The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 05, 1966, Image 6
PRICED BfCflVt T^P'FPI^/T rn^bi IMPEPlAU PU&ME Limit 1 With $2.50 Purchase Excluding Beer and Cigarettes EXTRA FIWC granulated 3\C¥&(‘6 fruit cotm. $03 ^ OH5 f^GOHiiam 303 4 w r AfeDCEll^t 5TOK£UY'<5 r ^•KANSD^w ■cap fMMR me s'- rri s r - \ , ikS.1 participate in the National AAU more competition and with com- 1 Cr'fc-*-1 meet next week. petition the players play harder," iMlPC ^ The Aggies captured the Men’s Stallings said. “They (the play- llliPLC- iBV Junior Division Indoor Water ers) really got after it. This |lrl w" p 0 i 0 Championship last year, but is encouraging to the coaches. It trcvecfZ STB - nNEJUmSIKEi'te pzp^MKlgp^ , this time they will compete in the shows boys want competition. It mRUjm n senior division. The champion- shows they have pride.” liiKn ^ ships start May 12 and end May The Aggies hold their spring lIN1 ICa/ t#£Yj)\&r PPPr 15. training in the practice fields ^ /Tv^ Coach Arthur D. Adamson said behind Kyle Field, except when M Mfr 5WaY6 CAT5UP H 4 THIS COUPON WORTH loo mtostemm WITH PUI^WE-OF OP- MOPE EXPIRES: M/W 7' 1966? > YOUR REGULARLY EARNED SAVING STAMPS THIS IS IN ADDITION TO T <■ ^P5^0' l ^07)(T|Vy>biY,^ THIS COUPON WORTH 5Of&E&SJ!B>$1AM0 . , , \nv7h pupov^p^ WWHWoMW mi ^^7 EXPIRES: ~7 ~ ^7 TH,S ** <N ADDITION TO YOUR REGULARLY EARNED SAVING STAMPS ! ONK cnurON IfKU &H\f4 ftmm 6M aft Pbuflo ' x %$ Rath Rolled Baby Beef Sirloin "70 P5AK OO STIAK 4tl ( aWST’Da PUhAP pn fPE5H OFOUHP Mgk wasttowf 49 Sausage 49' wmmj 5mv MOM 1 ' SUE !k ite W UB on I Hunt's new CATSUP in FLAVORS with cupn frM MORRELL WIENERS or SLICED LUNCHEON MEATS Baby Beef T-Bone STEAK - CfttrEN- WEPICAN cwoom BP^O Home Grown Yellow sio.n C 5fr2Vice AND ^Arif6ua^mtat ^DUTHW^ MC^r »T^^lWW -^TiTFF hoi>k- Mia 00K- ijutot Cxciie COOKE Page 6 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Thursday, May 5,1966 Footballers Hold Drills Despite Wet Grounds Despite rain and wet grounds, football coach Gene Stallings ran the Texas Aggies through a two- hour spring workout Wednesday. The drill was A&M’s 13th of the spring and left the Aggies with only seven more practice sessions to go. Stallings indicated the Aggies will hold their next scrimmage Saturday if the rain, the first which has fallen on a practice day even though the area has been drenched with moisture since the Aggies opened spring drills, stops. The Aggies will not workout today because of wet grounds but will try to conduct their usually two-hour drill Friday. “If we work Friday then I might have a scrimmage Sat urday,” Stallings explained. “If we do not workout Friday then Water Polo Team Enters Tourney The Texas Aggie Water Polo team will try to make it two championships in a row as they travel to Albuquerque, N. M., to the Saturday scrimmage will have to be postponed.” The coach was pleased with the spirited workout Wednesday, but “thought the team did not improve as much as they did Tuesday.” Stallings though Tues day’s drill was the best of the spring. The Aggies followed the same routine during the workout. For the first half of the training, they worked on fundamentals, and in the second half they “knocked heads” and worked on basic offensive and defensive pat terns. Stallings ran the team through the “meat grinder” again, but with one change from previous practices. This time the first offensive Maroon challenged the first defensive Maroon. Other times it had been the first team against the second. The “meat grinder,” as the players call it, consists of three offensive men trying to make a first down against three defen sive players. If they make the first down, they are the winners, but if they are stopped then the other team wins. “I did this because it provided teams in the meet. He expects the Aggies, the University of New Mexico and Foot Hills Col lege from California will be the only college teams in the meet. The starting lineup consists of Tom Holder, Jim Hooton and Chuck Colhoun at the forward positions; Mike Offner, Jerry Keating and George Staples, playing the back positions; and Gery Desilets will be the goalie. In addition to the American entries, Adamson said both the Canadian National team and the Mexican National team have been invited to the championships. play on the regular field. ZZ.ZS’ZT’^ fiZtFCgLP TUNNELL RAILROAD COMMISSIONER Mitilcc/M Suj»plj < J?tc£u/ie ptoML#*- -923 Soi ColUg* Art *ftry«ft,lRtof I am deeply grateful for your continued confidence. I hope that I may merit your support again on May 7th-- both at the polls and at your precinct convention, to continue the important progress we are making together. RE ELECT GOVERNOR JOHN comur FOR A GREATER TEXAS! Political ad paid for by Connally for Govarnor Campaign Committee, Lewis Timberlake, Cheirman