The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 09, 1965, Image 4
FRESHMEN All Freshmen who have not selected their proofs for the Aggie- land ’66 are urged to do so NOW. THE BATTALION Pag'e 4 College Station, Texas Thursday, December 9, 1965 NOTES and QUOTES Aggie split end Dude McLean bowed out of collegiate football in grand style against Texas Thanksgiving Day, setting rec ords right and left .... He caught 13 for 250 yards for new school marks. His 13 catches tied Wear Schoonover (Arkan- Cindereila Cafeteria Features Blue Tag 98 £ Meal Which Includes: Salad — Two Vegetables — Dessert — Rolls or Corn Sticks Select Your Meat From Four Choices For Example: Hamburger Steak, Chicken Fried Steak, Fried Chicken, Swiss Steak. FAST SERVICE Hours: Lunch 11-2 — Dinner 5-8 Townshire Shopping Center Bryan, Texas Visit THE WORLD OF BOOKS SHOPPE GIFT BOOKS: Six Missions of Texas Heroes of Texas The Kennedy Years The Churchill Years The Leaves of Gold and Beautiful Family Bible We Specialize In: Harper’s Perennial Library and The Modern Library 207 S. Main 823-8366 Bryan sas 1929) for a SWC mark and the 250 yards was a SWC record. His TD romp of 91 yards on the pass from Jim Kauffman on the now famous “Texas Special” play was a new distance record, both for A&M and the SWC .... Kauffman threw only one pass during his past two seasons of varsity football at A&M but he’s in the record book now for the longest pass play of 91 yards . . . John Beasley, with built-in ra dar when he shoots a basketball, is in a rut after only two games. He’s hung on 32 points, a figure he hit against Trinity in the 79- 70 opening win and against SW Texas in the 76-66 victory .... Beasley, who holds A&M’s re bounding record, now trails Ran dy Matson in that department. Matson has grabbed 33 in two games (18 against Trinity, 15 against SW Texas) while Beas ley has captured 28 (13 against Trinity, 15 against SW Texas). .. Phil Scoggins’ 74-yard punt against Texas, coupled with a nine-yarder off the side of Dav id Conway’s foot, gave the Ag gie the SWC punting title .... Scoggin averaged 43.6 on 88 punts (the latter figure is an A&M record for number of punts in one year) .... Scoggin, who has signed pro with the Miami Dolphins of the AFL, will take an off-season job in Miami in January .... Matson, who admits he expects some razzing from student fans at road games in basketball, says “I’d sure hate to be on the visiting team playing here. The Corps really helps us with the cheering.” .... But, the A&M students do not throw things onto the basketball floor. . . . Houston’s Cougars invade G. Rollie White Thursday night (Dec. 9) and then Memphis State comes to College Station Monday. After that, the Aggies are on the road until Jan. 4. RECTOR STOPS BOBCAT Dick Rector (12), Eddie Dominguez (22) and John Beasley most of the first half, but the Aggies came back to win, (44) close in on a frantic Larry Black (11), in Monday 76-66. night’s action in G. Rollie White. Southwest Texas led for 1965 Final Football Statistics TEAM STATISTICS FIRST DOWNS (Total) By Rushing By Passing By Penalty RUSHING (No. of Rushes) Yards Gained Yards Lost Net Gain PASSING (No. Attempted) Completed epted Net Yards Gained A&M 101 40 54 7 367 1067 336 731 218 99 14 1219 TOTAL PLAYS (Rush & Pass) 585 Total Net Yards Gained 1950 PUNTS (Number 89 Had Blocked 1 Average Yards per punt 43.1 PUNT RETURNS (Number 22 Yards Returned 130 KICKOFF RETURNS (Number Yards Returned 34 642 INTERCEPTIONS (Number) 9 Yards Returned 44 FUMBLES (Number) 1 Fumbles Lost 7 OPP 161 88 64 9 606 2042 237 1806 209 110 9 1429 714 3234 66 0 39.1 47 479 20 340 14 55 22 13 PENALTIES (Number) Yards Lost, penalties 39 390 65 553 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Rushing TO YG YL Ne)t AVG TD LP 84 272 9 263 3.1 1 16 69 213 2 211 3.6 0 18 25 106 6 100 4.0 © 16 28 110 2 108 3.9 0 33* 8 39 0 39 4.9 1 13 Longest Run against Rice Punting Scoggins Team (Blocked) .vg 88 3833 43.6 74* 1 0 0. O Sallee Schneider Curington Caffey Collins Totals 89 3833 43.1 74 ♦Longest Punt against Texas Punt Returns Nichols Kaufman No. Yds TD LP 20 128 0 33* 2 2 0 2 Passing PA PC PI Pet Yds TD LP Ledbetter 182 83 11 .456 940 4 42 McKaughan 30 12 3 .400 163 2 32 Stabler 2 2 0 1.000 6 0 4 Kauffman 1 1 0 1.000 91 1 91* •Longest Pass to McLean VS Texas for TD Totals 22 130 0 33 ♦Longest Return against Texas Tech Kickoff Returns Curington Stabler Collins Caff. No. Yds 7 169 Pass Receiving McLean Stabler Curington Sallee Poss Scoring G. Lindsey Curington Stabler McLean Collins No. 60 12 5 5 5 Yds 835 145 75 38 33 TD 2 2 2 0 1 LP 91* 40 26 13 19 :ey terfield 160 110 85 40 TD 0 0 0 0 0 "Longest Return against Texas Tech Interceptions Kauffman Wellborn McKaughan No. Yds TD LP 3 0 0 0 2 20 0 17 2 0 0 0 TD XP-1 XP-2 FG Pts. 0 9-8 0 6-4 20 •Longest Return against Rice Fumbled Recovered Murrah (3), Nichols (2), Allen Caffey, Kauffman, Lamkin, Nichols, Scoggins, Singleton, Wellborn READ BATTALION CLASSIFIEDS j (£) Coupon Worth 50 f IREE GOLD BOND STAMPS^ With th« Purchase of IN 3 Lbs. or Larg»r Heavy B*of or S3 BABY BEEF ROAST Coupon Expires December II, 1965. More Time to Play...More Time to Win! Be a SAFEWAY BONUS BINGO Winner! SAFEWAY Cl Safeway Guaranteed Meats! FRYERS Fancy Whole. Serve Southern Fried Chicken often with Potatoes. Its everyone's favorite. /Cut-UpFryers Ik \Manor House—Lb. £*9^ / Lrr ■ Swift’s Bacon Premium. Sliced. So good with Eggs and toast—I-Lb. Pkg. Sliced Bacon k Safeway. Lean and full of flavor; Serve often—!-Ub. Pkg. More Safeway Buys! Allen's Chicken 79< Beverages 10< MivAHft Cragmont Assorted Flavor*. O, OQc mixers (Plus deposit)—Qh Bottle L for Huff MfVAC bntent Mashed Potatoes end 1 l/fl 11 IYKAC5 tbt other mixes—Regular Pkg. X w * Snack Crackers 35* Dog Hoggets roock T.ity. 10. 99* WINNERS: Mrs. J. B. Harrison Mary Johnson R. M. Mullinix Billy L. Thank Rudolph Perdirno Ruth Thomas Doris Damon Pork Sausage Wingate. Regular "1 U. OflA or Hot. Beef Sausage itT 2- 89* BOXVTTS' 33XJST€^<y PRIZE SLIP 3B03VTT« BXXVG-O PRIZE SLIJ* Clip these slips to help you win! Short Ribs 35t Hamburger Steaks 594 Canned Picmc 3 £*249 All Meat Franks ... 554 >S!52* ® Coupon Worth 50 if FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS?! With the Purchase of 20-ex. Pkg. Hereford Heaven BREADED STEAKS Applesauce sir.;^ 6 69* Strained Beef 2 to 53* Folger’s Coffee as i.u>. c™ 87* Tomato Catsup Del Monte. Rich and resty—IVoa. Bottle Morton House 5,1 2-89* 4^89* Nu Made Salmi 00 30* For telads or cootfng—24-ox. Bottle Peanut Butter 3? 00* Real Roast. Creamy or Chunky. \J ★Sliced Beef with gravy ★Sliced Pork with gravy ★ Salisbury Steak with gravy—12ti-or. Can Baked Beans Morion House Oven—IS'/i-oz. Can Usfcnne« Mouthwash* label)—14-ox. Boftle 79* Coupon Expires December ||, 1965. Coupon Worth 25 Is FREE GOLD ROND STAMPS® £v With the Purchase of — ( Head Iceberg LETTUCE Coupon Expires December II, 1465. Redeem this Coupon for 100 FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS J-f With Purchase of $10.00 or more __ (Excluding Cigarettes) per family • Coupon Expires Dee. 11, 1945.^^ « $> Coupon Worth 50 {(FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS' With the Purchase of 2-Lb. Ctn. Lucerne All Styles COTTAGE CHEESE Coupon Empires D.cmb*r II, 1465. (J) Coupon Worth 50 ft FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS' With the Purchase of Medlom or Herd Pepsodeaf TOOTHBRUSH Coupon Expires December II, 1H5. Edwards Coffee Fruit Cocktail Green Beans Green Peas Detergent With $2.50 Purchase Limit 1 AH Grinds. (5tf off label) I -Lb. Con Del Monte—No. 303 Con Del Monte. Cut—No. 303 Can Green Giant. Fancy Sweet—No. 303 Can White Magic. Regular or Low Suds. (10* off label)—Giant Box 39* 4k*l 4^*1 4* $ 1 49* Holiday Values! Get in the spirit of Christmas now with a beautiful tree. Douglas CHRISTMAS TREES l 75 Bananas Fir 5 to 6-Ft. —Each 10 4 The favorite holiday fruit. Keep some in the fruit bowl. Navel Oranges Bulk Pecans California. Full of flavor. New Crop. For holiday baking. 2^35* 3^*1 Full «f Julc—Lb. 19* Mclntoih—Lb. 23* Tangerines Crisp Apples Bell Peppers c, ' B -E".t ,,h 10* Cucumbers w .n;:^• , 3>.25* Green Onions 2 .19* Rutabagas '“id.""" 10* Prices and Coupons Effective Thurs., Fri. and Sat., Decem ber 9, 10 and 11 in Bryan. We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities. No Sales to Dealers. EWAY ‘Educated Man’ Series To Host Judge Barron District Judge John M. Barron of the 85th Judicial District will speak at the last program of “The Educated Man Series” at 6 p.m. Monday in the YMCA, Barron, born and reared in Brazos County, was graduated from Stephen F. Austin High School in Bryan and attended A&M in 1932-34 and the Uni versity of Texas Law School 1934-38. He has been active in law practice in this area since 1938. During World War II the judge served as captain in the Judge Advocate General’s office. Before being appointed to the 85th Judicial District by former Gov. Price Daniel in 1961, he was district attorney of Brazos County. Since taking the bench, he has conducted court in ap proximately 31 counties in Tex- Metcalf T rying Out Instant Video Tape The Educational Television De partment is recording home bask etball games on instant video tape, according to Mel Chastain, program director. Head Coach Shelby Metcalf makes use of the tapes to criti que the first half of play during the break and shows the entire game to the team the next day. This saves several days in de veloping time over films. Chastain and his staff taped the Trinity and Southwest Texas games and if the use of the tapes prove beneficial, the practice rill be continued for all home games. HEAR YE HEAR YE Lou Is Giving- Away Cash On All Items This Christmas YES, r On All Items (Except Books And Vet Supplies) Lou Will Give You Up To 50% .Back ^ — Cash Return, Low Prices Name Brands How Can You Lose? At * Lou's^gj?