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TA 2.451;
Che Battalion
Volume 61
Number 96
> P.
Lyndon B. Johnson Whips Goldwater
With Tremendous National Landside
Margin Largest In History
By The Associated Press
President Johnson rode a mas
sive tidal wave of votes to a
smashing victory over Sen. Bar
ry Goldwater and promptly call
ed on all Americans to “face the
world as one.”
Elected with him in the deluge
which some key Republicans sur
vived was Sen. Hubert H. Hum
phrey of Minnesota, who in
January will fill the present
vacancy in the vice presidency.
With 83 per cent of the na
tions’ voting units reporting,
Johnson had obtained more than
62 per cent of the popular vote,
biggest popular vote margin in
a presidential election since 1900
and approaching the poll fore-
Both the Gallup and Harris
nationwide polls had predicted
that Johnson would get 64 per
cent; Goldwater 36 per cent.
Johnson beat the records set
by Warren G. Harding in 1920
and Franklin D. Roosevelt in
1936. Harding won 60.4 per cent
of the popular vote and Roose
velt 60.8 per cent.
With 270 electoral votes need
ed to win, the President has col
lected 477 from 43 states and
leads in 2 others, with 9.
Goldwater has won five states
the President, more than the
60.8 per cent Franklin D. Roose
velt ran up in 1936.
The 56-year-old President, who
has served 354 days since the
assassination of President John
with 47 electoral votes, leads in
1, with 5.
The popular vote totals gave
Johnson 36,689,265, Goldwater
23,335,842. This indicated a mar
gin of more than 61 per cent for
F. Kennedy, said early today in
Austin that no words were ade
quate “to really express the feel
ing of this occasion.”
“Most of all,” he said, “I wish
to be equal to your confidence
and to the hopes of all of the
people of America.”
He said that now that the elec
tion is over Americans must “face
the world as one.”
“I ask all those who supported
me and all those that opposed
Brazos Goes Demo
. 8 P-' 1 '
California Erases
Equal Rights Law
fornians erased a law against
housing discrimination in the hot-
test issue among’ hundreds of
election proposals in 40 states
“I am disappointed,” said Gov.
Edmund G. Brown, “but I do
not regard the election as the end
ol California’s flight against dis
crimination and segregation in
The state constitutional amend
ment that wipes out California’s
present fair-housing law and for
bids any further legislation on the
subject held a firm 3-2 margin
in mounting returns.
It gives property owners the
absolute right to accept or r-e-
ject any buyers or renters.
Managing Editor
Democratic candidates took
landslide victories in Brazos
County Tuesday as the county
recorded its largest voter turnout
in history.
Surpassing the 1960 mark of
10,818 votes, Brazos County
counted 12,522 residents at the
Junior Election
On Tap Thursday
Eight persons have filed for
Junior Class vice president, Char
les E. Wallace, election commis
sion chairman, announced. Vot
ing will be Thursday in Memorial
Student Center and is open to all
The candidates are Thomas M.
Sobey, Edward D. Esparza, Thom
as R. Hargrove, Roy Louis May,
Travis Robert Williams, Michael
Beck, Ronald E. Elsey and Don
ald Ray Hlozer.
J* Fight Renewed
|f By Students
I* For Sanction
Night News Editor
EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the first of a series concerning
political clubs on state-supported university and college campuses.
A protest rally Friday renewed the fight by A&M students for
recognition of political clubs on campus.
The question of sanctioning political clubs at A&M arose twice
during the 1963-64 school year, and both times the Executive Com
mittee voted against recognizing the clubs as campus organizations.
An October 30, 1963, ruling and an April 20 reaffirment stated
that the political clubs were not recognized because of Section 2,
Article V, House Bill 86 of the 58th Legislature and Administrative
Order No. 3, Section 11 of the Rules and Regulations of the A&M
The rider to the House Bill states that none of the moneys
appropriated by the Articles shall be used for influencing the out
come of any election or the passage or defeat of any legislative
The administrative order says that all employees are advised to
acquaint themselves with the provisions of the State laws with
reference to participation in political campaigns and that no property
under the control of the A&M System will be used for political
campaign meetings or speeches nor used in any way for any political
Last May, David G. Haines, representative to the Texas Legis
lature, said, “As I interpret the rider to the Appropriation Bill, I
see nothing to prevent students from forming Young Democrats and
Young Republican Clubs at A&M.” Haines said it would not be
right for the university to let the clubs use the physics or chemistry
building to meet, but there is no harm in allowing the students to
meet in the Memorial Student Center or the Young Men’s Christian
Haines argued that the rider is to prevent faculty members or
officials from using cars for political business. He said he interpreted
the rider to be written for State employees only. The rider works
both ways as it keeps the politician from forcing the employees to
campaign for fear of losing his job and it also prohibits the employee
from getting involved.
Haines added that the students become more educated in the
story sciences by use and study of these clubs.
Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives Byron Tunnel
said, “I do not feel I need to comment on the provision of the
Appropriation Act since the governing boards of our colleges and
universities have broad, discretionary administrative rule-making
Assistant Attorney General Mary K. Wall said that the Attorney
General’s Office must decline comment because of the provision in
Articles 4399 of the Texas Revised Civil Statutes which prohibits the
Attorney General from rendering opinions to anyone other than
officers and individuals listed in that statute.
Their ballots sent Democrats
spiraling to the top in every race.
Olin E. Teague, seeking reelec
tion to the U. S. House of Repre
sentatives from here, drew a 10,-
020-2,251 margin over Republi
can opponent William Van Win
David Haines jolted Bruce
Rogers 9,920-1,947 for reelection
as state representative, District 6.
In other contests Mrs. Will
Miller defeated Mrs. Robert C.
Cochran for state board of edu
cation, 6th District, 9,624-2,269;
Constable, Precinct 7 — Perry L.
Carlton 1881, C. M. Sykes 969.
The Johnson-Humphrey ticket
tallied a 8,998-4,004 victory "here
over the Republican slate.
Sen. Ralph Yarborough claim
ed a 7,216-4,787 local mandate
over Republican opponent George
John Connally had a 9,395-2,260
Brazos County win over Jack t l
Crichton in the Texas governor
Brazos County winners in other
state elections were Joe Pool,
Congreeman - at - large, Preston
Smith, lieutenant governor; Wag-
gonner Carr, attorney general;
John C. White, commissioner of
agriculture; Jerry Sadler, com
missioner of general land office;
Robert S. Calvert, comptroller of
public accounts; Jesse James,
state treasurer; Ben Ramsey,
railroad commission (unexpired
term), and Jack Pope, associate
justice, supreme court, place 1.
Results in Precinct 3 — A&M
Consolidated High School —
President and vice president —
Johnson and Humphrey 958, Gold-
water and Miller 728; senator —
Bush 929, Yarborough 784; con
gressman-at-large — Pool, 997,
Hayes 682; U. S. Representative
— Teague 1,320, Van Winkle 408;
governor — Connally 1,186, Chri-
chton, 442; It. governor — Smith
1,227, Houston 397.
Attorney general — Carr 1,280,
Trice 380; commissioner of agri
culture — White 1,147, Armstr
ong 491; commissioner of gen
eral land office — Sadler 1,195,
Matthews 463; comptroller of
public accounts — Calvert 1,229,
Calmes 408; treasurer — James
1,256, Neumann 385; railroad
commissioner — Langdon 1,218,
Flanagan 437; associate justice,
supreme court, place 1 — Pope
1,195, Kennerly 458.
State board of education, Dis
trict 6 — Miller 1,150, Cochran
495; state representative —
Haines 1,237, Rogers 406, and
constable, precinct 7 — Carlton
1,048, Sykes 562.
A&M University officials re
ceiving write-in votes included
President Earl Rudder, one vote
for governor; Basketball Coach
Shelby Metcalf, one vote for vice-
president, and Football Coach
Hank Foldberg, one vote for state
me to forget our differences, be
cause there are many more things
in America that unite ps than
divide us.”
Johnson won his first elective
White House term by batter
ing down Republican bastions
across the nation. Maine and
Vermont fell in his column as
did usually Republican Kansas.
Only in the South, where he
lost five states, and possibly in
Arizona, did his surge falter in
the sweep toward the greatest
presidential victory of modern
times — the largest ever in terms
of votes rolled up and margin
over his opponent.
It lent Goldwater, the conserv
ative who offered “a choice, not
an echo,” with the limited con
solation of having carried Ala
bama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mis
sissippi, South Carolina, and per
haps his native Arizona.
Miller Says GOP
Died Of Disunity
LOCKPORT, N. Y. > _ Wil
liam E. Miller said lack of party
unity contributed to the crush
ing defeat he and his Republican
running mate, Barry Goldwater,
suffered Tuesday.
He said the refusal of many
state and local Republican can
didates to support the national
ticket tended to “weaken the Re
publican position from top to bot
. . . Voters say LBJ for the USA.
Connally, Yarborough Get Mandates
By The Associated Press
Exultant Texas Democrats sent
native son Lyndon B. Johnson
back to the White House and
jarred state Republicans with the
most clear-cut political triumph
in more than a decade.
Democrats swept every major
office in the state Tuesday and
cut into GOP strength in many
lesser jobs.
Bitterest defeat for the GOP
was the loss of their two precious
seats in the U. S. House in
blistering upsets in the 5th and
17th districts.
The GOP centered money and
energy as never before in seek
ing to pry Ralph Yarborough
from his U. S. Senate seat, and
failed. He goes back to Capitol
Hill for a second full term.
Gov. John Connally, surveying
the massive Democratic sweep
predicted “one of the great eras
of growth and opportunity in the
history of Texas” in future years.
When vote counting ended for
a time Wednesday, Johnson had
rolled up 62.9 per cent of the
Texas vote and Republican Barry
Goldwater 36.9. Four years ago,
Kennedy and Johnson won Texas
by only 50.5 per cent.
Here are the latest vote totals,
Democrats listed first:
President: Lyndon Johnson
1,479,079, Barry Goldwater 870,-
Senator: Ralph Yarborough
1,301,664, George Bush 1,014,172.
Congress-at-Large: Joe Pool
1,496,783, Bill Hayes 747,755.
Governor: John Connally 1,670,-
156; Jack Crichton 602,287.
Lt. Gov.: Preston Smith 1,400,-
039, Horace Houston 534,987.
Attorney General: Waggoner
Carr 1,447,338, John Trice 511,-
Agriculture Commissioner:
John White 1,354,931, John Arm
strong 568,265.
Land Commissioner: Jerry
Sadler 1,383,857, John Matthews
Comptroller: Robert S. Calvert
1,379,437, Dallas Calmes 528,656.
Treasurer: Jesse James 1,377,-
745, Fred Neumann 530,944.
Railroad Commissioner: Jim
Langdon 1,382,528, Don Flanagan
Supreme Court: Jack Pope
1,371,422, T. E. Kennerly 548,533.
School Fund amendment: For
643,796, Against 341,121.
Conservation district amend
ment: For 619,651, Against 307,-
Medical Care amendment: For
728,060, Against 294,624.
The GOP was left with only
one Texan in Congress Wednes
day—Sen. John, Tower. His term
did not expire this year.
Defeated were Republican
Reps. Bruce Alger and Ed Fore
man. Alger, a 10-year veteran
from Dallas County, lost to for
mer Mayor Earle Cabell. Fore
man, seeking his second term,
fell to Richard White, El Paso
lawyer, in the sprawling 16th
District in West Texas.
Electoral Count
Not Even A Write In?
Ranger, endorsed for President by The Bat
talion, spent a long night Tuesday in the
Batt Cave hoping to be placed in office.
Proudly displaying his “I Read Batt Editor
ials” sign, Ranger read wire copy from The
Associated Press, but without any luck. He
did not receive a vote. Managing Editor
Glenn Dromgoole consoles the candidate.
District of
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
10 Goldwater
3 Johnson
5 Goldwater
6 Johnson
40 Johnson
6 , Johnson
8 Johnson
3 Johnson
3 Johnson
14 Johnson
12 Goldwater
4..: Johnson
4 .....Johnson
26 Johnson
13 Johnson
9 Johnson
7 Johnson
9 Johnson
10 Goldwater
4 Johnson
10 Johnson
14 Johnson
21 Johnson
10 Johnson
7 Goldwater
12 : Johnson
4 Johnson
5 Johnson
3 Johnson
4 Johnson
17 Johnson
4 Johnson
43 Johnson
13 Johnson
4 Johnson
26 Johnson
8 Johnson
6 Johnson
29 ...Johnson
4 Johnson
8 Goldwater
4 Johnson
11 Johnson
25 Johnson
4 Johnson
3 Johnson
12 Johnson
9 Johnson
7 Johnson
12 Johnson
3 Johnson
486 - 52 Johnson