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Brush or Spray Choice of Assorted Colors. Come In And See Our Amazing Antiquing Kits. Demonstrated Today! 4.50 Value per kit 99 DISCOUNTS EVERY DAY AT GIBSON’S Men’s Fleeced SWEATSHIRTS White or Grey-Mix, Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large. 99c Compare At 1.95 We have the lowest cost prescription Service In Town ! ! ! PHARMACY 'AVINGS Gibson’s Pharmacy Located In Gibson’s, Open 9 A. M. TO 7 P. M. Call 846-8804 VIDAYLIN SYRUP, 16-Oz. Multivitamin Liquid. 4.39 Value 2.99 Money-Back Guarantee! HVP FAMILY DAILY VITAMINS 100 Tablet Size, 1.98 Value 99c DIREXIN COLD TABLETS 1.19 Value 88c BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTION IN TODAY! Billy Eberhardt, Registered Pharmacist Floral Design . . . Assorted Colors— SOFT FOAM PILLOWS — Approx. 16” x 22” Non-Allergic, Mildew- Proof, Odorless! 1.50 Value PRICES GOOD Thurs. thru Sat. 9 A. M. at to Redmond Terrace 7 P. M. Hwy. 6, South Page 4 College Station, Texas Cadets Honored Johnnie Kemp, center, senior from Lott, III, right, was also honored. The badge i:| receives the Distinguished Air Force Re- for achievements scholastically in summer serve Officer Training Corps badge from training and in military ratings. Col. Raymond C. Lee Jr. Henry H. Norman Exhibits List Is Released A list of Spring exhibits and guest lecturers for the A&M School of Architecture has been released by Edward J. Romieniec, professor and chairman of the School of Architecture. Two exhibits are scheduled for March: “Visual Design in Act ion” by Ladislav Sutner, a New York designer; and “Calvert,” by Roy Pledger, a Calvert, photo grapher. “Graphic Art” by Don Page Associates, New York architects, and a display of photographs by Roland Chatham of Bryan are scheduled for April. May exhibits include “Trans portation” by Hugh Evelyn of London, England, and “Student Work” by the A&M School of Architecture. A schedule of lecturers and critics for the Spring Semester Battalion Church News Mark To Be Studied A study of the gospel of Mark will follow supper beginning at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Pres byterian Student Center. The pro gram is co-sponsored by the First Christian Church and The Presby terian Student Center. Widders To Speak The Unitarian Fellowship is to hear Mr. Loren Widders, president of the Unitarian Fellowship in Waco, speak on “Truth Or Con sequence” at 8 p.m. Sunday. Creed Discussion Set A discussion of “Beliefs of the Methodist Church” will explore the meaning of parts of The Apostle's Creed at 5:30 p.m. Sunday at the Wesley Foundation. The phrase “I believe in . . . the holy catholic church; the communion of saints . . . ” will be highlighted in Sun day’s program. Mrs. C. H. Groneman will assist Arabs Set Ball Tickets for the Arab Club ban quet and ball are now being sold "by club officers. The banquet is set for March 27 in the Memorial Student Center Ballroom. Khalid Babaa, director of the Arab Center in Dallas will be the banquet’s main speaker. in a worship service following sup per at 6:15 p.m. Wednesday. After worship a play, “The Last Word,” which illustrates our inability to communicate with each other, will introduce a discussion. Prewitt Elected John I. Prewitt, Temple junior, was elected chairman of the South Texas Newman Club Congress at the organization’s annual meeting in Houston. Father John D. Friz- zelle was named Province Chaplin at the meeting. Eleven students were present at the congress to discuss the theme “Student Responsibility in Society.” Over 200 students from more than 20 colleges and universities at tended the conference. Next year’s meeting of the con gress will be held at the Ramada Inn in College Station. Kutach To Speak W. D. Kutach of the Depart ment of Agricultural Economics and Sociology will speak at a New man Club meeting following serv ices in St. Mary’s Chapel at 7:20 p.m. Wednesday. Programs planned by the New man Club for the semester include guest speakers every other week. On alternate Wednesdays discus sions will be conducted on topics of current interest. A discussion of birth control is scheduled in the near future. includes: MARCH 17 — G. E. Kidii Smith, F.A.I.A., New York i; present a slide lecture, Phot graphy for Architects” in afternoon, and “The Lessons Italian Squares” in the eve ing. MARCH 23 — Peter Stea planner - architect, London, Et, land will present “Nineteen Bti ish New Towns and New To« Movenments.” APRIL 6 — Harold Box Dalli architect, will give a slide le ture on “Europe.” APRIL 7-8 — Building Tea Forum, “Professional Relatio ships.” Panelists: Norma Fletcher, Architects Collaboi tive, Cambridge, Mass.; T. Lin, structural engineer, keley, Calif.; Stephen Klimet A.I.A., editor, Architectural a: Engineering News; H. B. Zachr contractor, San Antonio. APRIL 7 — T. Y. Lin, lectin “Prestressed Concrete in Arcl tecture.” APRIL 8 — Informal clai seminars and discussions vrit panelists. APRIL 22 — Robert Royste landscape architect, San Fraricii co, Calif., slide-lecture. MAY 5-20 — Guest critics a: professionals to be invited to n view final student design pri jects, make selections for sot mer exhibition. Lectures are open to the publi Bi are n 16 Engineers Enroll In Course tinuei Sha fornii place WCP meml T< have going to h year, mem Ba ence try i tion eled “1 urgi theii nies •call forn kitcl the ever and “1 indu was! or t A c Yorl serv Pr Ar Sixteen men representing si states are enrolled in a four-wee heavy construction equipmei operator’s school being conduct! by the Engineering Extensia Service. Alvin W. Jones, chief instructo said instruction centers on cat and operation of Several types earth-moving equipment. Class) cover soil mechanics, principle road engineering, basic applii physics, and mathematics. THE 14th ANNUAL INTERCOLLEGIATE TALENT SHOW The Only Show Of Its Kind The Best Collegiate Talent From The Southwestern States I. T. S. Intercollegiate Talent Show FRIDAY, MARCH 5 - 6:30 P. M. G. Rollie White Coliseum Twelve Acts - Singers - Dancers Rangerettes - Comedians - Talent! Tickets On Sale Now In MSC Student Finance Office $1.25 Each Student Activity Booklet Not Accepted 12.5c/act No time payment An Botm appej of “I view’ and searc of M Th torial Sevei pecia toria" 14 ot to si year Bo grees souri of 1 1963 In Miss gove as ( most theo: stem in tl sour ques gove tuni he c Tl ous cess ed { men bein self thos 6 01 s Sou Tou Frh T new of ; ora: ter moi tior A mei be sen con coa and