The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 12, 1965, Image 7
THE BATTALION Thursday, August 12, 1965 College Station, Texas Page 7 A&M Included In Library Survey GE ation fe n) i, Dom!: af Phil*' Jltmoek GE ation In ngfellti Unite .nd NiM GE ation It , Morjn sophy it alysis d ve tint in Pirn ISM NDAE, LV ; spec : pose f THE st 2! ynd ttm GraduK jlicatk® minatif- ee copie ivith ninatioi ninatta mts Pest a:: EE. e Fisa Sradiu't be file and ll* disseW- •eault k licatioti degree heduliU ow ] dees' for Jradntft i to tH of « ind with th 1 ne w tion. , Hit' adi® [911 STORY-TELLING ENCOURAGES READING Mrs. Betty Goody, a reading consultant, school teachers completing a workshop in conducts a Texas A&M workshop dem- reading enrichment. The younsters pictured onstration with the aid of local youngsters, are, left to right, Debra Spies, Jose Valen- Demonstrations were held for 20 elementary zuela and Donna Noak. 5 Couples Studying Here Before Going Overseas “Almost like being in the first grade,” the scholarly scientist said ruefully. "Only you can’t run home to mother now,” another said. These comments came as a group of educated, professionally skilled people commenced special language studies at Texas A&M University. The five couples now in the first week of training will be at overseas posts in the Do minican Republic, East Pakistan and Tunisia early in 1966. Now they are in the first days of orientation including the in tensive language studies. Upon completing this phase, they will go into overseas programs oper ated under contract by Texias A&M as part of this nation’s program of assisting developing nations. Two of the couples are studying French for assignment to Tunisia. A&M is helping there to establish an agricultural school. Two other couples study Spanish. They will fill posts with an educational program in the Dominican Republic. The fifth couple will go to a university in East Pakistan, so they are studying Bengali. “This is the first time we have had students beginning in all three languages at the same time,” Dr. Jack A. Dabbs said. He heads the A&M Department of Modern Languages and also supervises the language part of the orientation. E. Paul Creech, veteran of an East Pakistan assignment, directs the orientation. He is assistant director for Dr. Jack D. Gray of the A&M International Programs Office. The five men just beginning orientation for overseas service come from several states. They have been serving in state agri cultural extension services, on university faculties and in in dustry. Creech said the “students” now are attending seminars in addi tion to language studies. He teaches a seminar concerning methods of planned technological change. Professors Dan R. Davis and I. O. Linger of the A&M faculty teach, respectively, semi nars in cultural adjustment and the economics of developing na tions. “We use native speakers of the language, tapes and written ma terials in helping the student learn Bengali, French or Spanish,” Dr. Dabbs said. He has consider able experience himself in each language. A strong correlation between doctoral programs and library resources is shown in a newly- released national survey. Texas A&M as a member of the As sociation of Research Libraries received the findings and is in cluded in the tabulation by Rob ert B. Downs, dean of library administration, University of Illinois. “An institution outstanding for its graduate offerings is almost invariably equally notable for the strength of its library re sources,” Dean Downs reported. Each of 186 universities, col leges and other institutions con ferring five or more doctoral de grees during 1953-62 was sur veyed. Library holdings as of 1962 and expenditures for books were tabulated. The study showed A&M con ferred 352 doctorates. A total of 226 were in the biological sciences and 113 were in the physical sciences. The social sciences accounted for the bal ance. Volumes in the A&M library system totaled 434,117. Book expenditures for 1962 were $134,915. Library holdings have since reached approximately 500,000 and beginning September 1, 1965, the book budget will have nearly doubled the 1962 figure, increasing to $265,585, while the total library budget for 1965- 66 will be $652,582. In his study, Dean Downs noted that of the 36 institutions granting between 300 and 700 degrees each, 18 held library collections in excess of 500,000 volumes. Two were over one million and three others have gone above the one million since 1962. “Among the 37 universities which awarded more than 700 degrees each during the decade,” Dean Downs reported, “only ten held less than one million vol umes, and none possessed less than one-half million volumes; two of the ten have gone past the million mark since 1962.” HOT, DRY MAMA LOUISVILLE (AP) _ Mrs. Dave Holston recently found a new use for her clothes dryer. A mother hen walked out on five eggs in her nest, so Mrs. Holston stuck them in the dryer. Warmed by the pilot light, the eggs soon changed into five baby chicks. Russian Scientist To Speak Friday A Russian scientist, Dr. Ch. S. Kadyrov, will lecture Friday during a special seminar of the Department of Plant Sciences at Texas A&M. Dr. Kadyrov is senior research associate of the Instiutte of Chemistry of Plant Substances, Academy of Sciences of the Uz bek SSR. He specializes in or ganic chemistry and organic synthesis of plant regulators. “The Chemistry of Plant Regu lators” will be the topic of Dr. Kadyrov’s 3:30 p.m. address in Room 112-113 of the Plant Sci ences Building. BUNGLED A BANQUET LATELY? You have Ramada’s sympathies. That’s why we set up our Banquet Planning Service ... to avoid the hundred or so “disasters" possible at any group’s important banquet meeting. Ramada Inn banquets are perfect simply because Ramada has the know-how. Never go through a do-it-yourself “bungled banquet” again. Let Ramada make your next feast a fiesta ... not a fiasco! RAMADA* INN Lmxx«/lcj fort. L pAA FOR COVrUl/eTTE- INFORMATION Call Ramada's Banquet Planning I Division — Ramada Inn. 846-881 In The Near Future... ... a. CollegeMaster representative will call on you to ask for an opportu nity to briefly outline the CollegeMas- ter program. His job at A&M is to ex plain the CollegeMaster to you. 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Oxydol Large Duz Blue Cheer Large Tide Graham Crackers Breast or Pulley Bones CCfc Choice White Meat—Lb. Legs or Thighs ilQ4 For extra pieces—Lb. Fryer Wings ^^4 19* 29* 39* Deiargen!—Large Box Detergent. Premium Pock (6f off label)—Large Box Detergent—Large Box Detergent—Large Box usy later. 1-lb. Box Aurora Tissue 2 Dental Cream ^Kin^six.?"' 10 '* Aero Shave wSh 1 4?”r^b." Vaseline Heir Cream. 35< 53* 35* 35* 29< 49t 53< 59< (£) Thii Coupon Worth 100 Free Gold Bond Stamps Plus your ragularly earned Gold Bend Stamps with the purchase of 4-ex. Jer Maxwell House INSTANT COFFEE Coupon Expires August 14, 1965. White Meat—Lb. Fryer Backs Perfect for dumplin’s—Lb. Fryer Livers Serve Pan Fried—8-oz. Pkg. Fryer Gizzards Ideal for Gravies—Lb. Fresh Elberta Smoked Ham 45< 65* 99* Whole. Stock up now at this Low, Low, Price. /Cut-Up FryersIk \Manor House—Lb. Canned Picnic 4 Shank Portion Bake and Serve with Yams—Lb. Butt Half Or Whola. Smoked Ham. No Center Slices removed—I Center Slices Smoked Ham. Delicious Fried—Lb. Armour’s Star. Delicious Served Hot or Cold. Hormel Bacon Sliced. Wonderful served with Safeway Breakfast Gems Eggs—1-Lb. Pkg. 29 ^pCan 85* Jumbo Bologna Sliced. Perfect for Sandwiches—16-oz. Pkg. Pork Sausage Wingate. Regular or Hot—I-Lb. Pkg. 55* 49* Chuck Steak Baby Beef. Real Tasty—Lb. Spareribs Pork. 3 to 5-Lb. Average—L 59* 49* Peaches 2 California. Golden Yellow Freestones. Crammed with juice and flavor. Enjoy them in many ways. Absolute beauties! Prices and Coupons Effective Thurs., Fri. and Sat., Aug. 12, 13 and 14, in Bryan.... We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities. No Sales to Dealers. Watermelons Charleston Grey. Full Red Ripe and delicious. lath 4 Fresh Plums Queen Anne. Honey-Like Flavor when ripe. th. 39* 25* SAFEWAY O Copyright I960, Safowoy Storos fncorporattd.