The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 05, 1966, Image 1

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A&M Student Paul Gundersen
Proposes Vast Cultural Program
Heritage Hall
Highlights Plan
Cbe Battalion
Volume 61
Number 294
1967 AIBS Convention
A&M Chosen To Host
National Biology Meet
Miss Diane Elizabeth Wehner was chosen queen of the 32nd
annual Cotton Pageant Saturday night. She is shown with
Roland Smith, King Cotton for the annual Cotton Pageant
and Ball. Miss Wehner, representative of the Houston
A&M Mother’s Club, was selected from 140 duchesses.
Drill Team Wins
LSU Tournament
Battalion News Editor
The Fish Drill Team walked
away with top honors Saturday
in the Southern Invitational Drill
Meet at Louisiana State Univer
sity. giving- the Aggies their sec
ond first place trophy in as many
In the 13-team competition the
freshmen placed first in platoon
basic drill, individual fancy drill
and overall competition and sec
ond in the platoon fancy drill.
“This team gets better and
better day by day and this was
the best performance to date,”
said junior advisor Richard Gros-
senbacher. “They represented
A&M well.”
The fish defeated teams from
LSU, Tulane, Oklahoma Military
Academy, Florida A&M Univer
sity, Sam Houston State, North
west Louisiana State, the Univer
sity of Southwestern Louisiana,
the University of Southern Miss
issippi, Southeastern Louisiana,
Louisiana Tech, McNeese State
College and Springhill (Alaba
Guidon bearer Richard Calvert
won a first place in individual,
fancy drill in the meet. He out
performed 25 competitors for the
Fish Drill Team sponsor M'aj.
Calvin Reese praised the student
advisors for their effort in pre
paring the group.
“The seven advisors are the
best I have ever worked with,” he
noted. “They should rceive all
the credit for the outstanding
Filing Closes April 13
For Student Offices
Deadline for filing for student
body president and 11 other posts
is 5 p.m. April 13, according to
Election Commission Chairman
Applications may be filed in
the Student Programs Office of
the Memorial Student Center.
Offices open for filing include
student body vice president, re
cording secretary and parliamen
tarian; chairmanships of the Stu
dent Senate Issues, Public Rela
tions, Student Life and Welfare
Committees; president, vice pres
ident and treasurer of the Civilian
Student Council and class agent
for the Class of 1966.
achievements of the Fish Drill
Team this year.”
One of the top rated drill teams
in the United States, the A&M
representatives have defeated
teams from Ohio, Indiana, Illi
nois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Miss
issippi, Alabama, Oklahoma, Flor
ida, Lousiana, Texas, Arkansas
and New Mexico.
Sophomore advisor Bob Boldt
expressed gratitude and praise
for the welcome received by the
Aggies in Baton Rouge.
“The advisors and team wish
to express their appreciation for
the tremendous welcome given
us by the Baton Rouge Former
Students and for the celebration
party Saturday night,” he said.
“Special thanks should go to
the family of freshman Billy Ed
wards for the meals they provid
ed for the team,” he added.
Performances at the University
of Texas, the Battle of Roses
Parade of the Fiesta Flambeau in
San Antonio and Parents’ Day
here May 7 round out the season.
Texas A&M will be the bio
logical science capitol of the
world for a week when the Amer
ican Institute of Biological Sci
ences holds its convention next
Attendance is expected to ex
ceed 6,000 persons, including par
ticipants from several foreign
Aero Prof Says
Degree Initials
Should Be Tools
Initials—B.S., M.S., Ph.D.—
after a person’s name are not true
indicators of whether a man is
educated. How he uses them as
tools determines if he is.
“They don’t seem to mean very
much,” Dr. Richard Thomas, as
sociate profesor in the Depart
ment of Aerospace Engineering,
said in an Educated Man lecture
Monday in the YMCA.
Thomas explained if he can use
the tools for advancing society,
the person is really worth the
initials, after his name.
He said that an educated man
in engineering differs from edu
cated men in other fields by pos
sessing a great proficiency in
mathematics, a basic understand
ing of chemistry and physics and
obviously a strong capability in
his own field as a specialist.
“Man has progressed to the
point where he can’t know all
about aerospace engineering or
aerodynamics. Areas around him
are becoming narrower and nar
This^the speaker added—puts
great burden on the educated
man. With areas narrowing, he
has to know “enough” about those
Besides the basic three points
Thomas mentioned, he comment
ed that the engineer needs to be
educated in communication, where
he has much trouble.
Additionally, economics is im
The speaker told the audience
the engineer is out to make mon
ey, so he has to consider how to
sell his product. Engineers,
Thomas said, have trouble here
because they tend to keep them
selves mainly in technical field.
countries, at the mid-August
meeting in 1967.
Announcement of A&M’s selec
tion as host was made by A&M
President Earl Rudder and Dean
of Agriculture R. E. Patterson.
Rudder said the convention will
mark the first time a Texas in
stitution has been host to the
70,000-member organization.
AIBS has 43 participating na
tional societies. Its directors
choose annual meeting sites on
campuses excelling in education
and research, Rudder noted.
Dr. Ruble Langston, professor
of plant sciences, is general chair
man for the sessions.
President Rudder said that
the selection of Texas A&M rep
resents nearly three years of ef
fort on the part of University
staff members and the Bryan-Col-
lege Station Chamber of Com
The chamber estimates that
this meeting will mean an infu
sion of about $1,500,000 into both
communities during the week of
the meetings.
For the past three days, Dr.
John R. Olive, executive director,
and Mrs. Ann F. Kulback, con
vention manager for AIBS, head
quartered in Washington, D. C.,
and a prominent New York dec
orator held a series of sessions
with local heads of the convention
In addition to the many con
current scientific sessions, there
are planned several luncheons,
West Point Cadet
Wins Grad Grant
A Dallas cadet at the U. S.
Military Academy has been
awarded a graduate fellowship
in nuclear engineering at Texas
A&M from the U. S. Atomic
Energy Commission.
Lee James Hughland Jr. will
enroll in September to begin a
Master of Science program.
One of 200 AEC fellowship re
cipients, Hughland was chosen
from 600 applicants.
Each student chose the uni
versity where he would complete
the advanced study from 67 par
ticipating on the Oak Ridge
Association of the commission.
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First Bank & Trust now pays
per annum on savings cer
tificates. —Adv.
smokers, reunions and banquets.
More than 100 individual exhibits
by scientific, educational and in
dustrial firms are scheduled.
2 Offices Filled
In School Board
Election Saturday
A&M Consolidated School
Board positions went to John
Longley and Charles Pinnell in
a College Station election Satur
V o t i n g was comparatively
heavy as the two posts were de
cided by a margin of around 100
Longley, an incumbent, re
ceived 490 votes, and Pinnell 470.
Other candidates included R. L.
Hunt, Jr., 363; Roy W. Kelley,
333; and Don Dillon, 194.
A record 931 votes were cast in
the election, 30 of which were
Campaigning ended in a flurry
Friday and Saturday as the
“A&M Consolidated Property
Owners Committee of 1,000”
spoke out backing Hunt and
The two claimed that three
choices exist for the future of
College Station citizens. These
are, they said, a 100 per cent tax
increase, school district bank
ruptcy or a merger with Bryan
A local insurance executive,
Longley will enter his seventh
year as a school board member.
Pinnell, an associate professor
in the Department of Civil Engi
neering here and head of traffic
design for the Texas Transporta
tion Institute, will be in his first
Battalion Managing Editor
A Texas A&M student will submit to the A&M Board of
Directors at its April meeting a proposed multimillion dollar
program designed to initiate the most extensive cultural development
in the history of the University.
Paul H. Gundersen, a junior journalism major from Chicago,
will outline before the Board plans for The Heritage Hall Foundation,
a projected $9 million endeavor that will bring to the campus
valuable collections of American history and art for permanent
Nucleus of the program will be The Heritage Hall, a three-
story, library-archives-museum-theater complex that will house one
of the nation’s largest collections of documents, memorabilia and
works of art pertaining to American history.
Also proposed in the venture are a scholarship program for
members of the Corps of Cadets enrolled in liberal arts curricula,
an endowment program to help underwrite salaries of name profes
sors attracted to A&M and a program whereby works of art and
sculpture will be erected at various campus locations to beautify
and upgrade the University’s cultural environment.
“We are going to try to create an entirely new environment for
the A&M campus — one that will stimulate a scholarly attitude,”
Gundersen explained.
“The school has been focusing all of its energies in the fields
of science and engineering at the expense of the liberal arts,” he
continued, “and The Heritage Hall Foundation will be an attempt
to remedy this situation.
“In the past we have brought prominent professors here only
in science and engineering. Through this project we want to
make A&M a place which renowned scholars in the liberal arts will
seek out, instead of us having to seek them out.”
The A&M Board will decide at its April meeting whether
or not to sanction the undertaking. If the Board gives approval
Gundersen will have the foundation recognized by the State of
Texas and actively begin work on the venture.
A gala dance April 11 in the Memorial Student Center Ballroom
will honor Gundersen’s mother, Mrs. Wilhelmina Gundersen, who
is spearheading the project along with her son.
The Gundersens have traveled more than 20,000 miles in the past
18 months, enlisting support of prominent Americans and purchasing
various collections to supplement their personal collections to be
placed in Heritage Hall.
Persons who have indicated enthusiastic support of the founda
tion include Sens. Robert Kennedy and Everett Dirksen, Gen Frank
Besson, commanding officer of the U. S. Army Materiel Command,
as well as other civic, military and cultural leaders.
Gundersen explained that when the project is sanctioned by
the Board and accredited by the State, the directors will begin actively
soliciting funds to assist in the endeavor.
He added that several well-known philanthropic foundations
have already promised financial support.
The foundation will be administered by five board members:
Gundersen, Jack B. Slimp Jr., a 1965 A&M graduate now study
ing at the University of Indiana; Clifton A. Emerson, another 1965
A&M graduate; Woodson Taliaferro Besson, a student at Prince
ton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and Interna
tional Affairs, and an as yet unnamed member.
This board will be supported by an advisory group of 100
prominent Americans from the industrial, government, science,
military and educational professions.
The entire project is expected to be completed by 1976, in time
for the University’s centennial.
But Gundersen emphasized that the venture will never be finish
ed but instead will be a continuous project in cultural development
for the school.
“We want Heritage Hall to be a magnet — a calling card for
scholars in the fields pf history and all the liberal arts to come
to Texas A&M,” he said.
In Austin Hospital
A&M senior Douglas B. Otten
is listed in “fair” condition in
Austin’s Brackenridge Hospital
following a one-car accident Sat
urday which resulted in the death
of one passenger.
The mishap, on Farm Road
1826 near Oak Hill, killed Caro
lyn L. McKenna of Austin.
Otten, a petroleum engineer--
ing major from San Antonio, re
ceived back and internal injuries.
The Battalion has received All-American recognition from the
Associated Collegiate Press for the fall semester, editor Glenn
Dromgoole learned Monday.
The award, highest in the ACP Newspaper Critical Service for
college newspapers, represents a “superior rating and is reserved
for the top publications,” according to Fred L. Kildow, ACP
Top areas of Battalion coverage praised by the judges were
news and feature coverage, editorials and columns, sports cover
age and photography.
About 10 per cent of the association members are given All-
American honors.
„ *>-
18th Century Literature Works
Prof Collects Documents
... Kroitor collects 18th Century literature works.
An A&M English professor,
prompted by what he calls a
“basic interest” in the relation
ship between literature and natu
ral science, has compiled an out-
of-the-ordinary collection of docu
He is Dr. Harry P. Kroitor, who
for the past 12 years has made
trips to England, scanned book
catalogs and done research at the
Library of Congress in order to
find materials dealing with 18th-
century British literature.
Many of his souvenirs were on
display recently as a feature of
the third annual Literary Festi
val. They included 18th-century
books and facsimiles of maga
zines and newspapers from the
“The prints of William Ho
garth’s engravings and paintings
were produced by photographing
pages of bound collections and
then greatly enlarging the photo
graphs,” Kroitor explained, refer
ring to the other portions of the
displays. He said the past month
had been devoted to the photo
graphing operation, which cost
around $50, in preparation for the
The photostats of periodicals
were made at the Library of Con
gress during one of Kroitor’s
trips to Washington. He ex
plained that he wanted the copies
for his collection because they
deal with scientific developments
of the 1700’s, such as the discov
ery of the planet Uranus in 1782.
“Many of the papers contain
notices of so-called ‘philosophical
lectures’ of the period, which
might be classified into three
categories—quack, popular and
technical.” He mentioned a no
tice for a “quack” lecture which
charged money for the showing
of “insects as big as oxen”—with
the aid of a primitive microscope.
Among the “finds” in Kroitor’s
collection—which, he stresses, is
“one of ideas, not things”—is a
1715 first-edition copy of “Astro-
theology” by Thomas Durham. He
also has 18th-century copies of
works by Samuel Johnson, James
Thomson, Mark Akenside and
James Beattie.
“In addition, I have a whole
wallfull of books written by later
authors about the 18th Century,”
he notes. “In fact, I spend over
$600 a year for such books, much
to the horror of the Internal Rev
enue Service—they just can’t be
lieve it.” He explained they are
research expenditures and as such
are deductible from his income
Kroitor says he can’t place a
monetary value on his collection.
“I was able to pick up the Dur
ham book for a few pounds at a
London auction, and I’m sure it
would be very valuable to a book
collector. I wouldn’t sell it,
though, no matter what I was
offered,” he said. “As for the
rest of the materials, the actual
cost of having the facsimiles
made is only a fraction of the
travel expense and time it took
to get them. I probably wouldn’t
sell the collection for $2000, be
cause it’s worth more than that to