The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 18, 1964, Image 1
innfs lit COPIES Metcalf Awarded Color Television On June 15 Shelby Metcalf was presented with a color TV set on behalf of the entire student body in appreciation of his leading the Aggie cagers to the Southwest Conference Basket ball Championship—Ed. I am deeply appreciative of the beautiful color TV set given me through the combined efforts of The Battalion and the Texas A&M University student body. I sincerely believe that The Battalion’s drive to raise funds for this present should be classified as something beyond the call of duty. I wish it were possible for me to personally thank each person who contributed to this fund. But, since such is im possible, I hope you will allow me space in The Battalion to express a blanket “thank you” to all concerned. Too, on behalf of myself and the 1964 Texas Aggie varsity basketball squad, I want to convey appreciation for the splendid support we received from you and your sports staff of The Battalion and the entire student body. No team in the United States was supported by more spirited or loyal fans. Sincerely, Shelby Metcalf Head Basketball Coach University Gets $210,197 To Sponsor Graduate Plan A&M University has received $210,197 to sponsor graduate training and research in petro chemical waste abatement. The five-year grant, provided by the U. S. Public Health Serv ice, will be used to encourage students to enter industrial waste treatment fields, William B. Davis, head of sanitary engineer ing, reported. Funds will be used for graduate fellowships, research equipment, guest lecturers and one additional staff member. The guest lecture program will be a cooperative effort involving Rice University and the University of Texas. Davis said fellowships, ranging between $3,400 and $3,800 an nually for a maximum of three years, will go to students working toward post-graduate degrees. “The interdisciplinary program will train students to solve indus trial waste problems,” Davis com mented. “The shortage of per sonnel to meet pollution problems has been alarming to naturalists and industrialists alike.” Students will develop research projects involving waste control procedures associated with in dustry, Davis said. “The need for research is ap parent in view of the tremendous industrial growth along the Gulf coast and inland waterways,” CD School Held Four members of A&M Univer sity’s Engineering Extension Serv ice are attending a week-long training school for civil defense workers in Battle Creek, Mich., through Friday. They include Dr. W. R. Bodine, Eugene Kronenberg, L. C. Titus, and Floyd L. Vaden, all members of A&M’s civil defense training staff. Davis added. “We need to know more about proper disposal for modern chemicals.” University departments associ ated with the interdisciplinary training program include petro leum engineering, chemical engi neering, civil engineering ocean ography and meteorology, the Water Resources Institute and Texas Engineering Experiment Station. Committee Needs Workers To Assist With Activities The International Education Hospitality Committee at A&M University is looking for volunteer workers to assist with 1964-65 activities for foreign students, Mrs. Fred Smith, co-chairman, reported. The committee, organized last fall to promote greater under standing among foreign students and Americans, coordinates a var iety of programs for the visiting scholars. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. William E. Eckles head the committee of Bryan-College Station residents in terested in the 400 foreign stu dents and wives at A&M. The committee arranges visits, social events, cultural and enter tainment programs, housing ac commodations, holiday plans and a variety of other requests for the students, their wives and visitors, Mrs. Smith explained. Some committee members help foreign student wives become ac quainted with American supermar kets, Mrs. Smith added. Others arange visits to nearby ranches, libraries, shopping centers or me tropolitan areas. Cbe Battalion Volume 61 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1964 Number 54 Farm Road 60 Underpass To Materialize At Last! Approval Given For Railroad Plan The long awaited railroad underpass project on Farm to Market Road 60 at College Station took a giant step forward as the Texas Highway Department announced that the Inter state Commerce Commission has approved joint operation of the Southern Pacific and Missouri Pacific Railroads from a point adjacent to the Bryan Golf Course to Navasota. C. B. Thames, District Engineer in Bryan, noted that with this ICC action the State is now in a position to pro ceed with construction operations on this $770,000.00 project as soon as the right of way is acquired, cleared of obstruc tions, and utility adjustments completed. A project agree ment between the Highway Department and both railroads was approved in September, 1963+ which paved the way for the ICC application. He pointed out that both rail roads will operate on the existing Southern Pacific track with the Missouri Pacific line north of FM’ 60 retained for passing track purposes. The sequence of work generally provides for the installation of railroad signals and rearrange ment of certain tracks to provide joint operation, prior to raising the railroad embankment approxi mately nine feet and constructing the underpass structure. Also, included in the project is an over pass for Farm to Market^ Road 2154 with related circular con necting ramps to Farm Road 60. Plan work and construction will be under the supervision of James O’Connell, senior resident engi neer at Bryan. The development of this worth while project results from the co operation of many agencies, such as the City of College Station, A&M University, each railroad involved, and various utility com panies together with the Bureau of Public Roads and the Texas Highway Department, Thames stated. The work will proceed as rapidly as possible. Hubert In Dallas Dean of Arts and Sciences Frank W. R. Hubert will be in Dallas Monday for a meeting of the executive committee of the Association of Texas Colleges and Universities. He is president-elect of the association. Rudder Denies Any Interest In Governorship “My main interest is the build ing of a university for the youth of Texas. I am not interested in any political job.” With that statement A&M Presi dent Earl Rudder expressed his reaction Wednesday, to an article published in a June 7 edition of the Dallas Morning News that stated he was being sought as a future candidate for governor of Texas by conservative Democrats. Rudder’s possible candidacy was mentioned in “Wheather Vane,” The News’ political column with viewpoints from Austin, Wash ington, and Dallas. “Earl Rudder, president of Tex as A&M, is mentioned among con servative Democrats as a future candidate for Governor,” Richard M. Morehead, the News corre spondent in Austin, wrote. “Rud der won his only statewide race, for land commissioner, after hold ing that office awhile by appoint ment . . . . ” Morehead noted that Rudder is a rancher as well as an educator, and serves as a general in the army reserves. National Science Foundation Sponsors Summer High School Student Session Thirty-four high school students here for a six-week-long summer program at A&M University will go home in July with firsthand knowledge of how researchers work. The teenagers are spending 20 hours a week in classroom and laboratory study of biology. One of three summer science programs for high-ability students, the ses sions are sponsored by the Nation al Science Foundation and A&M. In their busy Monday through Saturday noon schedule the 27 boys and 7 girls hear lectures. attend laboratory sessions, and tour research facilities. “One boy said, ‘I’m really hav ing a blast,’ ” Dr. J. J. Sperry re plied when asked how the students are faring. An A&M biology professor, he has been associated with the sum mer science program for eight years. The high school students are assigned to a particular laboratory to assist fulltime researchers. They also tour A&M’s other major re search facilities during their stay. “The students do not commit themselves either to science or to A&M,” Dr. Sperry said. “But over half of the 200 students who have attended the biology summer sessions entered scientific studies when they reached college.” Houstonian Nathan Isgur, one of two Texans to receive National Merit Scholarships bronze medals in ceremonies at the White House this month, is among alumni of the summer science program here. DANGEROUS CROSSING TO BE ELIMINATED ... Two views showing blind approaches. Honors Program Announced For Arts And Sciences Fish An honors program for Arts and Sciences freshmen at A&M University has been announced by Dean Frank W. R. Hubert. “The honors program offers special opportunities for superior students. Academic work will be appropriate to capabilities and in tellectual interests,” Dr. Hubert said. Those entering the program in September will study in special sections of English, mathematics and history. All will participate Nuclear Physicist To Lecture Here Dr. Robert Katz of Kansas State University will lecture here at 8 p. m. Monday on “What Is Sci ence?” The lecture, open to the public, will be given in Room 113 of the Biological Science Building. It is another in the National Science Foundation Summer Institute ser ies on the Texas A&M University campus. Dr. Katz joined the Kansas State physics faculty in 1949 and has been a professor since 1956. He is co-author of a textbook in physics and has written nu merous articles on nuclear physics, the applications of physics to ag riculture, engineering and meteoro logy. in a series of honor colloquia to meet outstanding faculty members and distinguished visitors and to discuss ideas in an informal at mosphere, he pointed out. The College of Arts and Sci ences and the Counseling and Test ing Center will cooperate in selec tion of students for the program. Grades for these students will be the same as the quality of their work would merit in regular sec tions, he added. Dr. Richard H. Ballinger, pro fessor of English, has been named chairman of the Honors Committee composed of representatives of de partments involved in the new pro gram. Honors sections of regular cour ses will be established as far as practicable throughout the stu dent’s career, and each semester the students will participate in an honors colloquium. The program is described by Dean Hubert as flexible enough to meet the needs of an individual. “The ability and interests of the individual student, coupled with the requirements of his curriculum, are the guiding considerations,” Ballinger said. Invitations to enter the program will be based upon a student’s high school record, test scores and a personal interview. “Admission to one section of the program can be made any time a student demonstrates the ability to do superior work,” Balling er said. 2 European Physicists Slated To Lecture, Exchange Views Aggie Athletes Lose Scholarships Two A&M athlete, two - year football letterman end Ken Mc Lean, and all around varsity track man John Collins, failed to pass the minimum scholastic require ments the past semester and have lost their athletic scholarships. McLean, of Stinnett, had been counted on as a starter next fall. Collins, from Liberty, competed in the high jump, broad jump, hurdles and ran on the relay teams. 15 College Teachers Enroll In Special Traffic Institute Fifteen college teachers from the . sive training in traffic engineering LEARNING LABORATORY WORK .. . Dr. Julius Dieckert explains liquid scintillation counter to John Fernstrom (center) and Gary Blasek. United States, Canada and Pana ma have enrolled in a special traf fic engineering institute at A&M University beginning Friday, Charles J. Keese reported. The six-week school will feature nationally-known engineers and executives from state and federal traffic agencies as speakers. The Automotive Safety Foundation is providing $850 grants for each of the teachers accepted through the Texas Transportation Institute. The institute will provide exten- and transportation planning, said Keese, professor of highway and traffic engineering with the De partment of Civil Engineering. He also is executive officer of Texas Transportation Institute. A special one-day seminar June 25, held in conjunction with the summer institute, will attract na tionally prominent speakers. In addition, traffic engineers and other interested persons through out Texas have been invited. Two physicists from Europe will visit Texas A&M University in July to lecture and exchange views on the teaching of physics, Dr. James G. Potter, head of the phy sics department, announced. The visits are in conjunction with the National Science Founda tion financed summer institutes w in progress for high school and college physics teachers. Each foreign scientist also will give a public lecture. Dr. W. P. J. Lignac Dalton Lyceum at The of the Hague, The Netherlands, will visit here July 6-7. He is coming primarily to visit the high school teachers institute directed by Dr. Nelson M. Duller of the A&M faculty. Dr. Helmut Ormestad of the Physics Institute, University of Oslo, Norway will come here July 16-17. He will talk with college physics teachers at A&M for an institute directed by Dr. Potter. The foreign scientists are visit ing this country through a pro gram administered by the Ameri can Association for the Advance ment of Science. A&M Un iversity Buildings 11 ancTUtHities Department p< sonnei Wednesday “virtually completed” moving' suppli civil defense shelters on campus. Left to into 22 Y vuvn aeiense sneiters on campus. Lett to Lorenzo Hodges, David Taylor and Israel Johnson.