The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 23, 1965, Image 2
Columns • Editorials • NeM 7 s Briefs Cbc Battalion Page 2 College Station, T§xas Tuesday, November 23, 1965 Tuesday, November 23, 1965 • Opinions • Cartoons Features — Sound Off CADET SLOUCH by Jim Earle Student Senator Reviews Senate’s Responsibility Editor, The Battalion: Last Thursday night at the Student Senate meeting, I was shocked to find that some of the senators who represent the student body of this university would not stand up to their responsi bility to speak out for what they and the students they represent want. THE BATTALION Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the student writers only. The Battalion is a non tax-supported non profit, self-supporting educational enter prise edited and operated by students as a university and community newspaper. Members of the Student Publications Board are: Joe Buser, airman ; Dr. David Bowers, Collesre of Liberal Robert A. Clark, College of Geosciences; Dr. rta ; Ur. Robert A. Clark, College of Geosciences ; Dr. Frank A. Mc Donald, College of Science; Dr. J. G. McGuire, College of Engineering; Dr. Robert S. Titus, College of Veterinary Medicine: and Dr. A. B. Wooten, College of Agriculture. The Battalion, jbliahed in Colle student newspaper at Texas _A&M Is ay, ay periods, September through aper a liege Station, Texas daily inday, and Monday, and holid except Saturds caiau iiKitxjr , canvx Jisvriiucaj' tJ May, and once a week during summer school. ntitled exclusively to the use for The Associated Press is enti republication of all news disi otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneoi gin published herein. Rights of republication of all oth herein are also reserved. orig matter patches credited to it or not and local Second-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas. MEMBER The Associated Press, Texas Press Association Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc., New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco. News co or 846-4910 or at th> For advertising or be made by telephoning 846-6618 YMCA Building. ons may be made t ic editorial office, R delivery call 846-641 oom 4, 6416. Mail subscriptions are $3.60 per semester; $6 per school year; $6.50 per full year. AH subscriptions subject to 2% sales tax. Advertising rate furnished on request. Address: The Battalion, Room 4, YMCA Building, College Station, Texas. EDITOR GLENN DROMGOOLE Managing: Editor Gerald Garcia Sports Editor Larry Jerden News Editor Tommy DeFrank Photographer Herky Killingsworth Amusements Editor Lani Presswood The issue concerned the cancellation of the Johnny Gash performance on Bonfire Night. True, the Senate could not get Cash back. True, the Senate could only voice its approval or disap proval of the administration’s action in this matter. I had believed it was true that the Senate was “the voice of the Student Body.” I found out differently! Several members of the Senate (the author in cluded) wished to discuss this issue and to bring to light the opinions of the students they represent. Due to a constitutional article, this matter could be discussed but no action could be taken with out unanimous consent. This was because the issue had not been put on the official agenda by the Senate Executive Committee. The principal reason for it not being on the agenda stemmed from the fact that the issue came up after the last Executive Committee meeting. This issue was discussed at length Thursday, much to the dismay of several who wanted an early adjournment. When unanimous consent was asked for to vote on the issue, several senators objected. Therefore, a motion to show the disapproval of the Senate for the cancellation of Cash’s performance could not be voted on. This letter is not intended to discredit any of those who objected to the motion. If they wanted to object, let them vote against — but at least let them vote! I have heard of few issues that have aroused the interest of the student body as much as the Cash cancellation. I know the issue was clouded in rumor, doubt and downright ignorance of all the facts of the situation. But I do believe that the students here disapprove of the cancellation. I believe it is the Senate’s responsibility to let the administration know we disapprove. And most of all, I believe it is every senator’s responsi bility to take a stand and vote on any issue. In this case, a mere technicality kept the “stu dent’s voice” quiet as a church mouse, when it should have spoken with all the force and deter mination equal to its position on this campus. James H. Morris, ’66 Chairman, Welfare Committee Editor, The Battalion: Please express our thanks to the members of the Sophomore Class for the beautiful spray of white asters that they sent to the service for our son, Joe. The warmth of Texas A&M student body and staff have help ed us in our grief. With grateful hearts, Jean and Joe Wilson Editor, The Battalion: We, the cadets of the Texas Maritime Academy, wish to con vey our appreciation to the rest of the Texas A&M student body for its show of interest in the problems of the Maritime Aca demy as evidenced by the recent article in Aggie publications. We began our college careers as fish at Aggieland, and are now attending school here in Gal veston. Though we are far re moved in distance from College Station, this distance is easily bridged by the uniting spirit com mon to all Aggies. Now we find the spirit slowly fading. We are proud of Texas A&M University, and we want to re main Aggies. How much easier would it be to remain Aggies if we could keep the traditions that are the backbone of the Aggie Spirit? We are trying to correct this problem, and would appreciate the support of every Fighting Texas Aggie in our ef forts. The Cadets, TMA Editor, The Battalion: To the thousands of Fightin’ Texas Aggies, I wish you the best of luck against Texas Univer sity this next week. To main tain the integrity you have shown this year should be your aim so that you will win the Good Sportsmanship Award. Don’t back down when others provoke you, but still try to main tain restraint toward “Mickey Mouse” actions of other schools. Thank you for being the best school in the SWC by proving it in everything you do. Edith Jones Texas Christian University “This has been a terrible disappointment to my class! We’ll never be able to live down th’ fact that we built th’ bon fire in good weather!” PEANUTS By Charles M. Schulz I’VE SOLVED THE NEW MATH » LOOK FOR GIBSON'S BIG PAGE CHRISTMAS CIRCULAR DELIVERED IN TOUR MAIL TODAY! OPEN THANKSGIVING DAY NOV. Z5TH PLENTY FREE PARKING PLENTY SALES PEOPLE TO SERVE YOU 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. ©IBSON’S ISC O U H T' C E H TER ^ .1