The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 03, 1964, Image 4
Pag-e 4 College Station, Texas Tuesday, November 3, 1964 THE BATTALION Razorbacks Roll On 8 |l t. By LANI PRESSWOOD Sports Editor The Red Horde is gone. Freddy the Hun and his Razor- back teammates have taken their No. 4-ranked machine back to the Ozarks. 7/> 1 kmf "il J In their wake was a 17-0 deci sion over the Aggies in a con servative, defensive football game Saturday night. The contest was played in two halves which were really games within themselves. 5M - * 1 * The frist half saw the Hogs rack up all their points, garner nine first downs and gain 149 yards from scrimmage. In the second half, Arkansas was held to two first downs and 62 yards in total offense. The Pigs did all their scoring within a ten-minute period in the first half. The first tally came with 5:09 left in the first stanza on a five-yard sweep by tailback Jackie Brasuel. After an 82-yard drive. had to travel 61 yards for the touchdown. All but 19 yards of it came on penalties. The crucial flag was thrown on a pass inter ference call which resulted in a 37-yard Razorback gain. Brasuell slanted two yards for the tally. The Cadets mustered two good drives, one stopped by the clock and the other by an incomplete pass. The Ags drove 50 yards in nine plays in the second quarter. With the ball on the Razorback five, Eddie McKaughan’s fourth down pass overshot the straining hands of end Blily Uzzell, all alone in the end zone. McKAUGHAN DROPS BACK TO PASS AGAINST ARKANSAS . Curinglon (21), Murrah (63), and Collins (26) form protective cup. With 17 seconds left in the opening period, Tom McKnelly booted a 33-yard field goal after a 49-yard drive had been blunted. The last scoring occurred with 10:35 to go in the half. Arkansas The other Cadet march of note came in the waning moments of the game. From the Pig 49, Mc- Kaughan pitched the Ags down to the Razorback one in 5.4 sec onds. The final gun sounded be fore the Maroons could get off another play. The ball game proved several things. It proved that Arkansas has a solid ball club, with an effective quarterback in Fred Marshall. They are rugged, aggressive, and tremendously quick. It showed that the A&M of fensive line is still too erratic to produce steady gains against a top defensive club. And finally, it proved that there is still life in the Twelfth Man. “Sports Car Center” Dealers for Renault-Peugeot & British Motor Cars Sales— Parts—Service ‘We Service All Foreign Can 1422 Texas Ave. TA 2-451 i ■■■■■■■■■■»»■»■■« 1,1 « ,i><1111 CORRECTION GIBSON’S AD, Friday, October 30 should have read: 100% Rayon Rugs 9 x 12 Feet *16 M Is There Justification For Random Killing? Read the SAGA of SUSAN This brash new book bites the JUDGE on his BENCH, It is a memorial to a pretty college coed whose killer got only a few days in jail. A factual novel — Key bound paperback, 220 p. $1.75 at book stores, or $2.00 gift-wrap paid from GREAT KEY BOOKS Stanford, Calif., Box 2356 • A BOOK IS THE INTELLIGENT GIFT • Volum L Vi Shakeups Evident In Schoolboy Poll DALLAS (A*)—Pasadena lost to Baytown and Abilene fell to Odes sa, so these teams dropped out of the Dallas News poll of schoolboy football Monday. They were re placed by San Angelo and Fort Worth Paschal. Amarillo Tascosa rolled on as TU Track Meet Won By Cougars A&M placed fifth in the Texas University Invitational Cross Coun try Meet Saturday. The Univer sity of Houston captured the meet with a total of 39 points. Cougar Laurie Elliot won the event with a time of 14:19 for the three-mile circuit. Howard Payne finished second to the Cougars. The Texas Shorthorns took first in the Freshman-Junior College di vision. No. 1 in Class AAAA, with Vic toria No. 2, Garland moving from No. 4 to No. 3 and Galena Park falling to No. 4. San Angelo slipped in at No. 9 and Paschal at No. 10. Class AAA still is led by Dumas, Class AA by Phillips and Class A by Hull-Daisetta. There were no changes in AAA all the way down but Ballinger. The rankings by classes: Class AAAA—1, Amarillo Tas cosa; 2, Victoria; 3, Garland; 4, Galena Park; 5, Spring Branch; 6, Hillcrest; 7, Nederland; 8, Tex arkana; 9, San Angelo; 10, Fort Worth Paschal. Class AAA-1, Dumas; 2, Vidor; 3, Clear Creek; 4, Andrews; 5, Pal estine; 6, Weatherford; 7, Sweet water; 8, Bonham; 9, McKinney; 10, Wichita Falls Hirschi. Class AA-1, Phillips; 2, Rock wall; 3, Canton; 4, Hondo; 5, Crane; 6, Denver City; 7, Iowa Park; 8, Palacios; 9, Gladewater; 10, Taylor and Plano tied. Class A—1, Hull-Daisetta; 2, George West; 3, Big Lake; 4, Clif ton; 5, Three Rivers; 6, Jefferson; 7, Woodsboro; 8, Seagraves; 9, Petersburg; 10, James Bowie and White Oak. CORPS SENIOR & 1ST SERGEANTS YEARBOOK PORTRAIT SCHEDULE CORPS SENIORS & OUTFIT FIRST SERGEANTS will have their portrait made for the “Ag- gieland ’65„ according to the fol lowing schedule. Portraits will be made at the Aggieland Stu dio, in CLASS A WINTER UNI FORM. EXECUTIVE OFFICERS AND 1ST SERGEANTS will al so have portraits made in GH cap for the military section. COMMANDING OFFICERS will have full length portraits made in boots. PLEASE MAKE INDIVIDUAL APPOINT MENTS WITH THE STUDIO FOR THESE FULL LENGTH PORTRAITS. November 2- 3 A, B, C, D-2 3- 4 E, F, G-2 4- 5 A, B, C, D-3 5- 6 E, F, G, H-3 9-10 Squadrons 1-4 10- 11 Squadrons 5-8 11- 12 Squadrons 9-12 12- 13 Squadrons 13-18 piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiin Fast and Expert Alterations on all your winter uniforms at our usual low prices Loupot’s Cleaners at the Nc Gate VI6-66I5 iijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiri Ib^DOUBlE STAMP DAY n FIRST OF THE WEEK m S ill SPECIALS/ PRICES GOOD Tuesday - Wednesday November 3-4, 1964 WE GIVE HOMETOWN S&S RED STAMPS Double Stamps Every Tuesday With $2.50 CRISCO Purchase! Limit One With Other Purchase PLYMOUTH SWIFT PREMIUM BOLOGNA T-Bone Steak Slice Bacon Baby Beef Jr mtJSc m jr c Toppy Brand £ Lb. Pkg. ^0 ^0 w Light Bulbs NORTHERN BATHROOM ^ "■ a TISSUE 10c DMSKklW peons. M w FRESH CRISP LETTUCE Head Only 10 WHITE GIANT (Locally Grown & Packed) GRADE “A” MED.EGGS3 $ 1 SAVE BRYAN MOST VALUABLE STAMPS HOMETOWN S&S RED STAMP Texas Ave. at Rosemary - In Bryan College Station a-, m - 8 By 1 Presid sive tid smashini ry Goldi ed on al world as Electe which sc vived w phrey January vacancy With tions’ Johnson 62 per i biggest a presid and ap] casts. Both alif qua was: fornians housing test is: election Tuesday “I an Edmum not reg; of Calif erimina housing The s ment tl present bids an; subject in mou It gi absolut ject an F B Ft E politu A ] recognit The during mittee • An that th Article Order 1 System, Th< a PPropi come o measur Th< ac quain referen under campai; office. La lature, Se a not Young right f buildin meet Associ H officia hie ric both v c amp a from j; H; story * si said, ■ Appro Univer Powei*. A Gener: Articl, Attorr office]