The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 05, 1966, Image 1

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bveted Corps Award Named For Famed Aggie General
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Battalion Special Writer
A plaque, trophy, and citation cords will be presented Sunday
o the unit in the Corps of Cadets deemed best in all aspects
>{ achievement at Texas A&M.
The General George F. Moore Award is presented annually
ln Clemtt in Parents Day to the outstanding company-sized unit in the Corps,
the sevenl t is a highly coveted award that represents the pinnacle of excell-
mce — named for a man whose record represents the military
scellence A&M reflects — Gen. George Fleming Moore.
The General Moore Award was first presented to F Com
es’ 400-i(J)any, Infantry, commanded by R. B. McCallum, on May 12, 1946.
Scholarship counted for 50 per cent, military proficiency 25 per
ose r jj 0|i sent, extra curricular activities 10 per cent and intramurals 15
per cent.
A NEW SYSTEM of determining the award is now in effect,
Dut the biggest factor is still scholastic achievement. It will count
0 per cent toward a unit’s point total. Military proficiency
(marching) counts 20 per cent, intramural proficiency 10 per cent,
QO extra curricular participation 5 per cent, and retention of freshmen
l\0 5 per cent.
George F. Moore was graduated from Texas A&M in 1908
qP after gaining fame as a ferocious football player. He returned
"to A&M as Commandant of the Corps of Cadets with the rank
of colonel in 1938. In 1940 he left for Hawaii and the war in
the Pacific.
A columnist named Felix McKnight, now executive editor
of the Dallas Times Herald, once recalled an incident from Moore’s
college days.
“OLD MAUD CAME ABOUT his nickname that still sticks on
the campus way back in 1907. He was named, in a rather undignified
manner, after a mule — a comic strip character. One balmy fall
afternoon, George Moore halted in front of Ross Hall, an ivy-
clad dorm on the campus and quietly suggested that be could
kick a football over the three-story structure — spires and all.
The football was produced and Moore promptly booted it over
the building. For that kicking prowess and a little stubborness . . . .
he picked up the name Old Maud.”
McKNIGHT ALSO TELLS of Moore’s greatest test as Com
mandant. It came on an April Fool’s Day.
“Some 2,500 fish were hard at stopping a train to ride it
to Bryan — a trick with dangerous angles. ‘Old Maud’ strolled down
right into the big middle of the fish, grinning greetings. Then
he crawled up on a baggage truck and made a man-to-man speech
about the matter and strolled away. They followed him to the
drill field and put on a mock review and from there to the mess
hall, where the eats were ‘on the bull.’ ”
Moore’s finest hour came when he was placed in command
of the harbor defenses on Corrigidor in May, 1942. His service
on the embattled fortress earned him a Distinguished Service
In April, 1942, a unit of the 1st Coast Artillery Battalion was
under heavy fire from the Bataan shore and a tunnel sheltering
the battery collapsed from the bombardment, trapping 60 men. A
runner succeeded in reaching the command post with a request that
higher headquarters be telephoned for aid, only to be turned down.
ANY RESCUE ATTEMPT seemed suicidal in the bursting shell
fire. Volunteers offered to make the attempt, however, and a re
quest was telephoned to headquarters in Malinta Tunnel for counter
fire to lessen the shelling in the tunnel area.
Moore, hearing the desperate request, left the tunnel, walked
a half-mile through intense shellfire and supervised rescue opera
“By this total disregard for his personal safety, General Moore
contributed heroically to the safety and lives of some 16 of the
entrapped personnel who would otherwise have perished,” read
the citation for his Distinguished Service Cross.
WHEN CORREGIDOR FELL, Moore was taken prisoner by
the Japanese and was not released until September, 1945. On
October 15, 1945, Texas A&M conferred an honorary Doctor of
Laws degree at a special convocation, “for distinguished service
as a soldier in the U. S. Army, for distinguished leadership as Com
mandant of Cadets and Professor of Military Science and Tactics
at the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, for heroic
service as Commanding Officer in the defense of Corregidor, for
loyalty and devotion to duty in peace as in war.”
After the war, Moore was appointed commanding officer of
Army forces in Mid-Pacific, Western Pacific, and Philippines—Ryukus
Command. In July, 1949 after 40 years of service, he retired to
live in Burlingame, Calif.
AMONG THE DECORATIONS Moore accumulated during his
career were the Distinguished Service Cross, the Distinguished Serv
ice Medal, the Distinguished Unit Emblem with three Oak Leaf
Clusters, the Philippine Legion of Honor and the Philippine Dis
tinguished Conduct Star.
Gen. George F. Moore died on December 3, 1949, at the age
of 62.
Cbe Battalion
Number 309
State Department
Presents Program
On Foreign Policy
The State Department will
sponsor a day-long program of
meetings on foreign policy Fri
Four of the speakers are sen
ior officials of the State Depart
ment. Their trip to 18 cities in
Texas is an attempt to talk with
the people at the grass roots
The officers will appear on
KBTX television at 11 a.m., an
appearance which will begin a
day of meetings with air science
and government classes at Texas
A&M, an assembly at Kemp High
School, lunch with the Kiwanis
Club, an assembly at Allen Mili
tary Academy, a press conference
and formal panel discussion and
reception at 8 p.m. on the second
floor of the Memorial Student
Speakers will include David H.
McKillop, director of the office
of Western European affairs; Ed
ward W. Holmes, senior officer in
the operation center of the State
Department; Josiah Bennett, dep
uty director in the office of East
Asian affairs; Jack B. Kubisch,
director of the office of Brazilian
affairs, and Mary Manchester of
the Bureau of Public Affairs.
The general meeting in the
First Bank & Trust now pays
4%% per annum on savings cer
tificates. —Adv.
MSC will be free, and a question
and answer period is also sched
This is the first time a na
tional series of the State Depart
ment has been presented in Tex
McKillop received his degrees
from Harvard College and joined
the foreign service in 1941. He
has served in Zurich, Stockholm,
Hamburg, Bastra, Hong Kong,
Tunis and Brussels.
Kubisch served in the South
Pacific during World War II aft
er graduating from the Universi
ty of Missouri. He served in
Brazil but retired to private in
dustry from 1950-1960. He later
returned to the foreign service
and became Minister for Eco
nomic Affairs in Brazil.
Bennett is considered an ex
pert on Asia, having attended
Yenching University in Peking.
He has been with the foreign
service for 19 years and has
served in Nanking, Taipei, Tel
Aviv and Lagos.
Holmes was graduated from
Brown University and has served
extensively in Africa in cities
such as Johannesburg, Pretoria,
Addis Ababa and Blantyre.
Miss Manchester was assigned
to Seoul, Korea, before the Ko
rean War and has since served in
Tokyo, Frankfurt, Jakarta and
New Delhi.
The famous candy-striped lighthouse on sent a film-lecture on the Bahamas at 8
Abaco Cay in the Bahama Islands will be p. m. in the Memorial Student Center Ball-
included in the final presentation of the room. Admission, is 50 cents for students
World Around Us Series tonight. Under- , with ID cards, 75 cents for other students
sea photographer Harry Pederson will pre- and $1 for the general public.
Consolidated Receives Grant
For New Technology Center
A $112,315 grant to the A&M
Consolidated Independent School
District to plan a 23-county Edu
cation Technology Center has
been announced by Consolidated
Superintendent W. T. Riedel.
The operation will bring edu
cational and cultural-sociological
advances within electronic reach
of educational agencies in the
area, declared Dr. Frank W. R.
Hubert, Dean of the Texas A&M
College of Liberal Arts.
The planning grant will lay
groundwork for a project apply
ing educational TV, blackboard-
by-wire, mobile training lab, citi
zen band radio conferences and
micro-wave communications net
work to education. Sixty-one
schools, universities and colleges
and numerous cultural, social, in
dustrial and scientific facilities
will benefit.
' — ~ ~ “THE PROGRAM is exciting,”
Campus Construction Booms
through graduate level work.
Texas A&M’s 5,000-acre campus
is being pushed into shape for the
A $25 million building program
to be completed in three years
will advance the physical plant
value to $100 million.
Six major projects totaling
?20 million are going up and
beginning stages of the $3.8
million enlargement of Cushing
Library. Soon to be the largest
building on the campus, the struc
ture will contain 200,000 square
feet of floor space. G. Rollie
White Coliseum currently ranks
first with 152,000.
Preliminary work has begun on
the $3.25 million United States
Department of Agriculture Live
stock Toxicology Laboratory and
a Cotton Pathology Laboratory,
and contracts were awarded last
month on the $1.1 million Services
Building to house information
activities and certain research
Other projects under study in
clude addition to the Memorial
Student Center, airconditioning
of White Coliseum, remodeling
and airconditioning of older class
buildings, expansion of veterinary
medicine facilities and construc
tion of an Engineering Research
“It offers tremendous possi
bilities for upgrading instruction
al programs of the area surround
ing A&M. It is an excellent ex
ample of the way public schools
and universities can cooperate in
an effective program of improv
ing our youngsters’ education,”
the superintendent said.
The project director is to be
named later, with Hubert as in
terim director. DPC director Ro
bert L. Smith Jr. chairs the tech
nical advisory committee of nine
industrial executives.
COMMITTEE members are C.
E. Branscomb, instructional sys
tems development director, and
William Deskin, industry man
ager for education of the IBM
Corporation; Dr. Roy W. Dugger,
vice president and director, James
Connally Technical Institute of
Waco; Dr. John W. Hamblen,
computer sciences project direc
tor, Southern Regional Education
Bill Hobby, president, Houston
Post Corporation; R. W. Olson,
vice president, Texas Instru
ments, Dallas; Dr. Herbert J.
Trotter Jr., physicist and educa
tional communication authority,
and John Rowe, data processing
operations and sales manager,
Ling-Temco-Vaught, Arlington.
The committee meets in Houston
later this month.
others are on the drawing board.
The largest installation is the
$6 million cyclotron, an 86-inch
atom smasher. Considered 60 per
cent complete, the 400-ton re
search accelerator will be the
largest in the South and the
fourth to be operated by a uni
versity in the United States.
NASA’s Space Science Center
is quickly taking shape adjacent
to the Data Processing Center.
The $2.25 million, five-story
building will contain 80,000
square feet of space. Its occu
pants in July will include many
of the researchers concerned with
space-related study, portions of
the computer center and the
Graduate Institute of Statistics.
A $2.75 million addition to the
Biological Sciences Building is
also beginning to take shape. The
95,337 square-foot structure will
house parts of the Departments
of Biology, Biochemistry, Wild
life Sciences, the Electron Micro
scopy Laboratory and office of
the Dean of Science.
A giant excavation marks the
. . . NASA’s $2.25 million Space Science Center near completion.
1966 SCON A
To Consider
Europe Topic
Battalion Staff Writer
The twelfth annual Student
Conference on National Affairs
will center on the “Challenges
Posed to the United States by
European Nationalism,” Chair
man Robert Heaton has an
The sessions have tentatively
been set for Dec. 7-10 in the
Memorial Student Center, ac
cording to Planning Committee
Chairman Pete Garza.
“In arriving at SCONA topics,
we tried to establish a balance,”
Garza explained. SCONA con
cerned Latin America; last year
the topic was Viet Nam. This
one will concern Europe.”
GARZA SAID another topic
receiving much consideration was
Red China, but it was passed over
in order to achieve balance.
“We also felt businessmen
would be very interested in this
subject because of the Common
Market factor and the various
committments of American busi
nessmen in European industries,”
he added.
Another reason for the choice,
Garza said, was the recent series
of policy moves by French Presi
dent Charles DeGaulle and the
threat they pose to the Western
Subtopics to be covered in
clude the proposed reunification
of Germany, effect of the Com
mon Market on Europe’s economy
and the challenge of a “Third
Garza said a list of 50 possible
guest speakers has been submit
ted to the Executive Council for
“THE LIST includes top names
in U. S. government — from
President Johnson to members of
the House Foreign Relations
Committee,” he noted.
“In addition, the Planning
Committee is obtaining a list of
prospective round table chair
men,” he went on. “They include
prominent figures in business
corporations, government, embas
sies, and universities.”
Finance Chairman Mack Berry
has announced this year’s
SCONA budget is close to $19,-
000. Berry said the recent
fund drive has garnered over
$4,500 in contributions so far and
he expect the total collection to
reach at least $9,000 when the
rest of the total is in.
“The Easter drive is aimed
primarily at previous contribu
tors,” he explained. “A n o t h e r
drive during June and one in the
latter part of the summer will
focus on obtaining new donors.”
Working with Heaton as vice-
chairman of SCONA XII will be
Pat Rehmet. In addition to Gar
za and Berry, recently-named
Committee chairmen are Charles
C. Jones, publications; Art Esqui
vel, programs; Forbes Wallace,
housing; Louis Venator, arrange
ments; John W. Morgan, confer
ence manager; Steve Thurman,
personnel; Tommy DeFrank, pub
licity; Jeffrey C. Nieland, secre
tary; Alvaro Dominquez, welcom
ing, and Kevin Rinard, transpor
Kellner Named
ROTC Cadet
Neil L. Keltner, commander of
the A&M Corps of Cadets last
year, was named the outstanding
1965 ROTC graduate today by
the Department of the Army.
The 25-year-old Lansing, Mich,
native now serves on active duty
with B Troop, 11th Armored
Cavalry at Ft. Meade, Md.
The industrial distribution
graduate received the Hughes
Achievement Trophy from the
Under Secretatry of the Army in
Washington, D. C. The 100-
pound, 3-foot-high statue will be
displayed here following special
ceremonies at the Corps’ Final
Review May 28.
Keltner won every major honor
given a student at A&M. He
ranked first in his military sci
ence class and first in his
academic subject. He was a “Dis
tinguished Student” every semes
ter and was chosen the outstand
ing noncommissioned officer and
the superior commissioned cadet
Engineering Dean Chosen
To Building Firm Board
Dean of Engineering Fred Ben
son has been named a director of
the H. B. Zachry Company of
San Antonio.
He will serve on the board of
the international construction
firm, which has $200 million in
projects ranging from a nuclear
power plant in Spain to a dam
in Thailand.
“Dean Benson is a most capable
individual and will strengthen our
organization,” noted the com
pany’s president. “Along with
this appointment, we are offering
the entire facilities of our com
pany to Texas A&M for engi
neering research.”
Zachry, a 1922 civil engineer
ing graduate, urged other indus
try to participate in this on-the-
job research effort.
“We will meet the expenses of
A&M faculty and students while
they are away from the campus
studying our projects,” he con
tinued. “Our reward will be the
opportunity to preview good engi
neering talent.”