The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 11, 1965, Image 5
1965 Freshman Baseball IVI arch H, i ^re Work toJ ogy degr w | •tist Semin working on | s a bacheh ird Payne | ' d - ^ ear! Baptist Coll f ite-d from I >1 in 1952. is married | istow of Prj J ^liters, Doi Lynne, 6. of HowaJ e also atteni College. ist Church j is 775 residi s icil planned indj and picnics] ients and e added. Tl] yle shows for the ts. of the com it 8 p.m. in] e Memorials, interested wl ate students ( aid Mrs. Rinj y committee] nig-ht will: tentative p'J during thei e recommeitl imittee will council at] ounced Tues aduate staid >e sponsored | tudent Com Student H A&M Asst Students, dance will I 5:30 p.m. in] mbus Hall, dance will I “Standards” I er said refre vailable at dance are a and may I iny member I Itudent Wii seal Office' or by conta ste at VI6-51 Apartments.! creation! V : GOLF !E dr play 12 . m. daily ;hway 6 So. tion me 846-8097 SENIORS] ig Now, 'ER )T0RS nph, Volvo a free test] ce Dept, rted Cars VI 6-8769 TERS •Service i For: Victor ■s& hines s ER CO. TA 2-60^ 2-6116 & ETC. Yeek. March March March March March April April April May May 13 16 20 29 31 3 10 28 1 7 Texas Baylor Rice Allen Blinn JC Rice Houston Bapt. JC Wharton JC Baylor Texas Schedule Here There There Here Here Here Here Here Here There FOR FUN & RECREATION TURF GREEN MINIATURE GOLF COURSE will be open for play March 12 3 p. m. till 11 p. m. daily Located at 120 Highway 6 So. College Station For party rates phone 846-8097 JUST RECEIVED-- Shipment of New Hit Records Stereo & Hi-Fi Albums SPECIAL 99c Each Taylor’s Campus Store 846-4.') 18 N. Gate College Station Are you still wearing those creasy kid slacks? Get into some wised-up Post-Grads that know where a crease should always be and where it should never be, and how to keep things that way The reason is the Koratron® fabric of 65% Dacron*/35% cotton. No matter how many times you wash andwearthese trimly tapered Post-Grad slacks, they’ll stay completely neat and make the iron obso lete. In tan, clay, black, navy or loden, $6.98 in poplin or gabardine, $7.98 in oxford. At swinging stores. Press-Free* Post-Grad slacks by h.i.s ♦ DUPONT'S REG. TM FOR POLYESTER FIBER. h. i. s Post-Grad Slacks Offered LOUPOTS North Gate C.S. Open Until 6 P. M. Monday Thru Saturday FROM THE 'SideHii ined By LAN I PRESS WOOD The screwy season is over. The regular Southwest Conference basketball slate ended last week, thus terminating one of the liveliest and weirdest seasons in many a tipoff. Now at the year’s end, the time has come to record a few personal observations (all completely unprejudiced, of course): The All-SWC team: John Beasley, A&M, Dub Malaise, Tech; Carrol Hooser, SMU; Darrell Hardy, Baylor; and Har old Denney, Tech. The All SWC sophomore team: Darrell Hardy, Baylor; Paul Olivier, Texas; Rich Sauer, TCU; Denny Holman, SMU; and Doug McKendrick, Rice. Best player: Beasley, A&M. Most valauble player: Malaise, Tech. Coach-of-the-year: Bill Menefee, Baylor. Surprise team of the season: Baylor. Most important player in the conference: Norman Reut- her, Tech. Most surprising game of year: Rice victory over Baylor' Most famous card sharp in the league: Wayne Kreis, TCU. Worst officiated game: Several in contention. Most unsportsmanlike crowd: Tech, by the width of a horn, er, uh, hair. Calmest team: Arkansas. Team with best sophomores: Toss up between TCU and SMU. Shot of the year: By A&M’s Ken Norman in Tech game here. He went up for layup, had the shot gummed, but it still went through. However, it didn’t count because a jump ball was called. Team with best pre game warmup: Tech. Best halftime show: Texas. All-SWC freshman team: There weren’t five players who stood out enough from the rest to warrant such a team. Team which had the fewest barbers pulling for them: Tech. Team that is most likely glad that baseball season is here: Rice. Most excitable personality in the conference: Ranger, A&M. THE BATTALION Thursday, March 11, 1965 College Station, Texas Page 5 Aggie Fish Throttle Ramblers In Opener By LARRY JERDEN Sports Staff Fish hitting, in the form of two home runs and a crucial dou ble was enough to overcome a grand-slam homer by the Allen Local Archers Set To Offer Bow Lessons Potential Robin Hoods and others interested in developing their arch ery skills will have a chance to do so when the Brazos Bowmen begin offering their spring course of lessons. The first meeting for those in terested in the lessons will be held Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the evening in the Art Room of the Memorial Student Center. After the initial lecture in the MSC, the course will move outside to the archery range for the re mainder of the course. The dates for the rest of the lessons are March 14, 21 and 28. The course will cover both the theory and con struction of the equipment and the actual shooting skills. Robert Lindsey, president of the Brazos Bowmen, said that in add ition to the lessons, the organiza tion of archers will plan and take part in an invitational tournament some time during the spring. He said that the club is in a stage oT transition at the present and it is hoped that those interested in the course will also be interested in joining and becoming active in the group. Academy Ramblers to give A&M a 7-4 victory Wednesday after noon in Bryan. Homers by Richard Schwartz and Mike Wood and 11 strikeouts by Ken Perrin formed the basis of victory. Schwartz then added a bases-loaded double to seal the fate of the Ramblers. Schwartz put the Aggies ahead with the game’s first score when he led off the seventh inning with a drive over the left field fence. James Hartwell came to bat later in the inning and got a base hit, turned into a double by an Allen error, and scored from second on a single by Hugh Delery. After the score, Delery tried to stretch his hit into a double and was thrown out at second to end the inning. Going into the seventh inning, Perrin had allowed only one hit, walked eight men and struck out 11. He was relieved at the mound at that point by Robert Sanders. Sanders walked his first three men, and his second pitch to Fugate, the Rambler catcher, was poled over the left field fence to give Allen a 4-2 lead. This lead held only into the next inning. Wood hit the first pitch of the eighth over the right field barrier to narrow the mar- gin and somewhat shake the Al len boys. Doug Hardeman, the only Rambler pitcher used, walked the next two men, throwing only one strike in nine pitches. An error on a shot into shallow center field hit by Gravy Moon loaded the bases. Schwartz then got his second hit in as many times at bat with a double into right center, driv ing in Camilli and Staples and sealing the Ramblers’ fate at 7-4. The next inning and a half went three-up-and-three-down for both teams, and the game was over. A&M hitting looked strong, and only four hitters struck out, com pared with 13 Rambler strikeouts. The Fish did use three pitchers, while Hardeman went the whole distance for Allen Academy. Per rin went to the outfield after the sixth inning. Varsity coach Tom Chandler said Perrin didn’t play the whole game on the mound because it was felt he should be saved for the Texas game this weekend. The Aggies had six runs on nine hits while Allen Academy had four runs on two hits. THE CHICKEN SHACK features old fashioned Chicken and Dumplings on Thursdays. We also have Charcoal Broiled Steaks every day at popular prices. (Never a doubt about quality). “In The Middle Of The Most” Half Way Between Bryan & College Station—Phone TA 2-3464 ALL FOOD COOKED IN OUR OWN KITCHEN. Fresh Daily FIESTA SPECIALS Thurs. thru Sun. \ Regular Mexican Dinners: Fried Beans, Rice, Tamales, Enchiladas, Taco and Choice Soft Tortillas, Crackers - Bread. Reg. 1.00 50£ Two Locations To Serve You CLUB STEAK DINNER: 413 Hwy. 6, South 1315 S. College Combination Salad, French College Station Bryan Fries. Reg. Price 1.50 Chapultepec 99 £ ACE GLASS COMPANY “AUTO GLASS — OUR SPECIALITY’ 2807 Texas Ave. Phone 823-8211 Insurance Claim Service Free Estimates RUDY CORTEZ Home Phone 822-0672 12 Years Experience In Local Area RUDY & HENRY INVITE ALL THEIR AGGIE BUDDIES TO VISIT AND HAVE COFFEE Henry Cortez, Jr. Manager (A&M ’64) 8 Years Experience In Local Area. Qolden J^ipe BANANAS (J) This Coupon Worth 2S Free Geld Bond Stamps Plat year rafalarly Mra.d 6*14 taxi Stamp) with tha parctiaia at 10-Lb. lag RUSSET POTATOES Coupon Expires March 13, 1965. This Coupon Worth 50 Free Gold Bond Stamps Plat yaar ra«ularly aaraad 6aM land Stamp* wltk Ik# parckaia af Aay SCHICK RAZOR Coupon Expiras March 13, 1965. $) This Coupon Worth SO Free Geld Bend Stamps Flui yaur r»fularty aamed 6eld Banrf Stamps with th« purchai* af ar Mar* P«ak«fa BAYER ASPIRIN Coupon Explrai March IS, 1961. Delicious and nutritious. Good in fruit salad. Lb. 10 RUSHED TO YOUR SAFEWAY! t (Honeydews ]j South American Melons. jj FIRST OF THE SEASON —Lb. APPLES C $1 'Plums it Red Delicious Ml U)S. I UniHiiaiHiimmiiamiHuimii ★ Winesap ★ Rome bRi Imported from South America. President Variety—Lb. FIRST OF THE SEASON. ^HiunuiiUiHiuiiiamHmiiumuuiuiaHiuammaimmmHUHumiuiHUHiamuumun 15* 394 Safeway. Cjuarantee Every item et Safeway ii sold on Money-bad: Guarantee. Thii meeni the full purchnie price will be cheerfully refunded on eny item that not give you compliete setisfection. Cheese Food Kraft Velvetta. Useful in so many ways. Instant Coffee 004 Redeem this Coupon tor 100 FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS With Parch**# af *10.06 ar mara (KxcladU« Clfarattat) One par family * Coupon Expires Mar. 13 USJbcd Choice Qrade Jdeavy. J^ee[ SIRLOIN STEA Safeway—6-oz. Jar •20 4 Off Label. Peach Preserves Empress. Perfect served with Hot Biscuits—20-oz. Jar Reynolds Foil Heavy Aluminum—25-Ft. x 18-In. Roll 39* 59* (£) Thi« Coupon Worth 50 Free Gold Bond Stamps Piui your regularly aarnod Geld Band Stamp* with tha purchase af Any Schick RAZOR BLADES Coupon Evpir.s March 13, 1945. Good most anyway. Look at the trim on Safe way Steak. Note that you pay for just the real tender, juicy center portion of the steak. Tha excess bone and fat is cut off before weighing ... So you pay for only the part that you desire. T-Bone Steak QfytN Or Club.Jlelicious and filled with flavor—Lb. U.S.D.A. Choice ; Grade. Heavy- (£) This Coupon Worth 50 Free Gold Bond Stamps Plu* four regularly earned Gold Bond Stamp* wltk tha purchase et 3 Lba. or Larger Heavy loaf ar BABY BEEF ROAST Coupon Expire* March 13, .1965. CHUB-PAK Sefeway—t-lb. PVg. 53^ Sliced BaCOIl (Armour's Star—1-Lb. Pkg. SSf) Prnunrl Poof Boneless Ham 99* SSS.!:” if55! Canned Picnic 5 . (3-lb. Chub Pak .... 99c) V Hormel Luncheon Meaf. Serve Hot or Cold—!2-oz. Can Serve with your favorite roast. 20-oz. Bottle Tomato Soup Spam Heinz Ketchup Family Flour Cane Sugar Fab Detergent Campbell's. Serve with grilled cheese sandwich. No. I Can (6<f off label) With $5.00 Purchase American Beauty. Imperial. With $2.50 Purchase (20£ off label)—King Size Box 10< 39< 29< 39* 10&39* 79* STOCK UP FREEZER VALUES ICE CREAM Snow Star. Vanilla, Neapolitan, Chocolate, or Strawberry—'/z-Gallon Ctn. 49* I MIX or MATCH BEL-AIR | ★ Golden Corn 5n !$’£M ★ Sliced Green Beans !n 5- u o rr^ ce - £l lfAr , * , | ★ Tender Young Peas “.foV. Itg?- ■ 1 F * BAKERY FRESH Green Beans 5<o*l Black Bread Libby Cut—No. 303 Can X Skylark. ^ ^^k I Old World ■ LIC (Regular 23£ Loaf) Zippy Pickles Candied or Sweet Chips Or Whole Sweet—16-oz. Jar 2 75* 1-Lb. Loaf JL W NON FOOD ITEMS Dental Cream Colgate. (5<£ off label]—King Size Tube Phillips Fertilizer 49* Ammonia! Sulphate. 80-Lb. Bag $2.59 Price* and Coupons Effective Thur*., Fri. and Sat., March 11,12 and 13 in Bryan We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities. No Sales to Dealers. SAFEWAY ©corraicHT im», a*r«wAv aronca, ihcor.pkatkd