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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1965)
rators fo demandii, into a ^ iistributii; fo Valley Firemen To Hear Hackney B. M. Hackney, teacher trainer ■»— the Texas Engineering- Ex- lrs ^ ^ tension Service at A&M, will ad- Iress the Rio Grande Valley Dis- red that. ' r * c t Firemen Tuesday in Weslaco. 16 studeJ More than 250 firemen, county changes city officials are expected to tarn. Ta hear Hackney speak on “Leader- ixistencet ship, You and Your Men.” His alongside! talk is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. at , both stt the Firemen’s Recreation Center, s have a I satisf & 1 district meeting will pre- ents part |F e ^ e -"-^th annual Rio Grande »f the • ^ a d e y Firemen Instructors’ Con- rses ' |erence Jan. 13-15 in Weslaco. I ★ ★ ★ icojis*; | 0 c Jenkins of Fort Wor th will here is' s l°' n the A&M faculty effective e ‘liberal ^ an ' ^ as an ass i s t a nt professor who kr teaching duties in the School the tk ii knowledp of Business Administration and the Institute of Statistics. The ap pointment was announced by Dr. H. O. Hartley, director of the in stitute, and Dr. John E. Pearson, head of the School of Business. Jenkins holds the BA and MBA degrees from North Texas State University and also has done grad uate work at Southern Methodist University and the University of Texas. His undergraduate major was mathematics and physics, his graduate studies have been in busi ness and mathematics. He holds membership in both Kappa Mu Epsilon, honorary math ematics fraternity, and Beta Gam ma Sigma, honorary business fra ternity. Never Too Big An article in the current issue of Harvard Medical Alumni Bulletin claimed ladies’ slippers are too big for drinks, but Daniel White and showgirl Julie Daire disprove it. (AP Wirephoto) THE BATTALION Thursday, January 7, 1965 College Station, Texas Page 3 Student Says Parachuting Not Dangerous, Difficult By PHIL PLACE Special Writer Arthur W. Hicks, a sophomore industrial distribution student from Portland, Maine, has proved to him self that parachuting isn’t as dan gerous and difficult as he thought it was. “My interest had been fostered by seeing the national meet on television so I decided to try it when I came to A&M,” Hicks said. Last spring the Sky Divers, the A&M parachuting club, packed their gear and took off for the National Collegiate Parachute Meet at Lake Geneva, Wis. With only 12 previous jumps to his credit, Hicks parachuted to a first place in the novice class. He had had no previous experi ence before coming to A&M, but learned quickly through the teach ing provided by the 25-member Sky Divers Club. The beginner can expect between seven and eight hours of instruc tion before he ever leaves the ground, he said. The training in cludes packing the parachute, use of the reserve parachute, emergen cy procedure, maneuvering in the air, exit of the aircraft and land ing, Hicks said. The club charges the newcomer a fee of $35 which pays for. his training, the first five jumps and membership in the Texas Para chute Club. After 10 jumps, the club gives the novice jumper a parachute with the only cost being for modifications in the canopy. Members of the club usually jump once a week at Hearne Air port. The jumps are usually made from a height of 3.500 feet and are classified as static line jumps or free falls. The rip cord is pulled automatically in a static line jump, while in a free fall, the jumper delays pulling the rip cord from five to 30 seconds. “Parachuting is actually one of the safest sports,” Hicks said. The beginner’s seven to eight hour pre jump instruction period is con ducted primarily to instill the jumper with confidence in his equipment and confidence in him self. Each jumper wears two para chutes, a protective helmet, gog gles, and jump boots. ated. iform IB1 1ATS molded, ons, with \ST1C clean. ,Lo*’ ;Sare r, Fri* lay- m- UH* VO III* monrau Oft aioiYxia. kic..' vvwtLe 0 L&. MIRACLE MMP. • # • • Qu&et dtw. ££,2 TbO-Vx-VS*. Lfc. PEACHES u “I PE AS....Da EVMMILK 81 HkMMK$4 ^ ^'IItissu 200-IPd IMUHtlAATCU UMABEAMS \m\m GREEKS •PINTO BEANS • COUABP GfttCNS •TURNIP GREENS * SPAGHETTI •HUNT'S TOMATO iUICt LETTUCE HEAD EACH SSSSK- PUIS.. COLD CASH/// SB COMPLETE DETAILS IK OUR $TO{tt...TEU$Mt.M ROStMl Limit o ^' th $2.50 Pur chac^ . L(? - cam WBis HE 6WE SIS RED STAMPS*00BBLE SUMPSTUESDK 1 Shop Bryan-College Station Most Modern Supermarket Texas Ave. at Rosemary FREE 100 S&S RED STAMPS With purchase of $10.00 or More Excluding Cigarettes or Beer Coupon Expires Jan. 9, 1965 •j^rjWKSTTTTTrfTH'l^l