The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 31, 1965, Image 2

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Page 2 College Station, Texas Wednesday, March 31,
by Jim Earle
Guion Fallout Theater
Mid-Semester Grades:
A Comedy Of Errors
Mid-semester grades were unveiled this week, and to
those fellow students who crashed and burned while com
peting in the race for academic excellence, we offer our
The acid test is about to begin. How to tell your parents
in the most ambiguous and unintelligible terms possible why
you flunked—before they have time to receive your grades.
Long experience has indicated the average student’s
chances of lifting the damning evidence from the bowels
of the U. S. mails are practically nil. Big Brother sees to
it that they are mailed out during the week.
Therefore we offer these few suggestions, so that you
might write ahead and soften the blow:
1. I was hazed and didn’t have time to study. (This
one is a classic and rarely fails to bring a favorable response.
Not recommended for seniors.)
2. My profs don’t like me. (Superb for minority
3. The guy next door plays the bongos until 2 a.m.
(Insomniacs disregard this one. Also unfit for nocturnal
4. Nobody understands my problems. (Grow a beard
if you plan to use this one.)
5. My alarm doesn’t work and I have difficulty making
8 o’clock classes. (Unsuitable for Corps freshmen and
6. I can’t find my classes. (Use this in extreme cases
7. The profs didn’t honor my distinguished student
card. (Not to be used by students on academic probation.)
8. Grades don’t really mean anything anyway. It’s
what you get out of college that counts. (Tremendous if
you can put it over.)
Of course there are many other suggestions you might
try—and if you have to search a long time you can use that
as an excuse when final grades come out.
Makes Debut In Rain
Over the rivers and through
the mud we go. But not to>
Granny’s this time. To the Fall
out Theater’s initial perform
ance in the basement of Guion
Hall. And was it worth it? Un
equivocally, yes.
On this campus the boards are
anything but worn, but the idea
of a little theater is really new.
The catacomb’s cast is of course
amateur. They’re sometimes
hard to see. The seats are hard
and it was terrific.
In limiting the audience to
less than 150 persons, everyone
is brought into the play. Some
can get a little too involved if
the scene becomes somewhat
Last night with three swift one
act strokes Fallout established
itself, with the help of George
Bernard Shaw’s “Glimpse of
Reality,” Hall and Middlemass’s,
“The Valiant,” and Edward Al-
bees, “The Sandbox.” For four
bits you were taken to fifteenth
century Italy, twentieth century
Connecticut State Prison, and
somewhere, no time. Its not
much to pay for such a trip and
the stewardesses aren’t bad
“My grade is due to a lack of communications! I haven’t
been able to convince him that I know more than I do!”
Students from a class in “Tech
niques of Directing” taught by
Aggie Player producer C. K. Es-
ten were originally responsible
for the idea for Fallout.
Millions For Excellence— Hanoi Bombing Speculated
Not Pencil Sharpeners A f ter Embassy Destruction
Better sharpen your pocket-knives boys, cause you re %/
Better sharpen your pocket-knives boys, ’cause you’re
gonna need ’em if the campus pencil-sharpener situation gets
any worse.
Back in the old days (three or four years ago), it took
only a simple twist of a handle to produce a fine lead pencil
point. But today, in the era of progress, we must revert
to whittlin’ or chewin’ to get even the faintest trace of lead.
For a university looking to the future and striving for
academic excellence, this is a perplexing—yet needless—
We spend millions of dollars on research, yet can’t afford
—or don’t afford—several $1.98 pencil sharpeners.
The situation is indeed tragic. Take the Academic
Building, for instance, the center of our basic educational
pursuits. Very few classrooms, if any, contain a pencil
sharpener. And this example could be repeated in prac
tically every building on campus.
Even the smallest, most backward high school in the
state provides pencil sharpeners in almost every room.
Certainly^ a university such as Texas A&M can supply this
If it is a problem of negligence, then someone should
place some sharp points under some human posteriors.
It is quite obvious, however, that they couldn’t be pencil
points. G.A.D.
Job Calls
Uncle Ben’s — agricultural
economics, agricultural engineer
ing, industrial engineering, in
dustrial technology.
The Austin Company — archi
tecture, civil engineering, electri
cal engineering, mechanical en
Royal-Globe Insurance Com
panies — accounting, business ad
ministration, chemical engineer
ing, economics, English.
A. M. Lockett & Company Ltd.
— mechanical engineering.
Austin Independent School Dis
trict — biology, chemistry, math
ematics, physics, industrial edu
cation, education, psychology,
physical education.
All the popular Latin American Foods
APRIL 13—5 to 7:30 P.M.
Tickets now on sale M. S. C.
Tickets will be sold only until 5 P.M. April 6.
Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the
student writers only. The Battalion is a non tax-supported,
non-profit, self-supporting educational enterprise edited and
operated by students as a university and community news
paper and is under the supervision of the director of Stu
dent Publications at Texas A&M University.
Knight. College of Arts and Sciences; J. G. McGuire
Page Morgan, College of Agriculture; and Dr. R.
The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A&M is published in College Sta-
i, Texas daily except Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, ai
ber through May, and once a week during summer school.
tion, Texas daily except Saturday, Sunday, and Mond
nd holiday periods, Septem-
, Se
in are also
Second-Class postage paid
at College Station, Texas.
The Associated Press
Texas Press Assn.
Represented nationally by
National Advertising
Service, Inc., New York
City, Chicagi
City, Chicago, Los An
geles and San Francisco.
Mail subscriptions are $3.50 per semester; $6 per school year, $6.50 per full year.
All subscriptions subject to 2% sales tax. Advertising rate furnished on request-
Address: The Battalion, Room 4, YMCA Building; College Station, Texas.
News contributions may be made by telephoning VI 6-6618 or VI 6-4910 or at the
editorial office. Room 4, YMCA Building. For advertising or delivery call VI 6-6415.
SAIGON, South Viet Nam (A>)
— The terrorist bombing of the
U. S. Embassy, which killed 17
persons and wounded at least
151, stirred speculation Wednes
day that the United States may
strike in reprisal at Hanoi, the
capital of Communist North Viet
Deputy Ambassador U. Alexis
Johnson, himself slashed by
flying glass, bitterly condemned
this “example of the Viet Cong’s
readiness to resort to atrocities
against civilians.”
One of two American dead
was a girl secretary of the em
bassy, Barbara A. Robbins, 21,
of Denver, Colo.
The other was a U. S. Navy
petty officer, whose identity was
officially withheld for the pre
Fifteen Vietnamese were killed.
President Johnson studied the
bombing with Secretary of State
Dean Rusk and Secretary of
Defense Robert S. McNamara
in Washington, but the White
House was silent about the pos
sibility of a strong retaliatory
“After our recent raids North,
what else can we do for an en
core?” asked the wife of a U. S.
Embassy worker.
Vietnamese soldiers and gov
ernment officials shared that
opinion, telling Americans in ef
fect: “Now you have no choice,
you have to bomb Hanoi.”
There was a gloomy reaction
in London, where Prime Minis
ter Harold Wilson’s government
has been trying to find a basis
for negotiation. Authorities
there said the explosion shat
tered British hopes of arranging
early talks to end the war and
seemed to make massive Amer
ican retaliation inevitable.
Ho Chi Minh’s governmental
stronghold has never been touch
ed in raids so far by U. S.
and South Vietnamese planes
above the 17th Parallel.
A 39-plane task force staged
the 14th raid Tuesday, but it
was a previously planned opera
tion to knock out a military air
base near Dong Hoi, 260 miles
south of Hanoi. Pilots said the
targets were 90 per cent de
Tuesday’s embassy explosion
was set off in a sedan that a
terrorist parked and abandoned
in front of the five-story embas
sy building.
About 150 embassy workers
and visitors were in the embas
sy. Dozens of other persons were
strolling outside along the wide,
tree-shaded Ham Nghi Avenue,
just before 11 a.m. Tuesday.
Forty-five or more Americans
and at least 104 Vietnamese and
non-American foreigners were
injured by the explosion and the
rain of broken glass and other
debris from the building.
Seven of the Americans —
some seriously injured and oth
ers with tricky wounds requir
ing specialist treatment — were
flown to Clark Air Base in the
The Vietnamese dead includ
ed the car driver, felled as he
fled riding double on a motorcy
cle with a fellow terrorist, and
several Vietnamese policemen on
guard duty at the embassy.
The second terrorist, who
packed a pistol, was shot from
the motorcycle and captured,
seriously injured.
Johnson, who was in charge in
the absence of Ambassador D.
Taylor in Washington, emerged
from his wrecked fifth-floor of
fice with his face slashed by
glass and blood dripping on his
shirt collar.
He said, however, the Ameri
cans are not intimidated.
Bulletin Board
Hillel Club will meet at 7:30
p.m. at the foundation build
Collegiate Future Farmers of
America will meet at 7:30 p.m.
in Room 231 of the Chemistry
MinlctArl Supply
'pLdtu/te ptcuMue4-
923 So. Col !tg« Ave - B ryanjcgcas
Attention Aggie Seniors
Candidates for Vanity Fair for
the Aggieland ’65 can be entered
at the Student Publications Of
fice, Y.M.C.A. basement. A por
trait (8x10) head and shoulders
and 1 snapshot full length with
vital statistics should be in
cluded. The deadline for turn
ing in pictures will be April
Working at a resort high in the Alps
is exciting, healthful and profitable.
Managing Editor Glenn Dromgoole
Sports Editor - Lani Presswood
Day News Editor Mike Reynolds
Night News Editor .... Clovis McCallister
Asst. News Editor - Gerald Garcia
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg—
You can still get a summer job in
Europe and a travel grant through
the American Student Informa
tion Service. ASIS is also giving
every applicant a travel grant of
at least $250. Wages are as high
as $450 a month. Such jobs as re
sort hotel, office, sales, factory,
farm, camp and shipboard work
are available. Job and travel grant
applications and full details are
available in a 36-page booklet
which students may obtain by
sending $2 (for the booklet and
airmail postage) to Dept. R, ASIS,
22 Ave. de la Liberte, Luxembourg
City, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
Music Lovers! Records Drastically Reduced
3.98 Now 2.79 4.98 Now 3.49 5.98 Now 4.19
Stationery for That Monthly “Thank you for the Green
All Engraved Aggie Stationery 98^
Technical Fonuntain Pens—For Extra Neat Lettering
Rapidograph 2.95 (Usually 3.95)
Stebco Book &. Business Cases Reduced 25%
Made of “Tuff-Hide” & Carries the Famous
5 yr. Guarantee
Portable Typewriters — A Real Bargain
Close Out Priced
Shaffer’s University Book Store
North Gate
Open 8:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. Every Day
Its success is an outstanding
example of the product resulting
from the combination of sincere
interest and energy.
During April there will be five
nights of one act productions. Its
purpose, as written by those stu
dents that creaeted it, is for
experimentation and practice in
all the facets of drama and its
production even to extending an
invitation to anyone for original
The Fallout Theater-Workshop
is unquestionably a tremendous
addition to the A&M activity
scene. It and those concerned
with its creation and maintenance
deserve all the encouragement,
support and praise that can be
The next night is April 2.
Parts of “Becket,” “Picnic,” and
“Caesar and Cleopatra” will be
presented. If you think now
that you might like to try the
Fallout you had better come
early. Its a good bet that there
are about 150 first nighters that
will be back again ahead of you.
LIIJ's War On Poverty
Finds The Going Rough
dent Johnson’s proclaimed “war
on poverty” has become entan
gled in local political thickets in
isome states and promises to
kick up a fuss in Congress.
Already four bipartisan two-
man investigating teams from
the House Education and Labor
Committee are studying admin
istration of the program in a
number of states. The investiga
tion is just getting under way.
One major bone of contention
is federal grants to the states
for technical aid in helping local
communities get community ac
tion programs going.
The Office of Economic Op
portunity, which runs the cam
paign to combat poverty, has
only indirect authority over the
state agencies, and they in turn
have only advisory authority in
their relations with local com
munities. Once a community
gets its plans ready it deals di-
Plant Contest
The first Statewide Invitational
Plant Identification Contest will
be held May 15 in the Plant Sci
ences Building.
Teams that will be invited are
the first place teams of the
state’s Future Farmer areas and
4-H districts, and the top two
teams of each of the state’s open
The contest is sponsored by
A&M’s Range and Forestry Club.
rectly with the federal govern
Earlier this year, Rep. John
H. Dent, D-Pa., said that Gov.
William W. Scranton was ap
pointing defeated Republican
politicians to Pennsylvania’s an
tipoverty jobs.
Dent said this apparently
wasn’t illegal, but he questioned
the propriety, of it.
In Louisiana, Sen. Russell B.
Long and Rep. Hale Boggs, as
sistant Senate and House Demo
cratic leaders, found seven of
the eight regional officers and
other top officials named by
Gov. John J. McKeithen were
members of a rival Democratic
political faction.
The Departm
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Si r, I .
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