The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 18, 1965, Image 4
PRICES GOOD THUR. - FRI. SAT. iters««!) GOOD old-fashioned THRIFT DAYS £se hem mm GET OLD-TIME VALUES PLUS Del Monte DOLLAR DAYS DEL MONTE, EARLY GARDEN PEAS....5 No. 303 Can DEL MONTE, SLICED OR HALVES WE GIVE S&H GREEN STAMPS Del Monte, Pineapple, Grapefruit JUICE Del Monte TOMATO JUICE 3 Del Monte, Cut Green BEANS 4 46-Oz. Cans PEACHES 4 DEL MONTE Fruit Cocktail .... 5 DEL MONTE, FANCY SPINACH 7 DEL MONTE CATSUP 4 No. 2'/2 Cans No. 303 Cans No. 303 Cans 20-Oz. Btls. $ No. 303 Cans COKES 12:25 c 0 M - Plus R Jtm *0 Deposit LIMIT ONE WITH PURCHASE OF $5.00 OR MORE (EXCLUDING CIGARETTES) Additional Cokes 12 For 49tf Del Monte Cream Style Golden or Family Style No. 303 Cans Del Monte, Stewed TOMATOES 5 No c r$1.00 Morton, Frozen MEAT DINNERS ",t39c Booth FISH STICKS ._.. 8 pkg.29c Colgate TOOTH PASTE S49c Regular 98£ Size BRYLCREAM P ,J T t69c Winesap i#£ APPLES 3 Bag Cackleberry Cage EGGS Large Doz. Pink Beauty SALMON Tall Can Lettuee FRESH CRISP LARGE HEAD EACH FRESH, PICNIC STYLE Pork Roast “U S. CLice J4 ea ^ Beef Chuck Roast»3 9 SHOULDER ROAST Lb 49c CHUCK STEAK SHURFINE Reg. Drip or Fine COFFEE 1-Lb. Can Lb. 49c ENGLISH ROAST £1^. 79c CERVELAT L b 59c CORN BEEF BRISKET s ' ift 'l.. Lb 69c *a£Stin &At/t QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED lAFFlUAfFnl SLICED BACON CANNED HAM r Rath’s Blackhawk Pkg. 1Lb 59c Rath’s Honey Glazed Lb. Can $3.99 HI M ! FREE 100 S&H STAMPS WITH THIS COUPON AND THE PURCHASE OF $10 OR MORE (Limit One Per Customer Must Be One Purchase—Cigarettes Excluded) ORR’S SUPER MARKETS - Void After Saturday, March 20. i 1 QUITS 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS Downtown Ridgecrest 200 E 24 Street 0 3516 Texas Are THE BATTALION Page 4 College Station, Texas Thursday, March 18,1955 Scholarship Winner Freshman Ben L. Hardeman, right, receives the $250 Boehck Scholarship from Richard R. Boehck, A&M senior, Hardeman is a construction equipment distribution major, Biological Study Gets Grant Boost Tlie U. S. Public Health Serv ice has renewed a grant to A&M for primary biological study in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico and raised the total grant to $67,000, President Earl Rudder was notified Wednesday. The new grant of $33,367 is ef fective May 1. First-year opera tions have been financed by a $33,552 grant. Dr. S. Z. El-Sayed, a biological oceanographer, is principal in vestigator for the two-year study. The biological study uti lizes facilities of A&M’s broader environmental study underway at Panama City, Fla., using off shore platforms originally built for the Navy. Roy D. Gaul di rects the broader project. The primary productivity re search directed by El-Sayed is Battalion Church News Groundbreaking Plans Set Groundbreaking ceremonies for a $75,000 University Lutheran chapel and student center are scheduled for 11 a.m. Sunday, the Rev. E. George Becker, Lutheran campus minister said. The new structure, to be located at 315 Main Street in College Sta tion, includes a 100 seat chapel, a large fellowship and recreation area, a lounge, a fully equipped kitchen, a seminar room, a pas tor’s study and a secretary’s office. The University Lutheran Church has been meeting in the YMCA Building, the Presbyterian Student Center and the All Faiths Chapel. The new building is expected to be complete in August. Catholics Slate Discussion “Birth Control” will be the topic of a panel discussion to be held immediately following 7:20 p.m. services at St. Mary’s Chapel Wed nesday. Sponsored by the Newman Club, two panels will present the differ ing views on birth control and then the Rev. John Frizelle will present the Catholic Church’s po sition. Following the panel presen tations an open discussion will be conducted. Austin Pastor To Speak The Rev. Brandoch Lovely of the Unitarian Fellowship in Aus-' tin will speak at the Unitarian Fellowship service at 8 p.m. Sun day. concerned with microscopic or ganisms of the sea. Their func tion compares to grass on the cattle range. “We are trying,” El-Sayed said, “to interpret the effect of environmental conditions on pri mary productivity of the area. Also, this study provides us an excellent opportunity to compare productivity of a subtropical re gion and the subarctic and Ant arctic.” The A&M faculty member in the Department of Oceanography and Meteorology directs a study of primary productivity south ward from Argentina into Ant arctica. Monthly cruises into the Gulf of Mexico westward from Pana ma City and weekly sampling from the offshore platforms are key factors in the study of that area. Professor Enrique Balech, a visiting scientist here from Ar gentina, is connected with iden tification of the microorganisms taken in samples. He has an in ternational reputation for stud ies of marine microorganisms and has worked on four conti nents. A. Bresba assists El-Sayed at Panama City and A&M gradu ate student Dean Norris works on samples returned here. Nor ris’ work is for his masters’ de gree studies. Smorgasbord Set The Latin American smorgas bord originally scheduled for April 9 has been rescheduled for April 13 to coincide with the Town Hall presentation of “Ballet Folklorico of Mexico.” Enrique Serna, chairman of Pan American Week at A&M, said those attending the smorgasbord may now plan an outing for the entire evening. The smorgasbord is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. in the Memorial Stu dent Center, and the “Ballet Folk lorico of Mexico” is slated for 8 p.m. in G. Rollie White Coliseum. FOR FUN & RECREATION TURF GREEN MINIATURE GOLF COURSE will be open for play March 12 3 p. m. till 11 p. m. daily Located at 120 Highway 6 So. College Station For party rates phone 846-8097 ALL FOOD COOKED IN OUR OWN KITCHEN. Fresh Daily Two Locations To Serve You 41 3 Hwy. 6, South 1315 S. College College Station Bryan Chapultepec FIESTA SPECIALS Thurs. thru Sun. Regular Mexican Dinners: Fried Beans, Rice, Tamales, Enchiladas, Taco and Choice Soft Tortillas, Crackers - Bread. Reg. 1-00 50? CLUB STEAK DINNER: Combination Salad, French Fries. Reg. Price 1.56 99*? " llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllll| llllllllllW ACE GLASS COMPANY ‘AUTO GLASS — OUR SPECIALITY” 2807 Texas Ave. phone 8 23_ 82 ii Insurance Claim Service Free Estimates RUDY CORTEZ Home Phone 822-0672 12 Years Experience RUDY * HENRY^INVITE ALL T H K,K'“^eT'DD.ES lo VISIT AND HAVE COFFEE HENRY CORTEZ JR Manager (A&M ’64) 8 Years Experience In Local Area. BOBBY R. CARTER ’63 Co-Owner