The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 13, 1966, Image 1
Che Battalion Volume 61 grab bag By Glenn Dromgoole An off-campus mimeographed publication made its initial ap pearance here last week. Called “Eudaemonia,” the publication is sponsored and financed by The Coffee Loft, a joint venture of the local Presbyterian, Christian and United Church of Christ churches. Before the first issue rolled off the mimeograph machine, Editor Bob Welsh suggested that I might want to comment on it. So here goes. First, let me set aside any doubts that Eudaemonia is in competition with The Battalion. There have been some who have asked me, “Have you seen your rival’s first edition?” Such is definitely not the case. Eudae monia is not, apd does not claim to be, a newspaper. Its sole pur pose, according to Welsh, is the open and free discussion of ideas and issues, not the printing of news and feature material. It does not seek The Battalion’s ad vertising, nor does it attempt to lure our subscribers. The word eudaemonia literally means happiness, the editor writes, but is used symbolically . . . “through the open exchange of all ideas ... to achieve a rela tive degree of well being or per sonal fulfillment.” Eudaemonia’s editorial deci sions are made by an editorial board, chaired by Welsh and con sisting of five other members— all students—to decide content of the monthly publication. “All contributions will be con sidered for publication and the editorial board will seek to dis tinguish responsibly between li cense and censorship. There will be no license for the degrading of persons or institutions and there will be no censorship of the pub lic or official actions of either,” reads a portion of the publica tion’s editorial policy. In all but one case, Eudaemonia practices what it preaches. A one sided, but nevertheless thought- provoking, conglomeration of ma terial from the AAUP policy on academic freedom to a piece on “What’s wrong with Religion” provides the readers with opinion on current issues. But Eudae monia steps seriously off the path of responsibility in an article en titled “‘K-K’ Ho Hum” wherein senior Mike Mitchell is given li cense for personal attack of cam pus security personnel. “The Korney Kats, or Kampus Kaptains,” Mitchell writes, “are a never-idle group of semi - me chanical response called men.” After complaining of a per sonal run-in with the campus of ficers, Mitchell concludes with, “But let me not be too critical of such activities, because, after all, I once played games too.” In journalism circles, that is called license. If Eudaemonia is going to resemble some form of communication, then its editors might review their editorial pol icy and reexamine the profession al definitions of two words—li cense and responsibility. Aside from this major slip, Eudaemonia’s first edition showed promise of respectability. Ex ceedingly liberal in its content, the publication could use consid erably more balance, but that might be achieved in succeeding issues. If not, Eudaemonia will be dismissed as a propaganda or gan and will enjoy little influence or respect outside its political cir cle. But Volume 1, Number 1 was a start in a plausible direction. It didn’t appear to possess a per sonal vendetta against the ad ministration, as similar publica tions which have died premature deaths have been prone to do. Other than the religion and academic freedom discussions, Eudaemonia printed opinions for coeducation at A&M and the abo lition of the death penalty in Texas and a half dozen -poems. More than half of the eight- page, legal-size publication was taken up by the “What’s Wrong With Religion” sermon and the AAUP statements on student aca demic freedom. First Bank & Trust now pays 4%% per annum on savings cer tificates. —Adv. COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 1966 Number 296 Phi Eta Sigma Fete Honors 98 Inductees Dean of Science Dr. Clarence Zener addressed new officers and 98 initiates of Phi Eta Sigma, national freshman honor society, at the association’s annual ban quet Tuesday. The 98 new members is nearly double last year’s figure of 68 new inductees into the chapter. Officers for 1966-67 include James H. Hilgers, president; Mike Deike, vice president; Mark McCasland, secretary; Greg Gar ret, secretary; Mark McCasland, treasurer, and Gordon Grossman, historian. Spring initiates include Mar shall W. Alexander Jr., Robert Quincy Arnold, Ronald David Beddingfield, Harrell Louis Bil- hartz, Darrel Duwain Boethel, Howard Russel Bones, Michael Lee Burditt, Michael Glenn Burk, Timonthy Shea Casey, Carl Gipe Chapman, Henry Lee Chenault, Sam Haraway Coleman, Howard Lee Corley, Darrel K. Cox, James H. Cox, Dennis A. DuBose, John M. Duhon, David S. Ely, John H. Focke and Joseph A. Foltin. Ricardo E. Garza, Ernest E. Godsey, Fred L. Goldsberry, Michael W. Goss, Kenneth Hag- gart, Gerald E. Hahn, James L. Hailey, Richard C. Hanes, Milton K. Herrmann, Howard D. Hicks, Robert W. Hobson, Charlie D. Hoover, William Richardson Howell, William Ewing Huff- hines, Lynn Ray Irby, Hugh R. James, Arthur W. Jennings and Robert L. Kaspar. Jerry M. Knowles, Arthur B. Lane, Roland F. Lenarduzzi, Clin ton J. Machann, Divad T. Mad dox, Warren B. Maupin, Paul M. Mebane, William C. Medley, Gary C. Meier, Glenn G. Miears, Tim othy J. Miles, Erik C. Miller, Larry E. Moerbe, James E. Mur phy, Dee G. McCrary, James T. McDonald and Larry B. Mc- Neese. Larry B. McWhorter, David J. Novlan, Robert L. Pennington, Rolan M. Perritt, Jerry Bob Pierce, Daniel E. Posey, Wayne H. Prescott, Walter C. Purcell, John R. Ramsey, Ralph D. Reed, Michael S. Reese, Ronnie G. Ricketson, Walter L. Riggs, Wil liam D. Schwab, David M. Scott, Douglas M. Scott and James C. Sheffield. Craig M. Smith, James D. Stevenson, Link E. Summers, Jack L. Swain, George A. Teer, Timothy G. Terrel, William T. Tobleman, David L. Tyler, Bobby L. Ulich, Daniel W. Valentine, Donald G. Valentine, Ray L. Van- noy, Walter A. Varvel Walter B. Vaughan, John C. Vaughn, John D. Walker, James L. Watson, Charles C. Weige, Monroe G. Wells, and Howard P. Wheeler. Zener and College of Engineer ing Dean Fred Benson were ini tiated as honorary members of the organization at the banquet. Faculty advisors are Dr. C. H. Ransdell, assistant dean of en gineering, and Dr. W. J. Dobson, professor of biology. Sf | BRANDT NIPS AGGIE ACE Baylor’s Wayne Brandt snaps the tape ahead Tuesday night. The Aggies took nine of 16 of Aggie 100-yard dash star Gilbert Smith firsts, however, to win the meet, 82-153. (See to win the event in a dual meet in Kyle Field page 4 for details.) Nuclear Engineering Get AEG Accelerator Grant The Department of Nuclear Engineering has been awarded a $25,000 grant by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission for a 200-kilovolt accelerator. The grant was announced Tuesday by A&M President Earl Rudder. Dr. Robert G. Cochran, depart ment head, said the pulse-type accelerator will be used in the department’s educational and re search programs. “We hope to have the accel- 3 Fallout Plays To Open Tonight The stage is set and the lights go on at 8 p.m. tonight as the Fallout Theater presents three student-directed plays: a comedy, tragedy and religious play. “The Proposal,” by Anton Chekhov, is a comedy about mar riage and is directed by Jan Gan naway. The cast includes Hol- lynn Fuller, Don Carter and Lani Presswood. “Escape by Moonlight,” a tragedy by Kenneth Crotty, is directed by Bob Spivey. Appear ing in this play about thwarted love is Ann Spivey, David Risin- ger, Hollynn Fuller and Bob Col- trin . The Rev. L. R. Cutler will direct “The Terrible Meek,” writ ten by Charles Kennedy. This play is the story of the cruci fixion of Christ as seen by the captain who gave the order, a soldier who performed the act and the mother of the crucified. Admission is 50 cents. The Fallout Theater is located in the rear of Guion Hall. erator in operation by July 1,” Cochran explained. “It will be housed part-time in the AGN- 201 reactor laboratory in the me chanical engineering shops build ing, and in the Space Science Center under construction. “The control and power sys tem is about the size of an of fice desk,” Cochran continued. “The device has a portable accel erator tube which is slightly larger. “We will be able to perform experiments and expand our re search in coupled reactor sys tems. The most modern inves tigations will be made in labora tory experiments.” In research, Cochran pointed out that the accelerator will be used in investigating breeder ratios of fast reactor types for potential use in generating elec- trict power, and for nuclear pro pulsion applications in space. Most of the research with the accelerator will be conducted by Cochran and Dr. Curtis G. Chezem, who will join the staff this fall as visiting professor. Chezem is a senior scientist in the critical assemblies group of Who's Who Awards Now Available Certificates for students select ed to appear in the 1965-66 edi tion of “Who’s Who Among Stu dents in- American Universities and Colleges” have arrived, Dean of Students James P. Hannigan has announced. Certificates may be picked up at Hannigan’s office in room 209 of the YMCA Building. the Nuclear Propulsion Division of Los Alamos Scientific Labora tory in New Mexico. Engineer College Tops Enrollment For Spring Term Engineering has the largest college and the largest depart ment at Texas A&M, a registrar’s report for the spring term shows. A total of 2,872 students—31 per cent—major in engineering fields. The breakdown, prepared by computer for Registrar H. L. Heaton, is based on an enrollment of 9,145 which includes 2,240 seeking graduate degrees. Second-largest college is liberal arts with 2,396 students—26 per cent of the enrollment. Agriculture comes third with 1,682—18 per cent. Science has 1,006—11 per cent. Veterinary Medicine counts 687 —7 per cent. Geosciences reports 359—4 per cent. The remainder are studying in the Institute of Statistics or at the Texas Maritime Academy. Largest department is mechan ical engineering with 433 en rolled. Second in size is electri cal engineering with 400. Civil engineering follows with 380. Graduate enrollment includes 623 seeking the Ph.D. degree; 1,- 164 studying for a master’s de gree and 453 in special studies. Undergraduate classes include 1,698 seniors, 1,462 juniors, 1,477 sophomores and 2,075 freshmen. Undergraduates listed as “fifth year” or special students number 195. Spring Election Filing Extended To Thursday By DANI PRESSWOOD Battalion News Editor A poor turnout of students filing for positions to be decided in the spring general elections has forced an extension of the deadline to 1 p.m. Thursday, Election Commission Chairman Harris Pappas announced Tues day. “Wednesday was to have been the last day for filing,” he said, “but as of noon Tuesday no body had filed for six of the 12 Senate posts.” Positions still vacant Tuesday included Student Senate presi dent, parliamentarian, Issues Committee chairman, Welfare Committee chairman, Civilian Student Council treasurer and class agent of the class of 1966. Other offices include Senate vice president, recording secre tary, public relations chairman, Student Life Committee chair man CSC president and vice president. “We’ve extended this filing date hoping that qualified stu dents would file for positions,” Pappas noted. ‘After all this Student Senate is the leading or ganization on the campus.” Pappas blames the poor show ing on a general feeling of dis interest among students. “So many students complain about the lack of initiative the Student Senate has demonstrated this year,” he said. “Why don’t these students show the initiative they expect of the Student Sen ate by filing for the offices ? “Interest that has been shown in the two previous elections has not been representative of pre vious years.” Pappas feels that A&M’s real student leaders will rise to the occasion and meet the challenge. “I want to see a real good turn out between now and Thursday,” he urged. “I am sure the true leaders of the campus will re veal themselves by filing for the student leadership positions.” Pappas also announced a meeting of applicants at 5 p.m. Friday in the YMCA. “We will inform students as to campaigning procedures and receive their suggestions,” he explained. The election is set for April 21, with the polls remaining open from 8 a.m.-6 p.m. JOHN W. HILL Hill Selected To American Safety Society Membership in the American Academy of Safety Education has been accorded John W. Hill. The A&M personnel insurance and safety officer was elected a Fellow by the academy member ship, a “who’s who of safety education.” Qualifications are based on contributions to safety education, significant leadership and a dy namic position in the field, ac cording to Hill’s notificaton. Most members in the five-year-old academy hold doctoral degrees. The Texas Tech, Illinois and A&M-trained Hill is nearly quali fied for the master’s degree in industrial education and techno logy. Other membership require ments include contributions to the literature of safety educa tion, work in the field for more than 10 years and committee work through state and national safety education organizations. Hill, at A&M since 1948 and a safety educator since 1937, taught safety engineering in the school of engineering and performed similar service with the Texas Highway Department and Army Air Force. The Nocona, Texas, native instructed at A&M and in American National Red Cross and Red Cross Aquatic Schools. Members of the American So ciety of Safety Engineers, Na tional Safety Council, Veterans of Safety and Iota Lambda Sig ma, Hill has served in official capacity for several organiza tions. He has been chairman of Higher Education Committee of the National Safety Council and has worked with the eight-mem ber national committee on co operation of engineering colleges No runoff is scheduled. with ASSE. Sleepy Batt Staffer Records Impressions Student Leaders Culture Trip Successful (Editor’s note: The follow ing article is the author’s per sonal log of the recent spring trip to Houston by 30 A&M student leaders chosen by the Memorial Student Center Lead ership Committee. By LANI PRESSWOOD 7:10 Sunday morning — Stag gered out of sack. Too much post-Cotton Balling the night be fore. With supreme will power, made it to MSC by 7:45. 7:45—Arrived MSC. Not over ly enthusiastic about trip or any thing else. 8:08—Pulled out from campus in the third of four university station wagons. Sat in the rear seat, the one facing backwards. Quite a sensation at 8:08 in the morning. 10:02—Reached Houston after uneventful trip down. Sunny day. Stomach rebelling after 90 miles of seeing where I’ve been. 10:19—Reached Domed Stad ium, a last-minute addition to agenda. Didn’t realize it was so much out in the sticks. 12:11—Left Dome after cut ting out early from guided tour. Quite a place. Size of the thing, all that grass, a plush bar, and the pajama-like suits of parking attendants all left impressions. We’re now behind schedule. 12:18—Pulled into Shamrock Hilton Hotel, unloaded bags. Minor crisis over where to, how to, if to eat before striking out for next attraction. A plot to order 30 box lunches of chicken- to-go nipped in bud before any one was injured seriously. Sug gestions and solutions flew simul taneously and abundantly. I bought a Mounds bar in the drug store. 12:45—Descended upon an un suspecting barbecue place. 1:15—Left barbecue place. Owner looked grateful but also slightly relieved. 1:36—Arrived Houston Ship Channel. Took two-hour yacht trip down channel. Ships from all over world, with names like “Napal Verde,” “M a h r o n d a,” “Parthenon,” “Paena,” and “Otto Nubel.” Channel pollution evi dent, as is odor. Nice way to spend an afternoon. No hitches except I spilled a Seven-Up all over me when I tried to suavely meet someone. 3:35—Cruise ends, back to the Shamrock. 4:00—Arrive Shamrock. 4:45—Finally get to room after much red tape at desk. 7:10—Reached Alley Theatre after a reviving shower and shave and a change of clothes. 10:30—Left Alley after seeing “Duel of Angels” by Jean Gira- doux. Excellent production of a good play. Two members of cast conducted a discussion of play afterwards. Interesting, lively evening. 10:45—Arrived Warwick Club for dinner. Tremendous glass sided elevator floats up side of Warwick Hotel to reach the act ual club. Very plush. Walls are glassed in, reminds you of San Francisco restaurants in movies. Outside of buttering my left hand and getting a little carried away vocally on the defects of Time Magazine, got through meal all right. 1:15—Couch made into a bed. About to put it to good use with out any argument whatsoever. Just saw something funny. Thought for a minute that my agenda said we were to be having breakfast tomorrow at 6:30 for an early start to NASA. . . . Just re-read it. My worst fears con firmed. Good night. Monday, 6:40—Slowly, sullenly, semi-consciously, got out of my beautiful sofa bed. 8:58—Arrived NASA. Several talks, guided tour of a few build ings. As a non-technical type, this stop didn’t do as much for me as it should have. Scalded tongue with amply-heated coffee at one talk. Woke up rapidly. Wind ripping through briskly . . . someone may get prematurely launched if it keeps up. Surprised to see ducks on lawn of our Manned Spacecraft Center. Re stored my faith in the Space Age for some reason. 11:05—Left NASA for Foley’s. 11:55—Reached Foley’s park ing lot. 12:05—Parked. 2:45—Left Foley’s after a luncheon and men’s fashion semi nar. A high spot of trip. We were told that tie tacks and clasps are now out, as are: socks that don’t come up to within a couple of inches of knee, white shirts in daytime, narrow belts, loafers, conservative ties. Ap proximately 25 of our hearty band of 30 were wearing white shirts. Very lively discussion of speakers’ opinions. After lunch pulled socks up, buttoned coat to cover belt and stayed in shadows all the way back to parking lot. Now heading for Fine Arts Mu seum. 6:00—Another plush dinner, this time in hotel. Swordfish steaks were main course. What ever happened to,that suggestion box at Sbisa? 7:30—Semi-frantic ride to Mu sic Hall to hear Houston Sym phony. 7:50—Arrived Music Hall. Heard one lady mumble “late- goers” out of side of mouth as I briskly strode by. Had strange feeling I wasn’t in my natural element. 11:15—Left Music Hall. Quite an experience. Sir John Bar birolli conducting Handel’s “Mes siah.” Parts of it especially im pressed, familiar “Hallelujah Chorus” for one. Almost got clapped out during long standing ovation at end. Now back to reality. Dr. Carl Shafer, an A&M faculty member, is driving back and for this I’m glad. Sleep is a beautiful word. 1:20—Staggered up stairs into my favorite lower bunk. Sleep is a beautiful word. Post-mortem—The trip was de signed to give some A&M stu dents a glimpse of life in a major city. Culture was accented, and while we joked about it some, it was an entertaining, revealing ex perience for most of us. It was a successful trip, I’m personally glad I went, and hope that the Houston alumnae who financed most of the project will see fit to continue it. Now, if only the Cotton Ball had been some other weekend . . .