Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1966)
mmmm m mm ■ replied, freer and On the ifers and •e extro- Squadron n a mill, lation. lel in the is friends revealed, to come and the ake A&M education the non- ise fresh- ut know- ;ie tradi- this has i student an about oncerning eply was :k of one, im Hous- ation." I If you to the untain to i refresh- with what reighbor’s tdian Ba- Cushing Library Always Changing THE BATTALION Wednesday, February 16, 1966 College Station, Texas Page 3 Changing like a woman’s face, Cushing Library presents a new facade every day. Around 100 to 200 books are added to her 50,000 volume stacks daily. As many are re- MmlcoW Supply ptoAMje4- 923 So. Collage Ave- 3ry«Mi l *fafes moved for binding or because of age. In periodicals, government doc uments, microfilm, and paint ings, Cushing is constantly heav ing and settling kaleidoscopically to display new facets. A&M’s library has devoted its funds in past years to technical fields. The reference room under Mrs. Lavelle Castle includes 38,000 titles she and her assistants comb for information. THE UNIVERSITY TRUST DESIGNED EXCLUSIVELY FOR AND OFFERED ONLY TO COLLEGE MEN — Premiums DEFERRED John C. Dougherty Box 483 College Station, Texas Phone: Bus. 846-8634 Res. 822-1637 @ WumictcoMmiY^MM P. O. Box 5297 • Exchange Park • Dallas, Texas 75222 Operating In 42 States, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and Western Europe “There are no unusual re quests,” she said in describing the library’s dealing in a wide variety of topics. Subjects from aalii to zythum are located in latest editions of Colliers, Amer icana, Britannica and foreign language encyclopedia or four walls full of books including sci entific and law abstracts. The reference room gets calls for crossword puzzle assistance, information on how to give a party from etiquette books and will take individual time to help freshmen learn how to use the stacks. We do not have valuable stuff,” Miss Clara McFrancis, cataloguer, said. “If you need ‘bread and butter stuff’,” she described, “you don’t buy cake.” Very old and valuable books were lost in the Old Main Building fire in 1912. Cushing’s Texana and rare book collection, under padlock on the eighth level, contains the old est book in the library, she says. “Plato opera a Marsilio ficino traducta” was printed in 1518. An old manuscript too bulky for the stacks is a Thorkelin BATTALION CLASSIFIED Political Announcements Subject to action of the Dem ocratic Primary May 7, 19^6 For Congressman, Sixtt Congressional District OLIN E. TEAGUE (Re-Election) CHILD CARE WANT AD RATES One day 4* per word 3c per word each additional day Minimum charge—50* FOR RENT Two bedroom furnished house, 806 W. 27th. Apply at 106 S. Congress, $60.00. 267t2 STATE MOTEL, rooms and kitchen, day and weekly rate, near the University, 846- 5410, 262tfn VICTORJAN APARTMENTS Midway between Bryan & A&M University 0 All General Electric built-ins 0 1 & 2 bedrooms with 1 or 1 V-j. baths 0 Central heat & air 0 Large wa 0 Beautiful courtyard with swimming pool 0 Carpets & Drapes 0 carports & laundry facilities 0 Furnished or unfurnished 0 Resident manager. Apt. 1 401 Lake Phone 822-2035 154tfn ur valk-in closets WORK WANTED Ironing wanted, reasonable rates, 846- 3320. 2 6 6tl0 REPAIR WORK, patios, awnings, addi tions.—G&L CONTRACTORS. Phone 822- 1636. 2 47tfn Typing, 823-6410. 207tfn SOSOLIKS TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV All Makes - TV - Repaired 713 S. Main 822-1941 Atlas Van Lines, Inc. International Sea Van, Inc. Local - Nationwide - Worldwide Complete Moving Service ESTIMATES ANYTIME For Information Call John Wilkins or Frank Tibbs 822-1996 2600 Hi-Way 6 North • Watch Repair • Jewelry Repair • Diamond Senior Rings • Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers North Gate 846-581G Cecil Sez: “I have Major Brand Motor Oil 200 qt. Oil Filters '/z Price. 100% new oil 100 qt. All Brands Motor Oil Wholesale Prices. Come in register for free Case of Oil of your choice. BRYAN OIL WHSE. 805 N College (Highway 6, N) at 19th Practical Nurse would like to keep children in her home 5 or 5% days a week. Reasonable rates. 846-3205, 413 Nimitz. 262tl2 Baby Sitting, 822-1636. 258U0 Child care, all ages. Baby food fur- vished. 846-8161. 257tfn car information. 262tfn Gregory’s Day Nursery—846-4005. 218tfn HUMPTY DUMPTY CHILDREN CEN TER, 3406 South College, State Licensed. 823-8626, Virginia D. Jones, R. N. 99tfn FOR SALE 20 volumes of World Book Encyclopedia, 15 volumes of Childcraft, 1964 Copyright. Call 846-7278 after 6:00 weekdays. 266t8 Twin size bedstead, typewriter, refriger tor, electric dryer, guitar, console Singer Sewing Machine with all attachments. 846- 6030. 26( SPECIAL NOTICE We buy, sell, and trade new and used bicycles, tape recorders, radios, stereos, T. V., refrigerators, air conditioners, etc. WHITE AUTO STORE, College Station, VI 6-6626. INCOME TAX ACCOUNTING B. B. TRANT Phone 846-7842 Bi-City, Ink—Complete typing and print ing service. 1001 S. College. TA 2-1921. EMPLOYMENT Massey-Ferguson Tractor, recently over hauled. Phone 822-3980. OFFICIAL NOTICE Official notic of Student Pub 1 p. m. of the day preceding publics ices must arrive in the Office ublications before deadline of he day preceding publication. THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Announcement of Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree ■ (Defense of the Dessertation) Name : Dell, Jack Harold Degree: Ph.D. in Civil Engineering Dissertation: A Continuous Three-Panel by Three-Panel Building Slab Analysis Time: Feb. 19, 1966 at 9:00 a. m Place: Conference Room in Texas Trans portation Wayne C. Hall Dean of Graduate Studies 267t3 Application forms for SPRING AWARD SCHOLARSHIPS may be obtained from the Student Financial Aid Office, 303 ring the period Feb. later than 5 p. m., April 1. Late applica tion will not be accepted. 264tfn May graduates may begin ordering their Graduation Invitations starting Feb. 1 - March 4, Monday - Friday, 9-4 at the Cashier’s Window, M.S.C. 262tfn TRANSMISSIONS REPAIRED & EXCHANGED Completely Guaranteed LOWEST PRICES 118 S. Bryan —Bryan— 822-6874 HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th 822-2819 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 AUTO REPAIRS All Makes Just Say: “Charge It” Cade Motor Co< Ford Dealer TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main 822-6000 -MOONEY” — ay ment. Domestic and Imported Instruments Of Outstam At iy Type Of Musical Instru- ding Quality Are Available MOONEY PIANO & ORGAN CO. Expert Repair Service 1208 So. Coulter Dr. Bryan Phone 823-5045 — Res. 846-3538 NOTICE Designations as to sex in our Help Wanted and Employment Agency columns are made only (1) to indicate bona fide occupa tional qualifications for employment which an employer regards as reasonably neces sary to the normal operation of his buaint or enterprise, or (2) as a convenience to our readers to let them know which posi tions the advertiser believes would be of es would terest to one sex than the oth< because of the work involved. Such desig nations shall not be taken to indicate that any advertiser intends or practices any un lawful preference, limitation, specification or discrimination in employment practices. HELP WANTED Aggie for counter work, part time, night hours, exceptional opportunity for right Mullins at The DUTCH or 846- 260tfn man. Contact Bert KETTLE for appointment, 846-9968 6146. EXTRA MONEY Can earn $28.00 per week or $112.00 per month working 15 hours per week as a Fullerette. Call 822-7686, 7 - 7:30 p. m. only. 260tfn Waitress Wanted: Apply in person at The Ramada Inn. 208tfn 3-11 p.m. and 11-7 a.m. adison $350.00 R.N. to work and relief shift at Madiso: pital. Starting salary $31 Meals provided; uniforms laundered, tact B. Tugger, R.N. at VI 6-5493 5 p.m. TYPING Reports, Theses, Dissertations, Etc. Fugate Printing Co. Barbara Robison 332 Jersey — 846-5832 DAMAGED and UNCLAIMED FREIGHT (New Merchandise) Furniture, Appliances, Bedding, Tables, etc. A little of everything. C & D SALVAGE E. 32nd & S. Tabor 822-0605 GIL’S RADIO & TV Sales: Curtis Mathis, Westinghouse Service: All makes and models, including color T. V. & multiplex F M 2403 S. College 822-0826 MAJOR BRAND Motor Oil 20c qt. All brands Wholesale Parts Wholesales too Havoline 300 qt. Quantity Right Reserved Filter % Price (most cars) Shock Absaorbers Installed Most Cars $4.79 Latex interior paint gal. „ $2.59 Mufflers—Chevy, other many models $5.98 Sealed Beams 4001-2 98c (List $1.45) Brake shoes—most cars exchange $2.90 We carry several thousand parts, you never pay list price for good parts. Trade where most Aggies and others trade. 20 years in Bryan. Quality Oil 100 qt. Auto trans. oil 290 AC - Champion - Autolite plugs Tires—Low price every day — Just check our price with any other of equal quality. Your Friedrich Dealer Joe Faulk Auto Parts 220 E. 25th Bryan, Texas JOE FAULK ’32 transcript of Beowulf. The "Copen hagen reprint has beautiful illus trations. Acting Librarian Rupert Woodward said the Texana col lection, to be housed separately in the new library, is growing. Microfilms include copies of the London Times to date and papers of five U. S. presidents. Government documents contain NASA reports. Woodward not ed interlibrary loans are being used as an acquisitions source. The faculty assists. Depart ments review holdings in their subject, removing out-of-date volumes. Removal of such books is as important as adding new treatises, Woodward said. Individual faculty and student requests are sought. A recent notation called attention to Wil liam P. Wreden’s catalogue of books on angling. Cushing’s face will undergo a tremendous change when the new building is constructed. But it’s nothing new for the old gal. —Job Calls — WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY General Dynamics-Convair — aerospace engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineer ing, mathematics, physics. Socony Mobil Oil Company •— architecture, industrial engineer ing, petroleum engineering, ac counting, marketing, geological engineering, geology, geophysics, physics, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, civil engi neering, electrical engineering. THURSDAY Container Corporation of Amer ica — chemical engineering, me chanical engineering, accounting, finance, management, marketing. Jones and Laughlin Steel Cor poration — agricultural econom ics, business administration, in dustrial education, industrial en gineering, mechanical engineer ing. Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America — chemical engineer ing, civil engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineer ing. U. S. Atomic Energy Commis sion — accounting, ( mechanical engineering, chemical engineer ing electrical engineering, indus trial engineering, nuclear engi neering, physics, industrial tech nology, management. Embrey To Discuss Air Defense Command Col. Ralph C. Embrey, Assigned to Headquarters of the Air De fense Command, will present an illustrated lecture to Air Force cadets at 5:10 p.m. Thursday in Guion Hall. Embrey, will speak on the or ganization of the North Ameri can Air Defense Command. Benson Appointed To Engineering Group Fred J. Benson, dean of the College of Engineering, has been appointed to the Commission on Education for the Engineering Profession. Benson’s one-year appointment to the 15-man commission of the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Col leges was announced by associa tion president Edgar F. Shan non Jr., University of Virginia president. An A&M faculty member since 1937, Benson is the only Texan named to the commission. He earned degrees from A&M and Kansas State College. Foundation Awards $5,000 Grant Texas A&M will receive a $5,- 000 Fellowship from the 1966 Shell Companies Foundation. E. G. Christianson, Shell Oil Company vice president in Hous ton, made the announcement re cently for the Foundation, which administers funds for education al, charitable, and public service organizations from donations re ceived from Shell companies in the United States. Shell Fellowships are for grad uate students and young teachers studying for advanced degrees in science or in engineering and for the general support of the in- [ stitutions offering the fellow ships. The A&M fellowship will be used in either Petroleum Pro duction Engineering or Mechani cal Engineering. Clark To Receive Free Jet Ride Sophomore Stanley P. Clark Jr., will take a TF-102 jet ride at Kelly Air Force Base in San An tonio Monday. An A&M Consolidated High graduate, Clark is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Clark, Route 4, Bryan. The corporal in Squadron 9 scored highest on the Air Force officer qualification test and posted a 2.21 grade point I’atio for the fall semester. He is a distinguished student and a mem ber of the Russian Club. The TF-102 ride will be made with the 149th Fighter Group of the Texas Air National Guard at Kelly. Nance To Address Historical Group Dr. J. M. Nance will discuss “Life Among the Texan Mier Prisoners in Mexico” at the Tar rant County Historical Society in Fort Worth Thursday. The head of the Department of History and Government is currently editing one of the man uscript diaries of the 1842 Mier Expedition. Nance, professor of history, recently authored two books on Texas-Mexican frontier relations during the Texas Re public era. Nance, specialist in early American and Texas history, is a member of the Texas Institute of Letters, Fellow of the Texas State Historical Association and member of the Executive Coun cil of TSHA. Faculty-Staff Dinner Scheduled Thursday Texas A&M’s faculty - staff dinner dance Thursday will be a costume party, dinner club chair man John E. Oliver has an nounced. Dick Baldauf’s Aggieland Com bo will play for the 7:30 p.m. dinner in the Memorial Student Center Assembly Room, Oliver said. Bulletin Board WEDNESDAY Aggies Wives Bridge Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Memorial Student Center Ballroom. Laredo Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Fountain Room of the YMCA. Hillel Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Hillel Building. THURSDAY Pasadena Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the MSC. El Paso Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in room 3A of the MSC. Waco-McLennan County Home town Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Anderson Room of the MSC. Port Arthur Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the MSC Lounge. SALESMEN Part or full time needed by Central Texas fastest grow ing Home Meats & Freezer Service. We have the leads. If you can sell—Your earn ings will be unlimited. Ex perience not necessary — If you have ability — We’ll help you learn our business—Call Mr. Jim Headly — Hanson Meats. 822-1316 - 822-1317. HUMPTY DUMPTY CHILDREN CENTER Our New Facility Now Open Monday Through Saturday. NIGHTS BY APPOINTMENT. Bryan-C.S. Oldest State Licensed Child Care Center 823-8626 3406 So. College Mrs. Larry Jones Registered Nurse Marlene Scanlin is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ros§ Scanlin, 901 Esther, Bryan. After gradua tion from Stephen F. Austin, she en rolled for the Stenograph- i c Course at McKenzie- Baldwin Busi- College. She now em ployed as stenographer and typist at the Plant Physiology & Pathol ogy Dept, at A&M University. Elaine Jakubik is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Jaku bik of Snook, Texas. She accepted a position in the Bookkeep ing Dept, of the First Na tional Bank and started to work this week. After gradua tion from the Snook High School, she enrolled for the Secre tarial Course at McKenzie-Baldwln Business College. Hot new weapon tor tne '66 Dodge Coronet Shape up, budget-balancers. With Dodge Coronet, you can afford to. Here's an "in” car with a new out look for swingers. Coronet has every thing you need to put fun back in driving. Take Coronet's looks. Lots of people have. Take the extras at no extra cost: Outside rearview mirror. Padded dash. Variable-speed wipers and washers. Backup lights. Turn sig nals. Seat belts, front and rear. They're all standard. And Coronet's Hi: 4|P price? That's easy to take, too. So, march on down to your nearest Dodge Dealer's. See what the shouting is all about. Hot new Dodge Coronet for 1966. DODGE DIVISION CHRYSLER MOTORS CORPORATION See your Dodge Dealer now. WATCH "THE BOB HOPE CHRYSLER THEATRE" WEDNESDAY NIGHTS ON NBC-TV. CHECK YOUR LOCAL USTINGS.