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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1966)
THE BATTALION Thursday, February 3, 1966 College Station, Texas Page 3 $$$ BRING SMILES Dr. Morris Bloodworth, left, head of the Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, presents $200 checks to winners of Trans-Mississippi Golf Association Scholarships. From left are Gary A. McElvaney, Jimmy McAfee and Jack R. Cole man. Another winner, Tim Miles, was not available for picture. The awards are based on interest in turf manage ment, academic achievement and activities. Among The Profs 8 Agriculture Profs Attend Range Meet Eight members of the College of Agriculture are participating in the American Society of Range Management’s 19th annual meet ing this week in New Orleans. They are Dr. L. C. Leinweber, Dr. Wayne McCully, Dr. Don Huss, Dr. E. J. Dyksterhuis, Gar- lyn Hoffman, B. J. Ragsdale, all of the Department of Range Sci- OPEN YOUR ACCOUNT NOW! Annum Paid Quarterly on INSURED SAVINGS FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION 2913 Texas Ave. COW TALK STEAK HOUSE Complete Menu In Delightful Atmosphere Specializing In CHARCOAL BROILED STEAKS Lunches — Dinners Open 10:30 AM Till Midnight Phone 825-6993 2 Mi East of Navasota HWY 90 E ence and C. C. Boykin and Bob R. Eddleman of the Department of Agricultural Economics and Sociology. The group is accompanied by six students; Dan Hennard of Wellington, Jim Miller of Ste- phenville, Joe Frazer of Grape vine, Pete Jacoby of Ozona, Billy Hood of Tyler and Dennis Keilers of Austin. Pinnell, TTT Official, Elected To State Post Dr. Charles Pinnell of the Texas Transportation Institute at Texas A&M has been elected secretary- treasurer of the Texas section of the Institute of Traffic Engi neers. Dr. Pinnell is head of the Highway Design and Traffic Engineering Department at TTI. He was chosen for the ITE office during the annual meeting at El Paso. June, Hardeman Get Cyclotron Positions Neville June and Bryce Harde man have assumed engineer posts in the Cyclotron Institute at Tex as A&M, Dr. A. D. Suttle, Jr., vice president for research, an nounced Tuesday. The $6 million cyclotron is un der construction and the building may be ready this summer. June, a rocket and missile installation engineer, formerly worked for electronics and re search organizations in San Diego, Calif, and Green River, Utah. Hardeman went to the mechan ical shop engineer post from an associate professor’s position in the Industrial Education Depart ment. He has been at A&M since 1947. Nash, Noyes To Attend 2-Day Chicago Meet Two Texas A&M' faculty mem bers will participate in a two- day session on automatic pro gramming tooling at the Illinois Institute of Technology Research facility Feb. 10 and 11 in Chicago. They are James M. Nash, as sistant professor of industrial engineering, and T. A. Noyes, as sistant professor of mechanical engineering. Feb. 7th Deadline for MSC TRAVEL Committee Scholarship Application Don’t be shut out Campus Briefs Mothers To Honor Band Director Adams The Federation of Texas A&M University Mothers’ Clubs will honor Col. E .V. Adams, director of the band, with an appreciation coffee at 9 a.m. Saturday in the president’s home. Following the coffee, the fed eration’s executive hoard will meet in the Birch Room of the Memorial Student Center. Hannigan’s Son Gets West Point Offer A Stephen F. Austin High School student soon will be the third member of an A&M family to attend the U. S. Military Aca demy. Thomas U. Hannigan received the nomination to West Point from Cong. Olin E. Teague of College Station. Tommy’s bro ther, James, was graduated from the Point in 1963; his father, A&M Dean of Students James P. Hannigan is a 1929 graduate of the academy. Young Hannigan, a straight- “A” student, qualified for a Na tional Merit Scholarship in 1965. He is captain of SFA’s swimming team, science club president and member of the Junior Engineer ing Technical Society, Math Club and National Honor Society; yearbook sports editor and Ex plorer Scout Post 802 president. 12 States Represented At Highway Conclave Representatives from 12 states and officials of the U. S. Bureau of Public Roads met at Texas A&M Tuesday and Wednesday to organize a committee on highway sign support research. Recent developments in breaka way signs by the Texas Trans portation Institute for the Texas Highway Department has sparked national interest. Each of the 12 states has de signated a portion of funds al located by the federal government for highway research be set aside for the project. States represented were Texas, Alaba ma, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kan sas, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Louisiana, Oklahoma and California. 2 New Grad Courses Slated In Sociology Two of three new sociology graduate courses here will be offered in the spring semester, announced Dr. R. L. Skrabanek. The chairman of the Sociology Division in the Department of Agricultural Economics and So ciology said Social Psychology (621) and Demography (622) are scheduled for the spring semester, beginning Feb. 7. Also approved was Sociology 623, measurement of sociological parameters. Further information may be obtained at the depart ment. S Executives To Tour Spacecraft Center A field trip to the Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston has been arranged for 22 members of the Executive Development Course at Texas A&M. Professor A. E. Cronk, head of the Aerospace Engineering De partment, set up the hour and a half tour. The visit will include a look at Mission Control Center, lunar surface mock-up and crew sys tems, suits and environmental controls. The Executive Development Course is attended by business and government executives from the Southwest and sponsored by the School of Business Admini stration. Sixty men are attend ing the three-week course. Mother Of Aggie-Ex Gives Gift To MSC A silver service has been given the Memorial Student Center by Mrs. Howard Gee in memory of her son, a former student. John H. Rodgers, president of the MSC Council and Director ate, said the gift was in remem brance of Jan David Broderick, Class of ’56, who was killed in 1955 while Broderick was return ing from a trip to the west coast. Mrs. Gee lives at Balboa in the Panama Canal zone. 3 Students To Attend Public Affairs Confab Three Texas A&M University delegates have been named for the 28th Public Affairs Confer ence at Principia College April 13-16. They are sophomores Paul E. Lockey of Laredo, John W. Mor gan of Fort Bragg, N. C., and Lewis G. Venator of Houston. “Reappraisal ’66: A New Re sponse for Today’s Communism” is the theme of the annual con ference at Elsah, 111. BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM Recruiting Team On Campus FEBRUARY 9, 10 & 11 Placement Office Representing Southwestern Bell —— Technical and non-technical students, particularly those seeking management and administrative assignments — E.E.; M.E.; I.E.; C.E.; Math-Physics; Physics-Math; Bachelor’s or Master’s in Economics, Accounting, and General Business. Location: South Texas principally. Bell La bora tones Research and Development — B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. candidates. Emphasizing E.E.; M.E.; Physics; Engineer ing Mechanics and Mathematical Sciences. Locations: New York and New Jersey vicinity. Long Lines Bachelor’s and Master’s candidates — Electrical, Mechanical, Civil, Industrial Engineering candidates with broad interests in economic and management problems. Business Administration gradu ates who have interests in science and technology. Locations: Mid-West stales initially. Sandia Corporation Master’s Degree in Mathematics, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. Bachelor’s candidates of out standing scholarship in Engineering considered for technical development program. Bachelor’s and Master’s in Business Administration and Accounting. Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico estem Electric All Engineering disciplines needed to fill Technical Engineering positions in design, product, systems, military, research and management training. Positions for non-technical graduates are in purchasing, accounting, manufacturing, merchandising, manage ment training Locations: Southwest—Mid-West—Eastern and Northern states. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER WELCOME BACK AGGIES mm s A V E *3? sgs 3e. i TEXT BOOKS All Required Books All Recommended Books The Largest Selection of Used Books with TRADE BOOKS Countless Rows of Paperbacks High Quality The Latest Novels The Exchange Store Serving Texas Aggies Since 1907