The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 13, 1964, Image 1
°J* bles, 3rd I Luis iday ini^ ■&M \ t Confer > n histe Lke Hi{p )les tojS ■ tounitj, -aptured ning then m aiy Paij n fours' vere 6-3,! Barker by Longt; 9-7, and! 3aba rest! S off Ij in the si p seed. tica’s col net sip lals, th .Iters A third i ompeted,! first roa 'exas cob f meet,! al. Thee eff Andri ivelfth pli mm Pension Fund High jinx Told To Hof fa Jury By The Associated Press A government witness testified Tuesday that Teamsters Union President James R. Hof fa promis ed him approval of a $5 million loan from a union pension fund if he would help extricate Hoffa from a sinking business venture. The day was also enlivened by the placing of a federal guard around U. S. Dist. Judge Richard B. Austin, after an anonymous tele phone caller told police someone would try to kill the judge. Two U. S. marshals were assign ed to guard the judge in his court room and six other stood watch over corridors leading to his cham bers. There were no incidents in court as the witness, Stanton D. San son of Bal Harbour, Fla., describ ed the alleged Hoffa proposal. Hoffa and seven other defend ants are accused of defrauding the pension fund of more than $20 mil lion in loans and getting a million- dollar kickback from the persons who received the loans. Sanson testified that Hoffa wanted him and his associates to take over Sun Valley, Inc., a fin ancially troubled retirement homes development in Brevard County, Fla., in which he said Hoffa was deeply involved. The witness said Hoffa told him Sun Valley was in considerable difficulty and Hoffa wanted a re putable firm to take over the de velopment “and do something with it.” Wire Review By The Associated Press U. S. NEWS NEW YORK — CBS News and the American Broadcasting Co., announced Tuesday they were withdrawing support of television’s "Emmy” awards and would not ac cept any awards they might win. CBS News, which made the first announcement, described the awards by the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences as "unprofessional, unrealistic and unfair.” ★★★ OAKLAND, Calif. — Glowing with joy, Joan Merriam complet ed Tuesday her trouble-plagued 27,750-mile solo flight around the world. She was escorted the last 100 miles by two Coast Guard air craft. TEXAS NEWS LONGVIEW, Tex. — Eastman Kodak will build two large addi tions to its plant in Longview. A multimillion dollar hydrocar bon cracking plant will be started in October and is expected to be ready by the middle of next year. The other plant will produce acetaldehyde. ★★★ DALLAS — Two Dallas po licemen left for Washington Tuesday to testify before the Warren Commission about the slaying of President Kennedy here Nov. 22, and subsequent events. Jack Revill and Detective V. J. Bryan will appear Wednes day. Che Battalion Volume 61 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1964 Number 46 APPEARS HERE FRIDAY Pete Fountain, who calls his music “New White Coliseum. Season tickets and student Orleans jazz” will be on Campus at 8 p. m. activity cards will be honored for this Town Friday for a Town Hall concert in G. Rollie Hall extra. Senate Election Set For Thursday 27 Places By JOHN WRIGHT News Editor If you have not liked the way the Student Senate has conducted itself in the past, you can vote Thursday for the men you think will be able to best perform their jobs as senators in the future. For Thursday is the day for electing fellow students to the 27 positions to be decided that will complete the Senate for 1964-65. Forty-nine students registered for those 27 positions be fore filing closed on the afternoon of May 5. Twelve Student Senate chairs and 15 members of the election will be decided in the election. Election commission candidates will be elected by the class system but only by ■♦'class members in the college that they are seeking to represent. Aggie Named To Get Grant Lee F. Courtney of Bryan, A&M University graduate student in English, has been awarded a $4,- 000 renewable fellowship for doc toral studies at Emory University, Dr. John Q. Anderson, head of the A&M Department of English, an nounced Monday. Courtney who won academic honors as an undergraduate at A&M expects to receive his mas ter’s degree this summer. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Courtney of 3008 Tennes see Dr. and a 1959 graduate of Stephen F. Austin High School. Rusk Tells NATO Of Cuban Trouble Secretary of State Dean Rusk asked the Western Allies to send non-military aid to South Viet Nam and to isolate Cuba to head off a new world crisis. He also saw potential danger to the West in the Moscow-Peking dispute. He urged the isolation of Cuba economically, politically, socially and even spiritually to prevent Prime Minister Fidel Castro’s re gime from subverting other Latin- American countries. Rusk told the opening session Tuesday of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Council of Foreign Ministers that a new crisis over Cuba would affect the whole Western world. This was aimed at such NATO nations as Britain and France who trade with Cuba de spite the U. S. economic embargo of the island nation. The United States is determined to continue aerial reconnaissance of Cuba, Rusk said, pointing out this could lead to as serious a con frontation as that in October of 1962, when the Soviet Union intro- HONORED FOR SERVICE Mrs. Estelle Stevens is presented with a certificate and a check for $353 by Graduate Dean Wayne C. Hall for her work with graduate students and faculty while acting as the college’s administration secretary. She and her husband are moving to Gainesville. duced missiles in Cuba. Foreign Secretary Richard A. Butler of Britain agreed with Rusk’s proposal for nonmilitary aid to boost morale among civilians in South Viet Nam, where the United States is supporting a war against Communist guerrillas. Butler conceded that there was a difference of views over Cuba, a reference to the sale of British buses to Cuba. But this did not al ter the fact that the aims of the Allies are the same and that the NATO countries are determined to help Latin American countries pro tect their security, he declared. Robles Gains Win In Panama Vote PANAMA hT) — Government candidate Marco A. Robles scored an upset vistory in Pan ama’s presidential election on the basis of nearly complete returns announced Tuesday night. The national electoral tribunal figures gave Robles an insur mountable 11,000 vote margin over twice deposed ex-President Amulfo Arias. Arias had been the slight fa vorite in most unofficial polls prior to Sunday’s voting. There was no immediate re action from the Arias camp. Barry, Rocky Take Nebraska, W. Va. Republican voters in West Vir ginia were giving a strong en dorsement to Gov. Nelson A. Rock efeller’s bid for the GOP presi dential nomination in early re turns from Tuesday’s state’s pre ference primary. But in similar voting in Ne braska Sen. Barry Goldwater of Arizona, while leading the field, was running into stiff write-in vote competition, par ticularly from Richard M. Nixon. In both cases Rockefeller and Goldwater, avowed candidates for the nomination, were the only names on the ballot. The dif ference was that write-in votes are counted in Nebraska, but not in West Virginia. In returns from 50 of Nebras ka’s 2,148 precincts, Goldwater had 2,240 votes. Write-in from the same number of precincts showed 1,231 for former Vice President Nixon, 717 for Ambassa dor Henry Cabot Lodge and 70 for Rockefeller, and 45 for four others. In West Virginia, in returns from 151 of 2,664 precincts, Rockefeller had 3,931 votes, about 70 per cent of all the GOP votes cast in Tuesday’s gubernatorial primary. There were no Democratic presi dential primary tests in either state, although President Johnson was getting a solid write-in vote in Nebraska. With 97 precincts reporting he had 2,651, Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy 116 and Gov. George Wallace of Alabama 87. Republican delegate conventions also were held in Rhode Island and Missouri Tuesday. In Rhode Island 14 delegates were to be chosen, with the party organization expected to battle at tempts by backers of Goldwater and others to increase their stren gth on the nominally uncommitted delegation. Missouri Republicans elected six more GOP delegates. Two were instructed to vote for Goldwater and two more said they favor his nomination. Two were listed as uncommitted. The names of all the announced candidates were published on a sample ballot in The Battalion Tuesday. Student Senate officers were elected for 1964-65 during the April 23 election. The polls will be open in the Memorial Student Center from 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. If the April 23 turnout was indicative of student interest in student government, Thursday’s election should have another rec ord turnout. Too many times in the past, the sectors of students, such as the Civilian student body, have complained that they were not being adequately represented in the Student Senate and the func tions of student government. In the April 23 election a new trend was seen to develop when the stu dent body elected five civilian students to office as opposed to three from the Corps. Students should be aware that Thursday’s election is just as im portant as the officer election. The objectives of the Student Senate are: To act as the official voice of the student body; To democratically represent the vari ous interests in the student body of the University; To provide op portunity to train students in democratic government and citizen ship; To promote sound leader ship in the formulation of student body attitudes; To promote the welfare of the student body; and to provide laison between faculty, administration and students. Vanity Fair Pics Art Exhibit Opens An art exhibit is being held in the old fire station across from the Exchange Store. Exhibits feature the work of students of the Mogford Art Stu dio and a display of the painting of Mrs. J. F. Mogford on her trip around the world. The display is open daily from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and from 2 to 6 p.m. on Sunday. Sunday will be the last day of the exhibit, according to Mrs. Mogford. FORMER STUDENTS It Doesn’t Take Long BY GLENN DROMGOOLE Managing Editor A 1962 gradaute of the A&M School of Architecture appears to have a bright future ahead of him. Since he received his diploma here, Harold L. Adams has been working his way to the top in the architectural field. Upon graduating from A&M Adams went to work with John Carl Warnecke and Associates, a firm of architects and planning consultants. Now he practically heads the Washington office for his employer. Adams’ current project is the John Fitzgerald Kennedy Me morial Library. He has been se curing information on the exist ing presidential libraries for a report which will be the basis for the Kennedy Library. While working on the projects Adams has visited the Truman Library in Independence, Mo., the Eisenhower Library in Abilene, Kan., and the Roosevelt Library in Hyde Park, N. Y. Last May Adams worked with the late President in selecting a site for the library; since then he has devoted much of his time to the project. He recently attend ed meetings with Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy and the 18 other archi tects involved in designing the library. This project was not the first opportunity that Adams had to work with JFK. The Aggie arch itect and the late President first met while Adams was working on the Lafayette Square Project, a $30 million development of a park and two blocks of historical buildings across from the White House. After Kennedy’s death, Adams was named to the design team for the Memorial Grave in Ar lington National Cemetery. An other of Adams’ projects dealing directly with the Kennedy family was the designing and supervis ing construction of a four story addition to the home of Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy. A graduate of Palmer High School where he was valedicto rian of his class, Adams was a distinguished student and a mem ber of Alpho Rho Chi, architec ture honor fraternity at A&M. He also served as editor of Architecture Plans and won sev eral awards for outstanding de sign. Adams has demonstrated that there is room at the top for young men in the world today. By taking advantage of available opportunities, by doing efficient work and by putting out a little extra effort, doors are opened to the young person. Students who turned in pic tures to the Aggieland for the Vanity Fair contest may pick them up at the Office of Student Publications. These pictures should be se cured by Friday, Mrs. Cecilia Prihoda of Student Publications said. North Texas Ranch Empire Is Contested By The Associated Press The mighty Waggoner ranch em pire, a major factor in North Texas economy since 1865, may be splintered in a welter of legal ac tions pending in district court here. Albert B. Buster Wharton Jr., heir to the fortune of Electra Wag goner, died in 1963 after filing a suit to enable him to sell about a third of his trust holdings. Since then, four file folders full of cross suits, petitions, amendments and other court causes have been tack ed on to the original cause. Some heirs claim the original trust established by W. T. Wag goner in 1923 was illegal and in valid. Some are trying to re move directors of the various trusts, including former Navy Sec. Robert Anderson. Ney Sheridan, Jr., Vernon law yer for some claimants, said “This will probably be in litigation at least 5 or 6 years.” Sheridan esti mated the total value of the vari ous Waggoner holdings — includ ing a 797-square mile ranch near Vernon — at “$35 to $45 millions.” In 1923, W. T. Tom Waggoner decided to form a trust to leave his three children. The heirs were Electra Waggoned Wharton, who died in 1925; Paul Waggoner, only survivor of the three and still a resident of Vernon; and Guy Wag goner, who died in the early 1950s. Young Republicans Choose Officers, Outline Programs The Young Republicans Club of Bryan-College Station held elec tions for the coming school year at a brief meeting Monday night in the New Wesley Foundation Building. Everett Lindstrom was elected chairman of the organization for the 1964-65 school year. Lindstrom is a junior in the Corps at A&M University. He is a landscape architecture major from Channel- view. Bill Giesenschlag, a history ma jor from Somerville, was elected vice-chairman and Joe Edelbrock was named the new secretary. Edelbrock is from Midland and is a math major. Lindstrom commented on the fine year the club has just com pleted under Robert Eubank, the outgoing chairman. He pointed out that during the last year the club has featured Republican senatorial and gubernatorial candidates, in cluding Aggie-ex Jack Creighton. Next year’s programs were out lined by Lindstrom, including a membership drive contest now in progress and “Goldwater — 64” bumper sticker parties. He said that the club will work very close ly with the senior party in the No vember election campaign, distrib uting literature and soliciting votes. Lindstrom said the fall term would be started with a kick-off steak fry. Attention Seniors! Graduating seniors who desire to have their 1963-64 Aggieland mailed to them must leave their address with the Office of Stu dent Publications before gradu ation. liii PROUD AGGIE’S MOTHER Mrs. F. E. Hottenroth, mother of Maroon Band command ing officer Jim Hottenroth, pins a flower on Scott Stanaland during Parent’s Day ceremonies Sunday. Mrs. Hottenroth made a special trip from Montclair, Calif., to participate in the activities. The trip was her first to the A&M campus.