>ler for JEN snior’s ing a gen’s s rrett ^22-0146 Che Battalion ITolnme 61 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1966 Number 312 yVggies Clinch Share GOOD THROW NAILS BILLY CRAIN . . Aggie first baseman out at the plate. Faculty Grading Study Slated By Committee By JOHN FULLER Battalion Staff Writer A 15-man committee, including four students, will meet Thursday to make recommendations on fac- Bryan it, lility ability irst test [eposit 3 DR. C. E. McCANDLESS McCandless Named Head Of Adjunct Dr. Charles E. McCandless has been appointed director of the “Hill Country Adjunct” in Junc tion. The former A&M football play er now an assistant professor of education and pychology, heads the counselor training program here. He replaces Dee Kutach as bead of the adjunct. Kutach will return to fulltime teaching in agricultural economics and so ciology. McCandless, his wife, Joyce, and their three daughters move to Junction in June to open the summer school. They will re turn to College Station in Sep tember. The director calls Junction "a nearly ideal learning situation.” He wrote his doctor’s dissertation on the Kimble Country campus after two years on its staff. ‘‘Junction is a guidance-struc- red summer session,” he ex plained. “Its purpose is to as st high school students in mak- a smooth transition to col- ge.” Some 240 students including 190 freshmen have enrolled for lie first six-week session. The ‘emainder of the class will be inior civil ^engineering and geo- 'gy students completing field rips on the Llano River. McCandless, a 1956 A&M grad uate, joined the staff in 1961 is director of intramural athletics after three years of coaching at Silsbee. He was named an as- ulty evaluation by students. Dr. Charles H. Sampson Jr., head of the Depaxtment of Civil Engineering, said he expects the committee’s recommendations to reach the Executive Committee this month. “We are charged to make rec ommendations for a teacher eval uation program by students,” Sampson said. “We will first de termine if such a program is of value and is desirable. Then we will proceed to recommend pro cedures and policies to conduct these evaluations.” The project was given to the standing Faculty Evaluation Committee, which Sampson heads, after the Student Senate unani mously passed a resolution rec ommending teacher evaluation. Faculty members also include Dr. John S. Denison, Dr. John P. Abbott, Dr. W. C. Banks, Dr. Fred E. Ekfelt, Dr. Gene M. Cow ing, Dr. Howard E. Joham, Dr. G. W. Kunze, Dr. Alvin B. Wooten, Dr. Willis E. Pequegnat and Dr. Hert A. Luther. Students on the committee are Roland Smith, president of the Student Senate; Wayne B. (Bar ney) Fudge, president-elect of the Senate; Eddie Joe Davis, Corps Commander for next year, and James T. Oliver, president of the Civilian Student Council. “I think we can accomplish a lot if we can work out a compe tent system of evaluation,” Fudge remarked. “This evaluation will, of course, have to be more than a popularity contest, and profes sors should not be rated simply on whether they are ‘hard’ or ‘easy.’ ” Fudge said that after talking with Dr. W. A. Luker of the School of Business Administra tion, he was confident such a sys tem is possible. Davis said he considered the addition of students to the panel a “very good innovation.” “This has been practiced at several other colleges with gen- Bing Dance Tickets On Sale In MSC Tickets for the Senior Banquet and Ring Dance are on sale at the Student Finance Office in the lower level of the Memorial Stu dent Center. The May 21 affair will feature humorist Newt Hielscher as ban quet guest speaker, with the Bud dy Brock Orchestra providing music for the formal ball. Banquet tickets are $4 a cou ple; dance ducats are $5. One picture costs $1.50, with an ad ditional $1 for a second print. The banquet is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. in Duncan Hall. The dance is set for 8:30 p.m. in Sbisa Hall. erally good results,” he pointed out. Davis’ only suggestion for a change in the system was to in clude more students in the com mittee. “It will be our job to express our opinions for the student body in the matter of faculty evalua tion,” he said. “I think we need a more overall consensus for best results. “I think it would be a good idea to include eight or 10 peo ple, as a sort of random sample, to represent the students in the committee meetings,” he added. Senate Election To Decide School Representatives Polls will be open from 8 a.m.- 6 p.m. in Thursday’s Student Senate College Election, Election Commission Chairman Harris Pappas has announced. “We’re hoping for a good turn out because several civilian stu dents filed for positions as rep resentatives from their schools,” he said. Students filing include: Agriculture senior — Chester Shmoldas, Juniors — Weldon Bollinger, James Sanders, Ken neth M. Robison, Edgar L. Oh- lendorf. Sophomores — Bill Car ter, Gary Scheer. Liberal Arts seniors — Pete Garza, Larry Heitman, George W. Long, Jime Lane. Juniors—Wil liam L. Goode, Joseph P. Webber, Art Vandaven, Michael Noonan. Sophomores — Michael E. Carey, James H. Willbanks, Willard R. Bryant, Richard C. Eads. Science Seniors — Richard H. Franklin, James L. Lyle, Edward L. Moreau, Samuel M. Scott III, Robert L. McLeroy. Juniors — Kenneth D. Kennerly, Sanford T. Ward, Wayne J. Baird. Sopho mores—James A. Mobley, Mi chael R. Long, Ralph Rayburn. Geoscience seniors — Randy T. Andes, Juniors—John C. Thomas. Engineering seniors — Philip Newton, David Woodard, Mike Tower, Gerald Teel, Fred J. Wright, Darrell Campbell. Jun iors — Brian A. Wolfe, Don S. Smith, John Corcoran, Joseph R. Norman, Eldon G. Tipping, Rich ard J. Adams, Leon E. Travis III, Frank W. Tilley. Sophomores — Arthur B. Lane, William R. How ell Jr., Donald A. Swofford, Law rence C. Schilhab Jr., John M. Rowan, Steven L. Bourn. Veterinary Medicine, second year—Doug Matthews. First year —Kenneth D. Cantrell. np • x 1 1 itle Crain Preserves Cadet Victory By GERALD GARCIA Battalion Sports Editor AUSTIN—Two years ag-o, Billy Crain walked in from right field and stopped a Texas rally to give the Texas Aggies the Southwest Conference baseball title. The Aggie senior did the same thing Tuesday, except this time his walk to the mound was not as far. He only had to walk from first base. But Crain, who pitched less than five innings this year, turned off a Longhorn rally in the ninth inning- to give the Aggies at least a share of the SWC title as A&M edg-ed Texas, 8-6. Crain came in with the bases loaded and one out. He promptly fired three strikes by Buddy Young. Pinch hitter Dick Summers then worked Crain for a walk to force in the Longhorn’s sixth run. But Crain, a Houston Bell- aire product, calmly blew a third strike by Forest Boyd and the Aggies had done the impossible — beating Texas twice in their home park in the same year. The Aggies had beaten the Horns, 9-5, Monday. NOW A&M FACES the challenge of winning the SWC title outright or sharing it with three other teams. Be cause Baylor swept two games from SMU Tuesday and the Aggies still have a makeup game with TCU, the race could still end in a four-way tie, between A&M, Texas, TCU and Baylor. But this could only come about if TCU beats A&M Saturday in Fort Worth. A&M added another distinction with Tuesday’s victory. This is only the third time in the history of the series that A&M has won all three games in the season. The Aggies trounced the Longhorns, 9-0, in College Station earlier in the year before the two-game sweep here. Texas opened the scoring in the second with two runs— thanks to a ball which hit a photographer behind third base. After James Scheschuk reached first on a forced play, Young singled to right, and as Scheschuk tried for third, the throw from the outfield eluded Lou Camilli at third and hit the photographer. The umpire allowed the runners to advance one base, which gave Texas one run and a man on third. Allan Cle ments followed with a single to center and the count was 2-0. MEANWHILE, GARY MOORE, the Texas starter, was setting- the Agg-ies down on two hits for five innings, but in the sixth, the little lefty lost his control and Lance Cobb laced a double to left to score Steve Hillhouse and Camilli, who had walked and singled, respectively. Crain followed with a single to center and Cobb scored to give A&M the 3-2 lead, which they never relinquished A&M could have had another but Crain was thrown out at the plate on a perfect relay throw from Boyd. The throw got both Crain and Aggie coach Tom Chand ler at the plate. As Chandler disputed the call, he bumped the umpire and the Aggie coach viewed the rest of the g-ame from the stands. The rhubarb emptied both benches, but order was quickly restored as Chandler got the boot. BUT A&M DID NOT stop there. In the seventh, the Aggies sent 10 men to bat and scored five runs, which later proved to be the decisive markers. A&M scored the runs on only two hits. Four walks and a hit batman helped the Aggies. Texas threatened to come back in the seventh when they pushed across three runs on singles by Boyd, Minton White, Moore, Joe Gideon and Scheschuk, but Billy John son, who worked in the first game of the series, came in and choked off the rally. The Aggies started Tommy Chiles, but the A&M jun ior was the victim of three miscues and the photographer so he departed in the fifth in favor of Hillhouse, who, in cidentally, received credit for his seventh career win over Texas in three years. He has lost but once to the Long-- horns. Johnson thwarted the seventh inning Longhorn rally, but singles by Gideon and pinch hitter Gary Gressett and a walk to Scheschuk brought in Crain. BIBB FALK, TEXAS COACH who was trying for his 19th SWC title in 25 years, used almost all of his pitchers in the wild five-run seventh inning by the Aggies. But none could stop the rejuvenated Cadets. For a while it even looked like the old man himself was warming up to come in. In 1919, when Texas beat A&M for the title, Falk was the winning pitcher with a five-hit shutout. The Aggies threatened again in the eighth when they loaded the bases, but Crain grounded into a double play to. end the uprising. But Crain redeemed himself in the ninth to save the day and the SWC crown. So Tuesday night the Texas Tower stood dark and gloomy. AND CHANDLER, TOO . . . coach gets the thumb. Chandler Ejected But Not Dejected By Game Outcome AUSTIN—Viewing a game from the stands might be okay for the fans, but not for Tom Chandler. The A&M mentor viewed the last four innings of the A&M-Texas game from the stands. With the score tied at 2-2 in the fifth and Billy Crain on second, Richard Schwartz drilled a single to centerfield. Crain sped for the plate but a perfect relay throw from Ray Dulak to Forrest Boyd to James Scheschuk caught PLAYERS MOB CRAIN after final Longhorn retired. Crain. The Aggie senior argued the play and Chandler took his defense. Both benches emptied onto the field, but order was quickly restored and Chandler was ejected after he bumped the ump a little too vigorously. “The view is different from out there (the stand),” Chandler said. “But the best sight of all was the last strike Billy (Crain) threw. Now all we have to do is beat TCU to win the title.” After Chandler was ejected, freshman coach Fred Carlton di rected the club with help from Chuck Malitz. Conference rules state that all persons who go on the field must wear baseball uni forms. Since Carlton did not have his uniform, Malitz delivered all the messages from Carlton to the players on the field. Why did the Aggies use Crain, a first baseman who has not worked more than five innings this year, as a pitcher? “Because he’s got the experi ence we needed out there,” the players echoed. Two years ago Crain thwarted a Texas rally in the ninth to pre serve the Southwest Conference championship for the Aggids. “I think I threw enough pitches out there in the one inning as I would regularly throw in seven,” Crain explained. “I sure was ner vous when I got out there, but I figured I had one thing to do— get the ball over the plate. I didn’t want to walk anybody.” Billy Johnson, the second of three relievers, thought the walk he gave up in the ninth was very crucial. “I put the tying run on base and all they had to do was hit one out and they would have won,” Johnson said with a sigh of re lief. “I’m sure glad this is over.” But it isn’t yet. There’s still TCU Saturday. First Bank & Trust now pays 4^% per annum on savings cer tificates. —Adv. Batt Photog Come Thru In Clutch?? By HERKY KILLINGSWORTH Well, Army, remember that second inning of the big A&M-TU game when the photographer brought in two runs—for TU ? Well, I have been sentenced to ridicule myself and admit that it was I your friendly Batt photog rapher, who pulled that tremen dous blooper. Yes, it was I, Herky Killings- worth, now alias John Mud, but I really feel I should at least get to explain myself. It really wasn’t my fault. I simply miscalculated the wind current in Clark field divided by the velocity of the speed of Richard Schwartz’s throw multiplied by the deflection of Lou Camilli’s glove. I must admit I felt lousy. Cut down in the middle of my beauti ful sprint to safety, I didn’t even know what hit me—at least not untl I caught the stares of the Aggie squad. And as a roar arose from the Teasip bleachers I knew I had scored TU’s first run. And it wasn’t over yet, because on the next pitch I watched the second score cross the base—on my credit. It was now A&M 0, TU 0, Herky 2. I watched the next inning in tears. The Aggies remained scoreless. I checked the sched ule for outgoing buses to Mexico. Fourth inning—still no score. I searched the yellow pages for the French Foreign Legion’s local address. Another scoreless inning. I folded up my camera, wrote out my resignation for President Rudder, and headed out to no where. But the Aggies rallied to win, and I was saved. My longest day is over, but my scars will remain forever. Please forgive me and let me continue to be an Aggie. I’ll turn in my camera and live an obscure life as a quiet 12th Man—in the stands.