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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1966)
‘1 pro- is at tropi- liseaw rating ] int of I lomist deader il and Puerto strains grown uation ies of n Tex- mr lo- when oculat- sies in ist ex spread ble in •e ep(- rested. he Col ne has octoral ascular at Col- he Ha- ie Pub- nattei’s ct Sep- about isociate .ent of [ Sur- enable h.D. in iducted ersity's disease k with .ionally horacit ies will planta- jossible to hu- >s and labors- tepped- ih pro- ; A0 ics, o f PEACE CORPS PITCH Students receive a briefing- on the function ers are on campus this week explaining the if the Peace Corps from Corps recruiter program and administering preliminary Jennie Beary. A team of Peace Corps work- tests for those interested in joining. Campus Briefs Architecture Students In Contest Semis Six fourth year design students n Texas A&M’s School of Archi- ecture have been named semi- inalists in Koppers Company na- ional competition. Associate Professor Cecil itewart said one of the students rill receive a scholarship for his ifth year of architecture study it A&M. Semifinalists include Terry lent of Richardson, Robert Bill- ngton of Omaha, Neb., Robert lunter of Floresville, Barry losesman and Frank Roberts of lallas, and Andrew Cronk of iryan. The winner will be announced bout April 1. A Pittsburgh jury reviewing the entries. Semifinalists designed a center or creative advancement of hu- wn resources for the Brazos r alley. Personnel Course Opens March 28 A basic course labeled ABC’s f Personnel Administration is cheduled March 28 through Ipril 1 at Texas A&M by the Engineering Extension Service. W. B. Mansfield, chief instruc- t>r for supervisory development, aid 25 men from industries and municipalities are expected. The course is aimed toward lelping men who handle person- lel problems on a part-time bas- 5- or who have recently begun xrsonnel work full time, Mans- ield said. Wildlife Group To Meet In April Approximately 150 persons are Xpected to attend the April 1-2 meeting of the Texas Chapter of be Wildlife Society here. Dr. James Teer, chapter presi- ent and associate professor of rildlife science, said several tech- ileal papers related to conser vation and management of wild life will be presented. A speaker will be announced for the April 1 banquet at the Ramada Inn. Entomologists Offer Seminar Series A seminar in entomological studies will be offered' for the first time this semester by the Department of Entomology. Announcement of the series came from Dr. J. C. Schaffner, assistant professor of entomology and seminar committee chairman. Schaffner said the lectures are scheduled each Tuesday at 1:10 p.m. in room 105 of the Biological Sciences Building and are open to all persons interested in ento mology. Smerdon Lectures At Clemson Dr. Ernest T. Smerdon, Direc tor of the Texas A&M Water Re sources Institute, will present two lectures at Clemson College to day. The lectures will be given to faculty and students interested in water resources. He also presented two lectures recently at the University of G-eorgia’s Natural Resources In stitute. Smerdon is a water scientist taking part in the Visiting Scien tist Program jointly sponsored by the American Geophysical Un ion and the National Science Foundation. Business School To Inaugurate Forum March 21 The School of Business Ad ministration initiates a Presi-i dent’s Forum in San Antonio March 21-23. Designed to offer an exchange of ideas between leaders of busi ness, industry, government and the professions, the forum will have Governor John Connally as its featured speaker. The three-day fomxm at the St. Anthony Hotel is chaired by H. B. Zachry, former president of the A&M Board of Directors. Pro grams include a welcome by San ^ Antonio Mayor W. W. McAllis ter and discussions and lectures by leading businessmen and edu cators, including New York at torney Charles A. Kothe; Frank R. Barnett, president of the Na tional Strategy Information Cen ter of New York; Dr. Ethel Al- penfels, professor of anthropolo- ly at New York University; Ed ward J. Green, president of E. J. Green Associates, and William Oncken Jr., president of Oncken Associates, New York. Attending from A&M will be President Earl Rudder, Dr. John Pearson, director of the Business Administration School; Dr. John P. Abbott, professor of English, and William Eckles, director of Executive Development Courses. The two-day conference on cur rent business problems for top company officials is one of seven annual courses, seminars and clinics pioneered by the School of Business Administration. Read Classifieds Daily Oil Firm Donates Educational Grant The Marathon Oil Company of Houston has presented a $1,000 grant to Texas A&M’s Geosci ences and Petroleum Engineering Foundation Monday. I. G. Burrell, manager of Marathon’s Houston division, and D. W. Franklin, exploration man ager donated the check to the Foundation through Dean Horace R. Byers, College of Geosciences, and Dean Fred J. Benson, College of Engineering. The Marathon Oil Foundation provides for educational grants. A&M’s Geosciences and Petro leum Engineering Foundation was established under President Michael T. Halbouty, an inde pendent oil operator of Houston. The Foundation hoard seats many oilmen who are A&M graduates. Burrell and Franklin were guests this week at a luncheon attended by Deans Byers and Benson, Dr. A. D. Suttle Jr., vice president of research, and head of the petroleum Engineering Department Robert L. Whiting. Thursday, March 3, 1966 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Page 9 AWARD WINNER Bob Billingsley (right) of Logansport, La., accepts a $200 check from A. R. Davis Jr., divisional sales manager for Reynolds Metals Company, Houston. A fifth year archi tecture student, Billingsley designed an aluminum pavilion for a Reynolds contest. HUMPTY DUMPTY CHILDREN CENTER Our New Facility Now Open Monday Through Saturday. NIGHTS BY APPOINTMENT. Bryan-C.S. Oldest State Licensed Child Care Center 823-8626 3406 So. College Mrs. Larry Jones Registered Nurse OPEN YOUR ACCOUNT NOW! 4W° Annum Paid Quarterly On INSURED SAVINGS FIRST fIeDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION 2913 Texas Are. Bulletin Board THURSDAY Pasadena Hometown Club will meet at 6 p.m. in front of Hen derson Hall and behind Dorm 12. Texarkana Area Hometown Club will meet at 7:10 p.m. in the Memorial Student Center lob by. El Paso Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in room 2A of the MSC. South Louisiana Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the MSC lobby. Graduate Chemistry Students Wives Club will meet at 8 p.m. in the Bank of Commerce. Laredo Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Fountain Room of the YMCA. Jackson County Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the MSC lobby. Bay Area Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in room 3C of the MSC. Bell County Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in room 205 of the Academic Building. Fort Worth Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in room 3A of the MSC. Beaumont Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in room 208 of the Academic Building. Galveston Island Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in room 3B of the MSC. MONDAY Industrial Education Wives Club will meet at 8 p.m. in Cashion Room of the YMCA. CarroU’s! good food Corner FRANK J. BORISKIE Candidate For COUNTY CLERK BRAZOS COUNTY I Will Sincerely Appreciate Your Vote and Support. Subject to action of the Democratic Primary May 7, 1966 Pd. Pol. Adv. It may not be much but it’s all weVe got. M* Don’t just talk about a better world. Do something about one. Join the Peace Corps.