The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 05, 1966, Image 3
Reynold’s Rap To The (Ouch!) Dentist What makes strong men weep ? The brave cower in corners ? The most prominent among men to seek shelter? It is not the thought of the hydrogen bomb. It is not Bat man. It is a simple trip to . . . THE DENTIST’S OFFICE. There is something about the threat of having to visit a gentle man of this profession that strikes a note of terror into just about everyone’s heart. Once they get started, regular visits, that is, people tend to shy away from them. If you really need sympathy, just those simple words: ‘Tve got a dentist appoint ment.” If you want the rest of the afternoon off, just say those magic words: I had a dentist appointment this morning. My teeth are not the best in the world. I think I either in herited the world’s worst teeth or I use the world’s worst tooth brush. Once every six months, the molars, bicuspids and what- haveyou begin to resemble a swiss cheese. Of course I AM NOT at fault. After 12 months, the fillings that I did have done at one time have all given up the ghost and fallen out. (This is painful after awhile, but it makes for good con versation at a restaurant when a meal is dragging. You can get the thing between your fingers and say something like, “Look at the hunk of metal that left in my food.) I have always eventually given in and sought out a new dentist. Hoard’s HoUer By John Hotard There’s now a new movement on campus. SCOFF. It was organized, last night and will gain tremendous momen tum before the month is ended. Due to the size of the expected crowds, all rallies will be held on the Easterwood Field instead of Kyle Field as originally planned. By now some of you are won dering just what SCOFF is. Oth ers won’t care. They’re the ones who will join because it’s a cam pus movement, which means it’s against the administration, whether it be federal, state or university. I hate to disappoint those who think this way, because this movement is not against any ad ministration. It’s against one man. Call it persecution if you want. (That’ll attract a few weirdos.) SCOFF is the Student Confer ence On Flunking Flippo. Walter Flippo is his name. He’s a graduating agronomy student and in May he’ll pack up his potted plants and leave this fair community. Actually SCOFF could care less. We’re glad to see him go. But when he leaves, he will take his wife with him, and that is the dirtiest, sneakiest, trickiest, meanest lowdown thing that an Aggie could do to 100 fellow Ag gies, and we’re out to flunk him for it. Mrs. Flippo, better known as Judy (sigh when you say that, podnuh), is the secretary in the Department of Journalism. At least, that is how she is carried on the university payroll. To all journalism students she’s a sweetheart, mother, confidant, sympathizer for Dean John reci pients, a soft shoulder to tell your troubles on, a coffee maker, cake maker, cookie maker, typist, sup ply clerk, ditto and offset press operator, librarian, telephone an swering service and Playmate of the Year all rolled into one. She is the epitome of what a secretary should be. Her office is next to that of the head of the department — in the darkest corner of the base ment of Nagle Hall, which, when you stop to think about it, is an excellent place to put de partment heads, but not Judy. Actually, the students prefer this. a good thing, the better for those who do know, I always say. But perhaps you’ve caught a glimpse of her on campus be tween Nagle Hall and the MSC on her way to coffee, or else in the parking lot waiting for her husband. Someone like her you don’t miss unless you’re blind as a bat. Judy has certain qualities which some secretaries on cam pus need to obtain. For one thing, she speaks to Aggies in a down- to-earth, pleasant voice, which is rare among secretaries on cam pus. In fact, just speaking to Aggies is a rare quality. She is always there, Monday through Friday, with a big smile for any one who enters the office, which is a tremendous picker-upper to journalism students who don’t function too well at 8 in the morning. Judy is SCOFF’s entry in the Battalion’s “Secretary of the Year” award. Unfortunately, rules limit the number of entries to one. If you have a worthy can didate, too bad. But if you feel you have a secretary who matches ours, you can do one of two things: write a letter to the editor, which will be read before being thrown away, or else get into a depart ment which controls a newspaper and retaliate. But before you make a move, you’d better bop on down to the “J” department and take a peek at Judy, just to see what you’re up against. TUNNELL RAILROAD COMMISSIONER Vote For CRAWFORD MARTIN for Attorney General Pol. Ad. Pd. for by friends of Crawford Martin if she doesn’t give it to you... — get it yourself! JADE EASt Cologne, 6 oz., $4.50 Aftfr Shave, 6 oz., $3.50 Deodorant Stick, $1.75 Buddha Cologne Gift Package, 12 oz., $8.50^eH=~ ~ Spray Cologne, $3.50 Buddha Soap Gift Set, $4.00 Cologne, 4 oz., $3.00 -- After Shave, 4 oz., $2.50 swank, new york - sole distributor This is done because if there is anything worse than listening to a lecture for something once, it it listening to it twice for the same thing. I know that it is expensive, because each one of the guys have to make a complete set of X-rays, but somehow that $15 to avoid a lecture is worth it all. It is especially worth it if you have not been paying for it. How ever, I am about to step out into the cruel heartless world of busi ness and there is nothing I can think of that would be worse to spend my hard-earned money on that a flock of dentist bills. Therefore, I have set about get ting my dental work caught up while the old man is still footing the bill (I have one month to go, and getting all my dental work done in that time is like trying to walk from G. Rollie to Architecture in 10 minutes— it just isn’t done). I have had my first visit and there was nothing but cleaning and my first lecture. Somehow, I don’t think the rest will be as nice. Yet, they could cut my tongue out and the loss of it would probably not be great enough to get me to brush after every meal like that kook on TV. THE BATTALION Thursday, May 5, 1966 College Station, Texas Page 3 READ BATTALION CLASSIFIEDS .. . Just Another One of Lou’s Services To You- Take Your Hat To Lou’s . And Have It Steamed — FREE. And Graduate Students Have Your Thesis Professionally Bound — 4 Day Service, $3.50. Where Else, But LOUPOT’S? North Gate LOOK MOM! BROOKSHIRE’S says it with SAVINGS —VALUE BOUQUET for Happy Mother’s Day feast ing! It’s the best way we know of showing our appre ciation. We’ve SUPER SAVERS THIS WEEK . . . and EVERY week — STOREWIDE LOW PRICES to day . . . and EVERY day — to make your shopping most economical. And we run the kind of market you like — complete with cheerful, courteous service — to make your shopping most pleasant. Blue Circle Golden Cream Style CORN CRISCO $2.50 Purchase or More Cream > No. 303 Cans Lb. Scots Bathroom TISSUE Rdi 10 c U.S.D.A., WHOLE FRESH DRESSED FRYER S iWrzrfi THIS COUPON WORTH 50 FREE Top Value Stamps With Purchase of $5.00 or More (Excluding Cigarettes) One Per Family Coupon Expires May 7, 1966. Fresh GROUNDBE U.S.D.A. Chuck STEAK Nice, Lean Pork STEAK Rath MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE LUSTRE CREME FRANKS. X‘i3c Pure Pork SAUSAGE l. 49c 49 THIS COUPON WORTH 50 FREE Top Value Stamps With Purchase of 490 Size Johnson’s Shoe Polish Coupon Expires May 7, 1966. FROZEN FOODS 3 ’pies 89c With $2.50 Purchase or More Lb. Can HAIR SPRAY GLADIOLA CORN MEAL Large 13-Oz. Can 5-Lb. Bag 49 39 BAMA’S Pure Peach Preserves Grape Jam Pineapple Preserves Red Plum Jam Mix or Match 10-Oz. Pkgs. 12-Oz. Jars $1.00 Banquet CREAM PIES Tennessee GREEN PEAS 6 Tennessee TURNIPS 6 10 ° z Golden Gem ORANGE JUICE _ 2 < ^ 39c Patio—Beef Enchilada DINNERS $L00 p kss : $1.00 \ rarm-FrcshPROPUCE Each 39c c# U. S. NO. 1 YELLOW “America’s Favorite Dessert” Colgate’s Jello 3 - 3-Oz. Pkgs. 29c Tooth Paste Giant Size 47c Dole, Pineapple-Grapefruit Scot’s, Family Pack Paper — 60 Count ONIONS Vine Ripe Drink 3 - 46-Oz. Cans $1.00 Napkins 2 Pkgs. 29c Wesson Oil 24-Oz. Btl. 49c Toweis 3 Giant Bolls. $1.00 CANTALOUPES E .ch25c Pillsbury, Choc. Chip — (Dairy Case) Cut-Rite Fresh Cookies Fkg. 39c Plastic Wrap Boll 29c RED RADISHES ZpS' ISc Kraft’s, Miracle Long Gram, Adolphus Margarine .. 1-Lb. Pkg. 31c Rice 2-Lb. Box 39c Skinner’s Carnation, Evaporated PASCAL CELERY L S15c Milk 3 Tall Cans 49c Spaghetti 2 - 7-Oz. Pkgs. 29c Stalk SPECIALS: THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY. MAY 5-6-7. Lipton’s, Chicken Noodle Skinner’s Soup Package 33c Macaroni 2 - 7-Oz. Pkgs. 29c Simoniz, Vinyl “The Brisk Drink’ Wax 27-Oz. Can 89c Lipton Tea y 4 -Lb. Pkg. 43c Scotties, Facial Lipton’s Tissues 4 Boxes of 200’s $1 Tea Bags 16 Count Pkg. 25c 4