The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 12, 1964, Image 1

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Company F-l won the General
Moore Award presented in Moth
er’s Day ceremonies Sunday morn
ing to the outstanding unit of the
Corps of Cadets.
The outstanding sophomore
award went to Thomas Frank Mur-
rah of Company H-3. Neil Clinton
Ward of Squadron 6 was the out
standing freshman.
The best drilled units were:
first, Combined Bands, command
ed by James Matchett Morgan;
second, Squadron 7, commanded by
Edward James Zatopek; third,
Company F-l commanded by
Thomas Raymond Ransdell and
fourth, Squadron 8, commanded by
James Paul Buchanan.
The George P. F. Jouine Schol
arship Award, consisting of a com
pany flag, was given to Company
A-2 commanded by Thomas Hayes
The Corps of Cadets Academic
Achievement Award for the unit
with the highest over-all academic
record for the school year went to
Company F-3 commanded by Mar
tin Duane Long.
The General J. Buchanan Award
for the best engineering unit was
presented to Company F-l.
The Presidents Award, a flag
presented annually by the presi
dent of the university to the Bat
talion or Group with the highest
scholastic standing went to the
Sixth Battalion commanded by
Thomas Hollis Meadows.
The General Dynamics Award,
an engraved placque presented to
the outstanding Air Force cadet
selected for further training lead
ing to flight training, went to
Ralph Bernard Filburn III, of
Squadron 13.
The Chicago Tribune Awards,
silver medals presented to one out
standing junior in a technical field
and one junior in a non-technical
field, were presented to Ronald
Eugene Howell of First Wing Staff
and David Thomas Killough of the
Maroon Band.
The Brazos County chapter of
the Reserve Officer’s Association
presented a gold medal to James
Dale Boles for the outstanding Air
Force cadet planning to enter
flight training.
Russell Lee Keeling, command
er of the First Group and Buchan
an received senior Chicago Tribune
Scott Williams Beckwith, com
mander of Squadron 16, received
a gold medal by the Society of
American Military Engineers for
the outstanding Air Force cadet
majoring in engineering.
Gerald Wayne Siegelin, com
mander of the Second Wing, re
ceived the Armed Forces Commun
ications and Electronics Award.
By The Associated Press
BONN, Germany — West Ger-
ma ny agreed Monday to buy three
U. S. guided missile destroyers
equipped with the latest weapons.
A memorandum was signed by
Secretary of Defense Robert S.
McNamara and Kai-Uwe von Has-
sel, German defense minister.
CAMBRIDGE, Md. — National
guardsmen threw tear gas gre
nades into a crowd of 250 to 300
integrationists in a demonstration
which erupted after an appearance
here of Gov. George C. Wallace
The award is given annually to
the outstanding senior majoring in
electric engineering that is en
gaged in Air Force training.
The Air Force Times Award, a
certificate of merit awarded to the
senior Air Force cadet who brings
constructive attention to the ROTC
program, was given to Richard
Louis Railston.
The Department of the U. S.
Army Awards went to Paul Alton
Dresser, Neil Lynn Keltner, Mur-
rah and Robert Allen Holcomb.
The Association of the U. S.
Army presented a medal and cer
tificate to Keltner as the outstand
ing second class cadet.
Gilbert Richard Forehand, com
mander of Company C-2, won the
Armed Forces Communications and
Electronics Award.
Wayne Michael Duke of Com
pany A-l received the American
Ordnance Award for the outstand
ing cadet selected for assignment
to the Ordnance Corps upon com
The 36th Infantry Division
award, a flag presented to the out
standing company in the First Bri
gade, went to Company F-l.
Sabers were presented to Dress
er, Harlen Roberts and Michael
John Davis Gay was presented
a bronze cup and key by the Fed
erated A & M Mothers Clubs of
The Fritz Award to the out
standing commander went to Zato
Che Battalion
Volume 61
Number 45
Texas Gets Tight Collars;
Aggies Take SWC Title
Striking Out
Is Not So Bad,
Says Pizzitola
Managing Editor
Aggie Catcher Bill Hancock
was at the plate. Neal Thomp
son, speedy sophomore outfielder
was perched on first base.
A&M’s number two catcher and
number one holler-guy, Jerry Piz
zitola solemnly told the photo
grapher, “If Handy gets on, I’ll
probably have to pinch hit.”
Sure enough, the Golden Bear
got on — all the way to second
base — and Lance Cobb was in
tentionally walked to fill the
bases. Next in the batting order
was pitcher Steve Hillhouse. But
Aggie coach Tom Chandler had
other ideas. He beckoned to Piz
Here was the situation to be
a hero or a goat. The bases were
loaded with one out in the top
of the ninth inning of the game
that would decide the Southwest
Conference Baseball champion
ship. The scoreboard read: A&M
2, Texas 2.
Chandler halted Pizzitola on
the way to the plate. “Go up
there swinging,” the coach ad
He did. The Texas pitcher
grooved two strikes, which Piz
zitola watched. Then he picked
out the one he wanted
and missed it.
But the stocky catcher was not
a goat. Frank Stark belted a
double to clear the bases and give
the Aggies a 5-2 lead, which they
held for a victory.
After the game, Pizzitola was
just as happy as the next guy.
“What if I had hit into a double
play?” he asked.
Now that’s optimism.
Houston Fashion Columnist
To Discuss Charm, Beauty
Mrs Jean Adams, Houston news
paper columnist, will discuss fash
ions, charm and beauty at A&M
University at 7 p.m. Wednesday.
Her appearance is sponsored by
the Memorial Student Center Di
rectorate in cooperation with the
Aggie Wives Council.
NSF Gives A&M
Equipment Grants
Grants totaling $37,000 for the
purchase of scientific equipment
to be used in undergraduate in
structional programs at A&M
University have been approved
by the National Science Founda
tion. A&M will match the
The NSF grants are payable
over a two-year period, C. M.
Loyd, NSF program coordinator
for the university, said.
The grants are for equipment
to be used in chemistry, with Dr.
Fred Sicilio as program direc
tor; chemical engineering, Dr.
James D. Lindsay, director, and
experimental psychology, Dr. Al
bert L. Casey, director.
No admission will be charged,
although interested persons are
asked to pick up reservation tickets
in the MSC or YMCA offices.
wammmmmmtm Mrs Adams will
discuss the ingre-
dients of charm,
and related top-
Sf ics.
She has lec-
^^Htured before
^^™Kvomen’s groups
throughout Ohio
Wm, Boland Texas and
MRS. ADAMS writes a daily
column in the Houston Post en
titled, “Finishing Touches.”
She frequently visits the nation’s
leading fashion and self-improve
ment centers.
Tickets may be picked up
through 5 p.m. Wednesday.
Bryan Aggie Gets
SI00 Scholarship
Preston August Scott of Bryan,
an A&M University junior major
ing in industrial engineering, has
been awarded a $100 scholarship
by the American Society for Qual
ity Control, South Texas Section.
Scott, whose parents are Mr.
and Mrs. Robert F. Schmidt of
1511 Burt St., was selected by the
A&M Alpha Pi Mu Chapter, hon
orary industrial engineering so
ciety, to receive the scholarship.
. . . Stark’s double brought win; Chandler gets hug from
Federation Of A&M Mothers
Elects New Officers At Confab
Mrs. H. E. Dew of Tyler is the
new president of the 52-unit Fed
eration of Texas A&M Mothers’
Clubs. She and other officers were
Slayer Of 4 Called Gentle
BOISE, Idaho GP) — A man
presumed drowned after the Mo
ther’s Day killing of his three
children, a stepdaughter and a
former wife was described Mon
day as a “hard-working, gentle
That’s what Lt. Col. Edwan
Farrell said about Raymond A.
Reasons, 54, a government store
keeper for the Army Reserve in
the Boise area which Farrell
Sheriff Myron Gilbert said that
Reasons was presumed drowned
in the swift flowing irrigation
canal where his car was found
with the body of his former wife.
Reason’s estranged wife, Ed
na, told police Sunday that her
husband had telephoned her he
had killed their children, Eddie
Ray, 13, Pamela, 11, and Patty
1, and Sally Gohman, 19, who
was Mrs. Reasons’ daughter by
another marriage.
Traffic patrolmen Rex Mehl
spotted a car that looked like
that of Reasons. He said the
driver acted suspicious, so he
gave chase.
The car went into the irriga
tion canal, Mehl said. A man
climbed out and stood on the
hood with a rifle, and the officer
said he fired a warning shot at
the man who jumped into the
canal and disappeared.
The body of Reasons’ former
wife, Estelle, was pulled from
the car. She had been shot.
The children were found dead
in Reasons’ home. Coroner E. D.
Paris said the 11- and 10-year-
old girls had been strangled,
aparently with wire; the boy
had been shot, and the older
stepdaughter had been beaten to
death. All were wrapped in
A note signed “Daddy” said,
“I’ve hurt them long enough.”
elected Saturday during the annual
meeting at the Memorial Student
Among the other officers is
Mrs. J. C. McLaughlin of Bryan,
second vice-president. She had
been fourth vice-president.
Mrs. Dew succeeds Mrs. John G.
Frank to the presidency of the
more than 2,000 member federa
tion. Mrs. Frank was elected vice
Mrs. M. T. Harrington and Mrs.
Earl Rudder serve as honorary
Other officers elected and in
stalled Saturday morning include
Mrs. Pat Duplissey Leslie of Bay-
town, first vice-president; Mrs. F.
A. Lathrop, Ft. Worth, third vice-
president; Mrs. L. Max Fry,
Kingsville, fourth vice-president;
and Mrs. V. C. Van Horn, Dallas,
fifth vice-president.
Mrs. D. L. Murray of Houston
was elected recording secretary
and Mrs. Frank Grimes, Jr., of Ty
ler, was elected corresponding sec
Mrs. W. A. Collins, Jr. of Dallas
was elected treasurer. Mrs. Sand-
ford V. Crowe, Victoria, was elect
ed parliamentarian, and Mrs. J. L.
Simmons of Beaumont gained the
post of historian.
Stark 9 s Hit Wins
For Maroon Nine
Associate Editor
A thin Maroon line of heroes tromped across Clark Field
Friday afternoon to their dressing room under Memorial
Stadium across the street.
After 26 innings—nine hours—of pressure packed, ten
sion-laden baseball, the Aggies could lay claim to the South
west Conference championship. They had beaten Texas at
their own game, in their own field and the cries of “Poor
Aggies” still echoing off the centerfield cliff.
The climax came in the top of the ninth inning with two
outs, bases loaded, score tied at 2-2 and darkness descending.
Aggie first baseman Frank Stark hit reliever Robert Wells’
second pitch to the wall in left field scoring all three runners.
“It was a high, inside fastball, one of the few I’ve hit this
year,” Stark said. The senior from Davenport, Iowa, also
accounted for both Aggie runs in the first game with a fourth
inning home run over the right field fence.
Chuck McGuire, who took the loss in the 3-2 first game,
retired the Longhorns in order to preserve the win for Steve
Hillhouse and secure the crown A&M last won in 1959.
Hillhouse, sophomore lefty from Colorado City, thus
chalked up two wins over Texas for the season, both by 5-2
scores. Hillhouse relieved starter Billy Crain in the seventh
A&M and Texas played to a 10 inning 5-5 tie Thursday
to necessitate Friday’s double header.
It was a great display of determination and guts on the
part of the Aggies.
Jerry Ballard, shortstop from Bryan, was one of three
Cadets to get four hits as well as playing errorless ball
despite a pulled leg muscle that barely permitted him to walk.
Billy Crain, pitched eight innings of strong ball and
played 16 more frames in right field. Neal Thompson came
off the bench to score two runs and make a good catch for
the final out in the final game.
Robert McAdams replaced Freddie Carlton in the seventh
inning of the second game and made a difficult running catch
of a foul ball off the bat of UT’s Butch Thompson.
Bill Hancock, taunted throughout the series by Teasips,
caught every inning in the 80-degree heat and drove in the
first A&M run in the second tilt.
Second baseman Bill Grochett also played errorless ball
and picked up four safeties for the Aggies.
For the eight seniors on the squad it was sweet revenge
for the loss suffered to Texas in 1962. That year the Aggies
went to Austin with the same situation, needing one win in
two games. Texas won both games and the title.
And for 15 innings Friday, it looked like the same fate
was in store for the Maroon again. Texas scored two runs
in the bottom half of the seventh in the opener to put all the
chips on the second game. Very few of the 4200 fans left at
But this time the tight collars were on the other throat.
The Steers had stuck doggedly with the superior Cadet club
but luck ran out on them.
The clinching victory gave A&M a final 12-3 SWC record
and a 19-6 season slate. Coach Tom Chandler’s crew won
13 of their last 14 games. Chandler was the rookie coach of
A&M’s 1959 title-winners.
Texas ended with a 10-5 record and a second place tie
with Baylor. The Bear baseball team made the trip to Austin
for Friday’s twin bill and were behind the Aggie bench root
ing for the Maroon.
The baseball crown, hard on the heels of A&M’s basket
ball title, means that A&M will probably represent Region VI
at the College World Series in Omaha. The regional selection
committee must first determine if there are any independent
schools worthy of playing the Aggies. If not, the next game
for the Cadets will be 2 p. m. Monday, June 8, in Omaha
against the Region IV representative. Region IV is in the
CSC Awards Banquet Held
The Civilian Student Council
held its annual awards banquet
Monday in the assembly room of
the Memorial Student Center.
Dr. Joseph Cox of Bryan was
the featured speaker and Richard
Moore was the master of ceremon
ies. Guests included Chancellor
M. T. Harrington and President
Earl Rudder of A&M University.
Dr. Cox, a surgeon at Bryan
Memorial Hospital, spoke to the
group on civil participation after
Richard Moore, the outgoing
president of the council, was
awarded the Outstanding Coun
cilman Award for his excellent
work during his three years on
the council in contributing to a
better A&M University.
The Apartment Council Award
was presented to Charles Shook,
a graduate student and current
president of the apartment coun
cil. The awards consisted of
special plaques.
Paige Stasney was named the
outstanding dormitory president
for the 1963-64 school year for his
work as president of Legget Hall.
Walton Hall was named the
outstanding civilian dorm. The
residents of Walton were com
mended for their support of intra
murals and the civilian student
weekend. They were also cited
for putting out their own news
paper and holding several suc
cessful barbeques.
Moore said the 1963-64 school
year has been a very successful
one for the civilian students. He
cited the seat belt campaign, the
selection of a distinguished stu
dent pin and the civilian week
end as highlights of the year.