s from li rsday nigt; isl Studec: ill. ■st setbacl ths. Wei d see tlf i’t the ojIj ing. led to tn ere he to ime he jv, ing tinge: sally start- s hani .e fish hat linutes be- • and mm- eless case. she number amiliar ei- ut all tlr ■e closed," piace yonri ) trying!" ” the fisl h’s buddier ie YMCA aitfng for ie fish dii ance. nation an! that were p betweer, THE BATTALION Tuesday, November 16, 1965 College Station, Texas Page 3 Ag Victory Highlights Rice Weekend TZSHHBHHhi POSS SNARES TOUCHDOWN AERIAL . . . Rice’s Hugo Hollas (44) and Robert Hailey (22) hit Poss on goal line after the Aggie junior caught Eddie McKaughan’s 19-yard toss. PICTURE OP ELATION, DEJECTION nmm? ^ TI . . . Poss gleefully springs up from turf as Owl defenders reflect their dismay. IT’S OFFICIAL! ref signals Cadet TD. CORPS OF CADETS PARADE company passes reviewing stand in downtown Houston, AGGIE DRUMMER BOYS . .. Band provides music for parade IT’S NOT THAT BAD, HONEY . . . Rice majorette, band during halftime show. i !'|»l