The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 01, 1965, Image 8
Page 8 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Thursday, July 1, 1965 New Net Courts Will Be Built The Texas A&M Board of Di rectors has authorized the con struction of four new tennis courts to be built on the campus for intercollegiate competition. According to Omar Smith, Ag gie tennis coach, the actual site of the courts has not been offi cially endorsed, but surveys have shown that the best location would be southeast of G. Rollie White Coliseum between the drainage ditch and Houston Street. This location was chosen be cause of the wind protection af forded the courts by the gym, trees and slope of the land. Other advantages of this site are ade quate parking areas, student ac cessibility, closeness of dressing rooms and a quiet atmosphere for maximum concentration. “If the new Laykold courts are installed in the prospective drain age area they will, without a doubt, have the best setting of any court in the conference,” re marked Smith. A three-foot fence will sur round the tournament - designed courts which are to be recessed five feet below the ground level, thus giving a stadium effect to the bleachers along the north end of the courts. In addition to varsity contests the new asphalt base courts will be restricted to exhibition and other supervised matches. “I feel that these new tennis courts are quite an asset to our ^tennis program in that they have become a decisive morale booster as far as our present team is concerned,” Smith said. “I also think that they will greatly help our recruiting pro gram.” Smith estimated the cost of the courts at $20,000, exclusive of the cost of the stands. Construction will begin this summer and should be completed by fall. California Paper Says AAU Has Selected Matson Football Ducat Orders Now Being Taken More than 50,000 order blanks are being mailed from the Texas A&M athletic business office this week to launch the 1965 Aggie football ticket sales campaign. The priority groups that get order blanks this week include option holders, Aggie Club mem bers, A&M students, all former students, faculty members, uni versity employes and all 1964 season ticket holders. A&M Athletic Business Mana ger Pat Dial said that total mail ing will be approximately 54,000. The priority sales will last all through the month of July. The Aggies have four home games—Houston, Oct. 9; Baylor, Oct. 23; SMU, Nov. 6 and Texas, Nov. 25. Orders also will be taken for all of the A&M road games— LSU, Sept. 18; Georgia Tech, Sept. 25; Texas Tech, Oct. 2; TCU, Oct. 16; Arkansas, Oct. 30 and Rice, Nov. 13. OPEN YOUR ACCOUNT NOW! 4VW Per Annum Paid Quarterly on INSURED SAVINGS AT FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION 2913 Texa* Ave. BUNGLED A BANQUET LATELY? You have Ramada's sympathies. That’s why we set up our Banquet Planning Service ... to avoid the hundred or so “disasters" possible at any group’s important banquet meeting. Ramada Inn banquets are perfect simply because Ramada has the Mow-how. Never go through a do-it-yourself “bungled banquet” again. Let Ramada make your next feast a fiesta ... not a J*2Sco! RAMADA INN Cxitcunjn fon, LojIA FOR COMFLETB-INFORM ATI ON Call Ramada’s Banquet Planning Division — Ramada Inn. 846-8811 LOS ANGELES <A>)—Randy Matson, holder of the world shot- put record, has been selected for the U. S. track and field team that will meet Russia July 31- Aug. 1 in Kiev, despite his fail ure to compete in last weekend’s AAU championships, the Los An geles Times said Tuesday. The Texas A&M sophomore set the world mark of 70 feet, 7 inch es earlier this year, but had to pass up both the NCAA and the AAU championships due to knee trouble. The Times said that AAU of ficials will announce their deci sion to add Matson to the team later this week, but that he will not unseat the two athletes who qualified Sunday. John McGrath of the Pasadena, Calif. Athletic Association won the event with a throw of 63 feet. David Mag- gard of the Santa Clara Valley, Calif. Youth Village was second at 62-3 y2. It was not clear whether Mat son’s position on the team would be contingent upon his demon strating he could better Mc Grath’s mark at a meet before July 31. Summer Action Well Underway In Intram arals MANTLE’S PAIN-FILLED MOMENT Often-injured Mickey Mantle of the New Injury takes place during game with Kansas York Yankees has mouth wide in shout of City A’s, whose pitcher Fred Talbdt is tag- pain as he pulls muscle trying to reach home ging Mantle out. Injury sent Mantle to the from second on passed ball in New York, bench. (AP Wirephoto) 2 Schoolboy Athletes Sign Texas A&M signed an all- state schoolboy pitcher and a champion pole vaulter during last week’s recruiting action. Bob Arnold, a lefthander from El Paso Austin, led his team to the semifinals this year in 4A baseball. He has been all-district for the past three years and made the all-state nine this year. Arnold remained undefeated during district play and finished the season with 14-1 record, fan ning 92 opponents in 54 innings, while walking only eight. On the road to the semifinals he started in two games. In the first against Lubbock Monterey he pitched a shutout to win 1-0, Returning the very next evening he again stopped the team from Lubbock cold at 1-0. In these two games he struck out 46 men in a total of 22 innings. His overall ERA was 0.39. The eighth A&M track recruit is Kenny Walker. Walker, from Whitehouse, Texas won the class B state championship this year. He is 5-10, weighs 160 and has an all-time best of 14-6. The summer intramural pro gram at Texas A&M is now in full swing. Competition will be held in softball, bowling, and golf, a lim ited program in comparison with some in the past. W. L. Penber- thy, Intramural Director for the summer, said the outlook was due to insufficient participation. Softball has two six-team leagues that play Monday through Thursday at 6:30 and 8 p.m. on the lighted softball dia mond across from the Grove After the winner of each league has been determined, they will play each other for the cham pionship of the first session. Also competing Monday through Thursday are the four bowling teams. Each team is comprised of three men. At pres ent the teams are vying in a two- round round robin competition with play starting at 6 p.m. in the MSC. The latest standings in the competitions: *■ Softball League A Vets 2 3-0 Bio-Chem 1-1 P.E. Majors 1-1 Dorm 19 1-2 Dorm 20 1-2 Hensel 1-2 League B Vets 1 2-1 Dorm 15 2-1 Dorm 22 2-1 College View 2-2 Henderson 1-2 Statistics 1-3 Bowling Dorm 20 4-0 Dorm 22 3-1 Dorm 19 2-3 By HERKY I COPENHAG For golf enthusiasts tet Aggies, life doubles and singles ton| Co T pe i nhage ,f ’, C ment presently under way, I haven’t lo airline ticket y |ly 6’ x 10’ apj sire of Bold L little book alk Bold Ruler, won 23 of 33 races and W# athe town tr , . . _ wherever I w in his racing career. In 195! was ninth on the money list. in my radio yet. I have from six ‘till All of my New Jersey’s thoroughbred: * ve 9 ust disco will have 168 racing dayst|f ry ’ ^^ ery ’ ; complete wit y ear * I : 1 can say “I ifferent lanj Mrs. Dorothy Hartsfield, yriftl , ,, lyr r Moi, a warm bath H artsfie n’t ice cold). Route 3, Brl And to top enrolled for|* date toni l typing couraB McKenzie-Eif win Busin | College, alt wards adl 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Bio-Chem 0-5 the bookkee;.: course. Shi I empiO; 1 as a ssista bookkeeper A. M. Wall: j & Company, Rita Hardin, daughter of Mrs. - : cille Hardir. Volume Houston granddaui of Mr. Gomez, Sr. | Bryan, is employed all Data Procesil Center at A:| University, E| completed High Sell t r ai ningf Houston bell taking the I El Key Pun course at ) Kenzie - Bi 1 win Busk By LA College. Her mother, Lucille ^ p mez Hardin, received her bush |L e training at McKenzie-Baldwirui * 0r anothe notice? GET SET FOR THE FOURTH OF JULY With $2.50 or More Purchase Edwards. All Grinds [3-Lb. Can... $1.45 ] Gelatin Assorted Flavors. (Limit 8 Please) 3-oz. Pkg. Coffee Jell-Well Sliced Peaches Pork & Beans Pepsi-Cola (I0£ off label) Val Vita- No. 2Vi Can Van Camp. No. 300 Can (Highway... 10 for $1.00) With $2.50 or More Purchase Beverage. King Size (Plus Deposit) Canned Milk Carnation evaporated—M'/z-oz. Can 6 f °89* Golden Com Del Monte cream style—No. 303 Can 5 for$ l Zippy Pickles Whole Sour, Dill, or Dill Kosher—-48-oz. Jar B Ice Tea Canterbury Blend—Pig. 49* Beverages Crogmont Assorted Flavors—Qt. Bottle 10< Paper Plates Bondwore White 9^—100-Count Pk^ 59* Bryan Stores Closed Sunday & Monday July 4th & 5th (§) This Coupon Worth 25 Free Gold Bond Stamps Plus your r.gut.rly e«rn«d Gold Bend Stamp* with tha purchaia of Twa Haadf ICEBERG LETTUCE Coupon Expirai July 3, IMS. ($ This Coupon Worth 100 Free Gold Bond Stamp* Flu* your roqularly oamad Gold Bond Stamp* with tha i purchaia at 3-Lb. Chub-Fob .GROUND BEEP Coupon Eiplra* July 3, IMS. & This Coupon Worth 75 ree Gold Bond Stompn Flu* your roqularly aarnad Gold Bond Stamp? with tha purchaia of THREE—10-ox. Fockoqoc Bol -air Fro sob ^ SLICED STRAWBERRIES 0 ^ Coupon Expira* July 3, IMS. pj Yes, you Pie like m and roma; ockets. We set picnics an wents wa- he ball i We did flag on < hink of hat man merican And ol hack and ludependf no percet to think ($ This Coupon Worth 50 Free Gold Boad Stompn Flu* your roqularly aarnad Gold Boqd Stamp* with tha purchaia of TWO—1-lb. Cortona Sunaybaak CORN OIL MARGARINE Coupon Expira* July 3, IMS. TEXAS: MONEZ GAME WAYS TO WIN v 11 ■ ■ ■ Rules per No need Secure -your free ca jnd or from any *t< than meat depart: and their immedij You must be IS Money. On#_ free card per itora visit. No purchase required, stand. Sec checkstand or from any *tore employee other snt. Safeway employee* 1. Texas Money Bills Save and Win 312 to 31313. Save your TEXAS MONEY and Exchange it for cash when you have the exact amount*. No More —No Lets, os listed below: 2. Texas Jackpot Bills purch to paj* through check- rd at either end of to receive Texa WIN UP TO $1313 CASH! Texas Money $ 12.00 $ 34.00 $ 46.00 $ 58.00 $ 115.00 $ 309.00 $ 511.00 $1313.00 receives receives receives receives receives receives receives receives Real Hard Cash $ 12.00 $ 34.00 $ 46.00 $ 58.00 $ 115.00 $ 309.00 $ 511.00 $1313.00 Watch for the $100,000.00 Jackpot Bill to U exchanged for a Special Prize. Three easy way* to win in the Texa* Money Game...TEXAS MONEY BILLS, TEXAS JACKPOT BILLS, and TEXAS BONDS. Only bonafide TEXAS MONEY iisued by Safeway Store*, Inc., will be honored. Any combination of Texa* Bills that xch tha above amount can be exchange. add up to d for cash. 3. Texas Bonds Win from $ I to $ 13 13 by saving TEXAS BONDS. Get them at your friendly Safeway Stores. Finger Lickin’ Good... Spareribs Pork. 3 to 5-Lb. Average. Fire up the Charcoal and enjoy your favorite cook-out foods. Treat the family to a barbecue. Sirloin Steak Watermelons pretty i document tetter. Yes, I’ That wj tion of 'With gei expresse clever dreamed sharpies France Posing By si Up they and his commit That’s about. I ha ferentl but th who h thorou on wh; It’s now tc tion o: really Somel of mi an id( earth It’s you f reallj Whole 22-Lb. Average. Treat the fanrufy to a watermelon feast. So cool ana refreshing they'll love it— Each 49* Clipped. Fresh, Tender and Juicy. Treat tna entire family tonight. (B«g of 5 doxan $2.59) Full of Flavor. U.S.DA. Choice Grade Heavy Beef—Lb. (Boneless Top Sirloin—Lb. $1.69) T-Bone Steak Or Club. U.S.DA. Choice Grade Heavy Beef—Lb. 95* 05 This Coup** Worth 50 Gwld B*bb« Stamp* Flu* your regularly aarnad Gold- Bond Stamp* with th* purcha** of TWO—Half Gallaa Cartooa Lacarao Orange, Grape, or PUNCH DRINK Coupon Expire* July 3, I til. Frice* mi Fresh Com Sunkist Lemons d Cexpoa* Effective Thar*.. Fri. aad Bet., July 1, l oad 3, in. Bryan., W# Reserve the Right to Limit Quantitie*. No Sale* to Dealer*. 1(M5< E a f ^ 9 Kt. 649* SAFEWAY some their Bran York Bu causi year then a mi wars foug S< tion the for out woi bod the the cal sqv 1 am boi OcorrmoHT itet, BArtwAV aTORia, incortokatio a