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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1965)
Statistics School Growing One of the fastest growing pro grams internationally at A&M University is the Graduate In stitute of Statistics. Consider the phenomenal growth rate since the institute was established with one staff mem ber in 1962. Keep in mind that the first graduate student did not enroll until January, 1963. The Graduate Institute of Sta tistics now numbers seven staff members and 30 students working toward majors in statistics. Course offerings have jumped from three to 14 with a total enrollment of almost 600 stu dents. Outside interest in the future of the institute is reflected in the number and size of grants and contracts awarded to it since July 1, 1963. The most sizable grant, $183,333 from the Nation al Institutes of Health, is ear marked for expanding facilities. A breakdown of grants shows $308,033 for training, $181,157 for construction, and $97,201 for research. Dr. H. O. Hartley, an interna tionally known statistician, is di rector of the Graduate Institute of Statistics. Dr. R. J. Freund is associate director and associate professor. Other staff members include Dr. R. R. Hocking, Dr. A. W. Wortham, Dr. E. E. Dayhoff, J. G. Darroch and Dr. W. S. Con nor. In addition, the institute has 12 associate members chosen from other university departments to work closely as consultants or instructors in statistical orienta tion. Attesting to the growing fame of the institute is four or five contacts each day from research workers requesting aid. Calls come from researchers in agri culture, biology, engineering, health, physics, chemistry, and other fields. Two degrees are offered by the institute; the Master of Science and the Doctor of Philosophy in statistics. FOR FUN & RECREATION TURF GREEN MINIATURE GOLF COURSE will be open for play March 12 3 p. m. till 11 p. m. daily Located at 120 Highway 6 So. College Station For party rates phone 846-8097 Exhibitor Mary Elizabeth Goodneigh- bor, Paterson, N. J., is an ardent exhibitor of Welsh Pembroke corgis, a type of small hunting dog. She also performs in burlesque as Irma The Body. (AP Wire- photo) Stock Show To Be Held On Campus The Ninth Annual Brazos Coun ty Livestock Show and Auction to be held March 21-23 is expected to attract more than 450 entries from Brazos County 4-H and FFA groups. The show, sponsored by the Bryan-College Station Chamber of Commerce through its Agricultural Division, will be held in the Live stock Pavilion at A&M University. Following the three-day show, an auction will be conducted at 7:30 p.m. March 23 for the top entires. Last year, the sale set an all-time record by bringing in $15,993 to contestants whose ani mals went through the sale ring. Lloyd Joyce, Agricultural Di vision vice - president, is overall chairman of the event. Co-chair men of the show are Harold Franke, assistant professor of Ani mal Science, and Jim Holloway, agricultural vice president of First Bank and Trust Co. CORRECTION PIGGLY WIGGLY THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1965 Round Steak Lb. 69c Instead of — 59c Sirloin Steak Lb. 59c Instead of — 69c We Give S&S Red Stamps Listed Incorrectly As S&H CAMPUS TODAY & SATURDAY “CODE 7 VICTIMS’’ SPECIAL SATURDAY NITE PREVIEW 11:30 P M. uattfusii CIRCLE DRIVE-IN THEATER LAST NITE 2 COLOR HITS Annette In & “PAJAMA PARTY” “PRISONER OF THE IRON MASK’ OUR SATURDAY NITE ALL IN COLOR BIG 3 1st Show 6:10 “PHANTOM OF THE OPERA” 2nd. Show 8:45 Joel McCrea In “CATTLE EMPIRE” 3rd. Show 10:30 Richard Burton & Robert Ryan In “ICE PALACE” BATTALION CLASSIFIED — WANT AD RATES One day per word 3if per word each additional day Minimum charge—50e DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before publication Classified Display 90c P e r column inch each insertion FOR SALE TOP SOIL Good rich top soil, (no grass burs). Call TA 2-3980. tfn NOTICE OF BID SALE For sale approximately 725 picture of all sizes in frames. Bid form will be avail able and sealed bid will be received in the office of the Director of Purchasing and Stores, B&U building, Asbury Street, until 10 A. M. MONDAY 22nd of March 1965. The pictures may be inspected by contact ing the Inventory Supervisor at the above I address. For information call VI 6-5122. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and waive any and all technicalities. 148t7 1962 Triumph TR-3. Must sell, B-15-W C.V. after 5 :00. 147t4 ’64 Red Triumph Spitfire, Convertable, 12,000 actual miles, S1450, 823-3984. 147tfn Must sell this week—1960 Chevrolet V-8, air conditioned, radio, heater, excellent con dition. 504-B Boyett, 846-5511. 146tfn Store wide sale, every item reduced. Three stores of values. Main Store, New- Custom and Decorator Furnishings. Bar gain Barn, Used Furniture and Appliances. The Colonel’s Corner, Old, Odd, Retired, Antiques. KOOKEN HOME FURNISH INGS, Navasota, Texas. 145tl2 CHILD CARE Experienced child care, 846-6012. 149t4 Experienced Child Care, 8 to 5, 846-6536. 149tfn Equipped and experienced in large home with big back yard fenced, 846-8608. 147tfn HUMPTY DUMPTY NURSERY. 3404 South College, State Licensed. TA 2-4803, Virginia D. Jones, R. N. 99tfn Child care, experienced, VI 6-7960. 80tfn Child care with experience. Call for information, VI 6-8151. 54tfn OFFICIAL NOTICE Official notices must be brought or mailed so as to arrive in the Office of Student Publications (Ground Floor YMCA, VI 6-6415, hours 8-12, 1-5, daily Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p. m. of the day preceding publication—Director of Student Publica tions. NATIONAL DEFENSE STUDENT LOANS Application forms for National Defense Loans for the Summer 1965 and Academic Year 1965-66, may be obtained from the Student Aid Office, Room 8, Y.M.C.A. Building, during the period from March 15 to April 30, 1965. Applications must be filed with this office no later than 5:00 P. M. May 3, 1965. LATE APPLICA TIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. 148t27 WANTED TO RENT Modest 4 bedroom house, mid-May, A&M faculty, 4 small children. Richard Mayer, Ft. Atkinson, Wis. 150t4 WORK WANTED Typing - Thesis experience. 823-8459. 145tf n Typing—reasonable rates. Thesis experi ence, VI 6-4493. HOtfn HELP WANTED Part time business opportunity in capitol, Student or Faculty: Corps or Civilian, Married Couples or Single ; Husband and wife can work together. Good part time earnings with high growth potential for ambitious people. See Bob Gohlke, Room 37, Saber Motel, 8 p. m., Friday March 12. SPECIAL NOTICE See WHITE AUTO, College Station, when you need hardware, household items, appliances, large or small. SAVE DOL LARS. 846-5626. 147t4 “Make reservations now for your Spring Banquets. Call the Ramada Inn—VI 6- 8811 or the Triangle Restaurant—TA 2- 1352. 127t24 Bi-City, Ink—Complete typing and print ing service. 1001 S. College. TA 2-1921. 85t20 TYPING SERVICE-MULTILITH PRINT ING, thesis-dissertations-yearbook-brochures -term papers-business letters-job resume appiications-blank forms, etc. REPRODUC TION : Copy negatives and prints-Iantern slides - paper masters - metal plates-custom pho t o finishing. Camera and movie pro- jec'ors repair service. PHOTOGRAPHY. J. C. Gliaewell’s PHOTO LAB. TA 3-169-3 2007 S. College Ave., Bryan. 12tfn DAMAGED and UNCLAIMED FREIGHT (New Merchandise) Furniture, Appliances, Bedding, Tables, etc. A little of everything. C & D SALVAGE E. 32nd & S. Tabor TA 2-0605 SOSOLIK'S T. V., Radio. Phono., Car Radio Transistor Radio Service 713 S. Main TA 2-1911 THE CHICKEN SHACK features old fashioned Chicken and Dumplings on Thursdays. We also have Charcoal Broiled Steaks every day at popular prices. (Never a doubt about quality). “In The Middle Of The Most” Half Way Between Bryan & College Station—Phone TA 2-3464 CASH AVAILABLE FOR BOOKS, SLIDE RULES & ETC. 5,000 AGGIES CAN’T BE WRONG LOUPOT'S N«w Store Houra — 8 a. m. ’til 5:30 p. m. — 6 Day* A Week. GIL’S RADIO & TV Sales: Curtis Mathis, Westinghouse Service: All makes and models, including color T. V. & multiplex F M 2403 S. College TA 2-0826 GRADUATING SENIORS! 100% Financing Now, PAY LATER IMPORT MOTORS Authorized Triumph, Volvo Dealers Come by and take a free test drive today! Complete Service Dept. All Makes Imported Cars 301 So. Hwy. 6 VI 6-8769 TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 FOR RENT Bedroom with private bath to graduate student or military for balance of semester, air conditioned, limited kitchen privileges, 1 Vi blocks off campus in my home. Ex change references. Call 846-6498 for further details. 149t2 One bedroom, furnished apartment, new refrigerator and good stove, $50.00 per month, no bills paid, midway between Bryan and College, 106 Waverly Drive, 822-6340. 148tfn Large, redecorated, furnished efficiencies, $50.00 per month. Bills paid. 4000 College Main. VI 6-8406. 135tfn Furnished one bedroom apartment near University, S75.00 month. Call James C. Smith Co. TA 2-0557. 126tfn VICTORIAN APARTMENTS Bryans Best Located Apartments $95 and up • 5 minutes from downtown Bryan or A&M University • Across from Townshire • 1 & 2 bedrooms with 1 or 1% baths • Furnished or Unfurnished • Central Air & Heat • Carpeting & Drapes • Ail G.E. electric built-ins • Carports & Pool • Laundry Facilities 401 Lake Phone TA 2-2035 119t32 FEMALE HELP WANTED Student wife to work 30-35 hours a week, 10 til 4, T-S, Food Service work, 822-9475. 147t4 WANTED Medical Technologist, prefer ASCP Registry. Full or part time. Call 822- 3776. 145t8 For best results try The Battalion Classified. • Watch Repair • Jewelry Repair • Diamond Senior Rings • Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers North Gate VI 6-5816 AUTO REPAIRS All Makes Just Say: “Charge It” Cade Motor Co* Ford Dealer THE Friday, March 12, 1965 BATTALION College Station, Texas Page 3 Rundell To Speak To History Club “Sports Car Center” J Dealers for ■ Renault-Peugeot I & : British Motor Cars U Sales—Parts—Service “We Service All Foreign Cars”; ■ 1422 Texas Ave. TA 2-45171 The A&M University History Club, in cooperation with the Department of History and Gov ernment, will have as its guest speaker at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday an executive officer of the Ameri can Historical Association. He is Dr. Walter Rundell, Jr., as sistant executive secretary. All persons interested in history are invited to attend, Dr. J. M. Nance, department head, said. The meeting will be held in the As sembly Room of the Memorial Student Center. Rundell will talk on the “work of the American Historical As sociation and the relationship of that organization to the profes sional and non-professional his torian.” The association was created by an act of Congress on Jan. 4, 1889, for the promotion of his torical studies and kindred pur poses. Membership is open to all persons interested in histori cal studies, whether professional or otherwise. parents now reside in Baytown. He received his Bachelor of Jour nalism and Bachelor of Science degrees from the University of Texas in 1951. In 1955 he re ceived the M.A. degrees from the American University in Washing ton, D. C., and in 1957 the Ph.D. The historian has taught at Del Mar College and Texas Wom an’s University and has served as a lecturer at American Uni versity and the University of Maryland. JUST RECEIVED - Shipment of New Hit Records Stereo & Hi-Fi Albums SPECIAL 99c Each Taylor’s Campus Store 846-4.') 18 N. Gate College Station ACE GLASS COMPANY “AUTO GLASS — OUR SPECIALITY” 2807 Texas Ave. Henry Cortez, Jr. Manager (A&M ’64) 8 Years Experience In Local Area. Phone 823-8211 Insurance Claim Service Free Estimates RUDY CORTEZ Home Phone 822-0672 12 Years Experience In Local Area RUDY & HENRY INVITE ALL THEIR AGGIE BUDDIES TO VISIT AND HAVE COFFEE llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllH m Rundell is a native Texan, hav ing been bom in Austin. His Great Issues To Present Brazil Movie “Highlights of Brazil”, a color film about the largest of the Latin American countries, is scheduled for 8 p.m. Thursday in the Memo rial Student Center Ballroom. A freshness of approach is brought to the lecture platform by Howard Pollard, who will nar rate the film sponsored by the Great Issues Committee in the World Around Us series. Join recent graduates who are actively participating in these major aerospace missions Discuss Professional Opportunities With Our Representative . . . Contact Your Placement Office CAMPUS INTERVIEWS March 15, 1965 ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING OPPORTUNITIES Brazil is the fifth largest coun try in the world. Pollard said his interest in the country mushroomed when it dawned on him that Bra zil, when superimposed on a map of North America, extends from New York to the Pacific, and from Mexico far north into Canada. In his film Pollard portrays the highlights of Brazil, and vividly describes them in his personal pre sentation. Featured are Indian villages, native fishermen, Sugar Loaf, jungles, mountains, harbors, Copacabana Beach, San Salvador— the split level city, Sao Paulo— industrial behemoth, pioneer dwel lings, Belem on the Amazon, crafts men, vendors, wood carvers, etc. EE's and ME's (BS, MS, PhD) Telemetry & Communications Sys tems, Digital & Analog Systems, RF & Microwave, Automatic Track ing Antennas, Command & Control, Micro electronics Microelectronics icj li D!ATI ON i rsj c o Pt p o rR A-r £ cd Melbourne, Florida an equal opportunity employer Criteria for a successful business at Texas A&M A Reputation built on 25 years of friendship A Service —not just a business A Knowledge of Aggie needs and wants Courteous and Responsible employees and An Aggie at the helm This and much more is yours at LOUPOT'S "Ask any Aggie"