The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 13, 1964, Image 3
mMiilWMili , feH-’W <fc **K > c a time and he ling that Y 13 3EST roit ovie VIE t 10 p. m. THE hi Kappa Phi nitiate Pledges Phi Kappa Phi held their ini- ation banquet Tuesday night at 30 in the ballroom of the Memo- al Student Center. Dr. Alfred R. Neumann was e featured speaker for the even- ig. Neumann is the Dean of ie College of Arts and Sciences the University of Houston. His pic was “The Search for the aller Life.” Following is a list of those idergraduates initiated into the morary society at the meeting: dwin J. Bowers, William P. Brad- 1, Ralph E. Folsom, Gerald R. adeley, Philip G. Madely, Byron Oliver, David L. Reynolds, athan K. Forrest, Thomas M. shly, James R. Clark, Cyril J. urrenberger and Michael Hamil- Other undergrad initiates were fon P. Me Anally, Michael D. Mc- own, Robert P. Speedy, Donald .Veazey, Curtis A. Bedrich, Ray- nond D. Freeman, Harlan E. Rob- ts, John S. Ballard III, James , Larkin, John E. Lewis, Marion Pugh, Douglas N. Rose, John Rose, Oscar Sotelo, Michael Stevens and William Turney. Also inducted into the society [ere Keith B. Ward Jr., Carlos A. edoya, James E. Furber, Barry Hopper, Larry A. Maddox, Paul D Mauldin, Michael A. McBrayer, Le D. McIntosh, Edward P. Mil- », Richard E. Rubac, Maurice L. duller, Wesley M. Taylor, Al- jed J. West, Jack W. Wynne, pnald Brame and Forrest M. jims, Jr. Also initiated, were James L. ^rtain, John A. Schmidt, David Barkemeyer, David S. Clifton, iland 0. Davis, William L. Lange, lomas M. Matthews, John E. core, Robert M. Nalley, Billy pbertson, Leslie G. Adams, Gerald Morrow, William K. Read, Steve N. Shores, Howard W. Whit- rd and K. A. Clark. IHT m wr m] IRTISH wmmmxmmmAMONG THE PROFS* Scholar Directory Picks 14 From English Faculty I X- £ Fourteen members of the De partment of English are listed in the new, fourth edition of “Di rectory of American Scholars, Volume II, English, Speech and Drama.” The Texas A&M faculty members listed are J. Q. Anderson, R. H. Ballinger, R. W. Barzak, A. L. Ben nett, F. E. Ekfelt, K. E. Elm- quist, J. Q. Hays, H. P. Kroitor, C. D. Laverty, S. S. Morgan, J. F. Pierce, A. Schrader, E. E. Stokes and V. Wiening. ★ ★ ★ Willard Strode of the School of Architecture will be a guest in structor at the University of Colorado Aug. 10-28. He will be one of three pro fessors associated with a summer civil-defense institute for teachers. Others include G. K. Vettor, former A&M architecture faculty member, and Leo Novak, former A&M stu dent. ★ ★ ★ Alfred E. Cronk, head of the De partment of Aerospace Engineer ing has been named professor of the year by the Student Engineer ing Council. The faculty member was chosen for academic and professional activities, interest in his students and community activities. ★ ★ ★ Dr. A. B. Wooten, in the De partment of Agricultural Econo mics and Sociology, has been chosen as the school year’s out standing professor in the College of Agriculture. The selection was made by the Student Agricultural Council, com posed of representatives of techni cal clubs in the College of Agri culture. ★ ★ ★ Three members of the Depart- Hickman Garrett Motors AUTHORIZES eiAUR «UTHORIZC9 OCAtC* Bryan's ONLY Authorized VOLKSWAGEN DEALER SALES • SERVICE • PARTS ■w Service and Warranty Performed By Factory Trained TECHNICIANS 403 N. Main TA 2-0146 © tro'niuIuiM AGGIES ... DON’T DELAY! Order Your Boots Now For Future Delivery - Small Payment Will Do YOUR BOOTS MADE TO ORDER Convenient Lay-Away Plan ONLY $55.00 A PAIR Economy Shoe Repair & Boot Co. 509 W. Commerce, San Antonio CA 3-0047 ment of Poultry Science are parti cipating in the Poultry Breeders of America meeting and the Poul try Breeders Roundtable May 7-9 in Kansas City, Mo. They are Dr. J. H. Quisenber- ry, head of the department, and Dr. W. F. Krueger and Dr. R. C. Fanguy. ★ ★ ★ John F. Griffiths and Walter K. Henry will attend a conference on tropical meteorology at Asbury Park, N. J. Delegates Warned To Avoid Control By Federal Purse John P. Doyle of A&M Uni versity said Tuesday the trans portation industry must pull to gether on long-range programs to avoid “an ever-encroaching fed eral bureaucracy.” “We have to make private en terprise work by voluntary co operation or, sure as shooting, government will step in to do the things we should have done our selves,” Doyle warned delegates attending a joint meeting of San Antonio transportation groups. What is good for the nation will, in time, be the best thing for each separate transportation interest, stated Doyle, A&M’s MacDonald Professor of Transportation. “There are those in Washington who believe in central direction of business and industry, brought about through control of the fed eral purse,” Doyle continued. “It will take genuine cooperative ef fort to check the trend. Stark Takes Senior Honor Frank W. Stark, Jr., of Daven port, Iowa, has been named the outstanding senior industrial en gineering student at A&M Uni versity for 1963-64. The award was presented at the American Institute of Industrial Engineers banquet, along with the introduction of new officers for next year. Preston A. Scott of Bryan, presi dent-elect, received a $100 scholar ship from Alpha Pi Mu, industrial engineering society. Other new officers include: Gary R. Carey, treasurer from Houston, John Franklin Berry, vice presi dent from LaGrange, Harry Swift Lewis of New Orleans, secretary and John Robert Warren, confer ence representative from Sour Lake. CARELESS CLARENCE Forgot to have his car checked before his week-end trip. He ran into trouble. CAREFUL CHARLIE Saw us for our free quick Sinclair Safety Service Check. Had a trouble-free week-end trip. Which one are you? Our Sinclair Safety Check mean a free, quick check of radiator, fan belt, battery, lights, windshield wipers and tires, including the spare. We put put in fresh oil, if needed. We lubricate for $1.00, was for $1.25. Before you start out this week-end, drive in for our free Sinclair Safety Service Check. Drive with care and buy Sinclair. Sinclair, j*/ B&L SINCLAIR (STUDENT OPERATED) 601 Sulphur Springs (North Gate) College Station VI 6-9964 Robert G. Yaskovic ’65 S the Fri- The Army is sponsoring meeting Wednesday through day. ★ ★ ★ Mrs. Florence W. Low, assistant director for home economics with the Texas Agricultural Extension Service, is in Washington D. C. to attend a special meeting of the Consumer Advisory Council of the President’s Committee on Con sumer Interests. Mrs. Low was the sixth woman named to the citizens group by President Johnson this spring. ★ ★ ★ Dr. J. R. Couch of the Depart ment of Poultry Science is in Il linois and Ohio to attend meetings and discuss research with officials of sponsoring companies. The scientist is attending the annual meeting of the American Feed Manufacturers Association in Chicago. Couch will travel to Ashland, Ohio, to persent a seminar on re cent developments in poultry nu trition. A&M FFAers Name Favorite Ag Professors A&M University’s Collegiate Chapter of Future Farmers of America has selected its favorite professors. They are Dr. N. A. McNiel, geneticist in the Department of Animal Husbandry, named as “Out standing Professor in Agricultural Education.” Service awards went to E. R. Alexander of College Station and Henry Ross of the A&M Office of International Programs. Alexander, former head of the Department of Agricultural Edu cation, retired in 1953. Ross has been associated with the depart ment since the 1930’s. The service awards were pre sented by Charles Schmucker, vice president of the First Security National Bank in Beaumont. Other awards went to outstand ing seniors in agricultural educa tion, James Engbrock of Rogers and Walter Prescher of Clifton. Daniel Krieg of Thrall won the $125 Junior Scholarship and was named the outstanding junior. THE BATTALION Wednesday, May 13, 1964 College Station, Texas Page 3 New, Rebuilt LEONARD’S AUTO SUPPLY AGGIES: Come to Leonard’s for your discount where your business is appreciated. Automatic transmission fluid 25tf — Rebuilt Spark Plugs 25^ Chev., Ford brake shoes (2-wheel) $2.75 — Filters Save 50% 6 Volt Batteries as low as $8.95 Look For LEONARD’S AUTO SUPPLY Highway 21 & Sims TA 2-4195 STABBED BY SHAKESPEARE? Hamlet —Macbeth These and other plays and novels are easier when you have a copy of CLIFF’S NOTES to help you study. CLIFF’S NOTES provide expert summaries and explanations of more than 60 frequently-assigned plays and novels. They’re designed to give you a better under standing-and better grades, too. America’s most popular study aid at only $1 each. GET 'EM HERE Skater A 'Uniueriitty (J3ooh ^tot North Gate College Station Jliiffs.KoiEs. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day 36 per word 26 per word each additional day Minin 4 p.m ditional e—40* E . day before publication Classified Displa mum chars: o- DEADLINE Classified Display 804 per column inch each insertion FOR SALE Concord model 220 tape recorder, $90. VI 6-4239. 46t7 1963 Valiant, Premium tires, no equity. Assume payments. See at 808 Ennis. 46t3 Fourteen chair chrome dinnette, $26. Modern oak bedroom suite, $100. Youth bed, $8. Baby chest, $8. Living room chair, ible bed, $16. VI 6-7946. 46t5 $10. Doub 1955 Super 88 4-door, new tires, air, & steering, other e> Reasonable. VI 6-6016 or, i power brakes & steering, other very clean. VI 6-6359. extras. 46t3 1957 Plymouth tudor, red, $325. Phone TA 3-3184. 45t3 Used 23,000 BTU window air conditioner in original crate at winter price of $315, VI 6-6660. 45t4 250hp < Loaded, new car warranty, take up payments, VI 6-8011. Chevrolet Impala 2 door hardtop, engine with 4 speed transmission. $2,586 cash or 45t4 1961 Impala convertibl standard shift, new ivertible, one owner, tires, 283 block, $1760, 4413 will be received m the office of the Foundation Seed Section, Agronomy Farm, College Station, Texas until 9:30 a. m., Friday, May 15. The bids will be publicly opened and read for one 1958 Remington Electric Typewriter. Prospective bidders Notice of SALE OF 1958 ELECTRIC GTON TYPEWRITER. Sealed bids be received in the office of the Notice REMING 1 pev should contact the Foundati tion. Phone VI 6-6 he r -6823 on 3 for further informa- 1962 Triumph TR-3, overdrive, wire wheels, $1400, VI 6-6683. R&H, 44t3 REMOVAL SALE Process movin; on nev Sacrificing Merchandise, Building Sold, Process of moving out. SALE on new, used, reconditioned furniture, appli ances, antiques, gift items. SALE AT ALL THREE STORES. KOOKEN HOME FURNISHINGS, Navasota, Tex as. 42tl0 pat hoi 1963 zig zag portable, makes tterns without attachm all fancy tachments. Sews button and monograms. One only. Guaran teed 5 years. Just $32.76 or $7.95 monthly. TA 2-7020 for free home demonstration. Singer select-o-matic automatic portable. No attachments or pattern cams necessary for hundreds of fancy designs. Also mono grams and sews buttons on. 10 year guar antee. $44.00 or $8.50 monthly, TA 2-7020. 1960 motor scooter, 4209 College Main, VI 6-4652, 24tfn TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 Import Motors Authorized Triumph Dealers 100% Financing To Graduating Seniors Sports and Economy Cars New and Used Complete Service Dept. 2807 Texas Ave. TA 3-5175 ACME If It’s Glass We Have It” GLASS COMPANY P. O. Box 1164, Bryan, Texas Taylor 2-1577 “Auto Glass Specialists” (Courtesy Car Available) CHILD CARE Experienced child care in my home, pre fer 3 years up, Mrs. Robert W. Wink, VI- 6-4982. 45tfn Keep children in my Experienced. VI 6-6536. home from 8 to 5. 35tfn HUMPTY cense Welfare. Ch D. Jones, College Ave., DUMPTY NURSERY, r of all Li ed by Texas State Dept, of Public hild:— ' ” ’ ages. Virginia D. Jones, Registered Nurse, 3404 South TA 2-4803. Will keep children, all ages, will pick up and deliver. VI 6-8161. llltfn FEMALE HELP WANTED Part-time typing at home $30 to $60 weekly. Send background of yourself and typini yo hours available. P. O. Box 36177, Houston 36, Texas. Aggie wife for waitress, above average pay, excellent working conditions. Mr. Mullins at the Dutch Kettle, VI 6-9968 or VI 6-6146. 45tfn Need one more white lady for night shift at Tastee Freez located across from Sands Motel. 42t5 Lady with experience in bookkeeping for local firm, good working conditions, salary open, submit resume of experience an in own dential. vertisement. handwritir conditions, en, submit resume of experience nd education to Box 408, Bryan, Texas, bandwriting. Replys kept confi- Our employees know of this ad' HELP WANTED Student or student’s wife, start imme diately, 11 till 3, must be able to continue through summer. Apply in person. Little Pigs Barbecue, 808 Villa Maria Road. 45tfn SPECIAL NOTICE Fast efficient servi on cataloges, chures, reports, etc. Gene Hix ice ine reasonable prices bro- TYPING SERVICE-MULTILITH PRINT ING, thesis-dissertations-yearbook-brochures -term papers-business letters-job resume applications-blank forms, etc. REPRODUC TION : Copy negatives and prints-lantern slides - paper masters - metal plates-custom photo finishing. Camera and movie pro jectors repair service. PHOTOGRAPHY. J. C. Glidev [ewell’s PHOTO LAB. TA 3-1693, 2007 S. College Ave., Bryan. 12tfn AUTO INSURANCE—place your i insurance with Farmers Insurance Gr ds increased 50% over la auto Insurance G: Dividends increased 50% over last year. We accept per 25. Call toda; GROUP, 3510 phone TA 2-4461. rsons, single and und, .y FA1 South College Road, B s, single and under age FARMERS INSURANCE Bryan, 146tl07 SOSOLIK'S T. V., Radio, Phono., Car Radio Transistor Radio Service 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 Students of Texas A&M University and ioi ic .or, it will be worth you: contact WM. T. SMITH, salesman for ers idents of the College Station Area, ou trade for a n< it will be worth res before y tractoi for a new pick up or ur time to CEN-TEX TRACTOR & CMC CO., 2300 Highway 21 East, TA 2-4012 or Call VI 6-6-6245 after 5. TV-Radio-Hi-Fi Service & Repair GIL’S RADIO & TV TA 2-0826 2403 S. College Corsages for the SENIOR RING DANCE RAMADA FLORIST Located in the Ramada Inn Convenient to Campus AUTO REPAIRS All Makes Just Say: “Charge It” Cade Motor Co. Ford Dealer FOR RENT WORK WANTED Three room furnished apartment, auto- ishii Lent 1 Call VI 6-6528. matic washing machine connections, con venient location, available May 24. $55., 46tfn Two bedroom or living room and one bedroom, wall furnace, stove and ice box furnished, utilities not paid, $60., 604 Boyett, VI 6-4135. MALE HELP WANTED Aggie wanted part-time or full time for waiter, good working conditions, aboi average pay. Cai Kettle, VI 6-9969 or VI 6-6146. OFFICIAL NOTICE Official notices must be brou mailed so as to arrive in the of Student YMCA, VI 6-641 ght or Office in (Ground FI to arrive Publications XJVUJA, Vi b-6415, hours 8-12, 1-5, daily Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p. m. of the day preceding loor aily leadline publicati tions. 1 p. -Direc ;he day preceding Student Publica- NOTICE TO MAY GRADUATES: On Thursday, May 21, at 8 :00 a. m., a list will be posted in the lobby of the Richard Coke Building of all candidates who have completed their academic requirements for degrees, to be conferred May 23, 1964. Each candidate is urged to consult this list to determine his status. 46t5 It is now time for all student organiza tions to apply for official recognition at the Student Finance Center, Memorial Student Center. 42tl0 ay Exercise All students who are candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy are required to order hoods as well as the doctor’s cap and gown. The hoods are to be left at the Registrar’s Office no later than 1:00 p. m., Tuesday, May 19 (this will be accomplished by a representative of the College Exchange Store). The Ph. D. hoods will not be worn in the procession since all such candidates will be hooded on the stage as a part of the ceremonies. Candidates for the Master’s Degree will wear the Master’s cap and gown. All civilian students who are candi dates for the Bachelor’s Degree will wear the bachelor’s cap and gown. ROTC stu dents who are candidates for the Bachelor’s Degree will wear the Class “A” cadet uniform in lieu of academic regalia. Sen ior boots are optional with the uniform. Rental of caps and gowns may be arranged with the Exchange Store. Orders may be placed between 8:00 a. m. Monday, May 4 ay. May 16. The is as follows: Doctor’s cap and rown $5.25, Master’s cap and gown $4.75, gown $4.25. and 12:00 noon Saturd: rental is as follow: gown $5.25, Master’s Bachelor’s cap and rental is the same that for caj Hood and P wn. A 2% Texas State Sales Tax is re ared in addition to these rentals. 33tl6 READER - ADVISER - she helps you with all your problems and answers all your questions. % price with this clipping. OPEN DAILY INCLUDING SUNDAY 7 a. m. - 8 p. m. SEE MOTHER POCOHONTAS 104 East Highway 21 Caldwell, Teaxs HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th TA 2-2819 AGGIES Do you change your own oil—? —or work on your car—? Then, why not save more on your parts at JOE FAULK’S DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS Latex inside paint Gal. $2.98 2 Gals. $4.98 Seat Belts 3.95 Filters-Save 40 - 50% RB Spark Plugs Ea. 29d Wheel Bearings 30 to 60% discount Plastic Vinyl trim seat covers (19.95 value now only $13.88 Shock absorbers as low as (3.88 Not off-brand ies i pric 12V at dealer price. Chev-Fd brake shoes 36-58 List (5.85 set of 2 wheels (2.69 Check our prices on Kelly Springfield tires before you buy. Gulfpride, Havoline, Pennzoil .. Qt. S7< Your choice — Enco, Amalie, Mobil- Conoco j Qt. 33< Texaco, Gulflube-Opaline Qt, 30# SAE 30-40 Recon. Oil Qt. 15* Automatic Transmission Fluid _ Qt. 25* We have 95% of the parts you need at Dealer price or less. JOE FAULK AUTO ’32 25th and Washington Ironing, TA 3-5233. PETS Three kittens to give away, 507-A First, VI 6-4877. 45t3 CITY ORDINANCE ORDINANCE NO. 398 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE QUESTION OF REZONING LOTS 9 AND 10, BLOCK 18, BOYETT ADDITION FROM DISTRICT NO. 2, RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT TO DIS TRICT NO. 3, APARTMENT HOUSE DIS TRICT. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas: that strict trict; now, there- be rezoned as District No. Distri the City of College Station, iexas: WHEREAS, the City Planning and Zon ing Commission has recommended that land described herein 3, Apartment House fore. It is hereby ordered that a public hearing shall be held in the City Hall at 7:00 P. M. on May 25, 1964 on the question of rezoning areas within the city limits as follows: 1. To rezone or change the classification of Lots 9 and 10, Block 18, Boyett Addition " T ' ! ' " Residential District to in a local daily newspaper of ger culation at least fifteen days prioi of said hearing. Passed and approved and ordered lished this 6th day of May, 1964. APPROVED S/Ernest Langford Mayor ATTEST: S/K. A. Manning City Secretary published neral cir- >r to date pub- ORDINANCE NO. 397 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE QUESTION OF REZONING ALL OF LOTS 1 THROUGH 9 INC., BLOCK 6, REDMOND TERRACE ADDITION FROM DISTRICT NO. 1, FIRST DWELLING HOUSE DIS TRICT, TO DISTRICT NO. 3, APART MENT HOUSE DISTRICT. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas: WHEREAS, the City Planning and Zon ing Commission has recommended that land described herein be rezoned as District No. 3, Apartment House District; now, there fore. It is hereby ordered that a public hear ing shall be hel< P. M. on May i rezoning areas follows: 1. To rezone or change the classifica tion of all of Lots 1 through 9 inc., Block 6, Redmc No. 1, I District No. 3, Notice of said hearing shall be published in a local daily newspaper of general cir culation at least fifteen days prior to date of said hearing. Passed and approved and ordered pub lished this 6th day of May, 1964. APPROVED S/Ernest Langford Mayor ATTEST: S/K. A. Manning City Secretary c., Block i District ORDINANCE NO. 396 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE QUESTION OF REZONING THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED AREA FROM DISTRICT NO. 1, FIRST DWELLING HOUSE DISTRICT, TO DISTRICT NO. 4, FIRST BUSINESS DISTRICT: TRACT NO. I: BEGINNING at an iron rod in a concrete monument at the most northerly corner of Lot 1, Block 6, Redmond Terrace Addi tion ; THENCE N 48° 12' E a distance of 427.0 feet to a point for corner ; THENCE S 45° 00' E a distance of 1361.0 feet to a concrete monument for corner ; THENCE S 45° 00' W a distance of 225.0 feet to a concrete monument for corner ; THENCE N 64° 48' W a distance of 605.4 feet to a concrete monument for corner ; THENCE N 45° 20' W a distance of 654.3 er ; 0.0 feet to a concrete monument for corner THENCE N 41° 48' W a distance of 16' feet to the point of beginning. TRACT NO. II: Lots 9 through 11 in Block 3 and Lots 18 through 21 in Block 4, Redmond Terrace. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas: WHEREAS, the City Planning and Zon ing Commission has recommended that land described herein be rezoned as District No. , First Business District; now, therefore. It is hereby ordered that a public hear ing shall be held in the City Hall at 7 :00 P. M. on May 25, 1964 on the question of rezoning areas within the city limits as follows: 1. To rezone or change the tion of all that property TRACT NO: I: BEGINNING at an iron rod in a concrete monument at the most northerly corner of Lot 1, Block 6, Redmond Terrace Addition ; THENCE N 48° 12' E a distance of 427.0 feet to a point for corner ; THENCE S 45' > 00’ E a distance of 1361.0 feet to a concrete monument for corner ; THENCE S 45° 00’ W a distance of 225.0 feet to a concrete monument for comer ; THENCE N 64° 48' W a distance of 605.4 feet to a concrete monument for comer : THENCE N 45° 20’ W a distance of 654.3 feet to a cone THENCE feet to TRACT NO. II: Lots 9 through 11 in Block 3 and Lots 18 through 21 in Block 4, Redmond Terrace Addition. from District No. 1, First Dwelling House District No. 4, First Business District. a concrete monument for comer ; N 41° 48' W a distance of 160.0 the point of beginning; and District No. 4, '■ r tice of sai local dail; siness Notice of said hearing shall be published y newspaper of general cir- on at least fifteen days prior to date in a culatii of said heart ap lished this 6th day of M mg. Passed and approved and ordered pub- ay of May, 1964. APPROVED S/Ernest Langford Mayor ATTEST: S/K. A. Manning City Secretary