1 V T f ^IPIUKH Page 8 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Thursday, March 17, 1966 Pictures Display Track Workouts PRACTICING FOR SATURDAY'S MEET The above picture shows Aggie javelin thrower Terry Trippet working out for Saturday's triangular meet at the Rice University track in Houston. The Aggies will try for their third win of the year as they compete against Rice and LSU. In the center picture at the top. Coach. Charley Thomas works with one of his sprinters, while high jumper Mike Schrider prepares for the meet in the picture on top right. WRANGLER JEANS NOCONA BOOTS AMERICAN HATS MESQUITE PANTS at the BUNKHOUSE 1206 W. 25th Bryan 823-5782 Civilian Student Weekend 12:00 to 12 :45 — Barbecue - The Grove Get Tickets In Counselors Office With Dorm Activity Card. Extra Tickets — $1.00 Adults — 50^ Children 2:00 p. m. — Baseball - A&M vs. TU - Travis Field 7:30 p. m. — Town Hall - Brenda Lee 9:00 p. m. to 1:00 a. m. — Civilian Dance - M.S.C. Ballroom - The Traits - Get Tickets At Counselors Office With Dorm Activity Card - Extra Tickets — $3.00 Tickets Must Be Picked Up By Monday, March 21, 1966 LOUISIANA HAYRIDE Is .Coming to Texas A&M MARCH 19 8-11 P.M. COME, HEAR, SEE, AND ENJOY • LESTER FLATT and EARL SCRUGGS and the FOGGY MOUNTAIN BOYS • LITTLE JIMMY’DICKENS • WILMA BURGESS • NAT STUCKEY • ARCHIE CAMPBELL • DEBBIE DAY • THE LOUISIANA HAYRIDERS A FULL 3 HOURS OF YOUR FAVORITE COUNTRY AND WESTERN HITS AT G. ROLLIE WHITE COLISEUM TEXAS A AM, 8-11 p.m., March 19 Sponsored by Sigma Delta Chi Professional Journalistic Society THIS COUPON WORTH 60 FREE Top Value Stamps With Purchase of Btl. of 100’s Norwich Aspirin Coupon Expires March 19, 1966. Voll PILLSIUTRY OR BALLARD BISCUITS FOLGERS COFFEE DUTCH OVEN . NEWTON CAKES Nabisco’s, Premium Saltine CRACKERS “ sty,e Lipton’s ONION SOUP Larsen’s 35c WAFERS ,â€-&35c Lipton’s, Chicken Noodle 1-Lb. Box 35c O ’U i .... .. .... Package 33c “For Pain†Package 39c ANACIN..... „ B f To* 59c VEG-ALL 2 N ca 3 r 43c No. 303 Can Dole’s, Dietetic Fruit COCKTAIL “Ready To .Serve†HAWAIIAN PUNCH PICKLES. A 39c PEANUT BUTTER A Del Monte, Yellow Cling Sliced PEACHES .. “25c Del Monte, Whole GREEN BEANS ... No ^2?c Pepsodent TOOTH PASTE 45c Pepsodent TOOTH BRUSHES Respond, (With Free Purse Size) HAIR SPRAY S $1.09 GLAD BAGS "SC29c GRADE A' WHOLE FRESH LOUISIANA OYSTERS 12-Oz. Jar 79 XJ.S.D.A., Coed Chuck Nice, Lean PORK STEAK Lb59c STEAK.. Center Cut PORK CHOPS Lb 69c First Cut PORK CHOPS Lb. 59c Lb. Boston Butt, PORK ROAST... Lb. 55c RATH ■’ BLACKHAWK BACON Thin Sliced 77 c PIES. ... 3 8-Inch $1.00 ORANGE JUICE .|S;39c ENCHILADAS 35c THIS COUPON WORTH 50 FREE l op Value Stamps Brookshire's Grade “A†EGGS Large Doz. } Bar Soap ZEST SOAP : 2 l,e YT33c LIQUID JOY TOP JOB Bottle Aunt Jemima — Yellow or White 5 b «S Reg, or Quick Aunt Jemima or Quaker GRITS Gelatin (All Flavors) JELL-0 Boxes i*^ 3-0z. PkfrsJ evaluati Uki POTATOES Fresh, Home Grown ONIONS Sunkist Navel ORANGES.. Extra Fancy, Winesap APPLES Fresh, Raw PEANUTS... Bunches :e gi atory S j 7:51- ev aluati 7:55- U! 'anim( b y Smit 7:57- dog n 8:08- 8:22- ^tertaii 8:23- Hake it , 8:26- ^Ously. _ 8:4oY jority, ktion c 8:51- Judge g fen 8:53-