The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 12, 1965, Image 4
THE ■ THE BATTAUON Page 4 College Station, Texas Thursday, August 12, 1965 Additions To Bolton Hall Will Be Completed Soon LSU Photographic Specialist To Join Journalism Faculty A $40,000 senior electrical machinery laboratory for Texas A&M’s Electrical Engineering Department is scheduled for completion during the Fall term. Funds for the project are be ing provided by the university, Texas Power and Light Com pany, and through the coopera tion of the General Electric Com pany. John Denison, associate pro fessor of electrical engineering, said the laboratory will have equipment of the latest design, including transfer panels, ma chine sets and control tables. The 50 by 35-foot laboratory is located in the basement of Bolton Hall. An estimated 55 to 60 senior electrical engineer ing students will use the labora tory each semester. ★ ★ ★ A new student lounge and area is being made from a classroom in the electrical engineering de partment at Texas A&M Uni versity. Funds for the installation, in cluding furnishings and light ing, were donated by the Texas Power and Light Company. Jack D. Boggan, administra tive assistant to the director of the school of journalism at Louisiana State University, will become an instructor in Texas A&M’s Department of Journa lism in September. Boggan replaces Robert P. Knight, an assistant professor on leave to pursue doctoral stu dies at the University of Mis souri. JACK BOGGAN A 1960 graduate of Northeast Louisiana State College, Boggan for the past year has been as sistant director of the Louisiana Scholastic Press Association in addition to regular duties. He ©IBSOH’S SHOP GIBSON’S FOR YOUR HUNTING NEEDS. FEDERAL SHOTGUN SHELLS. i> t s iio u it # >c s n t £ it; 12 Ga. High Velocity $2.68 Box 12 Ga. Low Velocity $2.12 Box 16 Ga. High Velocity $2.32 Box 16 Ga. Low Velocity $1.97 Box 20 Ga. High Velocity $2.15 Box 20 Ga. Low Velocity $1.89 Box Special Good Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, August 12, 13, 14. ANCHOR HOCKING SAUCE PANS AND SKILLETS Sauce Pan, 1 Qt. Size Sauce Pan, ly* Qt. Size Sauce Pan, 2y> Qt. Size Skillet, 9” Skillet, lOi^” Handle $2.95 Value, Gibson’s Price $1.77 $3.50 Value, Gibson’s Price $1.99 $6.29 Value, Gibson’s Price $3.17 $4.95 Value, Gibson’s Price $2.66 $7.50 Value, Gibson’s Price $4.27 $2.25 Value, Gibson’s Price $1.27 7 PIECE TABLE SERVICE SET Anchor Hocking - Gift Carton. Salt, Pepper Shaker, Butter Dish/Cover, Sugar Bowl/ Cover, Creamer. No. 700-719 $2.75 Value, Gibson’s Price Flicker Vacuum Cleaner Bags For All Vacuum Cleaners. $1.00 Value, Gibson’s Price C AUTOMOTIVE ^||^j| P ' ' " DELUXE 670-15 Black Tube Type, Nylon $ 7.99 650-13 Black Tubeless, Nylon $ 8.99 750-14 Black Tubeless, Nylon $ 9.88 800-14 Black Tubeless, Nylon $10.88 670-15 Black Tubeless, Nylon $10.88 Whitewall Tires $2.00 Extra PREMIUM 650-13 Black Tubeless, Nylon $ 9.99 700-14 Black Tubeless, Nylon $11.33 750-14 Black Tubeless, Nylon $11.77 | 800-14 Black Tubeless, Nylon $12.97 | 850-14 Black Tubeless, Nylon $13.99 / 670-15 Black Tubeless, Nylon $11.44 Whitewall Tires $2.00 Extra SPORTS MASTER 560-15 Blackwall, Nylon $10.17 Whitewall Tires $2.00 Extra AH Tires Plus Federal Excise Tax. No Trade-in Required. All Tires mounted free at Bakers Ridgecrest Mobil Service Station. Gibson’s Lifetime Guarantee TUBES Passenger car tubes for 13”, 14”, 15” and 16” Tires. Gibson’s Low Price of $1.99 plus Fed. Exc. Tax. HARDWARE DEPT. C r MOW-N-CLEAN POWER MOWER 214 HP Tecumseh Engine. 19’ Cut. Hi-Lo Wheel Adjust ment. 14 Ga. Steel Deck. Throttle control on handle. Guaranteed for 1 Year. Model L-951. $49.95 Value. Gibson’s ROTARY POWER MOWER Push Type - Steel - 22” Cut. Model V-22-C $54.00 Value, Gibson’s Price 32.88 Gibson’s Price 31.44 k \ PLUMBER’S FRIEND 7” Rubber Plunger. Wood Handle. 75^ Value, Gibson’s Price Sergeants FLEA & TICK SPRAY 8-Oz Aerosal Spray Can $1.49 Value, Gibson’s Price ELEVATED ROTARY SPRINKLER 5 ft. Tall. Adjustable - Coverage up to 50 ft. Great for kids to play under and water lawn or garden. Like gentle soaking rain. No. 262. 3.27 $5.50 Value, Gibson’s Price LIGHT BULBS Handy 6-Pack includes 2 each 100-75-60 Watt 77c Bulbs. $1.25 Value, Gibson’s Price Ready for Painting! TRAY & ROLLER SET Complete 7” Roller with Cover and Tray. $1.25 Value, Gibson’s Price r -' W’X Boys Short Sleeve SHIRTS Tricolene & Duralene. Completely Wash & Wear Dress Shirt. Advertised in Playboy. White, Blue, Green & Yellow. Sizes 6 to 18. $3.95 Value, Gibson’s Price $1.88 Men’s Wellington ROUGHOUT BOOTS 8” Tops. Cork Rubber Sole. 100% Rough Leather uppers. Sizes 6 to 12. No. 1830 $10.95 Value, Gibson’s Price $7.58 SPORTING GOODS DEPT. HUNTING VEST With Game Bag and Cartridge Holder. No. 1055 $5.49 Value, Gibson’s Price 3 GUN RACK Holds 4 Guns. Made of selected grained hardwood. Felt lined grooves. Hanging Rings. Cherrywood hand finished in rich walnut. jm jm $3.98 Value, Gibson’s Price .^L»4 I 4 I -DRUGS- Aqua Net 13 Oz. HAIR SPRAY $1.50 Value 470 LuWane Nylon Reinforced MAGIC TURBAN $1.00 Value - 490 Woodbury 10 Oz. GOLDEN RICH SHAMPOO $1.00 Value 49c Puffs - Large Pack FACIAL TISSUES 27^ Value 180 Crest Family Size TOOTHPASTE 89^ Value 57^ 5 Oz. Burma Blockade Spray DEODORANT $1.00 Value 530 Giant Gillette Foamy SHAVE CREAM 98^ Value 570 6 Oz. Revlon Top Brass AFTER SHAVE LOTION $1.50 Value 830 4 Oz. Tube HA HAIR ARRANGER 79^ Value 480 14 Oz. Cepecol MOUTH WASH 97^ Value 570 Milkshake Flavor METRECAL 35^ Value 240 Aaua Velva After SHAVE LOTION 98^ Value 570 Florient Spray AIR FRESHNER 75^ Value 470 10-2 Ply Rolls BATH TISSUE 89^ Value 650 Large Size Reg. or Pine Scent LYSOL 99^ Value 630 Musculer Aches & Pains? DEEP HEAT RUB 89^ Value 630 50 Plastic Coated 7 Oz. PAPER CUPS 89^ Value 670 50 Striped Plastic DRINKING STRAWS 190 Value 130 New Charmin KITCHEN TOWELS 200 Sheets - 2 Roll Pack, 450 Value 330 SURF PANTS - TOPS - SHORTS - CAPRI Colors in Blue, Pink, Yellow & Green & Black. Sizes 8 to 18. Tops $3.25 Value, Gibson’s Price $1.37 Shorts $3.50 Value, Gibson’s Price $1.88 Surf Pants $4.00 Value, Gibson’s Price $1.98 Capri Pants $4.50 Value, Gibson’s Price $2.47 LADIES BLOUSES Assorted styles, patterns & colors. Sizes 30 to 38. Values to $4.95 1/2 OF GIBSON’S DISCOUNT PRICE CAMPUS BRIEFS mmmm will receive a master’s degree in journalism this summer at LSU. The new instructor taught journalism and supervised pub lications in the New Orleans public schools for three years. He also served as assistant state editor for the Columbia Broad casting System during the 1964 presidential election. Photography will be one of Boggan’s special teaching areas, announced Delbert McGuire, head of A&M’s Journalism De partment. While in the Army, Boggan compiled two filmstrips on the geography and culture of Korea. MSC Programs Adviser Named Harold (Hal) Gaines, a retired Army Lt. Col., has assumed du ties as student programs adviser for the Texas A&M Memorial Student Center. The native of Fort Worth, his wife and four children, will live at 119 Lee St., College Station. They are Episcopalians. Colonel Gaines’ most recent military assignment was in the office of the deputy chief of operations and training for the 4th Army in San Antonio. Among his tours of duty during the past 25 years were Germany, Turkey and China-Burma-India. ★ ★ ★ Dr. James H. Earle of Tex as A&M’s Department of En gineering Graphics was elected to the executive committee of a national engineering organiza tion. The associate professor’s ap pointment was announced this week by Howard Porch, presi dent of the Division of Engi neering Graphics, American So ciety of Engineering Educators. Earle will serve a three-year term as treasurer of the 1,500- member national group and as circulation manager for their three-times-yearly publication. The first of two short courses this month on theory and appli cation of symmetrical compo nents will be held Aug. 16-20. Professor Lewis M. Haupt Jr. of the electrical engineering de partment will direct the sessions. The second, the advanced unit is scheduled Aug. 30-Sept. 3. Approximately 20 engineers are expected for the first course. Nine are already registered for the second. Registrations have been re ceived form engineers with / ty firms, oil and petrochemig firms and the Amy Corps t Engineers from six states. They will study a mathemi cal method of analyzing elect cal circuit conditions. ★ ★ ★ Thirty-five security officials the Gary Job Corps Trainii Center in San Marcos will pcj ticipate in a 4-week taught by Texas A&M’s Poll Training Staff. The 40-hour school will bei August 23 at Camp Gary. The curriculum will incli juvenile control, factors in pervision, crowd control, crini nal and traffic law and pair methods and procedures. ★ ★ ★ Patrick T. McCoy of km Iowa, has been appointed a s search assistant in the Tea | Transportation Institute. Chrales J. Keese, TTI en tive officer, sai'd McCoy ri! work on highway illumination cooperative research for the Ta as Highway Department and Bureau of Public Roads. McCoy received the B. S, gree in civil engineering and is M.S. degree in transportations: gineering from Iowa State lie cersity. He is a member of Ik National Honor Society, Tauh ta Pi and Phi Kappa Phi, ★ ★ ★ | B. R. Lofgren of Houston k joined the Texas A&M neering Extension Service as 2 instructor in the Heavy Equip ment Operators School. Lofgreen will teach safety,pn ventative maintenance and op erating procedures to hesq equipment operators in counte throughout Texas. Meteorology Proj Directing Project Dr. William H. Clayton of Texas A&M works on a “jig saw puzzle’ w^th pieces that continually change their shape. This describes his approach to understand the parcels of air which form our atmosphere. “Such understanding is neces sary for push button weather forecasts,’’ Dr. Clayton said. He directs a research project at developing mathematical for mulas for electronic computer- produced weather forecasts. “This development is years in the future, he stressed, “but we’re working on it. We know a whole lot more than we did 10 years ago.” The A&M associate professor in the Department of Oceano- grophy and Meteorology is using detailed weather records as an aid in developing formulas. The jigsaw puzzle comes from a concept of the atmosphere as masses of air with different quali ties. Dr. Clayton and graduate students working with him pon der such questions as: The ther mometer registered 94-degrees at 10 a.m., but actually how much of the air had a tempera ture of 94 degrees ? How far did this formed? Detailed weather records used for mathematical models were made by a highly sophisticatel system at Cedar Hill, 10 mi south west of Dallas. This pto of the study is ended, and dati is recorded on reels of tape. The Army Signal Corps as National Science Foundaft sponsor the A&M research ject. Funding averages $1® 000 annually with about tit going for electronic compute time. Chinese Weddin; Here Next Weeli What may be the first Chines wedding ever to be held in tie All-Faiths Chapel is schedule for August 18 at 10 a.m. David Yang, A&M graduas student in civil engineering at Theresa Tien-Cheng, a gradua! student in education at Indian are the betrothed couple. Both are natives of National China and they met at the versity of Taiwan. Miss Tie: Cheng attended summer scW one session at A&M. A western ceremony is plannf- but a pre-nuptial dinner / feature the traditional red at gold color scheme of natfr Chinese weddings. Bulletin Board The Indian Students Associa tion will present a full length film from India with English sub-titles at 6 p.m. in the MSC Assembly Room Saturday. Its title is “Hum Dono” and stars Dev-Anand, Sadhana, and Nanda. Admission will be $1, and children will be admitted free. The Memorial Student Center Directorate will hold its last dance for the summer Monday in the MSC ballroom. It is a Bohemian dance featuring and the Brothers Seven. Adntf sion price is $1 and a door pri* will be given. Charles R. Cargill has » : | nounced a dinner to be b at 7:30 p.m. Friday in the M- Assembly Room in honor Carl Birdwell, retiring manap of the Exchange Store. The store manager ends L years service in the college sM on Sept. 1. Cargill vj field then assume sponsibility. the manager’s 1. Stock Your FREEZER To-Day. 2. From WINN’S Fancy Baby Beef 3. No Down Payment Up To 4 Mo’s. To Pay. WINN’S Are Open Sunday And Each Day 7 a. m. Till 10 p. m. M • f You Can’t Lose At Winn’s 1 Winn 5 Super Market 3800 TEXAS AVENUE BRYAN, TEXAS