The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 16, 1965, Image 3
y iarry- tween i not near- v that . over ed by minor ini 6 was a ndows 'ission i just tern- than ght it then t was chub TSA Gives Safety Tips To Drivers Some safe driving tips from the Texas Safety Association: KNOW AND OBSERVE DRIVING RULES Our state’s highways are among the best in the nation. It can and should be a pleasure to drive on them, but the efforts of our state highway department to make traveling a pleasure are wasted if drivers disregard safe driving practices. If you’re plan ning a trip for the holidays, make sure you know and observe all safe driving rules. GET PARKED VEHICLE OFF THE ROADWAY Not all accidents happen while vehicles are being driven. A parked or stalled vehicle on the roadway also may cause an acci dent. If you have car trouble on the road, get your automobile as far off the highway as possi ble. And, before leaving it for assistance, be sure to set the hand brake. PROTECT YOUR DRIVER’S LICENSE Your driving license gives you the privilege of driving a motor vehicle on streets and highways but only as long as you do so safely. If you break the traffic laws of the state or its cities, your driving license may be tak en away. Drive by the rules. Pro tect your driving privilege and your LIFE! LEAVE ALCOHOL AT HOME Motorists and pedestrians are advised to leave alcoholic bever ages at home during the holidays. In the pandemonium of holiday traffic, you need all your senses for driving or walking. GET CAR WINTERIZED FOR HOLIDAY DRIVING If you’re planning a trip dur ing the holidays, get your car "winterized” to avoid getting in to trouble on the road. This in cludes putting tire chains in the trunk and having all winter safe ty features on your automobile in first class shape. THE BATTALION Thursday, December 16, 1965 College Station, Texas Page 3 Bulletin Board THURSDAY Brazoria County Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 225 of the Academic Build ing. San Angelo-West Texas Home town Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Memorial Student Center. Pictures will be made. Deep East Texas Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 2-B of the MSC. Will select Sweetheart. Bastrop County Hometown Club will meet at noon in Room 3-A of the MSC. El Paso Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 2-A of the MSC. Texarkana Area Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 203 of the Academic Build ing. San Antonio Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Social Room of the MSC. Bell County Hometown Club will meet at 7:15 p.m. in Room 205 of the Academic Building. Will discuss New Year’s Dance. <■ Charles E. Thomas ’64 ' College Master j Representative ^ [Fidelity Union Life 846-8228 I I DON’T DON’T MIND MIND I DON’T MIND EITHER meeting of the don’t minds If you don’t mind having all the “Stalls of planning a banquet or convention taken care of for you, MllRamada Inn. We’ll make sure your meeting is trouble-free . . . w matter what size your group! Try our fast, friendly breakfast and luncheon service. RAMADA INN Bryan-College Station 846-8811 SAVE MONEY ON OUR FOODS THAT SAY 6’ PRICES GOOD THUR. - FRI. - SAT. Hickory Smoked — 5 to 7 Lbs. Avg. Shank Portion BUTT PORTION Lb. PORTION Lb. 89c SLICES CENTER [ fully cooked hams CENTER Half or Whole 12 to 16 Lbs. Avg. Shurfrost — Frozen MEAT PIES Mohawk Brand — Canned PICNICS Armour Star U.S.D.A. Grade “A” Broadbreasted TURKEYS jj Li sr*-* Jr! i.i,99c . Lb. 69c 41.00 42.29 Corn King — Sliced BACON 1-Lb. Pkg. QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED GET EXTRA CHRISTMAS GIFTS WITH GREEN STAMPS AMERICAS MOST VALUABLE STAMPS TOMS 18 to 24 5K Lbs. Avg. Swift’s Premium — 5 to 7 Lbs. Avg. CHICKEN HENS u,39c MAPLELEAF DUCKLING C BABY BEEF — RUMP ROAST - PIKES PEAK ROAST OR ROUND STEAK Cackleberry EGGS Evaporated PET MILK Imperial — POWDERED SUGAR ^ Heavy Duty - 18 Inch Wide — Reynold’s FOIL Bleach PUREX Del Monte — Fruit Large Dozen 55' "T Tall f Cans $100 ) 1-Lb. Boxes 29' 25-Ft. Roll 59' V2 Gallon 29' COCKTAIL 4 Del Monte — Cream Style or Whole Kernel CORN 5 Sugary Sam — SWEET 300 Cans 303 Cans No. 214 Cans Shurfine 300 Cans Sylvinia — Inside Frosted, 60 - 75 - 100 Watt 29' LIGHT BULBS POTATOES buns « p I U. S. No. 1 RUSSET 10 Lb. Bag 39 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS ORANGES Lb 1 5C TOMATOES Downtown 200 E 24 Street 0 Ridgecrest 3516 Texas Ave King Of Salads AVOCADOS . .. . Each 19C Fresh, Crisp CARROTS 1-Lb. i r « Cello Bags J «IC MELLORINE Affiliated Brand 3 *11 PECANS Ellis Shelled Lb. Halves Pkg. 89