THE BATTALION Page 2 College Station, Texas Thursday, April 1, 1965 Today we delve into the Halls of Knowledge for an interview with Professor Gotta Teachum. CAVE: Professor Teachum, I understand you have been with this institution for more than 40 years. TEACHUM: Yes, I have been here for more than 40 years. I’ve even been here for more than 50 years. CAVE: What would you con sider your greatest contribution to education? TEACHUM: Teaching Aggies the cultural things of life. CAVE: What sort of “cultural things ? ” TEACHUM: Well, once I re member organizing a panty raid on Allen Academy. Then there was the time I treated my stu dents to a beer bust on the Brazos River. Oh, yeah, (chuckle, chuc kle) one time we even set fire to the president’s home. CAVE: And just how do you imagine these events have help ed your students? TEACHUM: Helped ’em! Hell, they didn’t help ’em none. Ag gies don’t wanna be helped. They don’t come here to be helped; they want an education. So that’s what I try to give ’em — a well-rounded education. At least I used to. CAVE: Used to? TEACHUM: Yeah. Nowadays things are different. I’m get ting older and there’s a new breed of students today. CAVE: How would you describe this “new breed?” TEACHUM: Well, back in the old days there was more hell raising. Today everybody seems to be interested in academic ex cellence. Now there’s an over used phrase. But anyway, every body’s interested in it. CAVE: What else have you contributed to the advancement of education at A&M? TEACHUM: Pop quizzes. CAVE: How did this advance education ? TEACHUM: Pop quizzes keep Aggies on their toes. Also, it helps improve their vocabulary. CAVE: Improve their vocabu lary? TEACHUM: Sure! You’ve no idea some of the words I’ve heard when I announce a pop quiz. CAVE: Well, uh, yeah I guess so. Now, sir, what do you ex pect to contribute in the next few years. TEACHUM: Nothing. CAVE: Certainly you don’t mean that. TEACHUM: Sure I do. Man, I’ve been contributing for over 50 years. I’m gonna start re ceiving in the next few years. CAVE: You mean receive the benefits from younger instruc tors ? TEACHUM: Oh, no. I mean receive retirement pay. I’m an old man. CAVE: Surely in your many years of teaching, you have ac quired a pet peeve. Would you mind telling me what it is? TEACHUM: Oh, it’s no secret. Any of my students could tell you that I despise whispering in class. I don’t care if they talk, you understand. I just don’t like anyone whispering. I mean if someone has something to say, I want to hear it. That’s just a standing rule in my classes. You’d be surprised of some of the good jokes I’ve heard by enforc ing that rule. Want to hear some of ’em ? CAVE: I don’t think we have any more time. Just one more question: If you could relive your life, what one thing would you change ? TEACHUM: I’d go to college. Then maybe I could be an admin istrator. They make all the good money. Bulletin Board THURSDAY Chemistry Graduate Student Wives Club will meet at 8 p.m. at the Sheer Beauty Salon, 3613 Texas Ave. in Bryan. Galveston Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Brooks Room of the YMCA Building. San Angelo-West Texas Home town Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3-B of the Memorial Student Center. Wichita Falls Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Biological Sciences Building. Laredo Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 2-D of the MSC. Mid-County Hometown Club will meet in Room 206 of the Academic Building at 7:30 p.m. Abilene Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 208 of the Academic Building. Bay Area Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 125 of the Academic Building. Pasadena Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Social Room of the MSC. I SMORGASBORD PAN AMERICAN WEEK COMMITTEE’S LATIN AMERICAN SMORGASBORD All the popular Latin American Foods APRIL 13—5 to 7:30 P.M. M. S. C. BALLROOM Tickets now on sale M. S. C. FINANCE CENTER $2.25 Tickets will be sold only until 5 P.M. April 6. THE BATTALION Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the student writers only. The Battalion is a non tax-supported, non-profit, self-supporting educational enterprise edited and operated by students as a university and community news paper and is under the supervision of the director of Stu dent Publications at Texas A&M University. Members of the Student Publications Board are James L. Lindsey, chairman ; Robert Knight, College of Arts and Sciences; J. G. McGuire, College of Engineering; Dr. Page Morgan, College of Agriculture; and Dr. R. S. Titus, College of Veterinary Medicine. The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A&M is published in College Sta tion, Texas daily except Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, and holiday periods, Septem ber through May, and once a week during summer school. 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