The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 06, 1966, Image 2

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• Editorials
• News Briefs
Che Battalion
Page 2
College Station, Texas
Wednesday, April 6, 1966
• Opinions
• Cartoons w
College Station-Bryan Area
Realizing Growth Potential
by Jim. Earle
Robert P. Gerholz, President of the
Chamber of Commerce of the United
States, has stated that industries which
depend heavily on engineers and scientists
are being attracted more and more by com
munities which boast institutions of higher
The College Station-Bryan area is such
a community.
But other factors also tend to attract
skilled workers and the companies which
seek to, employ them — clean, safe, attrac
tive corpmunities with better school sys
tems, good shopping conveniences and vari
ety of recreational spots.
The College Station-Bryan area is such
a community.
In the field of education, especially high
er education of engineers and scientists,
this area can proudly boast of Texas A&M.
It also 'contains Allen Military Academy
and a number of business schools to round
out its post-high school facilities. There
is, in addition, 1 a large body of full and
part-time employes.
The public school systems are outstand
ing and constantly striving to improve them
selves, and entrepreneurs are continually
expanding and improving retail shopping
outlets. The area is virtually surrounded
by recreational areas, with three major
cities within an hour-and-a-half drive, and
fishing and hunting locations nearby.
Civic improvement is also a hallmark
of the area, with streets, parks and new
public buildings gracing the landscape.
There is no shortage of choice sights for
potential industries.
Gerholz goes on to say that every com
munity has an opportunity to grow and
prosper if it takes bold, forward steps to
make itself a better place in which to live,
and that communities without natural ad
vantages of climate and landscape use im
agination to make themselves distinctive,
interesting and attractive.
With the manifold advantages of Col
lege Station-Bryan to potential residents and
industries, the continued application of -a
far-sighted approach can not help but make
this an ever growing commercial and indus
trial center of South-Central Texas.
Hard Work Pays Off
In AIBS Convention
Budget Bureau Threatens
Educational Aid Programs
A strong movement is afoot to sharply
curtail federal aid to education at some
levels, according to Sen. Ralph Yarborough.
Included in. these-are the National De
fense Education Act which has helped more
than 800,000 students gain college educa
tions, the impacted areas law which gives
money to school systems educating depen
dents of Federal installations, the school
lunch program and the land-grant college
The latter is what is left of the original
land-grant bill which established Texas
A&M and Prairie View. If the bill is
ended, as is proposed, Prairie View would
lose $106,924 and A&M would lose $320,774.
The Bureau of the Budget has recommended
the cutting of $12 million throughout this
This would fek©-4i crippling: blow to the
land-grant colleges of America and to the
two such institutions in Texas.
Cutting the National Defense Education
Act from $180 to $30 million a year would
also have effects locally. More than 40.-
000 Tekans have been aided by this bill,
including countless Aggies over the years.
Texas, its citizens, and A&M in par
ticular would be losers if such programs
are abolished. This is no time for Texas
or the nation to suffer in the field of
higher education.
Cooperation and hard work do pay off.
Texas A&M University and the College
Station-Bryan Chamber of Commerce striv
ed together for three years to have this
campus chosen as the meeting place for
the 1967 convention of the American Insti
tute of Biological Sciences.
As a result, a flood of some 6,000 dele
gates from all over the world will descend
on the Brazos Valley in mid-August next
year, boosting the economy of the twin
cities by an estimated $1,500,000 in one
The announcement was made by Presi
dent Earl Rudder and Dean of Agriculture
R. E. Patterson, who said this was the
first time the 70,000-member organization
had convened in Texas.
The work is, of course, not over. It
actually has not really begun. Preparations
will have to be and are being made for
the luncheons, speakers, reunions, smokers,
banquets and exhibits that will make up
the convention.
The end result will be both a tribute
to the AIBS, Texas A&M and the surround
ing community. The national body chooses
as its annual sight a campus that excels in
education and research in biological fields.
It is indeed an honor for this campus to
be chosen.
It is, too, a tribute to the research and
teaching of biological subjects at A&M.
But, most of all, it is a tribute to the
perserverence and dedication of the staff of
Texas A&M and the Chamber of Commerce
of College Station-Bryan.
Read Battalion Classified!
“Since our class is rather small today, I wonder if you’d
mind if I cut my lecture a little short?”
Read Classifieds Daily
Presenting The Drinking Song for Sprite:
(To the tune of "Barbara Fritchie"]
Traditionally, a lusty, rousing fight song is
de rigeur for every worthy cause and institution. .
But we wrote a song for Sprite anyway. We'd like you
to sing it while drinking Sprite, though this may
cause some choking and coughing. So what? It's all in
good, clean fun. And speaking of good, clean things,
what about the taste of Sprite? It's good. It's
clean. However, good clean things may not exactly be
your idea of jollies. In that case, remember that
Sprite is also very refreshing. "Tart and tingling,"
in fact. And very collegiate. And maybe we'd better
quit while we're ahead. So here it is. The Drinking
Song For Sprite. And if you can get a group together
to sing it--we'd be very surprised.
Roar, soft drink, roar!
You're the loudest soft drink
we ever sawr!
So tart and tingling, they
couldn't keep you quiet:
The perfect drink, guy,
To sit and think by,
Or to bring instant refreshment
To any campus riot! Ooooooh--
Roar, soft drink, roar!
Flip your cap, hiss and bubble,
fizz and gush!
Oh we can't think
Of any drink
That we would rather sit with!
Or (if we feel like loitering)
to hang out in the strit with!
Or sleep through English lit' with!
Roar! Soft drink! Roar!
Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, SPRITE!
■ Y
m'lta I : 1
He'sure was handsome. But what
frumpy shirts! Then he happened
upon Van Heusen “417" Vanopress
...ZANG! He emerged... lean, trim,
all man in a great authentic styled
shirt. Permanently pressed the day
was made, it will never need pressin
.. expj^sta iri 'TIM- Battalion
are ifiose 'of the student writers only. The
Battalion is a non tax-supported non
profit, self-supporting educational enter
prise edited and operated by students as
a univei'$ity and community neivspaper.
Enfrineeriftp: ^ •
Medicine; and
The Battalion,
published in College
Sunday, and Monday, an
May, and once a week during summer school.
newspaper a
periods, September througl
Van Heusen Shirts Available at
TTie Exchange Store
“Serving- Texas Ag-g-ies Since 1907”
aciated Press
use for
es credited to it or not
e credited in the paper and local news of spontan
origin published herein. Rights of republication of al
matter herein are also reserved.
Second-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas.
publication of all news
be made by telephoning 846-6618
editorial office. Room 4, YMCA Building.
For Advertising or delivery call 846-6416.
News contributions may
or 846-4910 or at the editorial off!
at Texas A&M
except Saturday,
Managing Editor ... Tommy DeFrank
Associate Editor Larry Jerden
Sports Editor Gerald Garcia
News Editor -— — Dani Presswood
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