.m. 1-4 p.m. Classes MWF8 Classes TTh8Fl Classes MWF9 Classes MWThl Classes MWF10 Classes TF1 Classes M3TThlO Classes MWTh2 Classes MWF11 Classes M4TThll Classes TTh9F2 Classes TF2 or TWF3 or TThF3 Final examinations in courses with only one theory hour per week as shown in the catalogue will be given, at the discretion of the department head concerned, at the last meeting of either the theory or practice period before the close of the semester. New Editors Announced For Student Publications Prowlers Arrested In Hensel Area Campus Security chief Ed Powell reported Tuesday morn ing the peeping tom and women’s underwear stealing cases have been solved. Powell said that two men were arrested. One a student and the other a resident of College Sta tion. Husbands in the Hensel area set up watch and turned in a sus pect to the Campus Security who under questioning admitted as be ing the peeping tom. The same tactics were used to arrest the women’s underwear thief. When arrested the man had 68 pieces of women’s under wear in his car. Powell said all women who lost property should report to the Campus Security Office on cam pus to claim their items. He said to just call the secretary. Student Publications editors for 1966-67 were announced Friday by Jim Lindsey, director of infor mation and publications. Thomas M. DeFrank, junior journalism major from Arling ton, was appointed editor of The Battalion effective with Tues day’s edition. Other editors include Gerald Garcia of Beeville, summer Bat talion; John Hotard of Bryan, the Review; Fred B. Cherry of New Waverley, the Engineer; M. Leroy Shafer of Trent, the Agri culturist; John C. Hammond of Rockville, Md., the Aggieland, and J. Alford Moore of Houston, the Southwestern Veterinarian. The new appointments were an nounced at Friday’s Student Pub lications banquet. DeFrank, a Distinguished Stu dent for five semesters, has been staff writer, news editor and managing editor during his two years with The Battalion. A member of Phi Eta Sigma, Phi Kappa Phi and Sigma Delta Chi, he is also publicity chairman for SCONA XII. He was chosen outstanding sophomore in the Department of Journalism last year and last month received a $400 Minne apolis Star scholarship as the department junior with the out standing scholastic record. GARCIA IS president of the Society for A&M Journalists, and was vice president of Sigma Delta Chi, the professional journalist society. During his two years with The Battalion he has served as staff writer, assistant news editor, managing editor and is presently sports editor. He is also the recipient of the Amarillo Globe Scholarship. Moore has been a Distinguished Student, freshman editor of the Baptist Student Union newspa per, associate editor of the Southwest Veterinarian and an athletic trainer. He is also a member of the stu dent chapter of the American Veterinary Medicine Association and is presently a student assist ant in the Department of Vet erinary Anatomy. Hotard is a member of Alpha Delta Sigma, and is publicity as sistant for the Aggie Plays. He was also associate editor of the Review before being appointed editor. HAMMOND has participated in the Polaris Council, the Texas A&M Parachute Club and the Judo Club. He is also a member of the Ross Volunteers and RV Firing Squad and was section editor of the Aggieland this semester. Cherry is a member of the Ross Volunteers and belongs to the In stitute of Electrical and Elec tronic Engineers. Shafer has received the Oppor tunities Award Scholarship, the Santa Fe Educational Awards Scholarship, and the Anderson- Clayton Agricultural Journalism Scholarship. A Distinguished Student, he is a member of Alpha Zeda honor society, and is secretary of Sigma Delta Chi. HE IS A member of Corps Staff and the Ross Volunteers and was managing editor of the Agriculturist this year. Shafer is also president of the Agricultural Communications Club and is national president of the Agricultural College Maga zines Associated and will head their November convention in Chicago. DeFrank has announced the staff for the Battalion for the 1966-67 year. It includes Dani Presswood, managing editor; Gerald Garcia, sports editor; Larry Jerden, as sociate editor; and staff writers Robert Solovey, John Fuller, Judy Franklin and Jim Sizemore. The staffs will take over pub lications again in the fall. The first summer Battalion edition will come out June 9. *1 m DeFRANK Battalion GARCIA Summer Battalion HOTARD Review SHAFER Agriculturalist MOORE Veterinarian -, HAMMOND Aggieland CHERRY Engineer