Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1965)
Athletic Ticket Manager Woman 9 At A&M % Meanest Mrs. Mary Ruth Wilson is Known as the “meanest woman on the A&M campus.” I “I try to live up to the title,” chuckles the athletic ticket man ager for the Aggies. With her job goes enough headaches to de light an aspirin company. The biggest problem Mrs. Wil son faces is not having enough 60-yard line seats to answer the demand. I “If I were building the ideal stadium, I’d have revolving seats that make a coniplete circle around the stadium,” she ex plained. “That way, everyone in the stadium would be seated on the 50-yard line at one time or another.” Mrs. Wilson likes her work. It’s still a challenge, she says, even after 12 years. “People are pretty nice, gen erally,” she contends. “In all these years, I’ve had only one Ag Diamondmen Playing Ball • Fourteen Aggie baseballers, all irpo of whom return next spring, are playing in summer leagues or with independent amateur teams, competilil Outfielder Alan Koonce of Fort | Worth is playing with Valentine, March Neb while sophomore infielder At Pm l ou Camilli of El Paso and hurl- : years; er Tommy Chiles of Shreveport nd golf, are with Rapid City, S.D. the fall I Infielders Jeff Warren of Fort 18 , ee, j Worth and Ray Dickerson of rarsity b ij. ucson are both with New Al- bany, Ohio while soph catcher his jiuiij j Qe staples of Houston is play- ling with Springfield, 111. Two e fami c a d e ts are in Illinois — outfield- yant’s fhib. 1 er Lance Cobb of Fort Worth is in Galesburg and pitcher Billy Johnson of Bellville is in Peoria. Outfielder Chuck Malitz of Al buquerque is with Chatham, Mass., while infielder Mike Ar rington of Freeport is in Grand Junction, Colo. Bryan outfielder Neal Thompson is playing with Liberal, Kansas. Catcher Ralph Beckner and soph hurler Ken Perrin, both of Sherman, are playing in a Dallas amateur league while first base- man Billy Crain is playing ama teur ball in Houston, his home town. bow t iction 1, “Well, it there ck in on! undefeati ;ing a n le tie, Ft ! game, : rmer Em Fhey k ters Am lacklya, irk, 3, A&M the fral ryant tl as on I n seasoi ead coal m :n net, will Bears if I champ ;n one s had II out wi is A&M tied nee Larry quart' were like th de thoui the titl« sd to i gra» has k said sc romise ars beh 1! n decte about optimii “It CO" eason er tea" looked and tl hall it wif son ^ SOtf s al''' a l / win joutp** aid h* as si" : one -ed si 1 aylor ball i* that tl the b -nship" ootball ng ^ aid bf, .pionsl" inters coul<l oung 1 ylor 1 chest ^ ,ot ach^^’ “It but b' am 6 ' ill HOWDY!- A Big Aggie Howdy, that is, to all of you athletes here for the Sports Spectacular ENJOY YOUR VISIT here on what we consider the campus of the finest school in the world. We’re glad to have you here. GOOD LUCK to all of you in the events you are participating in. WE ENCOURAGE YOU, in your free time, to look over our campus thoroughly. Take a close look. You may want to come to school here some day. We did (’32) and we liked it. (Still do.) STOP BY our store during the next few days, say you would like to know more about A&M, and we’ll be happy to supply you with facts, information, and traditional stories about a school known the world ’round for its rich history. AND IF YOU WANT A MOMENTO of your visit to A&M, we have Aggie sweatshirts and tee-shirts, A&M auto decals in all sizes and shapes. Cadet slouch book covers, and a variety of other things to commemorate a visit of which you have every right to be proud. IF YOU ARE COMING TO A&.M, stop by and let Lou tell you how to re serve your textbooks in advance and save money on used books. AND WELCOME, once again to all of you. loupot's N. Gate ‘Just ask an Aggie, he’ll tell you.” College Station customer who looked like he would love to clip me one.” Mrs. Wilson’s eight-month a year job begins long before foot ball season. When ducats for A&M home games come from the printer, she counts every one of the 40,000 tickets. Ticket applications, 54,000 of them, were mailed this week (July 1). Drawings will be held in August to determine the order in which applications will be filled. Tickets will be mailed September 1. This may be a big year for football ticket sales at A&M, Mrs. Wilson believes. “A coaching change stimulates ticket sales. Fans want to see the Stallings’ look,” she predicts. Gene Stallings became head foot ball coach this year. Mrs. Wilson goes along with the theory that winning is the thing in football. “Interest is created by win ning,” she commented, “Ticket sellers work their brains out at mid-season if the team is win ning.” A native of Bryan, Mrs. Wil son refers to herself as a “dyed- in-the-wool” Aggie fan. THE BATTALION Thursday, July 8, 1965 College Station, Texas Page 7 I notes 8 and QUOTES AGGIE RETURNEES Quarterback Eddie McKaughan, junior from San Benito and halfback Lloyd Curington, j unior from Houston, appear ready to fire up the Texas A&M offense in 1965. Curing- ton was A&M’s leading rusher last year while McKaughan won the starting role at quarterback about midseason. Phil Scoggin, the Denison, Tex., booter, set an A&M one-game punting record last season against SMU when he averaged 47.7 yards on seven kicks . . . He’ll be a senior next fall. . . . Three Aggies of next year will attempt to make it in proball. Tackle Ray Gene Hinze with the Buffalo Bills, tackle Bobby Evans with the San Diego Chargers and quarterback Dan Mcllhany with the Los Angeles Rams. . . . Aggie baseball signee Bob Arnold of El Paso Austin recently was named the top schoolboy baseball player in Texas by the Amarillo Chamber of Commerce. . . . Other Aggie athletes who won the same honor in their sports include Randy Matson of Pampa in track, pitcher Ken Perrin of Sherman in baseball, Jimmie Lenox of League City in basketball and Ronnie Peret of Plainview in basketball. . . . Arnold, a southpaw and Walter Varvel, right-handed hurler from Consolidated A&M, College Station, are the only two recruits signed by A&M baseball coach Tom Chandler. . . . The Aggie baseball boss, incidentally, will lecture at the New Mexico High School Coaching School in Albuquerque the first week in August. ... A&M track coach Charley Thomas has inked these cinder prospects: sprinter Larry McCartney of Seguin, a transfer from Victoria Junior College; distance runner Mike Synard of Mobile, Ala.; vaulter Kenny Walker of White House, Tex.; distance runner John Heffner of Beaumont South Park; sprinter Bill Lowery of Carlsbad, N. M.; hurdler Richard Ball and halfmiler Richard Key, both of Arlington, Tex., and high jumper Jim Brown of Bishop, Tex. . . . “WHERE YOU ALWAYS BUY THE BEST FOR LESS” <alBS0N’S DISCCXUNT CENTiH SEMI-ANNUAL Specials Good Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, July 8, 9, 10. DRUGS Gillette White Rain HAIR SPRAY $1.50 Value New Halo SHAMPOO $1.39 Value Stripe Family Size TOOTHPASTE 89^ Value Right Guard Family Size DEODORANT $1.49 Value Large 12 Oz. DIPPITY-DO $2.25 Value All Prices Plus Tax Where Applicable. TENTS HETTRICK WATKINS GLEN No. 645 Heavy Duty Tent with Aluminum Frame, Full Zipper Door, Nylon Screen Windows, Snake & Insect Guards, Arctic Seal Dry Waterproofed Finish, Sewed-in Floor, Zipper Operated Storm Curtain. 8’ X 9’ 10” Size. Center V 2”. Walls 5’. $129.90 Value, Gibson’s Price49.99 ROSCO MAJESTIC No. 586 9’ X 12’ $62.95 Value, Gibson’s Price3 9.8 3 AUTO TENT No. 595 7’ 3” X 7’ 3” X 6’ $29.95 Value, Gibson’s Price ...1 8.66 MICFUN Micrin ANTISEPTIC 98£ Value Liquid METRECAL 35? Value Mennen Sof’ Stroke SHAVE CREAM 98^ Value Noxzema SKIN CREAM 98^ Value Score Large Tube HAIR DRESSING 98^ Value Econmy Size POLIDENT $1.00 Value 60 Tablets EXCEDRIN 93^ Value CASCADE SKIS Fiberglassed Mahagony Combo - Slalom Com - . bination - The Finest Quality Ski on the Market. $60.00 Value, Gibson’s Price 27.77 All BASEBALL GLOVES Values to $19.95 33*4 % OFF OUR DISCOUNT PRICE. HELLBENDER LURES For Casting, Spinning, Trolling. Small Sizes. Large & 59c $1.25 Value, Gibson’s Price .... PLASTIC GOLF TUBES Protect your clubs from scratches while in bag. and nicks 19^ Value, Gibson’s Price .... 11c Magic Mushroom BOAT ANCHORS Fill with sand. 1.88 $3.95 Value, Gibson’s Price .... NORELCO BEAUTY SACHET. $24.95 Value, Gibson Price $15.66 Men’s NORELCO CORDLESS SHAVER Floating heads swivel to fit your face. Rotary blades never pinch or pull. Self sharpening surgical steel blades. Battery operated - Shave anywhere - anytime. Model 20C. $19.95 Value, Gibson’s Price $11.88 FERTILIZER Provides every nutrient needed for every thing that grows. Lawns - Trees - Shrubs - Flowers - Garden. Phillips ‘66’ - 80 lb. bag $1.99 Vigoro-All Purpose-50 lb. bag .. $1.77 Vigoro-All Purpose-80 lb. bag .. $2.55 Vigoro-Without Dieldrin-80 lb. bag $2.97 Vigoro-With Dieldrin-80 lb bag $3.38 Senator Garden TILLERS Powerful engines. Easy spin starting. Power reverse. Deluxe timken gear case, Heavy-Duty bolo tires with variable tilling widths. Heavy steel construction. Four popular models to choose from: Senator 117-3 HP Briggs & Stratton Engine $119.95 Value Gibson’s Price $74.88 Senator 400 - 4 HP Briggs & Stratton Engine $169.95 Value Gibson’s Price $97.88 Senator Super - 4 HP Briggs & Stratton Engine $180.95 Value Gibson’s Price $107.44 Senator Workhorse Deluxe - SHP Tecumseh Engine $219.95 Value Gibson’s Price $144.88 22-inch Rotary Power MOWER 3'/ 2 HP, 4 cycle, Clinton Engine. Remote Control Throttle. Fully Warranted. Model V22C. Similar to illustration. M $54.00 Value, Gibson’s Price £ "fr. # # Redmond Terrace SHOPPING CENTER College Station Highway 6 South Open 9 a. m. To 8 p. m. LADIES SWIM SUITS Closing out our ladies swim suits. A large assortment of Knits, Stretch Nylon, Orion and accetate, cotton & rubber. One and two piece suits. Assorted colors and prints. Values from $9.50 to $19.95. Vi OFF DISCOUNT PRICE Men & Boy’s WESTERN STRAW HATS Texas Western - Roll the brim as you like it. Nice assortment. $2.98 Values Gibson’s Price $1.47 $3.50 Values Gibson’s Price $1.99 $4.50 Values Gibson’s Price $2.88 LADIES ITALIAN STRAW HANDBAGS Your choice at Vi OUR DISCOUNT PRICE. FIRESTONE SHREDDED FOAM Large 16 oz. bag. 75^ Value Gibson’s Price .... 33^ STATIONERY Stuart Hall Crushed Bond STATIONERY 80 sheets - 40 Envelopes. Choice of Pink, White or Blue. $1.29 Value Gibson’s Price 75£ Box NOTEBOOK PAPER Wide and marginal ruled. 2 Hole. 300 sheets. 98£ Value Gibson’s Price .... 31 £ HOUSEWARES Silex Drink Mixer BLENDERETTE Chrome Base with heavy glass top. Model 2004-9. Similar to illustration. $14.79 Value Gibson’s Price $7.99 Swing-A-Way ICE CRUSHER Table type. Holds 4 ice cubes. Cup hold ice from 2 full trays. Crush ice fine or course. Choice of white or colored crusher. Model 1909. $9.95 Value Gibson’s Price $5.99 10” Teflon FRY PAN No Stick - No Scrub. $2.98 Value Gibson’s Price $1.44 AUTOMOTIVE GIBSON DELUXE NYLON TIRES Not rated 4-Ply — But a true 4-ply tire. No trade-in Necessary. All Gibson Tires carry a lifetime GUARANTEE. 750-14 Tubeless Blackwall $25.50 Value Gibson’s Price $9.99 800-14 Tubeless Blackwall $30.05 Value Gibson’s Price $10.66 $2.00 extra for Whitewall All tires plus Federal Excise Tax. BON-AIRE PORTABLE COOLER $65.00 Value Gibson’s Price $34.88 Gibson’s Heavy Duty INNER TUBES 13-14-15-16 inch sizes $3.50 Value Gibson’s Price $1.66 CAMERA Imperial LARK 127 CAMERA Makes 12 jumbo size prints. Color or Black & White. Guaranteed for 1 year. $5.50 Value Gibson’s Price $3.66 New KEYSTONE SENSITRON ELECTRIC EYE CAMERA with Load-A-Matic. Zoom lense - Pistol Grip - Coupled View finder. Guaranteed one full year. Model K-825. $139.95 Value Gibson’s Price $114.77 FREE WITH PURCHASE OF ABOVE CAMERA - $14.95 Light and $11.95 Case. New KEYSTONE AUTOMATIC ZOOM PROJECTOR. Slow motion - Threads itself - Zoom lens - Powerful lamp - Selectro-Matic Controls - Room Switch. Guaranteed one full year. $139.95 Value Gibson’s Price $99.99