The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 19, 1966, Image 4
Page 4 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Thursday, May 19, 1966 Marketing Students Win Scholarships Looks Plenty Deceiving Two Texas A&M marketing students were awarded the Hous ton Sales Executives Club schol arships this week. Mel Lasell of Springfield, Mass., and Phil Abernathy of Hughes Springs, Tex., were named for the $250 award during the 17th Sales Clinic. The Peters Memorial Scholar ship winners were selected by business executives addressing the clinic Monday. For Cyclotron Official dial 98.3 kora|fm 'J ti LET S TRADE DON’T LET YOUR BOOKS GO OUT OF DATE. GET FULL VALUE BY TRADING AS SOON AS YOU NO LONGER NEED A BOOK. TRADE FOR WHAT YOU NEED FOR AS LITTLE AS 95c PER BOOK. Loupot's The associate director of Texas A&M’s $6 million Cyclotron Insti tute looks more like a football player than a scientist. Whitney McFarlin stands 6 feet, 6 inches and weighs a mus cular 255 pounds. Not long ago, McFarlin played middle linebacker and tackle for the University of Arkansas fresh man football team. He played football in 1958-59 before trans ferring to Henderson State Col lege in Arkansas. At Henderson State he turned emphasis to physics and mathe matics, earning a bachelor’s de gree and membership in Alpha Chi, national honor fraternity, in 1963. He did his graduate work in nuclear engineering at Texas A&M under a NASA fellowship. WHITNEY McFARLIN Pittman Chosen Top Engineer Pitt Pittman of Leverett’s Chapel has been chosen the out standing graduating senior of the Department of Electrical Engi neering. McFarlin, at the grand old age of 25, directs engineering and operations for A&M’s sophisti cated atom smasher now under construction. startup procedures will follow, with normal operations to begin about July 1. “Architecture and engineering on the building are about 98 per cent complete,” he said. “Con struction is approximately 70 per cent complete.” Cyclotron engi neering and procurement is about 87 per cent complete, and the Ion Optics system engineering and procurement is nearly 70 per cent complete.” The staff currently numbers 17. This total is expected to graduate to 26 by Nov. 1, and to 45 by a year from that date. Ultimately, McFarlin pointed out, the insti tute will have 70 fulltime em ployes. “Possibly 60 of these will be working in technical and scien tific areas,” McFarlin continued. “We may reach full strength about mid-1968.” INK FOR ATOMS President Earl Rudder signs a pact linking A&M, theU.S, Atomic Energy Commission and Oak Ridge Associated W versities in a program to stimulate high school students toward careers in atomic energy. Watching is Frederic! Napp, administrative officer for information and extai sion at ORAU. Through the agreement a mobile atomii energy exhibit will be shown at 150 Texas High Schools. Dr. G. D. Hallmark, department head, presented Pittman with a watch and $100 as winner of the Bolton Award. A stickler for accuracy, the towering nuclear engineer quick ly thumbs to files and charts to verify statements about construc tion of the cyclotron, one of the largest of its kind in the world. William Lee Nichols of Tyler received the $275 Bolton Scholar ship as the most outstanding elec trical engineering junior. Texas Power and Light Com pany Scholarships of $600 each went to John Hall Cooper of Fort Worth and James Howard Davis of Fort Stockton. “A&M’s cyclotron is one of three of its kind in the United States,” McFarlin noted. “It will extend our capabilities in nuclear physics, chemistry, engineering, radiation biology and activa tion analysis.” Tentative completion date is April 1, 1967. A&M’s cyclotron will be housed in an airplane hanger-sized build ing. The cyclotron is described as a 300-ton magnet, measuring 88 inches across the pole face. It will be able to propel the nucleus of hydrogen atoms to 130 million electron volts — more than five times the capability of any other instrument in Texas. Power re quirement of the electromagnet v heart” of the cyclotron is 1,000 kilowatts. The overall facility power requirements are approxi mately 4,000 kilowatts — about one fifth of the output of A&M’s power plant. Oldtime Aggie Ex Hutson Welcome Sight In Library McFarlin said testing and The Institute’s annual operat ing budget is estimated at $1 million. A Texas Aggie who coon-hunt- ed along College Station creeks is a welcome sight in Cushing Li brary. A. C. Hutson Sr., graduate of 1900, arrives unannounced and aften with donations for the ex panding facility. Member of an old A&M family, the spry, white-haired gentleman of 80 years has strolled into the library with donations including a 54th commencement invitation of 1930, a pictorial foldout of A&M buildings to 1946 and a book of Welsh hymns. Acting librarian Rupert Woodward noted the regular Ti tor has promised the library! unpublished autobiography of! father, Professor C. W. Huts who joined the A&M staff 1893. A. C. Hutson Sr. came to Ai at the age of 12, when his fatla became an English and hista professor. In the 1890’shewB to school in Bryan on horsekat coon-hunter with his dog and ome to Safeway for your favorite brands ... .... .. in Folger’s Coffee Zippy Pickles ★ Whole SourA Whole Dill ★ Whole Kosher Dill 22-oz. Jar 29 Pork & Beanf ! Garden Peas Green Beans Del Monte. ★ Cut ★ Italian Style ★ Seasoned Sliced. No. 303 Can g REEN K BEAN5 5>’l Van Camp. Thiele Tomato Sauce—16-oz. Can 61 Family Flour Del Monte. Early Garden. —No. 303 Can calls his horse wouldn't drii Bryan water. It had beconttus to artesian sulphur water on tl campus. <s> Coupon Worth 50 Mim $) Coupon Worth 25 (Jf) Coupon Worth 25 ORFF, GOT,!) ROND STAMPSsf 1SFRPF nATI! RANH STAMPS « ^rprr nmn prwr CTAiunoU KitemyS 5 "' 'BEST MiM Pillsbury's Best Bakes everything better. iFREE GOLD BOND STAMPS^ ffFREE GOLD BOND STAMPS With the Purchase of with , h(r Purchale of TWO—200-Ct. Rolfs « 16 . 0I . can Cotton Mold i GALA PAPER TOWELS ]i SPRAY STARCH Coupon Expire! 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Save Your BONUS BINGO Slips BONUS BINGO Tomato Catsup Vienna Sausage Golden Com 75^ ^ a ^ a - /A ' ssor t e ^ Colors. Big Roll—200Ct.^^^J^ l °asJ 9 Variety & Freshness at Safeway! AIIMeatFranks49< SWOOt Corn Del Monte. Cream Style.—No. 303 Can for 1 5i» $ l 5 $ l CONTINUES 'jaOTSfXT— BXJNTG-O P It I Z ■ SLIP PROGRAM #61 * 54,000 > Cash Winners! Now Over... ★ 1131,000 Cash Prizes! |L__ Si Hams Canned. Armour Star. Pullman or Pear Shaped. Scan^2" Te ^® re i U W ears * Serve with generous , portions of Butter, Salt and Pepper—Ear 2;:,35* Cervelat Texas-Style. By the piece—Lb. Carrots Sweet and crisp. It Redeem this Coupon for Tl Pnee, end Coupon, Effect,ve “I Thurs., Fri. and Sat., May 19, .100 FREE ! 20 and 21, in Bryan.. r? gold bond stamps yi Purchase of $10.00 or more • (Eiciudin, cig.r.u.i, IS V/e Reierve ths Right to ! Lemons ^ Sunklst. Serve Lemonade. One per family • Coupon Expires May 21. RIgM to Dea l |eri ) . UQntltl ' eS ’ ^ 65 ^ 6 29 c Pascal Celery Firm, green stalks. Stuff with cheese—Stalk 1? SAFEWAY Copyright I960, Safeway Store* Incorporated. Hutson’s father was born Charleston, S. C., and foughtli the South in Civil War Virgis campaigns. He tutored on Soitl ern plantations until locating A&M in 1893. His daughter the Hutson twins, were two eat! A&M coeds. Millie oWSupplj ‘piduAe. puwuf •923 J*. C#l Avn - BryexJ«k( ©' Authorized Dealer for VOLKSWAGEN Graduating Senior’s New 1966 Volkswagen’s Bank Rates on 100% Financing Hickman Garrett Motors 1701 S. College 822-0146 pa. uirr I t DON'T DON’T DON’T MIND MIND MIND EITHER meeting of the don’t minds If you don’t mind having ail the details,of planning a banqueter convention taken care of for you, call Ramada Inn, We’ll make sure your meeting is trduble-fr^e... no matter what size your group! Try our fast, friendly breakfast and luncheon service. RAMADA INN Bryan-College Station 846-8811 Sgt. D tion I 8, Pat record receiv of the many, Ba “Exj er” is It’s teachei problei an ex shortes A p teachir Her< posed ing, h and if an ex] to coir Jord tion m the la a stud Bra hours ing Stephi studer A&] tion i possib hand!. He educa coursi the e< teach! pletec Th< sprea eral ; teach Int sui in an 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ag pa i