Coeds And Marriage The American girl marries when she pleases and whom she pleases. This year there will be about 1.8 million marriages in the United States. Some 220,000 brides will utter fervent “I do's” during June. And the majority of them will be teen-agers. Their grooms will be only slightly older. Surveying marriage trends, the Population Reference Bureau, Washington, D. C., issued a hot tip for worried parents who hope that their daughters will stop, look and listen before taking an impulsive plunge into matrimony: Get her into college fast! On the average, a college . . . Approximately 596,300 stu dents make up the college class of 1964. Approximately 38 per cent are women. . . . Women will receive almost 40 percent of the bachelor’s and first professional degrees, a third of the master’s degrees, but only 11 percent of the doctoral de grees. . . . Marriage has been woven firmly into the fabric of campus life since the GI first invaded college campuses after World War II. The mothers and fathers of today’s graduates would have been expelled from most colleges a generation ago had they mar- (Another 13 percent of the June graduates expect to marry before the summer is over.) . . . Four out of five of the married graduates are men. The dearth of women reflects in part the fact that many coeds who marry drop out of college to bolster the family exchequer, often making it possible for their husbands to graduate. Marriage Age . . . The most frequent age at marriage for women college graduates is 22 years; for high school graduates 18 years, and for women who did not attend ates have jobs, according to the Bureau of the Census. In 1960, 42 percent of the married college graduates were employed and only 32 percent of the married high school graduates. ... A college degree is a pass port to better jobs. The 1960 Census reported that of all women with an income only 6 percent received more than $5,000. Twenty-four percent of women college graduates had an income of over $5,000, as did 45 percent of those who had completed some graduate work. Degree-Conscious THE BATTALION Thursday, June 18, 1964 College Station, Texas Page3 PERCENT 100 - 40 Percent of All Marriages are Teen-Age Marriages 80 - ■o HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES 02-3 YEARS OF COLLEGE o COLLEGE GRADUATES 60 — WIVES UNDER 35 BY EDUCATION AND AGE AT MARRIAGE 40 - 20 - career delays a girl’s marriage about four years. The PRB em phasizes the word average, but the statistics are conclusive. Intriguing Facts Other intriguing, isolated and sometimes paradoxical facts re lating to college graduates and their marriages, were cited: ried while in school. Today, undergraduate marriage in the major colleges is taboo only in the armed services academies. . . . Almost one-fourth of all students who will graduate this year are already married. An army of youngsters and babes-in- arms will attend graduation cere monies for pop or mom—or both. high school 14 - 16 years. . . . Many married coeds man age to continue their studies on a part-time basis: 44 percent of all part-time coeds are married and only 5 percent of all full time coeds. . . . Among married women, a larger proportion of college graduates than high school gradu- BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day 3d per word It per word each additional day Minimum charge—40d DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before publication Classified Display 80d per column inch each insertion FOR SALE Three bedroom home. College Hills Wood lands. 26" bicycle, oak dresser and mirror, twin metal bed frames. Call VI 6-5629. 54tl A three bedroom furnished house for $3,000 for quick sale and a furnished two bedroom house for S5,350. Practically new refrigerator. Walking distance of North Gate, at A&M University. Call R. L. Jack- son, Realtor for appointment VI 6-7248. Good investment. 54tl Jaguar 1956 XK-140 MC 12,000 miles on new engine, wire wheels, $1150 or best offer, VI 6-6683. 53t3 Two duplex units, 2 rent houses, 1 150x 150, 1 125x125 locations for apartments. All walking distance North Gate. Good Invest ments. Terms. R. L. Jackson Realtor, VI 6-7248. 53t3 FAVORITE TUNES FROM AUSTRIA AND GERMANY Authentic waltzes, drinking songs, marches, folk music. Bring the old world flavor into your home with the unforgettable melodies of the masters and traditional austrian, german tunes presented by native en sembles. 20 factory new 45 rpm records for the unbelievably low price of $10. Send cash, check or money order and we pay postage. Prompt delivery. Sorry, no COD’S VERSAND - QUELLE, Vienna, Stammersdorferstrasse 133, Austria. 36tl UNUSUAL STAMP OFFER 300 colorful Yugoslavian stamps, all dif ferent, for only $5. Send cash, check or money order. Prompt delivery guaranteed by: KLEIN, Steyr, Hafnerstrasse 4 Austria. 36tl WHITHER THOU GOEST Handy bible which fits conveniently into your glove compartment is every beside you offering peace of mind and inner security wherever you may be. Everyone can benefit by having this King James, Viennese bible at his fingertips. Let the auto-bible accompany you in your travels. Only S5. Luxury edition, leather bound with gold inlay .$10, pre-paid by check, cash or money order, return postage guar anteed. Sorry, no COD’s. BIBEL-SERV- ICE, Vienna 13., Braunschweiggasse 13, Austria. 36tl LEGAL NOTICES ORDINANCE NO. 412 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE QUESTION OF REZONING LOTS 1, 2, SOUTHWEST 15 FEET OF 3 AND A STRIP OF LAND 7K. FEET BY 115 FEET LONG ALONG SOUTHEAST END OF SAID LOTS 1, 2 AND 15 FEET OF 3, BLOCK 1, COLLEGE PARK ADDITION, PRESENTLY ZONED AS DISTRICT NO. 1, FIRST DWELLING HOUSE DISTRICT TO DISTRICT NO. 3, APARTMENT HOUSE DISTRICT. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas: WHEREAS, The City Planning and Zon ing Commission has recommended that that land described herein be rezoned as District No. 3, Apartment House District, It is hereby ordered that a public hear ing shall be held in the city hall at 7:00 p. m. on July 27, 1964, on rezoning certain areas within the city limits, more partic ularly described as follows: Lots 1, 2, southwest 15 feet of 3 and a strip of land 7 V- feet by 115 feet along southeast end of said Lots 1, 2 and 15 feet of 3, Block 1, College Park Addition, presently zoned as District No. 1, First Dwelling House District to District No. 3, Apartment House District. Notice of said hearing shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of College Station at least fifteen days prior to date of hearing. PASSED AND APPROVED this 15th day of June, 1964. APPROVED: S/Ernest Langford Mayor ATTEST: S/K. A. Manning City Secretary AGGIES Do you change your own oil—? —or work on your car—? Then, why not save more on your parts at JOE FAULK’S DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS Latex inside paint Seat Belts Filters-Save 40 - 50% RB Spark Plugs Wheel Bearings 30 to 60 F 1 Q S Q t i c v , ir iyl trim seat c M9.9o value now only Shock absorbers as low as Not off-bran f 2 v°S*dS r s. s J °" 1 ’ SMr’j'VE* ,l, “' 36 - M u.t M.85 _ $2.69 Gulfpride, Havoline, Pennzoil Your choice — Enco, Amali Conoco Texaco, Gulflube-Opaline SAE 30-40 Recon. Oil - Qt. 37* e, Mobil- - Qt. 33* - Qt. 30* Qt. 15* Automatic Transmission Fluid _ Qt 25 e We have 95% of the parts Dealer price or less. you need at JOE FAULK AUTO ’32 25th and Washington FOR RENT CHILD CARE One bedroom unfurnished apartment. $45.00. Two bedroom furnished brick apart ment with air conditioner available in July. VI 6-5334. 64t2 Child care with experience. Call for information, VI 6-8151. 54tfn Ages 3-6 years. Visitors welcome, refer ences, VI 6-6351. 53tfn Four room furnished apartment, water paid, $50.00. Call TA 2-5278 after 4 :30. 54t2 Keep children in my home from 8 to 5. Experienced. VI 6-6536. 35tfn Beautiful new two bedroom furnished apartment for a June Bride. Hardwood floors, tile drainboard, window fan, lot of closet space, 304 East 22nd. 53tfn WANTED TO BUY Baby bed. Slide for children, VI 6-8151. Sltfn Three bedroom house, completely fur nished, VI 6-6311. 52tfn SPECIAL NOTICE Bachelor house for one. Completely fur nished, VI 6-6311. 52tfn SUL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300. AF&AM. Called meeting Thursday, June 18 at 7:00 p. m. The Entered Apprentice Degree will be con ferred. J. H. Reese, Wm Joe Woolket, Sec’y 54tl Share room with one. Larjre well fur nished bedroom, private entrance, private bath. Linens furnished. Low rates. 500 Main St., North Gate, College Station, VI 6-5544. 51tfn FEMALE HELP WANTED Fast efficient service reasonable prices on cataloges, magazines, programs, bro chures, reports, posters, tickets, stationery, etc. Gene Hix Printers, TA 2-7525. 24tfn ARTIST—with commercial experience ; draw and letter freehand ; layout publica tions ; file and type. Commercial art school graduate desired. Start July 31. Texas Forest Service, College Station, VI- 6-4771. 53t3 TYPING SERVICE-MULTILITH PRINT ING, thesis-dissertations-yearbook-brochures -term papers-business letters-job resume applications-blank forms, etc. REPRODUC TION : Copy negatives and prints-lantern slides - paper masters - metal plates-custom photo finishing. Camera and movie pro jectors repair service. PHOTOGRAPHY. J. C. Glidewell’s PHOTO LAB. TA 3-1693, 2007 S. College Ave., Bryan. 12tfn MALE HELP WANTED Aggie wanted for night shift, excellent working conditions, above average pay. Phone Mr. Mullins at the Dutch Kettle, VI 6-9968 or VI 6-6146 for an interview. 54tfn After this fall Georgia Tech footballers Will play two straight seven-home game seasons. Part time job—Sales assistant opening for Senior A&M student. For appointment call VI 6-7333. 54tl TV - Radio - Hi-Fi Service & Repair GIL’S RADIO & TV TA 2-0826 2403 S. College DR. J. R. PARKER Chiropractor College Station, Texas Phone: VI 6-4603 118 E. Walton FISHER NURSERY Contientious, State Licensed Child Care, Hot Lunch, Snacks, Diaper Service. Open 6 a. m. - 6:30 p. m. Daily 906 S. College For Reservation Call TA 2-0597 Friday and Saturday Nights Only SOSOLIKS T. V., Radio. Phono., Car Radio Transistor Radio Service 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 SAVE ON Air-Conditioners Water Coolers Garden Supplies & Lawn Mowers Tires, Batteries, Seat Covers New & Used Bicycles 40% Discount on auto parts WHITE AUTO North Gate College Station READER - ADVISER - she helps you with all your problems and answers all your questions. % price with this clipping. OPEN DAILY INCLUDING SUNDAY 7 a. m. - 8 p. m. SEE MOTHER POCOHONTAS 104 East Highway 21 Caldwell, Teaxs HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th TA 2-2819 • Watch Repair • Jewelry Repair • Diamond Senior Rings • Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers North Gate VI 6-5816 Import Motors Authorized Triumph Dealers 100% Financing To Graduating Seniors Sports and Economy Cars New and Used Complete Service Dept. 2807 Texas Ave. TA 3-5175 AUTO REPAIRS All Makes Just Say: “Charge It” Cade Motor Co. Ford Dealer | TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 MASTER’S TRANSMISSION SERVICE Complete Transmission Service TA 2-6116 27th St. and Bryan Bryan, Tex. CASH AVAILABLE FOR BOOKS, SLIDE RULES & ETC. 5,000 AGGIES CAN’T BE WRONG LOUPOTS New Store Hours — 8 a. m. ’til 5:30 p. m. — 6 Days A Week. . . . The 1960 Census also re vealed that in 3 percent of all American families, both husbands and wives had college degrees. Women were more “degree conscious” than men, however. Six out of every 10 men gradu ates chose wives with degrees. Four out of 10 of the men married women who had no college train ing. . . . Since 1949, the number of women who graduate from college each year has nearly doubled, in creasing from 117,900 to 224,400, That the number of men has in creased by only 23 percent can he mainly attributed to the dis appearance of G.I.’s from college campuses. . . . The college dropout ratio is the same for both sexes: four out of every ten who enter. Among the women, marriage is most frequently given as the reason for leaving school. 18 19 20 21 . . . Approximately one-third of all who receive bachelor’s and first professional degrees in June expect to go on to graduate school, and a majority will be men. Marriage Rate In 1950, when the U. S. popu lation was 151 million, the mar riage rate was 11.0 per thousand; and there were 1.7 million mar riages during the year. In June 1964, the population is 191 mil lion; the 1964 marriage rate is expected to be between 9 and 9.5 per thousand—a slight increase over the 8.8 rate for 1963. The rate has been inching up again for several months, and this trend J | 1 L 22 23 24 25 AGE is expected to continue. Marriages for 1964 are expected to total about 1.8 million, as compared with 1.6 million in 1962 and 1.65 million in 1963. Brides and grooms in the U. S. are younger and closer in age at first marriage than are those in any other major urban-industrial country in the world. Our age- at-marriage pattern now is closer to the Asian than to the Euro pean. More women marry at 18 than at any other age; and more men at 21. Implications Students of population have long recognized that education 26 27 28 29 POPULATION REFERENCE BUREAU. INC affects time of marriage and fer tility. Commenting on the cur rent trends, Robert C. Cook, President of the Population Ref erence Bureau, said: “The average age at marriage has been declin ing in the United States over the past fifty years. Today, the modal age of marriage—the most frequent age at which women get married—is 18. Girls who gradu ate from high school tend to marry somewhat later, though the marrying high school student is no longer a rarity. Girls who attend college marry considerably later than those who do not. This is true even though a goodly number of coeds marry before they graduate. J. W. COFFEE FLOUR With $2.50 Purchase or More Behind Grocery Check Stands — Lb. Pkg. GLADIOLA All Purpose COCA-COLA PEACHES FRUIT PIES MELLORINE NEUHOFF or SWIFT PREMIUM HAMS Plus $2.50 Purchase Plus Deposit FOOD CLUB Sliced or Halves DINING IN MELLO- FREEZE 49 c 5 39 c 12 “ 49 c 25 c 29 e PRICES GOOD THROUGH SAT. JUNE 20. IN BRYAN ONLY. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT. Full Shank Portion LB HAMS HAMS Full Butt Portion Center Slices SPARERIBS STEAK LEAN MEATY Sq. Cut Shoulder U. S. Choice Beef Tender-Aged ON THE C0RNH FRANKS COB Each 12-Oz. Cello Armours Star 29< 39« 2« 35' N