Public Relations Seminar Friday Attracts Official Pag'e 6 College Station, Texas Thursday, August 12, 1965 THE BATTALION Top Scientist To Be Here At International Conclave A leading soil mechanics sci entist of the British Isles, Dr. Leonard F. Cooling, will be key note speaker Aug. 30 for an in ternational conference at Texas A&M. Scheduled through Sept. 1 is the International Research and Engineering Conference on Ex pansive Clay Soils. The move ment of these soils often is blamed for cracks in patios and highways and the walls of homes and other buildings. Australian and Texan organi zations sponsor the conference. Approximately 300 persons are expected with more than 150 al ready pre-registered. Dr. Cooling is among sci entists and engineers from 12 nations on the conference pro gram. He was leader of the first soil mechanics laboratory in Great Britain. Dr. Cooling now serves as deputy chief sci entific officer, Building Research LEONARD COOLING Station, Ministry of Technology. Sponsoring the conference are the Commonwealth Scientific and Itidustrial Research Organi zation, in Australia; the Soil Mechanics Group of the Texas Section, American Society of Civil Engineers; and A&M’s College of Engineering. Dr. Cooling was graduated with honors in physics from the University of Birmingham in 1925. A year later he received the Master of Science degree. The university conferred the Doctor of Science in Civil En ginering degree in 1952. His assignment as leader of the first soil mechanics labora tory in Great Britain came in 1933. He was a founder member in 1948 of the publication “Geotech nique” E. A. Savage, vice president of the Lone Star chapter of the National School Public Rela tions Association, will visit a school public relations seminar Friday at Texas A&M. Savage, director of special services for the Beaumont In r dependent School District, will welcome an estimated 200 per sons attending the one-day semi nar. Greetings also will be given by Dr. Paul Hensarling, head of A&M’s Education and Psycho logy Department, a co-sponsor with the NSPRA. Keynote speaker for the 10 a.m. opening Session in the Memorial Student Center will be Mrs. Anne Chambers Lewis of the National School Public Re lations Association. Roger Swann, consultant for the Texas Education Agency will give “Tips for a School Open House” following the talk. More HALF-PRICE Bargains AT THE FIRE SALE 403 N. MAIN - BRYAN Teflon 8'’ Aluminum Cake Pans Reg. $1.99 Only 99c SAVE ON SCHOOL SUPPLIES 2-Ring, 3-Ring Loose Leaf Notebooks Assortment Half Price: 19c — 49c — 79c — $1.25 Teflon 12-Cup Muffin Tins Reg. $1.99 Only 99c Teflon 10'’ x 16" Cookie Sheets Reg. $2.79 Only $1.39 Zipper Notebook, 2-Ring, 3-Ring. Assortment Half Price: 49c-— $1.09 —$1.49 Nutone Ranges, Intercom radios, Door-chimes, Dishwashers, Garbage Disposals. All 331/3% to 50% off BRYAN BRONCO BALLPOINT PENS Half Price — 18c Assortment of Ladies Nylon Hose Half Price: 39c — 45c — 49c — 59c Loose Leaf Filler Paper — Graph Paper — Tablets ASSORTMENT AT HALF PRICE LADIES HANDBAGS — All Shapes & Sizes Half Price: 50c — 99c 2-ounce Bottles SHEAFFER SKRIP INK Half Price — 13c Each 1 LADIES & GIRLS dresses, skirts, blouses, Pedal-pushers, shorts, lingerie. All Half Price TOYS All Sizes, All Shapes, All Colors 5c to $4.88 Values ALL HALF PRICE Beautiful Assortment LADIES HEAD SCARFS, Reg. 59c & 69c Half Price: 29c — 35c GAMES NELCO ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE $139.50 Value Only $69.75 Others also at Half Price. Chinese Checkers, 29£ Value . . . Pachisi, $1.00 Value Dozens of Other, 29£ to $1.00 Values ALL HALF PRICE MEN'S SHIRTS Long-sleeve & Short, Sport Shirts, Western Shirts, Pullovers, Jac-shirts, Workshirts, and others. Reg prices, 2.98, 3.49, 3.98, 4.98. ALL HALF PRICE MEN’S, BOYS’ TENNIS SHOES SALE PRICE — $1.67 HUNTING CLOTHES HALF PRICE Montgomery Wards Power-Kraft cur^D QKAITW LIGHT FIXTURES, Reg. Price 59c to $300.00 HALF PRICE Oriv-/r OlVil 11 1 Reg $249.00 Only $124.50 MANY, MANY OTHER ITEMS—TOO NUMEROUS TOO LIST—AT DRASTICALLY REDUCED PRICES ALL DISCOUNTS OFF PRICES AS MARKED IN STORE BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day 4^ per word if per word each additional day Minimum charge—SOf DEADLINE blication 4 p.m. day before public Classified Display 90c per column inch each insertion CHILD CARE Would like to keep another child in my home from 8 to 5 daily beginning in September. Three blocks from campus. 846-8066. 196tl Child care in my home. Am experienced. Preferably for working mothers. Nursery large shady, fenced, back yard with room, large shady, fenced, back yard with outdoor play equipment. Night sitting by appointment. Come by for further informa tion—Mrs. Franklin Reagor, 411 Foch St., Bryan, Texas (only 4 blocks from campus). 194t3 Child care experienced, 846-7960. 192tfn Experienced Child Care, 8 to 6, 846-6636. 149tfn HUMPTY DUMPTY NURSERY, 3404 South College, State Licensed. TA 2-4803, Virginia D. Jones, R. N. 99tfn FOR SALE Used Couch $26.00, 846-5426. One bedroom, furnished house, clean, 2 large closets, washer connections, 22^ screen backporch, attached garage, neW roof, cast iron sewer line, 846-6634. 196tfn 1969 Ford, V8, clean, new tires, reverse out but otherwise O.K., $295.00. 800-B Cross after 6 :00 and weekends. 196tl Baby bed, $15.00. VW luggage rack, $16.00, 846-8621. 196tfn 13,000 BTU Air Conditioner—Like new. $50.00 U-l-K Hensel, 846-8977 After 5:00. 196tl Maytag Automatic Washer in good con dition. Make offer. U-2-B Hensel after 5 :00 p. m. 196t2 One ton refrigerated air conditioner. See at U-2-K Hensel after 5:00, Mon. thru Fri. or anytime weekends, $60.00. 196tl 1961 Mercury Comet, excellent condition with new seat covers, tires and battery. Call 846-6207 after 6 :00. 196tl 1966 Volkswagen, sea-blue, sedan, white- walls and radio. See at Hensel Y-l-F. fence, near schools and shopping center, owner—846-6980. 194t6 For sale by owner—House and ten acres, close to A&M Dairy on F&B Road. Call 846-4203 for appointment. 193tfn FOR RENT Bedroom for rent, $5.50 per week, 846- 6669. 196t3 Sept 1, one bedroom, furnished, air con ditioned apartment, $76.00 per month. Bills paid. Adults—no pets. 318 First. Call 846-6332. 196tl One bedroom brick duplex, furnished and air conditioned, $80.00. Adults—no pets. 401 First Street. Call 846-6332. 196tl Call TA 3-8338 for beds, baby equipment, party goods, invalid needs, tools, garden & yard supplies. UNITED RENT-ALLS, 724 Villa Maria Rd. TA 3-8338. 7:30 a. m. to 6 :00 p. m., Mon. - Sat. 196tfn bedroom unfurnished duplex aparl 1 air conditioner furnished, washe Two ment, connections, newly decorated, prefer couple or one lady. 814 Banks, Bryan. $60.00, 846-6216 or 822-8796. One bedroom furnished apartment, utili ties paid, clean, partly refinished. $60.00 per month. 308 N. Haswell Dr. 823-6277. 195t2 VICTORIAN APARTMENTS Midway between Bryan & A&M University All G. E. electric built-ins 1 & 2 bedrooms with 1 or 1% baths Central heat & air Large walk-in closets Beautiful courtyard with swimming pool # Carpets & Drapes # carports & laundry facilities £ Furnished or unfurnished # Resident manager. Apt. 1 401 Lake Phone 822-2035 154tfn i WANTED PART TIME LATIN TEACHER NEEDED AT THE ALLEN ACAD EMY. MUST MEET SOUTHERN ASSO CIATION REQUIREMENTS. CALL 822-1639 BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 8 A. M. AND 6 P. M. Wanted four regular ironings in home or out—every week. 822-0764. 196tl R.N. to work 3-11 p.m. and 11-7 a.m. and relief shift at Madison County Hos pital. Starting salary $360.00 and up. Meals provided ; uniforms laundered. Con tact B. Tugger, R.N. at VI 6-5493 after 6 p.m. 187tfn HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN'S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th TA 2-2819 ATTENTION Summer Graduates ANNO UNCEMENTS may be picked up now at the Cashier’s Window, Memorial Student Center. EXTRA INVITATIONS will go on sale, Monday, AUGUST 16, 1965 at 9:00 a. m. at the Cashier’s Window, M.S.C. These are sold on a first- come, first-serve basis only. AUTO REPAIRS All Makes Just Say: “Charge It” Cade Motor Co. Ford Dealer FEMALE HELP WANTED L. V. N. or R. N. for G. P. Office. Type writing required. Give biographical and professional history. P. O. Box 3206, Bryan. 196tfn RAMADA INN—Waitress wanted. 5:00 p. m. to 12:00 a. m. shift. No experience necessary. Apply in person. 162tfn BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITY For a future with a well known Mid west Manufacturing Firm. We are now of fering exclusive distributorships for a pat ented product. No competition. Factory trained personnel will assist you in setting up a tried and proven advertising and merchandising program. 100% mark up. In vestment guaranteed. Minimum investment $1,000. Maximum $14,000. All replies con fidential. For information write Director of Marketing, P.O. Box 14049, St. Louis, Missouri 63178. 188tl4 Gain valuable experience before gradua tion and earn $2.00 per hour, part time. Work will adjust to any schedule. Call TA 2-7686. 169tfn SPECIAL NOTICE SUL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300 A.F. & A.M. Called meeting, Thursday, August 12, at 7 :00 p. m. W. W. Spurlock W.M. Joe Woolket Secy. JUNIOR COLLEGE REGISTRATION AT ALLEN ACADEMY FOR THE FALL TERM NOW UNDERWAY Registration for men and co-eds in the local area is now under way in the Junior College Division at Allen Acad emy, Bryan, Texas, for the fall term. Registration office hours are 8 A. M. to noon and 1 P. M. to 6 P. M. daily. Sat urday, registration will be 8 A. M. to noon. According to Dean Massie, Dean of the Junior College, full time and part time students should register in the Administration Building on the Allen Campus for the fall term which begins September 6th. See WHITE AUTO, College Station, when you need hardware, household items, appliances, large or small. SAVE DOL LARS. 846-5626. TYPING SERVICE-MULTILITH PRINT ING, thesis-dissertations-yearbook-brochures -term papers-business letters-job resume applications-blank forms, etc. REPRODUC TION : Copy negatives and prints-lantern slides • paper masters - metal plates-custom phe»o finishing. Camera and movie pro- jec* ors repair service. PHOTOGRAPHY. J. C. Glidewell’s PHOTO LAB. TA 3-1692 2007 S. College Ave.. Brvan. 12tfn Lose weight safely with Dex-A-Diet Tablets. Only 98^ Madeley Pharmacy 190tl2 Bi-City, Ink—Complete typing and print ing service. 1001 S. College. TA 2-1921. 85t20 LEGAL NOTICE GIL'S RADIO & TV Sales: Curtis Mathis, Westinghouse Service: All makes and models, including color T. V. & multiplex F M 2403 S. College TA 2-0826 DAMAGED and UNCLAIMED FREIGHT (New Merchandise) Furniture, Appliances, Bedding, Tables, etc. A little of everything. C & D SALVAGE E. 32nd & S. Tabor TA 2-0405 • Watch Repair • Jewelry Repair • Diamond Senior Rings • Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers North Gate VI 6-5816 TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 CASH AVAILABLE FOR BOOKS, SLIDE RULES & ETC. 5,000 AGGIES CAN'T BE WRONG LOUPOT'S New Stare Haara — 8 a. m. ’til 5:3$ p. m. — 4 Days A Weak. WORK WANTED Typing—efficient service at reaMitli rates, 846-4493. ISgth Miscellaneous For Rent Air conditioners, roll away beds, 14 visions, exercising machines, baby trill, high chairs, play pens. Call Kraft Fur.;, ture, 822-6019. Miscellaneous For Sale Two rooms of inexpensive carpet, $15,1! I and 2 bookshelves. Call 846-5303, noon c:j after 6:00 p. m. lidll OFFICIAL NOTICE Official notices must be brought oi mailed so as to arrive in the 0f!;« of Student Publications (Ground Fltw YMCA, VI onday th adline of publication—Director of Student Publip. tio iund Fite VI 6-6416, hours 8-12, 1-5, ail, through Friday) at or before th deadline of 1 p. m. of the day precediti Dire, - - - Monday through Friday) at id Flw : 1-5, deijj efore th PH.D. LANGUAGE EXAMINATION Examinations for meeting the foreip language requirement for the Ph.D. degw will be given Saturday, August 28th it 8 to 11 a. m. in Rooms 126-127, Acad». Building. Students wishing to take tbs examination should apply to the Grade Office for a letter of authorization later than August 20th. Instruction shi are available from the Secretary in th office of the Department of Modern k. guages. Candidates should bring to th examination: paper and pen or penrik one dictionary, their ID card. h® THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Announcement of Final Examination ft the Doctoral Degree (Defense of the Dissertation) Full Name of Candidate: Naugle, Don!: Gene Candidate for Degree of: Doctor of Phils- ophy in Physics Title of Dissertation: Excess Ultrasoti Attenuation in Liquid Argon Time of Examination : August 12 at !:!i P. m. Place of Examination: Room 146 h Physics Building Wayne C. Hall Dean of Graduate Studies Hit! THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Announcement of Final Examination fi the Doctoral Degree (Defense of the Dissertation) Full Name of Candidate: Stringfelk Thomas Leslie Candidate for Degree of: Doctor of Phils- ophy in Entomology Title of Dissertation : Bioassay of R«iiis of Endrin, Diazinon, Carbaryl, and Nils on Sorghum Grain. Time of Examination : August 12 at 11 p. m. Place of Examination: Room 201 i: Biological Sciences Building Wayne C. Hall Dean of Graduate Studies IK >r tumisning "XTaffic will be received in the office of the City Manager, City Hall, College Station, until 3:00 P. M., August 26, 1965. Proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud in the Council Room of the City Hall at 3 :15 P. M. on the same date. Any bid received after the above closing time will be re turned unopened. A certified or cashier’s check on a State or National Bank of the State of Texas, or a Bidder’s Bond from an acceptable Surety Company, authorized to transact business in the State of Texas, in the amount of not less than five percent (5%) of the total bid must accompany each proposal as a guarantee that, if awarded the contract, the bidder will, within ten (10) days after award of contract, enter into contract and execute bond and guarantee forms. Proposals must be submitted on the forms provided and the right to accept any bid, or reject any or all bids and to waive all formalities is hereby reserved by the City Council of the City of College Station. Materials and equipment furnished shall conform to signal plans and specifications which will be furnished to prospective bidders on request. City of College Station, Texas S/Ernest Langford, Mayor Attest: S/K. A. Manning City Secretary 196t2 THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Announcement of Final Examination it the Doctoral Degree (Defense of the Dissertation) Full Name of Candidate: Chiang, Moist Sui-ming Candidate for Degree of: Philosophy: Genetics Title of Dissertation : Diallel analysis i the inheritance of quantitative chi' acteristics in sorghum Time of Examination: August 19, 1965 £ 1 :30 p. m. Place of Examination : Room 203 in Pfc Sciences Building Wayne C. Hall Dean of Graduate Studies 1K GRADUATE COLLEGE CALENDAK, SUMMER SESSION 1965 FAILURE TO MEET CERTAIN HE QUIREMENTS BY THE TIME SPEG IFIED MAY RESULT IN THE POSI PONEMENT OF RECEIPT OF THE DEGREE Second Term, July 19 - August 21 July 19 Registration for the second Me July 20-23 Registration for the Graduss Record Examination* July 30 Last day for filing application for advanced degrees** August 13-14Graduate Record Examinatfe August 20 Last day for filing three copie of theses and dissertations with ® Graduate College*** August 27 Last day for final examination August 28 Foreign language examinatta for Ph.D. candidates XXX •Required of all graduate students have not taken the Aptitude Test " !i an Advanced Test of the GRE. register, pay $5.00 fee at the Fisn id take Office and receipt to the Gradin': College Office. •’Applications for degrees must be ft at both the Graduate College and tk Registrar’s Office. * “Failure to submit theses and dissert- tions by specified dates will result c automatic cancellation of application for degrees. Note 1: Candidates for doctoral depree are reminded that the schedule of final examinations is now po lished under “Official Notices’ The Battalion. Forms for tl purpose, available at the GraduP College, must be submitted to tl* day of tH examination. Note 2: Final copies of theses and & sertations should be filed with Graduate College at least one prior to the final examination. Itt' week prior to G. H. (Moe) Hair Air Conditioning Co. AMANA PRODUCTS Sales & Service New & Used Appliances We service all types and makes. 410 Carson St. 822-1719 SOSOLIKS T. V., Radio. Phono , Car Radio Transistor Radio Service 713 S. Main TA 2-19(1 Outside house paint gal. $1-98 Latex interior paint gal. $2.68 Mufflers—Chevy, others $5.98 .. 99< $3.98 many models 50 ft. plastic hose . Seat covers low as full set. See the new Nylon covers Original equip, seat belts $3.98 Brake shoes — most cars exchange $2.90 Oils — Quaker State, Pennzoil, Amalie, Valvoline, RPM, Royal Triton, Havoline, Enco, Uniflow, Mobil, Gulf, Sinclair, Conoco, Shell and others. All at real low prices. Auto trans. oil 29( Filters save 40% Tires — Low price every day — Just check our price with any other of equal quality. Your Friedrich Dealer Joe Faulk Auto Parts 220 E. 25th Bryan, Texas Mrs. conch onstr Derm 5 “Ah grade, said r "On mothe: The; group skilled langua Univei in the be at minica and T Now of ori< . tensive comple go int< ated i A&M progra nations Two French A&M i an agr ' Two Spanish an edi Domin: The univers they a “Thi had s three time,” He he; of Mo superv the or Rus To A p S. Kac during Depart at Tex Dr. : associa Chemis Acader bek SS ganic synthe “The lators” Kadyrc Room ences BU BA LA You | That’s Plann I hundr at an meeti Perfei the ki do-it- again, j feast R j 1 -U, ; for Call | Divis