The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 08, 1964, Image 2
Page 2 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Friday, May 8, 1964 CADET SLOUCH by Jim Earle “It’s not a bad idea, I just think you oughta find another way to advertise th’ follies that wouldn’t upset th’ military!” Reds May Move Into Algeria State Department Report Indicates TUNIS (A?) — The Soviet Un ion, apparently disregarding its disappointments in Africa, may be moving to establish a major foothold on the continent’s northern coast. The new pledge of Soviet aid to Algeria, announced in Mos cow on Wednesday, opens the door to an important Soviet pen etration effort in North Africa. At the same time, Premier Khrushchev and an impressive party of Soviet officials are en route to the United Arab Re public for a two-week visit. Their ship passed through Tur key’s Bosporus Strait on Thurs day and steamed south toward Alexandria. On May 15, Khrushchev and President Gamal Abel Nasser will dedicate the Aswan Dam flood control and power project being built with the help of So viet funds and technicians. It is too early to say whether the Soviet effort will bring permanent results. So far, So viet aid and spending in half a dozen African nations have not brought results expected by Communist leaders. The Algerian-Soviet agree ment followed a warning by the U. S. State Department that Communist influence is on the increase iti Algeria. The state ment brought a violent rebuke by the government-controlled Al gerian press. © authorize* OCA LEE Hickman Garrett (&X Motors y DC/ Bryan's ONLY Authorized VOLKSWAGEN DEALER SALES • SERVICE • PARTS OVTHORI2C* OEAlCm Service and Warranty Performed By Factory Trained TECHNICIANS 403 N. Main TA 2-0146 Ferreri’s Triangle Restaurant Friday’s Featuring Our FISH SPECIAL All the fish you can eat for $1.00 at 12:00 noon and from 5:00 p. m. to 8:00 p. m. Book Your Banquets and Special Parties Early. Accomodations From 10 to 200 Persons THE BATTALION Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the student writers only. The Battalion is a non tax-supported, non-profit, self-supporting educational enterprise edited and operated by students as a university and community news paper and is under the supervision of the director of Stu dent Publications at Texas A&M University. Members of the Student Publications Board are James L. Lindsey, chairman ; Delbert McGuire, College of Arts and Sciences ; J. A. Orr, College of Engineering; J. M. Holcomb, College of Agriculture; and Dr. E. D. McMurry, College of Veterinary Medicine. The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A&M is published in College Sta tion, Texas daily except Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, and holiday periods. Septem ber through May, and once a week during summer school. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter here in are also reserved. Second-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas. MEMBER: The Associated Press Texas Press Assn. Represented nationally by National advertising Service, Inc., New York City, Chicago, Loe An geles and :ago, San Mail subscriptions are S3.50 per semester; $6 per school year, $6.50 per full year. All subscriptions subject to 2% sales tax. Advertising rate furnished on request. Address: The Battalion, Room 4, YMCA Building: College Station, Texas. News contributions may be made by telephoning VI 6-6618 or VI 6-4910 or at the editorial office. Room 4, YMCA Building. For advertising or delivery call VI 6-6415. RONNIE FANN EDITOR Sound Off BATTALION EDITORIALS Editor, The Battalion: The family of John Lincoln Cleaves, our beloved Aggie Fish (1963-64), wish to express our deep, heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to you wonderful peo ple of Texas A&M University. We shall always love Aggies. In the few short months our son was with you, we have seen and felt the depth of your esprit de corps, and a tender response has welled up within us. Never shall we forget the in spiration and poignant sorrow of Silver Taps for our John. May God bless and keep you each one in His loving care. Mr. and Mrs. Wilber S. Cleaves ★ ★ ★ Editor, The Battalion: I don’t agree with you on your stand for the University of Hous ton’s admission into the SWC. You cite the size of UH (sec ond only to might Texas U. in enrollment) and the size of Hous ton as factors that should cause the SWC members to accept UH into the elite group. I say this is a pretty weak argument. College Station, Bryan and Snook can barely scrape together 40,- 000 people and yet we field ath letic teams second to none. Size does not denote athletic prowess. Neither does it denote quality. As far as finances are concern ed, A&M is making about all it can off UH as it is. We split the big Houston gate every other year. It seems to me that money is the only sound argument UH has and we already make all we can off them. I think an 8 member conference is plenty, if not too many. If Houston were admitted, each conference team could play only 2 intersectional games. Would we cut out LSU and those 70,000 (every year) Cajuns we draw ? Our confer ence would have to lose prestige in national rankings due to the fact that the rankings would de pend a great deal on how SWC teams do in intersectional games. Would Texas cut out Oklahoma? They made number 1 ( ? ) by beat ing them last year. I agree that Rice stands to suffer by Houston’s admission. I say that we stand to suffer, also. GET THE NEW BIG “FINE POINT” -ONLY 25$! This is really fine writing. Until today, only a spider could spin such a fine line. Now BIC invents a new "Fine Point” pen that writes sharper, clearer, thinner lines. BIC “Fine Point” with “Dya- mite” Ball Point is guaran teed* to write first time every time because it’stooled of the hardest metal made by man. BIC is the world's finest writ ing instrument: BIC never skips, BIC never clogs, BIC never smears. What a pair of pen pals: thin-writing BIC "Fine Point” with orange bar rel, only 25$; standard line BIC Medium Point “Crystal," just 19C. Both available with blue, black, green or red ink. Made in the U.S.A. *For re placement send pen to: WATERMAN-BIC PEN CORP. MILFORD, CONN. These Pens Available The Exchange Store “Serving Texas Aggies” I believe that our recruiting would suffer quite a bit in the Gulf Coast area if Houston could offer SWC prestige to high school athletes. Our athletic program receives a big boost in publicity from the Houston papers. We wouldn’t get nearly as much pub licity if UH came into the con ference. Their exploits are al ready blown out of proportion by the Houston papers now. Both A&M and Rice stand to suffer. A&M and Rice have quality that UH for all its quantity simply cannot match. I suppose the real reason that I don’t want UH in the SWC is that they haven’t earned it. I have never met anyone from UH who have a friendly word to say about Texas A&M. This may not mean much to most people but even Texas U. people admit (when pressed) that A&M is in the con ference. I don’t believe UH would ever. I’m proud of the fact A&M is a great member of a great con ference and I just don’t want the whole conference cheapened by adding a bunch of bush leaguers. I agree with Rice’s prexy: let UH get together with other state- supported non - SWC members (Sam Houston State, Lamar Tech, Stephen F. Austin, Prairie View, Texas Southern) and snow them with their bigness. Let’s not be fooled by it. Royce Knox ’64 ★ ★ ★ Editor, The Battalion: The college catalogue states that “the campus religious lead ership is deeply conscious that the students are in perhaps the most formative period of their lives and feel keenly the responsibility for their spiritual development .. . in addition to the special student emphasis, they have the custo mary Sunday worship periods.” What can be more suctomary than attending church on Moth er’s Day to join with people throughout world in giving thanks for our mothers ? The people in charge of events this year have certainly seen to it that Aggies won’t get a chance to attend church this Mother’s Day because of the review of the Corps of Cadets scheduled to begin at 11:25, the very time that prac tically all 10 churches surround ing the campus will be holding their special Mother’s Day serv ice. Mother’s Day is certainly one of the big days here at Aggie- land but why should the churches not be given a chance to hold a service that can be attended by students and their parents? In the past years, all ceremonies were scheduled so that they were over in plenty of time for church. Are the persons scheduling the events this year striving for a more excellent day? If they are, is this the kind of excellence A&M is trying to achieve ? Don Sahur ’65 CIRCLE LAST NITE ISt Show 7:15 “THE VICTORS” & “MAN FROM THE ALAMO” (In Color) OUR SAT. NITE BIG 3 Colorama Nile All 3 In Color No. 1 John Wayne In “THE BARBARIAN & THE GESHIA” No. 2 Victor Mature In “CHIEF CRAZY HORSE” No. 3 Stanley Baker In “THE CHECKERED FLAG” Your Vote — Your Voice Student voters have one more opportunity to visit the polls this semester. That will come Thursday when balloting for 12 seats on the Student Senate and 15 places on the Elec tion Commission will be held. Turnout in the general elections two weeks ago was by far the best seen in recent years. Civilian and Corps rivalry played a major role in getting out the vote in that election. This time it should not necessarily be Civilians vs. Corps, since half of the voting will be for the individual colleges’ senate representatives. However, that should have no bearing on the number of students that go to the polls. Students should take an active interest in campus politics, not for the sake of getting more Corps students elected than Civilians or vice-versa, but to insure themselves of representation by dependable persons, be they cadets or otherwise. This election usually draws the poorest turnout of all elections during the year; this is a mistake that must be corrected if we are to have a Student Senate and Election Commission that functions properly. For instance, 12 Senators can possibly control the ma jority vote of the student governing body. These 12 also represent their respective colleges and have a direct contact with students in the same curricula. They can express an opinion shared by a specific group. You are a member of one of these groups, and these representatives are your most direct contact with the senate. Also, the Election Commission is an integral part of campus politics, since it can improve on present election rules and regulations to encourage active participation in elections. s MoR(}AsBoRd M.S.C. MAIN DINING ROOM SATURDAY, MAY 9 5:30 to 7:30 P. M. Records Mother Will Love (At Special Prices) All Broadway Casts—Regularly $5.98 & Stereo $6.98 Sound of Music—Now $4.78 & Stereo $5.28 Hello Dolly Now $4.78 & Stereo $5.28 Funny Girl Nfow $4.78 & Stereo $5.28 Camelot Now $4.78 & Stereo $5.28 Classical and Sound Tracks Included $4.98 Records Now $4.28 $5.98 Records Now $4.78 $6.98 Records Now $5.28 Shaffer’s University Book Store North Gate College Station Bulletin Board SATURDAY The Graduate Students Wives Association will hold a dance at the Bryan Saddle Club Saturday, May 9 at 8 p.m. The Cricket Club will hold its first annual banquet at 7 p.m. at the Triangle Restaurant. A short film on cricket will be shown. SUNDAY The Unitarian Fellowship of Brazos County will hear Otha Byrd, principal of the Carver Ele mentary School, speak on “Prob lems of the Negro in Brazos County,” at 8 p.m. at the Hillel Foundation Building. The public has been invited to attend. GRADUATING SENIORS —are you in need of a car? There is no need to wait if you have a military con tract or a job commitment. Come in today — “Test Drive” the “Really Hot One”—the 1964 Plymouth. Brazos Motor Co. ‘Serving the Brazos Valley for 41 years’ 1211 Texas Ave., Bryan, Texas TA 2-7009 TA 2-1965 Plymouth - Valiant •• Studebaker PALACE Brcjan Z‘SS79 NOW SHOWING ‘MUSCLE BEACH PARTY” (In Color) STARTS SUNDAY THE GREATEST DOUBLE FUN I AND LOVE SHOW EVER! TONY Gunns OPERfinON PHnCOM! A UNIVERSAL RE-RELEASE Rp«. HUDSON nows DAY AS CuvjmScow QUEEN DOUBLE FEATURE Steve McQueen • In “GREAT ESCAPE” & “CHASING THE SUN” NOW SHOWING Features 1:33 - 4:07 - 6:14- 9:18 “TOM JONES” STARTS WEDNESDAY BEST ACTRESS & BEST APPOINTED ACTOR ALL IN ONE SHOW PAUL NEWMAN “HUD! . SALEM-OOVER noouciwi — MELVYN PATRICIA BRANDON DOUGLAS • NEAL *de WILDE PEANUTS By Charles M. Schulz PEANUTS HOOJ IN THE WORLD AM 160{N6 TO BREAK] MY5ELF OF TftE HA&lT i OF NIBBLING ON ■ a?A5S?£?i USE A PENCIL THAT DOESNT HAVE AN ERASER...THAT'S WHAT I DO... HOW! CAN V0U DO YOUR SCHOOtamC UilTHOlT AN ERASE!?? ARE V0U INSINUATING THAT IM THE KIND WHO MAKES MISTAKES?/