r » activity e concerned maintenance ouragement, that can be is April 2. Picnic,” and tr a” will be think now : to try the setter come it that there lighters that lead of you, rty igh eral govern- . Rep. John id that Gov. on was ap- i Republican ylvania’s an- apparently e questioned . Russell B. 5 Boggs, as- Souse Demo- id seven of officers and named by leithen were L Democratic SfD E ISTS tyholders dividend i Mutual's Nineout ive saved over the m's pres nakes the nce lower r compa* ite. details IER ’40 I :.s.c. [. Schulz Army Sets Up Scholarship Program 2 Year, 4 Year ROTC Students JTo Benefit The Department of the Army has announced a college ROTC scholarship program beginning in September 1965, which will pro vide financial assistance to 1,000 qualified students. The program is conducted in 247 colleges and universities throughout the country and pro duces over 10,000 officers each year for the Army. Scholarships are being added to this program for the first time this year in view of the importance of the ROTC program to the Army. Authorized by the recently en acted Public Law 88-647, the ROTC vitalization act of 1964, four-year scholarships will be awarded to 400 students and two- year scholarships to 600 students. Four-year scholarships will be granted to individuals who are entering college for the first time. Two-year scholarships will be awarded to selected college stu dents completing the second year of the four-year Army ROTC program. The Army will pay these stu dents $50 a month plus their tui tion, textbooks and laboratory fees for attendance at colleges with four-year ROTC programs. Payment of $50 a month will be made from the date the scholar ships begin until graduation, to include summer months except for one six-week summer train ing camp where the student will be paid at the rate of $120.60 per month, plus transportation. Applications must be made dur ing April and postmarked not later than May 1. Students ap plying for the two-year scholar ship program will do so with the Professor of Military Science] Those applying for the four-year scholarship program may do so with the Commanding General, Fourth United States Army, ATTN: AKARF-U, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, 78234. Final selections will be made by the Department of the Army. Ap plicants will be notified during July as to whether or not they have been selected. Upon graduation from college and the successful completion of their Army ROTC studies, the scholarship students are required to accept, if offered, either a regular or reserve commission as a second lieutenant and to serve at least four years an active duty with the Army. To be eligible for these scholar ships, an applicant must be a male U. S. citizen who meets the prescribed physical standards. He must also enlist in the Army Reserve for six years at the time he accepts the scholarship. The four-year applicant must be between 17 and 21 years of age on June 30, 1965. The two- year applicant must be under 23 years of age on June 30, 1965, and must be a cadet in good standing in the second year of his Army ROTC training. Applicants for a four-year scholarship may attend any school for which he qualifies and which offers the four-year Army ROTC course. He must pursue a course of study leading to a baccalaureate degree. 3 Aggies Awarded Atomic Grants Heriberto Plaza-Rosaro and Dav id Clifton of A&M are among the outstanding college science stu|- dents named to receive Atomic Energy Commission graduate fel lowships in 1965-66. The pair and a Californian plan to hold the fellowships at A&M. He is Philip Heintz, now at California Poly- technical Institute. The 247 appointments were made under the Atomic Energy Com mission program in nuclear sci ence and engineering. The Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies administers the national program. The students were chosen by a fellowship board from more than 650 applicants. Appointees attend the school of their choice from among 69 de signated colleges and universities and work toward the masters de gree or doctorate. Texas A&M offers MS and doc toral studies in nuclear engineer ing. BATTALION CLASSIFIED — WANT AD RATES One dar 44 per word it per word each additional day Minimum charge—50c DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before publication Classified Display 90c P e r column inch each insertion FOR SALE ——— '63 Volkswagen, Deluxe, white, radio, heater, vinyl interior. Call 846-7841 after i:00 p. m. 160t3 1960 Triumph, sports car, good condition, 101 Fairview, 846-5504. 160tfn 1953 Studebaker, $75.00, 846-5133 after i;00. 159tfn TOP SOIL Good rich top soil, (no grass burs). Call TA 2-3980. tfn FOR RENT VICTORIAN APARTMENTS Midway between Bryan & A&M University $ All G. E. electric built-ins # 1 & 2 bedrooms with 1 or 1% baths # Central heat & air § Large walk-in closets $ Beautiful courtyard with swimming pool 9 Carpets & Drapes % carports & laundry facilities 9 Furnished or unfurnished # Resident manager, Apt. 1 401 Lake Phone 822-2035 154tfn Large, redecorated, furnished efficiencies, 150.00 per month. Bills paid. 4000 College fain. 135tfn Furnished one bedroom apartment near j’niversity, $75.00 month. Call James C. imith Co. TA 2-0557. 126tfn HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th TA 2-2819 DAMAGED and UNCLAIMED FREIGHT (New Merchandise) Furniture, Appliances, Bedding, Tables, etc. A little of everything. C & D SALVAGE E. 32nd & S. Tabor TA 2-0605 GIL’S RADIO & TV Sales: Curtis Mathis, Westinghouse Service: All makes and models, including color T. V. & multiplex F M 2403 S. College TA 2-0826 CHILD CARE FRENCH’S REGISTERED NURSERY No. 2 opening April 1, 110 Royall Street, just across from Triangle restaurant, % acre of fenced playground, all new equipment. Hot meals, supervised play, morning play, experienced staff. Daily, Weekly, Monthly rates. Mrs. Jimmy Hays, Director. Mrs. Darwood French, Owner. Come by and talk with us or call 822-0391 or 846-6044. 159t4 Experienced Child Care, 8 to 5, 846-6536. 149tfn Equipped and experienced in large home with big back yard fenced, 846-8608. 147tfn HUMPTY DUMPTY NURSERY, 3404 South College, State Licensed. TA 2-4803, Virginia D. Jones, R. N. 99tfn Child care with experience. Call for information, VI 6-8151. 54tfn FEMALE HELP WANTED Cashier and counter help, Randy Sims Barbecue House, 846-8016. 159t4 SPECIAL NOTICE SUL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300 A.F. & A.M. Called meeting Thursday, Entered on Fel- April 1, at 7 :00 p. m. „ Apprentice Examinatio lowcraft Degree. 'N. X John Huff, V W.M. Joe Woolket, Secy. 160t2 Save up to 40% on auto parts, tires, batteries, seat covers, mufflers, tail pipes and accessories. SEE WHITE AUTO STORE, College Station, 846-5626. Any student" wishing to place a 1964 Aggieland in his high school library may do so by contacting the Student Publica tions Office, Room 4, Y.M.C.A. basement. Only a limited supply available. Will be given in order requested. 155tfn Working lady wants to share apartment with same. 846-6304. 151tfn Bi-City, Ink—Complete typing and print ing service. 1001 S. College. TA 2-1921. 85t20 TYPING SERVICE-MULTILITH PRINT ING, thesis-dissertations-yearbook-brochures -term papers-business letters-job resume applications-blank forms, etc. REPRODUC TION : Copy negatives and prints-lantern slides - paper masters - metal plates-custom pho*o finishing. Camera and movie pro jectors repair service. PHOTOGRAPHY. J. C. Glidewell’s PHOTO LAB. TA 3-1693. 2007 S. College Ave., Bryan. 12tfn SOSOLIK'S T. V., Radio, Phono., Car Radio Transistor Radio Service 713 S. Main TA 2-1911 JOB OPPORTUNITIES LOOKING FOR VACATION EMPLOYMENT? Dude Ranches, Mountain Resorts Etc. For Inf. Write Rocky Mtn. P.O. Box 87, Kearney, Nebraska, Send Self Stamped Envelope. LOOK! LOOK! Make your old sewing machine equal to the new, latest, automattic sewing machine on the market today, with the Sew Magic Kit. Complete with easy to use instructions for only $1.29. 1. Sews on Buttons and Snaps 2. Makes Buttonholes 3. Sews in Zippers 4. Overcasts 5. Embroiders 6. Appliques 7. Plain and Fancy Sewing Quilting 8. Zig Zags 9. Patches and Darns I Sir, I wish to order the SEAMSTRESS SEWMAGIC AID. I I I understand there is a 10 day money back guarantee. Please . I find enclosed $1.29 cash, check or money order. Name of my machine is Name Age | Name Address City and State Box 1726 TRI-STATE ADVERTISERS Ardmore, Oklahoma WORK WANTED HELP WANTED TYPING—experienced. Electric type writer 846-5242 after 5 :00 p. m. 159tl6 Someone in College View area to iron. Judy Sackett, 846-7707 157t4 Manuscript typing, 822-5053. 159t4 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Typing - Thesis experience. 823-8459. 145tfn Typing—reasonable rates. Thesis experi ence, VI 6-4493. HOtfn OFFICIAL NOTICE EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE Amazing new liquid plastic coating used on all types of surfaces interior or exterior. Eliminates waxing when applied on Asphalt Tile, Vinyl, Linoleum, Vinyl Asbestos, Hard Wood, and Furniture. Completely elimi nates painting when applied to Wood, Metal, or Concrete surfaces. This finish is also recommended for boats and auto mobiles. NO COMPETITION As there are exclusive formulas in demand by all businesses, industry and homes. No franchise fee. Minimum investment—$300. Maximum investment—$7,000. Investment is secured by inventory. Factory trained personnel will help set up your business. For complete details and descriptive litera ture write: Chem-Plastics & Paint Corp., 1828 Locust, St. Louis 3, Mo. 159tl4 Official notices must be brought or mailed so as to arrive in the Office of Student Publications (Ground Floor YMCA, VI 6-6415, hours 8-12, 1-5, daily Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p. m. of the day preceding publication—Director of Student Publica tions. THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Announcement of Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree (Defense of the Dissertation) Full Name of Candidate: Ahmad, Alauddin Candidate for Degree of: Doctor of Philos ophy in Biochemistry and Nutrition Title of Dissertation : Metabolism of Gossy- pol in a Monogastric Mannal - Sus scrofa Time of Examination: April 2, 1965 at 3 :00 p. m. Place of Examination: Room 214 in Her man Keep Building Wayne C. Hall Dean of Graduate Studies 169t4 Gain valuable experience before gradua tion and earn $2.00 per hour, part time. Work will adjust to any schedule. Call 846-5266. 159tfn CITY ORDINANCE To all students in the College of Arts and Sciences who “Distinguished” Fall Semester, 1964: If you have not picked up your card you may do so in Room 101 of the Academic Building. 159t4 ORDINANCE NO. 426 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE QUESTION OF REZONING A TRACT OF LAND 170’ X 240’ IN THE CRAWFORD BUR NETT LEAGUE PRESENTLY ZONED AS DISTRICT NO. 1, FIRST DWELLING- HOUSE DISTRICT, TO DISTRICT NO. 4, FIRST BUSINESS DISTRICT. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas: WHEREAS, the City Planning and Zon ing Commission has recommended that that land described herein he rezoned as District No. 4, First Business District. It is hereby ordered that a public hear ing shall be held in the City Hall at 7:00 p. m. on April 26, 1965, on rezoning cer tain areas within the city limits, more particularly described as follows: A rectangular tract of land 170’ x 240’ in the Crawford Burnett League, more particularly described as that tract of land fronting on County Road between Welsh and Hereford Streets owned by Alphonse L. Holik, Sr. and Rosa F. Holik, and presently the site of Holik’s Grocery Store. Notice of said hearing shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the city of College Station at least fifteen days prior to date of hearing. PASSED AND APPROVED this 22nd day of March, 1965. APPROVED: S/J. A. Orr MAYOR PRO TEM ATTEST: S/K. A. Manning City Secretary 159t3 The English Proficiency Examination for students majoring in Business Adminis tration will he given Tuesday, April 6, 1965, at 4:00 p. m. in Room 202 of Francis Hall. Students who take this examination must register in the office of the School of Business Administration not later than 6 :00 p. m. Monday, April 5, 1965 159t4 THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Announcement of Final Examination for the Doctorial Degree (Defense of the Dissertation) Full Name of Candidate: Henderson, Gary Couch Candidate for Degree of: Doctor of Philosophy in Geophysics Title of Dissertation: Computer Analysis Techniques Applied to Crustal Studies of Campeche Bank, Mexico. Time of Examination: March 31, 1965 at 2:00 p.m. Place of Examination: Room 104 in Ge ology Building Wayne C. Hall Dean of Graduate Studies Those undergraduate students who have 95 hours passed may purchase the A&M ring. The hours passing at the time of the pre liminary grade report on March 29, 1965, may be used in satisfying the 95 hour re quirement. Those students qualifying under this regulation may leave their name with the Ring Clerk in the Registrar’s Office in order that she may check their records to determine their eligibility to order the ring. Orders for the rings will be taken between April 21 and May 31, 1965, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Delivery for these rings will be made on or about July 1, 1965. Transfer students must complete two full semesters at A&M University before they are eligible to order the A&M ring. THE RING CLERK IS ON DUTY FROM 8:00 a.m. to 12 :00 noon, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK. H. L. Heaton, Director of Admissions and Registrar 154t22 THE CHICKEN SHACK features old fashioned Chicken and Dumplings on Thursdays. We also have Charcoal Broiled Steaks every day at popular prices. (Never a doubt about quality). “In The Middle Of The Most” Half Way Between Bryan & College Station—Phone TA 2-3464 NATIONAL DEFENSE STUDENT LOANS Application forms for National Defense Loans for the Summer 1965 and Academic Year 1965-66, may be obtained from the Student Aid Office, Room 8, Y.M.C.A. Building, during the period from March 15 to April 30, 1965. Applications must be filed with this office no later than 5:00 P. M. May 3, 1965. LATE APPLICA TIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. 148t27 • Watch Repair • Jewelry Repair • Diamond Senior Rings • Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers North Gate VI 6-5816 JACK SHACKELFORD, Inc. Authorized Lincoln-Mercury-Comet Dealer Sales, Service, and Parts Graduating Seniors Financing Complete Service Dept. Body and Paint Dept. Pat Quimby, Service Mgr. 1215 Texas Ave. TA 3-5476 AUTO REPAIRS All Makes Just Say: “Charge It” Cade Motor Co e Ford Dealer k TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 CASH AVAILABLE FOR BOOKS, SLIDE RULES & ETC. 5,000 AGGIES CAN’T BE WRONG LOUPOT'S New Store Hour* — 8 a. m. ’til 5:30 p. m. — 6 Days A Week. THE BATTALION Wednesday, March 31, 1965 College Station, Texas Page 3 There’s Home Four Aggies among the 26 holding Good bia, Jorge Obediente of Panama and Pablo Neighbor Scholarships point out their native Livas of Mexico. Chagas is a graduate stu- countries on a globe. Left to right are Emir dent while the others are undergraduates. C. Chagas of Brazil, Andres Boy of Colum- CAMPUS BRIEFS Wildlife Receive Management Grads 3 Research Grants 1 Three graduate students in the Department of Wildlife Manage ment have been awarded research grants for support of their field studies, according to Dr. James G. Teer, who will direct their studies. James Bartee of Denton was awarded $850 for research at the Delta Waterfowl Research Sta tion at Delta, Manitoba, Canada. The stipend comes from the R. Howard Webster Fund which was established to support research, TTI Begins Pavement Test Construction Research engineers in the Pave ment Design Department of the Texas Transportation Institute have begun construction of a unique pavement testing facility at the A&M Research Annex. Accepted research in the past has been to drive fleets of heavily loaded trucks over pavements night and day for months at a time to destroy pavements. The new plan for a test facility to be used as a reference standard or proving ground for recently de veloped! non-destructive equips ment designed to determine the strength of various types of flexi ble pavement without damaging the pavement structure. Altogether, 29 test sections of 600 square feet each will be con structed. Frank H. Scrivner, head of the Pavement Design Section, pointed out the combination of materials and material thicknesses used re presents a range of pavement de signs from the weakest to the strongest in use today. Dimen sions and arrangement of materials selected for test sections were based on recommendations by Dr. H. O. Hartley, head of the Insti tute. While the facility has been planned to test presently availa ble equipment, it probably will be used for a number of years as a standard of comparison to meas ure the performance of other non destructive testing devices, ac cording to Tom W. Stallworth, assistant research enginee r in charge of the construction of the project. Stallworth said the cost of con structing each mile of Interstate Highway System is approximately $1 million, while the cost of this project to develop basic pavement design information of value nation wide is estimated at $40,000. harles F. Johnson ’62 College Master Representative Fidelity Union Life 846-8228 Are You Expecting ? Complete Maternity Wear At Joyce’s 608 S. College TA 2-2864 management, and conservation of waterfowl in North America. Hanley K. Smith of St. Peters burg, Fla., received $2,000 from the Texas Parks and Wildlife De partment to support his problem on food habits of tree squirrels in Texas. Smith plans to develop a micro-technique to identify finely ground food material in stomachs of squirrels. Duane C. Gall of MacAllen was awarded $525 by the Nation al Wildlife Federation to support his studies on the ecology and habitat requirements of Att- waters prairie chicken in Refugio and Victoria Counties. Gall pre sently holds a Graduate College Research Fellowship at A&M; the additional funds from the Na tional Wildlife Federation will be used for the travel and equipment costs of his study. Phi Eta Sigma Dean C. H. Ransdell, faculty advisor for Phi Eta Sigma, an nounced Tuesday that 71 fresh men were eligible to be initiated into the organization Tuesday at 5 p.m. in the Birch Room of the Memorial Student Center. Phi Eta Sigma is a national scholastic honor fraternity for first-year college men. It was founded at the University of Il linois in 1923 to encourage scholarship among first-year col lege men and to honor those who make outstanding records. The requirement for member ship is high, a 2.5 average during the first semester of college work, but everyone who attains this is eligible. Membership is an earned honor which is re tained for life, although active membership is limited to the sophomore year. Renaissance Talk Subject Is Bard Scholars attending the South Central Renaissance Conference here heard Shakespeare depicted “in one perspective as a skillful conservator and reflector of the amassed wisdom of the human race” rather than original writer in the modern sense. The Rev. Dr. Walter J. Ong, of St. Louis University, was feat ured speaker for the conference held Friday and Saturday with A&M faculty acting as hosts. Registered were 75 scholars in the humanties. Six states were represented. “Commonplaces, Typography and the Transformation of Re naissance Culture” was Ong’s topic for the banquet Friday night at the Ramada Inn. Commonplaces came to mean printed collections of quotations from writers of the ages on di verse subjects. Ong described the tradition as “the last great far-flung bastion of the old oral- aural state of mind.” “The discovery of the massive use of commonplace material has, of course, upset our study of sources in the Renaissance,” the professor of English said. Handbooks provided collections of saying on all possible themes. Borrowing was a virtue. “In these perspectives, Shake- peare’s value becomes that of a skillful conservator and reflector of the amassed wisdom of the hu man race,” Ong said. “ . . . Shake speare was not original in the way in which later people have tried to be original. He did not want to be. He wanted to rework the old wisdom in an always fresh and meaningful way . . . (this) belongs to a different world from ours.” The difference holds special in terest for Ong who has written extensively upon the “discourse oriented” and our “visually oriented” cultures. The St. Louis University pro fessor completed doctoral studies at Harvard. He has conducted research in the major libraries of Europe, lectured on both sides of the Atlantic and is the author of numerous books and articles. Tulane University professor Panos Paul Morphos presided at the banquet as president-elect of the 1965-66 conference. Other officers were elected and Lou isiana State University chosen for the 1966 conference site during a business session. Honors Group Discussing Fiscal Control “Major Philosophical Issues,” The Politics of Monetary and Fis cal Policy”’' and “The Languages of the World” are among the topics being discussed this semes ter by selected A&M freshmen. All are in the Honors Program inaugurated this academic year. The discussions or colloquia con ducted weekly by outstanding members of the faculty are a feat ure of the Honors Program for selected superior students of the College of Arts and Sciences. “The Honors Program Commit tee is very well pleased with the performance of our students in this program,” Dr. R. H. Ballinger said. He chairs the faculty com mittee composed of one representa tive from each of the 14 depart ments in the arts and sciences. The total of 43 students this semester in the selective, volun tary program is more than the initial semester. The 43 students represent various disciplines in the arts and sciences. “Honors Program students also are participating actively in extra curricular activities,” Ballinger al so reported. The purpose of the Honors Pro gram is to offer the superior stu dent special opportunities for aca demic work of a range and depth appropriate to his capabilities and greater intellectual interests. The Honors Colloquim each week and Honors Sections of basic freshman courses are key points of the program. The colloquia or discussion topics j this semester concern the humani- i ties and social sciences. In the ! Fall Semester, physical and life I scientists led the sessions. Grading in the Honors Sections : is the same as the quality of work | would merit if done in. regular I sections.