The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 18, 1965, Image 5
- ^ “WHERE YOU ALWAYS BUY THE BEST FOR LESS’’ (alBSON’S All Prices Good Thurs. thur Sat. at Gibson’s, Redmond Terrace, Hwy. 6, So, 9 a. m. to 7 p. m. DRUGS AND SUNDRIES Richard Hudnut’s QUICK PERMANENT No Shampooing No Mixing! | cyn Super, Gentle, Regular. 2.00 Value BUFFERIN—Fast Pain Relief. 100 Tablets. 1.29 Value 87c Proctor & Gambles ICE BLUE SECRET ROLL-ON DEODORANT 1 97 Gt. Size. 1.95 ValueJ-*£4 Aqua Net HAIR SPRAY 17-Oz. Imperial Size. 2.00 Value Super Suds DETERGENT Giant Size. 59^ Value 67c 39c STIAVIEIIT ISEGP L&trr foot/ SEGO LIQUID DIET FOOD 225 Calories, All Flavors. 35tf Value .... Listerine TOOTHPASTE 5 Tube Pack. 1.27 Value 87c Pack ^sJ-aihion Zr-aLricA 4 Yards, 45 Inch Wide . . . Colors and Prints. Excellant Dress Material. 2" 3.50 Value, At Gibson’s Only GIBSON’S UNBEATABLE Household Specials Wear-Tex WINDOW SHADES 36 Inch Wide, 6 feet Long. White Plastic ( Cut To Size. 1.29 Values Only ' Lady Arnold STAK-A-WAY Refrigerator & Freezer Set Assorted Packages In Pastel-Pak. 87c 7-Pack .... 1.49 Value Hometex IRONING BOARD Cover & Pad Set Silicone Treated Cover All-Fabric Pad 1.75 Value 87c PIK-PAK JUG For Hot or Cold Drinks .... Polystyrene .... 1.00 Value 57c Sergeant’s Insect Spray Kills On Contact! For Flying or Crawling Insects. 1.49 Value, Only 97c Westinghouse Automatic ELECTRIC CAN OPENER Easy To Use! Easy To Clean! 12.89 Value .... Gibson’s Low Price NECKLACE SET In Spring Pastel 2.00 Values *1 1 / Only I COMPLETE WITH PROCESSING DYNACHROME COLOR FILM $199 | ROLL 35 M.M. or 8 M.M. MOVIE, $3.25 VALUES - GIBSON S SPORTING GOODS FOR SPRING AT PRICES THAT GIVE YOU A SPORTING CHANCE! Good Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Headdon ZEBCO ROD & REEL COMBINATION The Famous Zebco 202 Famous for BULL'S-EYE^felASTlNG with never a backlash! Reel and Zebco 2020 Rod Reel of Stanless Steel, nitrate hardened ... with thumb control button . . . constant anti-reverse . . . adjustable drag . . . 100 yds. 10 Lb. line. Rod of Fiber Glass . . . Two Piece. 11.90 Values . . . Both For Only LURES NEW SHIPMENT JUST RECEIVED! 1.45 Value .. . Only $ BAIT BUCKETS 2-Piece Full Floating . . . . Frabill or Falls City .... Model Nos. FC710, 480 2.95 Value 1.88 Burke Commander GOLF CLUBS Woods, Sets Ot 3 ... No. 1, No. 3, and No. 4. 29.95 Values .... Only 97 24 At Gibson’s IgsnKsr NESTLE’S CANDY 9%-Oz. King Size Milk Chocolate or Buttercrisp ... 39* Value 3:99 9 a. m. to 7 p. m. THE BATTALION Thursday, March 18, 1965 College Station, Texas Page 5 More Mrs. A&M Candidates p f) More Mrs. A&M candidates are, left to right, Humble, Judy Glover, Joyce Kathryn Colvin Patsy Kistner, Evalyn Hartman, Sheralyn and Patricia Anderson. ... And Still More Others are, left to right, Helen Boone, Peggy Franks, Sandra Rutledge, Rene Chandler, Judy Brandenburg and Becky Mann. Aggie Hour Slated Over KORA Radio The Aggie Hour will return to the air at 10:10 p.m. Thursday night on KORA Radio. Organized by Bob Bell and Jer ry Cooper, the show will consist of popular music present and past, along with news clips on current happenings on the A&M campus. The program will also give stu dents in Journalism 311, a radio television class, some experience in developing news stories for radio broadcast. Motorists Urged To Have Vehicles Inspected Soon AUSTIN—“Only one month re mains for some 1,500,000 vehicles registered in Texas to secure the 1965 safety inspection sticker,” Col. Homer Garrison, director of the Texas Department of Public Safety, said today. “The period set by law for se curing the 1965 sticker ends at midnight, April 15, and there can be no extension of that deadline,” Garrison pointed out. “Any Texas motorist whose vehicle does not display the new sticker after April 15 is subject to arrest by any sheriff or his deputy, any city po liceman, or by officers of the De partment of Public Safety.” Garrison said that in the remain ing month of the inspection period there is sufficient time for the 5,- 300 official inspection stations to inspect the remaining vehicles without undue inconvenience to the motorist, provided the vehicle owners act promptly. “Prom now until the deadline, every minute of the inspection sta tion’s time will be at a premium,” Garrison warned, “and waiting lines will become general through out the state.” Garrison suggested that conges tion at inspection stations would be lessened if known defects in a vehicle were repaired prior to pre senting the vehicle to the station for inspection. SUMMER SCHOOL Night Classes Are Expanded An expanded selection of late afternoon and evening classes will be offered between 5 and 9 p.m. this summer at A&M. H. L. Heaton, A&M registrar, said the enlarged evening sched ule is designed for the conven ience of people living within a 100 mile radius of the university who hold down full-time jobs but still live close enough to com mute. “There are quite a few resi dents within this area who will continue their education if they can get the course work they need at night,” he said. “We in tend to make it as easy for them as possible by offering this large selection of courses.” Summer school at A&M is di vided into two sessions. The first begins June 7 and runs to July 16; the second begins July 19 and ends August 27. Courses to be offered during the first session include: Business Administration 105, introduction to business, and BA 211, business law. Education 601, college teach ing. Psychology 207, general psy chology, and Psychology 634, principals of human develop ment. English 103 and 104, composi tion and rhetoric. Speech 403, public speaking. Geology 201, general geology. Government 206, American na tional government, and govern ment 207, state and local govern ment. History 105, history of the United States. Liberal Arts 311, use of library resources. Oceanography 201, sea and air sciences. During the second term, the late afternoon and evening course will include: Business Administration 106, business organization, and BA 212, business law. Education 421, history and phi losophy, and Education 439, edu cational statistics. Psychology 301, education psy chology. English 104, composition and rhetoric. Speech 403, public speaking. Government 207, state and lo cal government. History 106, history of the United States. Persons interested in enrolling in one or more of the courses may obtain additional details from the Registrar’s Office at A&M. ROTC Members Visiting AF Bases On Weekends Groups of A&M students in the Air Force Reserve Officer Train ing Corps are gaining firsthand knowledge of Air Force bases through weekend visits. Aggies already have visited Amarillo Air Force Base and Lack- land Air Base in San Antonio. Others visits are scheduled to be at Bergstrom Air Force Base in Aus tin and Kelly Air Force Base, San Antonio, on April 1. The 35 sophomores expected to make the Austin trip will see Strategic Air Command operations including B-52 bombers, KC-135 jet refueling tankers and Hound Dog Missiles. Twenty juniors and seniors visit ing Kelly Air Force Base will observe operations of the Air Na tional Guard F-102 fighter-inter ceptor squadron.