The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 05, 1966, Image 4
Page 4 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Thursday, May 5, 1966 Research Vessel Loses Coring Rig Texas A&M’s research ship Alaminos lost its core-sampling rig off the Florida coast in the Gulf of Mexico, research scientist John Antoine has reported. Oceanography staff member, said the crew was trying to get a core sample of an escarpment about Sbisa Board Line Closed For Year The Sbisa Dining Hall upstairs board line has been closed for the rest of the semester because it proved economically unfeasi ble. Fred W. Dollar, Food Service director, said the move was made to reduce costs. "We were short on personnel and at the same time we weren’t serving the required 1,200 stu dents to keep it open,” he ex plained. The board line cafeteria in the basement can handle all the stu dents who have paid board fees, but Dollar warned that students should stagger eating times to prevent long lines. TUNNELL ftAILRCAC COMMISSIONER STARTS TODAY dean Martin •"Tui- as MATT HELM llll: r,s n n > / SILIsNCIbRS y/1.\ co-starring * STELIA STEVENS DALIAH lAVI HORffiOW-MSOML. ROBERIMMSM Mcwatfig CYD CHARISSE Vocals t* / Tealuonglha / Screenplay br V1KKJ CARR / "StAYGIRLS" / OSCAR SAUL Based on novel* by /BuJiCby / Produced by DONALD HAMILTON'/ [imer BERNSTEIN/ IRVING ALLEN Evicted by / A HEADWAY ClAUOE production PHIL KARLSON / COLUMBIACOLOR PALACE NOW SHOWING Cliuck Conners In “RIDE BEYOND VENGEANCE” CIRCLE TONITE 2 COLOR HITS 1st Show 7:15 p. m. James Stewart In “RARE BREED” & Tony Randall In “FLUFFY” OCI N ij^Olk t; VI ftCS VRft JACK LEMMON NITE 3 BIG HITS No. 1 ‘GOOD NEIGHBOR SAM” No. 2 “UNDER THE YUM YUM TREE” No. 3 __ “SOME LIKE IT HOT” 800 fathoms deep when the mis hap occurred. The core-sampler is a 40-foot pipe with a 1,500-pound weight suspended from a cable on a winch topside. The 40-foot pipe is normally held about 15 feet from the bottom of the ocean. When a sample is needed the pipe is released and falls 15 feet before striking the ocean floor. Normally, upon contact, the weight forces enough material up the center of the pipe for a good sample. It is then relatively easy to pull the rig out with the winch, he said. “Apparently, on our first try, the pipe must have sunk its full 40-foot length because the winch couldn’t handle the weight,” An toine explained. “We figured the winch was pulling about 15,000 pounds when the drive shaft sheared. “After the shaft broke we tried to pick up the rig with the ship’s anchor hooks, but the wire was bad and the captain decided not to risk it. “We had to abandon the core sampler and that blew our initial project for the rest of the trip,” Antoine lamented. It had been determine from cores taken on a previous trip to the area that the sedilnents were about 100 million years old. “We were sure we could get samples of an outcrop dating back to the Upper Cretaceous period of the Mesozoic era,” he continued. “The fossil remains and pollen spores (fossilized) usually give good information as to the age of the outlay.” Antoine said researchers plan to return when a new core-sam pling rig is purchased. Mothers Club Group To Meet Saturday The Federation of Texas A&M Mothers Clubs will elect officers Saturday during their annual spring meeting. Business sessions for the state wide organization are planned Friday in the Memorial Student Center. GET A LOAD OF THIS No Money Down - 12 Months To Pay Finance Your Entire Wardrobe See Details Below ATTENTION SENIORS! SPECIAL ATTENTION GRADUATING SENIORS! INDIVIDUALLY TAILORED SUITS Latest 1966 Men’s Fashions ! Mohair-Silk, English Woolens, Terylene and Wool, Italian Silk, Dacron and Wool, Worsted and Silk. Over 1500 Exclusii $47.50 Up and Wool, Graduation Delive lusive Patterns, very If Ordered Before May 10th. "Come Browse Throutth Our New Spring: and Summer Styles. Register Free Suit Drawing May 10th. CHET’S HONG KONG CLOTHES Bill Hughes Restaurant Bldg. - Next To Western Motel — Hwy. 6, South OFFICIALS DISCUSS UTILITIES W. W. Lynch of Dallas, left, president of Texas Power and Light Company and an A&M graduate, talks over plans for the Texas Community Improvement Program with Dr. R. E. Patterson, dean of agriculture. Utility company executives met here this week to discuss university pro grams supported by the firms. Panel Discusses Education Goals Higher standards of teaching and better trained teachers was a common prediction of a three- man panel discussing the future of education here this week. The Texas Association of School Boards regional workshop was held at the Ramada Inn. About 75 attended a buffet din ner and heard the panel, “Action for Public Education.” The work shop was sponsored by the De partment of Education and Psy chology. Concurring on improved teach ing techniques were Penrose B. Metcalfe of the State Board of Education, association executive secretary Donald G. Nugent and Dr. Terrell W. Ogg, superinten dent of Crockett schools. Metcalfe, lawyer, rancher, leg islator and state board member for 16 years, noted improved standards and training will re quire better pay for teachers. “It is better than it was,” the recent A&M Muster speaker re marked, “but could still stand considerable improvement. The board is not a lobbying group, either. In virtually all our bi annual reports to the Legisla ture, we’ve recommended in creased pay.” Nugent pointed out that the Classroom Teachers Association is attempting to get new laws passed, one legalizing teacher negotiations with school boards and a second establishing teachef tenure in the state. Ogg declared the future of state education would require sweep ing changes in curriculum, school district organization, longer school terms organized after- hours supervision of study and getting children in school at ear lier ages. SHOP SHAFFER'S FOR MOTHER S DAY, SUNDAY, MAY « lovely gift books & cards sterling silver decorated glassware and the finest in stereo recordings SHAFFER’S UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE Open Saturday’s Until 5:30 p. m. SERVICE STATION When you present this Valuable Coupon at Name WARREN’S TEXACO Hwy. 6, South At Popular College Station that displays the Gold Bond Stamp Sign With purchase of Fill Up of 8 gallons or more gasoline. Good Now Thru May 21 Limit 1 to a family complied with the terms of this offer. Proof that Gold Bond Stamps were issued for all coupons redeemed may be required. Ijpjip (£) Coupon Worth 25 -FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS?! With tb« furchsi* of TWO Stalk* PASCAL CELERY Coupon Expires May 7, 1944. ($> Coupon Worth 50 CCFREE GOLD BOND STAMPS')! With the Purehsje of 9t. Jar Kraft ar Ha Mad# V? MAYONNAISE § Coupon ExpTrei Miy 7, Itti. Radoom this Coupon for 100 FREE I GOLD BOND. STAMPS s| With Purchoie of flO.M or more /-s (Excluding Clgerottei) lA Or* per fomily • Coupon ixplroi May 7. (S> Coupon Worth 100!!^^ ©FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS?! tS With fhe Purchajo of Us 2-Lb. Pk«. Safaway » THICK SLICED BACON Coupon Explrei May 7, Iff*. ^wjjfjq (J) Coupon Worth 50 ^FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS: ’ With the Purchoie of 2-Lb. f kg. lal-alr •fr Mixed Vogolablot ★ Croon Peso A Cut Whet* Kornol Cor* Coupon Expire! May 7, Itti. Pork & Beans ■ THE SLIP 1 to the Left MAY HELP WIN IN SAFEWAY’S MS BINGO! V-8 Cocktail Fruit Cocktail Freshness and Quality Always! Campbell’s. In Thick Tomato Sauce—16-oz. Con 6-1 Morton. Smooth and ^ Creamy—Quart Jar 40* Vegetable Juice. Serve ice cold—46-oz. Con 40* StoVely. For quick, easy dessert—No. 303 Can 4*1 Family Flour 5 Kitchen Craft. For all your baking needs. (With $5 Purchase.) Lb. Bag 40 Bananas Golden Ripe and delicious. Shortening Snowdrift. Leave* no greasy taste. ^ a Lb. Can 49 !H ii * 2u». Your Choice!. Sunliot, -Lb. Poicol. —E«h Navel Oranges Crisp Celery Rhubarb crimi°n-t.t>. White Onions “S Safeway Guaranteed Meats! Smoked Hams Shank Portion Delicious I I* cooked outside. LUa Half or Whole Ham » 55*' Ham Roast TOa Center Slices 004 C*nt*r Cut. Smoked—Lb. RW Smoked H*m—lb. WW Poultry Values! Cut-Up Fryers 07$ Manor Houio. U.S.D.A. mwi m ® Insptcfed Grad* A—Lb. ® Fryer Legs 39* Breast Quarters 4-54 Prvari. U.5.£>.A. Inspected—Lb. Pork Roast preih Picnic—Lb. 45* Cornish Game Hens cq. U.S.D.A. Impacted. 20-ox.—Each Cut-Up Rabbits Jl 39 3:. $ 3 25 P#I-Freei. U.S.D.A. Inspected—U>. Boneless Ham Hormel "Cure 81". Halves. Fully evoked—Lb. Canned Ham Samuel’i. Ready to eat# Boneless Steak Top Hound. U.S.D.A. ChoTot Grado Heavy Beef—Lb. Round Steak ... U.S.D.A. Choie. Crede Heevy B.ef—lb. WW* Prices and Coupons Effective Thurs., Frf. and- Sat., May 5, 6 and 7, in.pryan., C$) Coupon Worth 75 '.FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS With fh. Purehtl* •( A*T >-Lb. ar Larger BEEF ROAST Coupon Ixplr.i May 7, 1U4. 2t(fni(fw (£) Coupon Worth 50 f< -FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS, With the Purchei. of 1 t-ox. Pkg. Ba*t Buy LONGHORN CHEESE Coupon Expiree May 7, 1944. Lucerne. Party Pride. Assorted Flavor*. Va-Gal. Ctn. Angel Food Cake ""■.'iz'&f - 40< Cake Mixes 3»» $ 1 Shellie Beans e., 4<«*1 Hawaiian Punch 2.«69< Charcoal Briquets c*. 20^79' Cut Green Beans ■aiK 2>«35< Tomato Juic6d.i tvi.i.c.n 3i«29^ Barbecue Sauce 35* Sweet Pickles zrppy.wKou. 22.e1.j-r 40* , Bu«y Baler ★ Vanilla Wafer! AAl VOOKICS ^ ® anana NVof*! 1 * Ginger Snep# XHi ★ Oatmeal Snapi—I2-oi. Box Mixed Nuts Tom Scott—U’/i-er. C— 49* Charcoal Lighter 29*