The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 21, 1966, Image 1

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Che Battalion
Volume 61
Number 301
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Class Presidents |
Outline Programs)
For Coming Year!
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Poverty Group
To Meet Tonight
Public approval of a Communi
ty Action Committee will be
sought at 7:30 p.m. tonight in
the Brazos County District Court
The steering committee, au
thorized by a countywide meet
ing March 7, has nominated 66
members for the CAC, which will
examine community needs and
determine the course of the anti
poverty campaign in the county.
The committee will have at its
disposal $155,000 allocated under
the Economic Opportunity Act of
1964. Before the committee is
authorized to take any action,
however, it must be approved by
the people of the county, the Tex
as Office of Economic Oppor
tunity and the U. S. Office of
Economic Opportunity.
The 66 members, by law, must
and do represent all racial min
ority groups, government units,
public and private agencies, the
professions, business and the poor
themselves. The latter category
constitutes 30 per cent of the
The current war on poverty
movement was brought to public
attention March 7, when the first
countywide meeting was held.
This meeting was a result of an
American Association of Univer
sity Women committee studying
community problems.
Housing Change Possible
★ ★ ★
★ ★ ★
★ ★ ★
★ ★ ★
Battalion News Editor
With five months still remaining until the fall semester, the
newly-elected class presidents have already begun outlining long
range programs for the 1966-67 school year.
Although plans are as yet tentative and premature, the of
ficers have committed themselves to a fast, ambitious pace with
one common goal in mind: class unity.
Plans range from weekend barbecues to reviving and promot
ing Religious Emphasis Week.
Senior class president Terrell Mullins will get a head start
on his junior and sophomore counterparts when preparations begin
for the senior Boot Dance May 28.
“Right now, next year’s senior class officers are making initial
plans for the dance,” Mullins reported. “Of course, annual events
such as this, the Ring Dance and other senior functions will be
among our class plans.”
According to Mullins, the new officers are presently studying the
possibility of instigating a senior class trip to New Orleans Sept.
24 for the A&M-Tulane football game.
“Other projects we are considering and in the process of
sounding out are the class gift and a senior party during a foot
ball game next fall,” he noted.
Mullins, a junior from Garwood, is majoring in pre-law.
Gerald Campbell, president of the junior class, has outlined a
five-point program with several new innovations to accompany
traditional projects like the Junior Ball.
“We plan to promote class unity by having more class meetings
to get a better view of the students’ needs and desires,” he pointed
“To achieve more organized class meetings we intend to
set up a representative system whereby each Corps unit and civilian
r’s style d«
iged mud
is recent!
r alo. He I
Chuvalo il( dormitory will take an active part in their class.”
One of Campbell’s chief goals is the revival of Religious
Emphasis Week on the campus.
“This activity has become only a place on the school calendar
and we plan to try to restore it to its former status,” he emphasized.
A new idea Campbell hopes to introduce is the establishment
of a scholarship fund sponsored by the Class of ’68.
“The purpose of this fund would be to make it possible for
• some very talented boy to receive a college education at Texas A&M,”
1 he said, “a boy who would not be able to go to college because
| of his financial status.”
Campbell also hopes to intitiate a movement to allow the
band to travel to more football games .
“It is our desire, with the approval of the administration, to
make it possible for the band to make trips to the two out-of-state
games with Tulane and LSU,” he said.
He is promoting an informal class dance in the fall in addi-
| tion to the junior spring ball, providing the class with both formal
and informal parties.
Campbell, a back on the football squad, is a physical education
major from Center.
Sophomore class president, Larry Henry, has several ideas in
mind but refrains from making definite commitments until he
is informed of limitations and restrictions placed upon class activities.
“The complexity of planning functions without knowing how
we will stand financially and otherwise is very great,” he explained,
“so right now I would have to say that all arrangements are only
“The major activities that I hope to accomplish include a barbe
cue following a home football game next fall, a dance for all sopho
mores at TWU, some money raising projects and, of course, the
annual Sophomore Ball.”
He points out that details for these and other activities are
still incomplete.
A pre-law major from Waco, Henry feels the class of ’69
I needs a greater amount of class unity, derived through improved
communications systems.
“An increase in communication would mean more participa
tion,” he noted, “and more participation means better unity both
on class and university levels.”
All three presidents urge their classmates to make any sug
gestions which they feel would promote the betterment of their
The committee of 18 women,
headed by Mrs. Leonard Burgess,
first approached County Judge
W. C. Davis to seek his advice
on organizing a Community Ac
tion Committee to take advant
age of any Federal funds set
aside for Brazos County.
After this initial meeting, Rob
ert Watts, program consultant
of the state OEO office, was
brought to Brazos County to
speak and explained possible al
ternatives at the March 7 meet
Mrs. Burgess pointed out that
there are numerous challenges in
the county to which the money
and efforts of the CAC may be
focused. Included are possible
day nurseries for working moth
ers, work-training programs to
high school dropouts and econ
omic aid to the poor.
The overall challenge to the
CAC, however, will be to analyze
the causes and results of poverty
in the county, then mobilize pub
lic and private funds and man
power to attack and overcome
them, with the aid of OEO money.
“I feel the steering committee
has done a splendid job in its
careful selection of each nomi
nee . . .,” Mrs. Burgess said.
“Naturally, we are all anxious to
complete the organization re
quirements and get on with the
war on poverty.”
Senate To Revive Political Club Issue
Hannigan Says
Living Studied
Off-campus housing will be
authorized next year if more than
9,500 students register in the fall,
Dean of Students James P.
Hannigan said Wednesday.
A student will simply submit
his application for admission and
will indicate he will find hous
ing in the College Station-Bryan
area. ^
Approval by Hannigan or the
Director of Student Affairs will
not be necessary.
Director of Student Affairs
Bennie A. Zinn indicated present
housing policies are still in effect
at this time. The rules specify
all undergraduate students must
live on campus or with their
Hannigan noted, however, a
record enrollment of 11,000 would
cause “violently liberalized rules.”
In the past Hannigan has only
handled questions of off-campus
housing referred to him by Zinn
for further consideration.
Automatic approval has gone to
graduate or married students or
to students who have shown that
part-time jobs require their liv
ing elsewhere.
Members of the Corps who do
not register this semester may
have to find housing for them
selves off-campus, Hannigan said.
A cadet who fails to register
may also find himself assigned
to a day student outfit next fall.
Hannigan foresaw an increase
in the number of day student
outfits in the near future. Living
in civilian housing would in no
way affect a cadet’s pursuance
of an officer contract, he added.
“We’ll have to wait until next
fall to see if we’ll need more
housing and what type of hous
ing—for married or single stu
dents—and whether the housing
should be designed for cadets or
civilians,” Hanigan said.
The dean added that he re
cently received a letter from a
faculty member who had been a
“fraternity man” during his col
lege days and had enjoyed his
membership. The professor noted
the Corps was dwindling and that
the policy of coeducation had
opened a void in the traditional
military atmosphere on campus.
Surprisingly, the professor
played down the role of today’s
fraternities and said they have
long since seen their useful pur
He urged Hannigan to study
campus life and gave his support
to finding a compatible and
unique social atmosphere which
would bring students together as
a unit once again.
First Bank & Trust now pays
4%% per annum on savings cer
tificates. —Adv.
. . group here Sunday for Town Hall appearance.
Last Town
Concert Choir
Hall Offering
“Music for a Sunday After
noon’ will spotlight the Univer
sity of Texas Symphony and
Concert Choir at 3 p.m. Sunday
RV Firing Squad
Members Chosen
Twenty-one juniors have been
selected to the Ross Volunteers
firing squad for 1966-67, Execu
tive Officer Roland Smith has
The new firing squad, an
nounced at the recent RV Ban
quet, will fire at today’s Mus
ter ceremony and any Silver
Taps services next year.
Members include Gregory
Scott Carter, Arturo Esquivel,
Dennis Nicholas Hohman, Ter
rell Sheppard Mullins, Harold
Charles Schade, Victor Herman
Schmidt, John Patton Tyson,
Robert Allen Beene, Steven Vin
cent Gummer, John Carolton
Hammond, Roy Earl Massey,
Troy Harold Myers, Gerald Ad-
ron Teel, Michael McKenzie
Tower, David Joe Cruz, William
Carl Haselhoff Jr., Robert Allen
Holcomb, Sammy Wray Pearson,
Michael Stanley O’ Kara, Joseph
Don Rehmet and Thomas Carl
The RV company will parti
cipate in Fiesta Flambeau activ
ities this weekend in San An
tonio. The group will serve as
honor guard for the Miss Fiesta
Float in the Battle of Flowers
in the Bryan Municipal Audi
Seating will be on a first come,
first served basis, announced
Mike Nabors, chairman of the
sponsoring Memorial Student
Center Town Hall Series.
The presentation is the final
Town Hall offering of the year.
Tickets are available at the
MSC building cashier’s window.
Dr. Henry Swoboda conducts
the 70-piece orchestra. He suc-
seeded Alexander von Kreisler in
1964 after spending two years as
conductor of the Harvard-Rad-
cliffe Orchestra.
The conductor brings a musi
cal career to College Station-
Bryan that has spanned 40 years
and three continents. Swoboda
studied at the Academy of Music
in his native Prague and earned
a doctorate in musicology from
Charles University. He was
music director and conductor for
Radio Prague for six years and
appeared as guest conductor in
Edinburgh, and with the Berlin
and Dresden Philharmonic Or
chestras, and the Vienna Sym
In 1938, during the phase he
calls “the Hitler episode”, Swo
boda reached America and be
came a naturalized citizen in
Swoboda’s recordings range
from pre-classics to contempo
rary. He was musical director
for Concert Hall Society and
Westminister Records for many
Guest appearance have taken
the conductor to London, Paris,
Copenhagen, Barcelona, Mexico
City, Stockholm, Vienna and
Buenos Aires.
Swoboda is coordinating a proj
ect for the Voice of America to
produce 20 radio programs on the
scope of the American symphony
orchestra. The programs will be
broadcast in 80 foreign countries.
UT’s 140-voice Concert Choir
is directed by D. Royce Boyer,
representing Morris J. Beachy,
on a U. S. State Department tour
in Europe, Africa and the Near
Jess Walters, former leading
baritone of England’s Royal
Opera Company, Convent Gar
den, will be a featured singer.
Since 1950, Walters has per
formed with the Netherlands
Opera in Amsterdam. He has
sung with the New Opera Com
pany, New York City Opera, the
St. Louis and Chicago Operas.
Guest appearances by Walters
include NBC’s Television Opera
Workshop and other coast-to-i
coast U. S. radio network pro
Paul Bleau, left, and Ed Reyna grab Kirk
Stewart, who plays a medicine man in
“Courage Brother” which opened in the
Fallout Theater Wednesday night. Tim
Lane, author of the Aggie Players produc
tion and also a major character, gives a
command. The play will be presented again
at 8 p. m. Friday.
Texas History
Program Slated
At Consolidated
A&M Consolidated looks like
the meeting place of historic
characters out of Texas’ past.
Today is Texas History Day
for seventh grade students. Each
pupil comes to school dressed as
a figure from Texas history.
The students research the
character and copy his dress,
mannerisms and speech.
This year’s program was con
ceived by Texas history teacher,
Fred Hopson, a 1960 graduate of
“It’s a way of taking a dull
subject and bringing it to life,”
Hobson said. “I feel like it has
created quite a bit of interest.”
At the beginning of the school
year 25 per cent of the sixth
graders had already chosen their
characters, showing the interest
the kids have taken.
This year the seventh grade
teachers will also wear historic
costumes for the first year.
The seventh graders will take
an educational Texas history trip
Friday in conjunction with the
They will visit the old Bap
tist church in Independence,
which was at one time attended
by Sam Houston; the ruins of
old Baylor University, San Felipe
de Austin and Stephen F. Austin
State Park where they will eat
Buck To Ask
Of Resolution
Student Senate Parliamentari
an Craig Buck said Wednesday
he will attempt to revive the
“logjammed” issue of political
clubs on campus during the Sen
ate’s Thursday night meeting.
“We are going to request that
the Executive Committee take ac
tion one way or the other, on this
matter,” Buck said. “It has been
four or five weeks now since we
wrote them last and if any action
has been taken we have not been
Buck pointed out that Presi
dent Earl Rudder’s recent trip to
Viet Nam may have delayed the
issue. He also mentioned that
considerable time was spent try
ing to discover who had the au
thority to approve or disapprove
political clubs.
“The matter got into a logjam
over who would make the deci
sion,” Buck noted.
He said the Board of Directors
felt that the university Execu
tive Committee had the authority
to make the decision.
The Senate endorsed political
clubs Jan. 6 and forwarded a
resolution to the Board, which in
turn referred the question to the
Executive Committee.
“Maybe we are a little pre
sumptuous,” Buck said. “It may
be on the agenda, but we haven’t
been informed.”
(Dean of Students James P.
Hannigan told The Battalion
Wednesday night that the Execu
tive Committee had briefly dis
cussed the political club issue last
Monday but will consider the mat
ter more fully at next Monday’s
Buck said he had been ap
proached by several students as
to what action was being taken
on the matter. Most of these stu
dents, he added, were highly in
favor of having political clubs on
“It seems to me that every uni
versity should have such clubs,”
said Buck. “We are several years
He added that he felt the
chances of political clubs being
approved was slim, judging from
what he has been told. He added
that he has heard it is almost a
foregone conclusion that such
clubs will be disapproved.
President Rudder recently pre
dicted to student leaders that the
Executive Committee would de
feat the political club resolution.
The first resolution approved
by the Senate requested that “po
litical clubs ... be allowed on
campus under the same procedure
as any other student organiza
At that time, it was suggested
that such organizations must
have the approval of the Dean of
Students, file either a constitu
tion or statement of purpose with
the Student Finance Office and
allow t^e disposition of organiza
tional funds through the finance
Several procedural limitations
were also set forth due to the
nature of such clubs. One stipu-’
lated that there would be no cam
paigning or demonstrating on
campus although funds could be
solicited in certain areas.
Former Students
Begin Campaign
The Association of Former
Students will conduct develop
ment fund campaigns in 134 Tex
as and Louisiana cities between
Thursday and June 1.
Royce Wisenbaker of Tyler,
president of the 50,000-member
association, said the 1966 goal
is $500,000.
The association hopes to con
clude its 1966 campaigns by
June 1, although solicitations for
the fund will be continued by
mail through December 30.
Former Students in 1965 con
tributed $575,242 for scholar
ships, fellowships, faculty re^
search and other university and
associational programs.