The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 11, 1964, Image 1
Che Battalion Texas A&M University ] Volume 61 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1964 Number 53 Ags Eliminated After 2 Losses 1 x: | Rain, wind, the long layoff from Southwest Conference play, Minnesota and Seaton Hall knocked the usually poised Aggies out of College World Series play. Seaton Hall, N. J. finished the season for the Aggies Wednesday with a lop-sided 14-5 win. The Aggies held a 5-3 lead going into the bottom of the eight inning but the Pirates rallied for 11 runs while the Aggies used four pitchers during the inning. Seaton Hall had 14 runs off of 15 hits, allowed three errors and left eight men stranded on base. Bill Watson was the winning pitcher for Seaton Hall while Richard Beller was billed as the loosing pitcher for the Aggies. Chuck Mc Guire started the bottom of the - * eighth inning as pitcher and was replaced by Beller. Beller was followed by Billy Crain and Richard Lee. The Aggies had five runs off of seven hits, committed four errors and had five men left on base. The Minnesota Gophers took an early lead Monday afternoon to give the Aggies their first loss in the double elimination play. The Ags tied the ballgame 3-3 in the top of the sixth inning but Min nesota came back with one run in the seventh and three in the eighth. The Aggies had three runs on nine hits, three errors and nine men left on base. Minnesota had seven runs on 16 hits with three errors and eleven men stranded on base. The losing pitcher for the Aggies was John Crane. Steven Hillhouse started the game for the Aggies and lasted five innings giving up three runs, striking out two men and giving up 10 base hits. Hillhouse was re placed by Crain in the sixth when a pinch hitter was used for Hill house. Beller pitched the final inning for the Aggies. Joe Pollack was the winning pitcher for Minnesota. The Seaton Hall club from the fifth until the seventh inning when Mc Guire was on the mound and it began to rain. Seaton Hall collect ed 13 hits in the seventh and eighth innings, getting eleven runs in the eighth. McGuire had a three-hitter go ing for him through the seventh inning. The Aggies hobbled the ball five times, three of them allowing runs to cross the plate. Beller pitched to three men and walked two. He was given the loss since the first man that scored was the winning run. Annual School Conference Concludes W ith Ceremony Veteran Legislator Honored With Gift Group Agrees To Dissolution Of Their Jobs A proposal to abolish the office of county superintendent gained approval of the Texas Association of County Superintendents Tues day. Aui iYiJimc uua T* 16 proposal, drafted at the Aggies were leading the ! schoolmen’s conference at A&M Forestry Officials Inspect Facilities Boyd L. Rasmussen, deputy chief in charge of state and private forestry, United States Forest Service, Washington, D. C., arrived on the A&M University campus, Wednesday, to begin a two-day inspection of Texas Forest Service installations and programs. This is the first time a Forest Service official of this rank has visited the Texas Forest Service headquarters in College Station in the past three or four decades. Dr. A. D. Folweiler, director, Texas Forest Service, met Ras mussen and his party at Easter- wood Airport and will escort them during their two-day visit. The group spent most of the first day on the A&M University campus and will fly to Lufkin for the re mainder of the visit. Rasmussen will also visit two other Southern state forestry agen cies. His special interest is to observe how work is done by state forestry agencies in connection with the cooperative forestry pro grams for which the U. S. Con gress makes money available. The U. S. Forest Service supervises for Teague Announces Moon Study Grant A&M University’s Activation Analysis Laboratory has been awarded an additional $67,820 grant from the National Aero nautics and Space Administration, Congressman Olin E. Teague re ported Tuesday. The research grant funds will be used to support further study on the feasibility of using an in strument package to determine what the moon’s surface is like. The A&M-built activation anal ysis package would radio data back to scientists. The portable unit will weigh about 30 pounds. Grad Enrollment Hits Record High Graduate student enrollment at A&M University continues its rec ord-setting pace, Graduate Dean Wayne C. Hall said Wednesday. Registration this term included 1,237 graduate students, term up 14 per cent over the 1963 summer school figure. It is only 21 stu dents short of the all-time gradu ate enrollment record of 1,258 students established last spring. A&M’s total enrollment for the first summer session is 3,721, the highest in A&M’s history except for the summer of 1947 when World War II veterans crowded the campus, Registrar H. L. Hea ton reported. the Federal government the ex penditure of these cooperative for estry funds. Accompanying Rasmussen from Washington is an aide, Roy W. Olson; Deputy Regional Forester Horace Erickson and Douglas Craig, assistant regional forester in charge of State and Private Forestry. University, would establish “mid dle” districts, usually including several counties, to perform liaison between local schools and the state. The county superintendents are among three state associations meeting at A&M this week. Outgoing President Johnnie Mc Leod of Jasper said this would clear the way for wider distribu tion of the changes and prepara tion of a proposed legislative measure. James R. Phillips of Kaufman was named president of the Texas School Administrators Association. He succeeds Q. M. Martin of Car thage. H. D. Maxwell of Cameron was named president of the Texas As sociation of County Superintend ents. Miss Adeline Daniel of Port La vaca follows Joe A. Airola of Spring Branch as president of the Texas Association of Instructional Supervisors. The county superintendents elected V. W. Miller of Houston as vice president and re-elected Wil lie Merle Haithcock of Plainview as secretary and W. D. Bunting of Bryan as treasurer. A BOOK TO CHERISH . State Senator and Mrs. A. M. Aikin awarded volume. Science Foundation Programs Available At Dean’s Office State Senator A. M. Aikin of Paris was honored here Wednesday by Texas schoolmen for his “unmatched record” in the cause of public school education. Mrs. Aikin also was recognized in ceremonies attended by 450 school superintendents, administrators and instruc tional supervisors at the last program of the annual three- day conferences on the A&M University campus. “I only wish that what has been said could be true,” the veteran legislator said as he accepted a bound volume of 228 letters of appreciation, from schoolmen and professional organizations. The volume called the “Golden Deeds for Education Award” was compiled under spon-"*" sorship of the Texas Association of County Superintendents, the Texas School Administrators As sociation and the Texas Associa tion of Instructional Supervisors. Mrs. Aikin was presented a charm for her bracelet and the couple received a set of Wedge- wood china plates showing A&M campus scenes as a thirty-fifth wedding anniversary gift. Aikin’s legislative career dates to 1932 when as a freshman in the House of Representatives he cosponsored a teacher retirement bill. Details of six National Science Foundation programs with more than 3,500 openings for graduate and postdoctoral study during 1965 and into 1966 now are available at the office of A&M University Graduate Dean Wayne C. Hall. Applications for the programs must be submitted within coming months. A&M cooperates in the National Science Foundation programs. Yarborough Says He’s Paid All Debts From Campaigns ABILENE, Tex. OP)—Sen. Ralph Yarborough, whose political fi nances were projected by an op ponent as an issue in this year’s Democratic primary, says he has never failed to pay campaign debts. Yarborough, who defeated radio executive Gordon McLendon in the May primary, said in a letter pub lished by the Abilene Reporter- News: . . in the seven statewide cam paigns that I have run, I have never asked a creditor to take a discount on indebtedness. I have paid all of my campaign debts in full, with the exception of the very heavy indebtedness hanging over me now as a result of the recent 1964 primary campaign.” The senator said he completed paying previous campaign debts last October at an appreciation dinner in Austin “though I had been paying installments for years out of my own earnings.” Poultry Scientist Named Supervisor Dr. Jim Deaton has been named supervisor of the National Poultry and Turkey Improvement Plans for Texas with headquarters at A&M University. Dr. J. H. Quisenberry, head of the A&M Department of Poultry Science, said Deaton replaces Geor ge Draper who resigned several months ago to join Consumers Co operative. A native of Arkansas, Deaton received his B.S. degree in poultry science in 1956 at the University of Arkansas. His M.S. and Ph.D. degrees came from A&M in 1959 and 1964. The poultryman’s professional experience includes employment at Paymaster Feed Mills in Abilene from 1956 to 1958; Janes Bar Nothing Turkey Ranch, Austin, 1958; and the DeKalb Agricul tural Association in Illinois and Ohio 1959 to 1961. Foremost among charges leveled at Yarborough during the May pri mary was the assertion he accept ed $50,000 from convicted swindler Billie Sol Estes at a Pecos barbe cue in 1960. Yarborough called this an “in famous lie,” and the Justice De partment on the eve of the election said one of two men McLendon presented in support of the charge later recanted a statement that he saw the senator receive $50,000. McLendon presented in a broad cast a lawsuit filed in 1957 by James W. Nichols of Abilene, who conducted some public relations work in Yarborough’s losing gu bernatorial campaign of 1956. Nichols sued Yarborough for $6,500 in 98th District Court in Austin. He told the Abilene news paper last April 30 that the $6,500 was about half the amount Yar borough owed him for work in 1956. Yarborough’s letter to the news paper said he paid Nichols install ments on the debt as they became due, with the last payment in May, 1957. “Mr. Nichols was paid in full everything owed h i m under the note, which was everything that accrued to him under his contract to work in my campaign in 1956,” Yarborough said. “There was no reduction of that debt; there was no discount,” he said. Yarborough said the suit was politically inspired and timed to hurt him in his 1957 senatorial campaign. Nichols denied this contention, saying there was no press release made about the filing of the suit. Three thousand of the NSF awards will be made in the Grad uate Fellowships and Cooperative Graduate Fellowships programs for 1965-66. These programs are for all levels of graduate study. The NSF programs are for work in the mathematical, physical, medical, biological and engineering sciences, and anthropology, econo mics, geography, the history and philosophy of science, linguistics, political science, psychology and sociology. Also included are in terdisciplinary areas such as oceanography and meteorology. Approximately 350 fellowships will be awarded to science faculty members to enhance their effec tiveness as teachers. To be eligi ble an applicant must hold a bac calaureate degree, have demon strated ability and special aptitude for science teaching and advanced training, as of October, 1964, had at least three years service as a full-time teacher and intend to continue teaching. “Senator Aikin has sponsored every major education bill enacted into law during the past 20 years,” President Joe Airola of the in- structional ' supervisors said as he presented the volume of letters to the senator. “There are so many to whom I owe so much,” Aikin said after paying tribute to his wife for her support. Aikin singled out Gibb Gilchrist, former chancellor of the A&M University System. “I don’t know the English language well enough to say how much I appreciate this,” Aikin continued. He downgraded his role, saying he had “just a little bitty part” in the support given Texas education. Aikin coauthored the Gilmer- Aikin Laws and more recently the Hale-Aikin Law which updated Texas educational programs. He also has sponsored other major legislation. Rudder Named Future Choice For Governor Conservative Democrats seek A&M University President Earl Rudder as a future candidate for governor of Texas, The Dallas Morning News reported June 7. Rudder’s possible candidacy was mentioned in “Weather Vane,” The News’ political column with view points f r o m Austin, Washington and Dallas. “Earl Rudder, president of Tex as A&M, is mentioned among con servative Democrats as a future candidate for governor,” Richard M. Morehead, the News correspon dent in Austin, wrote. “Rudder won his only statewide race, for land commissioner, after holding that office awhile by appoint ment ” Morehead noted that Rudder is a rancher as well as an educator, and serves as a general in the Army Reserves. “Last week he was back in Nor mandy in an official party named by President Johnson,” Morehead continued. “Rudder was one of the D-Day heroes as a Ranger bat talion commander.” The Texas A&M president re turned to Normandy to participate in ceremonies marking the 20th anniversary of the World War II invasion. World Famous Veterinarian To Join University Faculty Dr. Fred D. Maurer, an inter nationally-known veterinarian, will join A&M University’s College of Veterinary Medicine Sept. 1 as associate dean and distinguished professor of pathology. Dr. Maurer is president of the Which Is The “Bloomer Girl.”? Four cast members for the A&M summer still seeking- male cast members for the July musical from left to right, Dianna Wierus, 16-18 musical. Auditions are held week-day Carla Vaughn, Ruth Samson, and Nancy nights in the Social Room of the Memorial Muehlstein. Director Robert L. Boone is Student Center. American College of Veterinary Pathologists and director of the division of medicine at the U. S. Army’s medical research labora tory at Fort Knox, Ky. His ap pointment was announced Monday by Dean Alvin A. Price. Dr. Maurer is known for his research with viruses and animal diseases. He once served as a field director of a research team in Africa for a joint Department of Defense — U. S. Department of Agriculture project. He is a consultant to the Animal Disease Eradication Division of USDA, the Illinois Center of Zoo noses Research and the Morris Animal Foundation. A former staff member at the University of Idaho and Cornell University, Dr. Maurer is chair man of the Army Medical Research Laboratory’s research committee and was a member of the Armed research committee for seven years. He holds a doctor’s degree in veterinary medicine from Wash ington State and a doctor of phi losophy from Cornell University. Dr. Maurer also has studied at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. The professor is a member of numerous professional organiza tions, including the American Vet erinary Medical Association, So ciety of Experimental Biology and Medicine, American Society of Im munologists, U. S. Livestock Sani tary Commission, Conference of Research Workers in Animal Dis eases and International Academy of Pathologists. Dean Price said the new asso ciate dean of veterinary medicine will play an important role in furthering research at the univer sity. Dr. Maurer is married and has two children. The family will move to College Station in August. Ford Foundation Announces Grant The Ford Foundation has an nounced a $25,000 grant to the College of Engineering at A&M University to encourage graduate students to become teachers. A&M is one of 34 universities (the only one in Texas) to receive $1 million in grants for forgivable loans up to $10,000. The loans may be granted over a three year period to any quali fied applicant, the Foundation re ported. Recipients must be engi neering graduate students. Those who commit themselves to a teach ing career are not required to repay the loan. This is the third year the Ford Foundation has provided such a grant.