The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 06, 1966, Image 4
Firemen Trained In Disaster Area wmmmmm mm on the roof. Victims are strapped down on stretchers, tied to one end of rope tackle and gently lowered to W" the ground. The telpher line consists of a 11® AID TO FIREMAN TRAINING . . . airplane wreckage used for instruction at Bray ton Firemen’s School. To Present Awards Tonight By GUS DE LA GARZA Battalion Special Writer Brayton Firemen’s Training Field has a unique street with several buildings in various stages of destruction. Appropriately called Disaster Street, it was constructed by man-made or natural disasters, says John R. Rauch, Firemen’s Training instructor. Rauch said the disaster street contains structures that were two and one-half stories high, some that were two stories and one that was one story high. All are designed to look as if they had been destroyed by ex plosions or by violent storms. The buildings are used to teach trainees rescue methods employed to save lives from heights. The gib arm and the telpher line are two of several methods used to rescue people from heights. If the roof of the building has not been destroyed, the gib arm is used. This parti cular method makes the use of block and tackle which is at tached to the big arm anchored TUN NELL RAILROAD COMMISSIONER VOTE FOR 20 YEARS OF PROVEN STATESMANSHIP! i CRAWFORD MARTIN FDR ATTORNEY GENERAL Paid Pol. Ad cable or rope attached to a win dow or the roof of the wrecked building and anchored to the ground 200 feet away. A pulley is fastened to the line and the victims, strapped in stretchers slide down the line to the ground. Rauch said the basement ad joining one building is probably the most sophisticated structure on Disaster Street. This parti cular basement is constructed to simulate three different types of floor collapse. In the V-collapse, the floor buckles in the middle and crashes down. The sides of the floor remain attached and create voids where possible survivors might be found. One floor collapse is created when three sides of the floor fall down. One side remains at tached and under this, space may be available for possible escape from injury, Rauch said. The pancake collapse often creates the most injuries because all four sides of the floor cut loose and fall. The only sur vivors may be those lucky enough to dive under sturdy furniture which would not give way under the weight of the fallen floor, Rauch explained. In rescue training classes trainees are taught to recognize the different types of collapses so they can quickly spot the areas where there might be sur vivors and bring them out. Physical facilities and equip ment of Disaster Street were pro vided by the State of Texas with the assistance of the Federal Of fice of Civilian Defense and Tex as A&M. Saddle Club Eleven scholarships and other honors amounting to more than $2,500 will be presented at the Saddle and Sirloin Club Awards Banquet and Cattleman’s Ball to night. The Saddle and Sirloin Club is an organization of students, most of whom are majoring in animal science. Dr. Gene King, associate pro fessor in the Department of Ani mal Science, said $900 of the $2,500 in scholarships will go to outstanding dairy science stu dents. The program starts at 6:30 p.m. in the Memorial Student Center Ballroom. King said honors to be made to students include the Brewer Award, Merit Trophy, Ammie E. Wilson Award, Jack Estes Award, judging awards, the T. D. Tanks- ley Award and the Franke-King Award. Judging team members will be recognized and given medals. More than 1,200 high school Future Farmers of America mem bers will compete in the State FFA Judging Contests here May 14. The students are on the top 10 per cent of teams in recent area elimination contests. Dr. Earl H. Knebel, head of Another program feature is honorary club memberships to two outstanding men in the live stock industry. The Cattleman’s Ball will be held in the Ballroom immediately after the awards program. the Department of Agricultural Education, said about 470 teams will try their skills in livestock, dairy cattle, dairy products, poul try and meats judging. Action starts at 7 a.m. and results will be announced at 4 p.m. in Guion Hall. FFA Judging Contests Set May 14 THE BATTALION Page 4 College Station, Texas Friday, May 6, 1966 Campus Briefs Former Chairmen To Attend Dinner Four former Camera Commit tee chairman will attend a din ner here Friday night honoring judges of the eighth annual Southwest Intercollegiate Photo Salon. Richard Vanderburg, 1964-65 chairman; Charles Beal, 1963- 64; Andy Anderson, summer ses sion, and John West, 1956-57, will attend the dinner at the Memorial Student Center. Gary Minkert of Bryan and Houstonians C. W. (Bill) Boulden and Odin Clay are to be honored. Saturday, the three judges will appraise more than 120 photos from colleges and universities in Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas. The 8 a.m. MSC judging session will be open to the public. Architecture Profs Attend Conferences Two School of Architecture faculty members will participate in a Texas Society of Architects Development Board Conference Friday and Saturday in El Paso. Edward J. Romieniec, School of Architecture chairman, is a mem ber of the Border Development Committee. Joseph McGraw, di rector of the Urban and Regional Planning Department, is an in vited consultant in planning, /JZSLMCP TUNNEli Raurzac commissioner IF YOU KNEW ALL THRU, YOUR CHOICE WOULD BC CRAWFORD MARTIN FDR ATTORNEY GENERAL Pid Pol M Herzog by Saul Bellow at the WORLD OF BOOKS SHOPPE GET A LOAD OF THIS No Money Down - 12 Months To Pay Finance Your Entire Wardrobe See Details Below ATTENTION SENIORS! SPECIAL ATTENTION GRADUATING SENIORS! INDIVIDUALLY TAILORED SUITS Latest 1960 Men's Fashions! Mohair-Silk. English Woolens, Terylene and Woo], Italian Silk, Dacron and Wool, Worsted and Silk. Over 1500 Exclusive Patterns, $47.50 Up . . . Graduation Delivery If Ordered Before May 10th. “Come drowse Through Our New Spring and Summer Styles. Register Free Suit Drawing May 10th. CHET'S HONG KONG CLOTHES Bill Huahea Restaurant Bids. - Next To Western Motel — Hwy. 6, South Democratic Party SAMPLE BALLOT I am a Democrat and pledge myself to support the nominees of this primary. “Vote for the candidate of your choice in each race by scratching or marking out all other names in that race.” For Governor: JOHNNIE MAE HACKWORTHE of Washington County STANLEY C. WOODS pf Harris County JOHN CONNALLY of Travis County For Lieutenant Governor: BILL HOLLOWELL of Van Zandt County PRESTON SMITH of Lubbock County For United States Senator: JOHN R. (Jack) WILLOUGHBY of Harris County WAGGONER CARR of Lubbock County For Attorney General: FRANKLIN SPEARS of Bexar County GALLOWAY CALHOUN of Smith County CRAWFORD C. MARTIN of Hill County For Commissioner of Agriculture: JOHN C. WHITE og Wichita County For Commissioner of General Land Office: FRED WILLIAMS of Val Verde County JERRY SADLER of Anderson County For Comptroller of Public Accounts: ROBERT S. CALVERT of Travis County For State Treasurer: JESSE JAMES of Travis County For Railroad Commissioner: PAUL B. HARING of Goliad County BYRON TUNNELL of Smith County P. S. (Puss) ERVIN of Dallas County For Supreme Court of Texas: (Associate Justice, Place 1) CLYDE E. SMITH of Tyler County For Supreme Court of Texas; (Associate Justice, Place 2) JOE GREENHILL of Travis County For Court of Criminal Appeals: (Judge) W. T. McDONALD of Brazos County JOHN F. (Jack) ONION of Bexar County For Court of Civil Appeals, Tenth Supreme Judicial District: (Associate Justice) FRANK M. WILSON of McLennan County For Congressman, 6th District: OLIN E. TEAGUE For State Senator, District 5: WILLIAM T. “Bill” MOORE MRS. NEVEILLE H. COLSON For State Representative, 18th District: DAVID G. HAINES For District Judge, 85th Judicial District: JOHN M. BARRON For County Judge: W. C. (Bill) DAVIS For County Superintendent of Public Instruction: WM. DAVID BUNTING For District Clerk, 85th Judicial District: W. D. (Davis) BURLEY For County Treasurer: B. V. (Bill) ELKINS For County Clerk: WALLACE T. COWART I. N. KELLEY FRANK J. BORISKIE For County Chairman: GLYNN A. (BUDDY) WILLIAMS Texas Needs Leadership-Not Justa Vote ...In the United States Senat EXPERIENCED LEGISLATOR ■ 10 years House of Representatives ■ 4 years Speaker of the House PROVEN ADMINISTRATOR ■ 2 terms Attorney General of Texas A TEXAN WHO UNDERSTANDS TEXANS AND THE NEEDS OF TEXAS ■ Elected Attorney General by the largest total vote in the history of Texas VOTE FOR DEMOCRAT WAGGONER CARR m /TO FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR Pd. Pol. Adv.