The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 08, 1964, Image 1
Aggie Coach Tom Chandler stands up for his boys over a disputed pitch in the ninth inning of Thursday’s A&M- Texas baseball game. Looking on is Aggie catcher Bill Hancock. The game was called after 10 innings because of darkness, with the score tied 5-5. (See story on Page 4.) Weekend Includes Banquet, Ball, Sale An awards banquet, the Cattle man’s Ball, showmanship contests, scientific exhibits, and a ham luncheon and sale will all be a part of A&M University’s annual Little Southwestern Livestock Show. The Saddle and Sirloin Club awards banquet to be held Friday night in the Memorial Student Center will begin the series of events planned by animal husband ry students and staff. Recognition of judging teams and the outstanding student of each class are among student awards to be presented. Highlight Labor Party Scores Gain LONDON LP) — Harold Wil son’s Labor party scored substan tial gains Friday in town council elections, boosting its chance of ousting the Conservative govern ment next fall. With all but a dozen of 336 provincial towns reported, Labor had gained 233 seats, mainly from Conservatives and their indepen dent supporters. THIS, according to political fore casters, was enough to guarantee the Laborites a solid House of Commons majority in the national elections due by Nov. 5. This was the last nationwide test of electoral opinion before Prime Minister Sir Alec Doug las-Home’s Conservative party asks the electorate for another five- year term next fall. Indications were that the bor ough voting would prove an ac curate guide to current national feeling. Party organizers of both sides reported polling was un- sually high. Wire Review WIRE REVIEW By The Associated Press U. S. NEWS WASHINGTON — Undersecre tary of State George W. Ball Thursday night censured critics of the Atlantic Alliance who contend that the structure of the defense organization must be revised. Such suggestions, Ball said, could do great harm and might reduce the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to the status of an alliance “inactive in peace and im potent in war.” ★★★ NEW ORLEANS, La. — A Cuban revolutionary said Thurs day anti-Communist refugees are planning a Cuban invasion within three months. “Within 60 to 90 days we will be in Cuba fighting,” Lourdes Bretes said. ★★★ WASHINGTON — The U. S. Embassy in Moscow has protested to the Soviets that three American military attaches were drugged while on a trip to Odessa, the State Department disclosed today. ★★★ WASHINGTON — Voluntary school prayers sponsored by a state agency injure children of minority religious groups, a spokesman for the Anti-Defama tion League of B’nai B’rith said Thursday. 'of the banquet will be the presen tation of honorary membership in the Saddle and Sirloin Club to Dolph Briscoe, Uvalde rancher, and to Bob Tate, a retired county agricultural agent. Each year hon orary memberships are given to people who have made contribu tions to better the field of agri culture. The Cattleman’s Ball will follow the banquet in the MSC Ballroom. Showmanship contests will begin at 7:30 Saturday morning at the swine center, followed by judging of sheep at 8:15, horses at 9 and beef cattle at 10. Judging the showmanship con tests will be Joe Tocquigny, agri cultural education swine produc tion specialist of A&M—swine; A. W. Noll, owner of 7-11 ranch of Soerne, Texas—sheep; Carl Dobie, manager of R. E. Smith quarter horse ranch of Sugarland, Texas —horses; and J. M. Schrum, vice- president of Sugarland Industries, Inc., Sugarland, Texas—beef cat tle. Each judge will pick the cham pion and reserve champion show man of each class of livestock. A ham luncheon will be held in the lecture room of the Animal Industries Building at noon, fol lowed by the ham sale at 1:30 p.m. Hams to be sold were prepared by students enrolled in one of the de partment’s meats courses. Dr. O. D. Butler, department head, will judge the hams prior to the sale. Scientific exhibits pertaining to the field of agriculture will be on display all day Saturday in the li brary corridor of the animal in dustries building. Dr. R. E. Pat terson, dean of the College of Ag riculture and director of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, will judge the exhibits. Concluding the weekend of events will be the naming of the over-all champion and reserve champion showman at 2:30 Satur day afternoon in the animal hus bandry pavilion. Competing for this will be the champion and re serve champion of each class of livestock. Over-all winners will re ceive silver trays and class winners will receive trophies. Grant Alters Ag’s Future The winning of a $2,200 fel lowship from the Texas Free Masonry changed Wayne M. Duke’s plans to go in the army as a commissioned officer this sum mer. The Fort Worth student and commanding officer of Company A-l was notified of winning the fellowship to study in the school of government at George Washing ton University, Washington D. C. May 4, after applying only two weeks before. He will study in ternational affairs and he plans to have his masters degree in gov ernment after a year of study. Duke, who has a 2.1 grade point ratio, is one of the two students in Texas this year to win the fellow ship. An Aggie has won one of the fellowships the last three years. Duke plans to go into interna tional affairs after his tour of duty in the army. Che Battalion Volume 61 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1964 Number 44 Weekend To Host Parents ★ ★ ★ Student ★ ★ ★ Senators ★ ★ ★ Music, Awards Presented To Highlight ■ ? mmm —si 5 BALLET JOYEAUX OF LAKE CHARLES . . . addition to folksong concert Amendments Proposed Behind Closed Doors * *: Old Senators Say Farewell At Banquet New officers of the Student Senate were introduced by outgoing president Harlan Roberts Thursday night, at the Student Senate Banquet in the Assembly Room of the Memorial Student Center. Guest speaker was basketball coach Shelby Metcalf, who mixed his usual humor with informative tidbits concerning the new re cruits.” “We got just what we wanted in recruits,” said Metcalf. He talked about Lenox and Rob inette, and said that there was not really anybody that could replace them. “But,” said Metcalf, “If we had to play tomorrow we could move Stringfellow into Lenox’s place, and Norman into Robinette’s and come up with a good team.” Metcalf praised the spirit of the A&M student body. “Without the tremendous spirit of the stu dents we couldn’t have won the Southwest Conference.” Talking about the Utah game at the beginning of last season, Metcalf said “Utah has some won derful sights, but don’t take a basketball team there. We couldn’t figure out why a fence was around the court. We finally figured that it was to keep us from de fecting,” said Metcalf with a big grin. Turning the subject to next year’s race Metcalf said “the sports writers say that Tech will win as they have four of their starters back.” He started to say that Tech would have an undefeated season, but pulling next season’s schedule out of his pocket he said with a truimphant grin, “wait a minute, I see they have to come to A&M.” After Metcalf finished his speech Roberts gave his farewell address, thanking all the advisors and stu dents for their help during his tenure. Thomas McConell, outgoing vice- president of the Student Senate then presented the old Senators with Keys. WASHINGTON <A>) — After Wednesday night’s spurt of voting, the Senate settled back Thursday to talking about the civil rights bill while Sen. Everett M. Dirksen continued to unwrap his proposed amendments behind closed doors. The focus of discussions in his office with Senate leaders of both parties, Dirksen said, was on how to head off massive resistance against the bill’s anti-discrimina tion measures. If this could be solved, the GOP leader from Illinois told newsmen, the creeping pace of Senate action on the bill—with debate now in its 50th day—m i g h t be accelerated sharply. The leaders are hoping the closed sessions might eventually bring forth a package of amend ments that would win enough back ing to produce the two-thirds vote needed to shut off the measure’s long-talking Southern foes and get it passed. In this third day of the sessions, Dirksen brought up fewer but more substantive amendments—11 in all, dealing with the equal em ployment opportunity commission title. So far, he said, he has pre sented 69 amendments. Friday, Dirksen said, he will un veil his amendments to the public accommodations title, the most controversial in the bill. The GOP leader has guarded these jealously for weeks, but always has insisted there be some changes in the House-passed provision to bar dis crimination in lodging places, res taurants, and places of amusement. Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey, the bill’s floor manager and assistant Democratic leader, made it clear there will be no agreement from his side until Dirksen puts all his amendments on the table. The Minnesotan told newsmen that spe cifically includes those on public accommodations. Dirksen, who had earlier made public the 11 amendments to the equal employment opportunity Ex-Prisoner Due Two A&M University aerospace engineering groups will hear MSgt. Charles B. Schlichter, former North Korean prisoner-of-war, at a banquet at 7 p.m. Tuesday. The veteran army sergeant, cur rently stationed in San Antonio, was captured by the communists in 1950 and repatriated three years later. commission title, said most ap peared to win general acceptance during the exploratory talk. MSC Reaffirms Reservation Plan As announced April 1, the Me morial Student Center has discon tinued its policy of conducting lot tery-like drawings for room reser vations in the MSC for football and other major event weekends. All requests for reservations submitted by students, parents and former students will now be han dled on a “first come, first served” basis. No reservations will be ac cepted more than a year in ad vance. A deposit will still be required from those receiving reservations. If the deposit is not paid by two weeks before the date of the event, an automatic cancellation will oc cur. Requests that cannot be filled will be put on a waiting list. Per sons on the list will be notified two weeks before the date if a reservation becomes available. Commandant Announces Group, Band, Battalion Commanders For ’64 -’65 The group, battalion, and band commanders for the 1964-65 year have been announced by Col. D. L. Baker, commandant, Corps of Cadets. In addition to these command ers, Lt. Col. E. V. Adams has announced nominations for the 1964-65 drum majors. Their nom inations will be recommended to the President of A&M through the commandant for appointment in September. The new commander of the First Group is Garry R. Duplissy. DUPLISSEY CSAGOLY He is from Baytown, a history major and a member of the Ross Volunteers. Dennis R. Glenewinkel is the newly announced Second Group Commander. Glenewinkle is a business administration major from New Braunsfels and a mem ber of the Ross Volunteers. Third Group commander will be Robert E. Scott, a history major from Ogallala, Nebraska. James M. Roberts has been tapped as the 64-65 Fourth Group Commander. He hails from San Antonio and is an economics ma jor. James C. Mann will command the First Battalion next year. Mann is an agricultural student from Big Lake. Damon W. Holditch, an electri cal engineering student from San Antonio, will be the commander of the Second Battalion. He is presently a member of the Ross Volunteers. The Third Battalion command er will be John R. Warren. War ren is from Sour Lake, an indus trial engineering major and a member of the Ross Volunteers. The Fourth Battalion will be commanded during the coming year by Albert E. Vernon, III, of College Station. He is an econo mics major, a distinguished stu dent and an R. V. Mario A. Macaluso, a premedi cal student from San Antonio, will be the commander of the Fifth Battalion for the coming year. The Sixth Battalion commander will be Andras J. Csagoly, a pre medical student from Wichita Falls. The Texas Aggie Band will be commanded during the 1964-65 school year by Thomas R. Seely, Jr. Seely is from Brownwood and is an electrical engineering major. The head drum major position will be filled by Albert A. Tijer ina, a math major from San An gelo. He is an R. V. and a mem ber of the student senate. Maroon Band drum major will be Dennis B. Barr of Bonham, a distinguished physics student, while the White Band drum major will be Richard M. Alexander of Fort Worth. Alexander’s major is mechan ical engineering. GLENEWINKLE W’ARREN SCOTT MACALUSO BARR VERNON TIJERINA HOLDITCH ALEXANDER Parent’s Day A touch of folk music has been added to the Parents’ Day program slated at A&M University. The Lomax Folklore Soci ety will present a special concert beginning at 3 p.m. in Guion Hall. Singers will include local as well as out-of-town performers. The Parents’ Day program will begin at 8 a.m. with the Flower Pinning Ceremony in the cadet dormitory area. Best Drilled Sophomore and Freshman Awards for each unit will be given at 8:25. The pre sentation of appreciation gifts to unit commanders and the com manders’ key by military advisors will follow at 8:30. The Student Senate program honoring parents will begin at 9 in Kyle Field. The senate pro gram will feature the Tribute to Mothers by Joe V. Chapman, corps chaplain, and the Honor Mother Award by James P. Nance, student life committee. Richard Moore, president of the Civilian Student Council, will give the Tribute to Fathers. On Kyle Field at 9:30, there will be the presentation of In dividual Awards and Unit A- wards. The corps will review on the Main Drill Field at 11:25 and the Freshman Drill Team will perform following the review. Following a 12:30 Lunch in Duncan Mess Hall, there will be an open House in the cadet dormitories until 4:30 p.m. The Ross Volunteers will present a special drill on the Main Drill Field at 2 p.m. The concert in Guion Hall at 3 p.m. will feature nine perform ers of traditional folk music and 10 dancers. The folk music is sponsored by the Lomax Folk lore Society, recently-formed and named for the late John Avery Lomax, well known author and collector of cowboy ballads who taught at A&M from 1906 until 1911 and the Memorial Student Center Music Committee. The program will feature songs by John Lomax, Jr., Jim McCon nell, and Howie Porper, all mem bers of the Houston Folklore Group. Special guest will be Mance Lipscomb, Navasota known for his traditional Negro music of the Brazos bottoms. “Fiddle Tunes,” a ballet based on frontier dances and play party games, will be presented by ten members of the Ballet Joyeaux of the Lake Charles Ballet So ciety under the direction of Ida Winter Clarke. Local singers of the John Avery Lomax Folklore Society include Carl Sprague, retired teacher and businessman and the Wayfarers, A&M students George Clarke and Bill Sturgeon. Other members of the local group are Selma Clack, Bryan, and Don Ivey, graduate student at A&M. Introducing the singers will be Dr. John Q. Anderson, head of the A&M Department of Eng lish and faculty sponsor of the John Avery Lomax Folklore So ciety . Tickets for the concert are fifty cents. Annual Meet Set By Mother’s Clubs The 35th annual meeting of the Federation of A&M University Mothers’ Clubs will be held Sat urday morning at 9:30 in the Ball room of the Memorial Student Center. The program will include reports from committees and a display of history books from the 54 clubs. The Brazos County Mothers’ Club will host all delegates at a coffee to be served in the Social Room of the MSC from 8:30 to 9:30 preceding the regular pro gram. A board meeting of the organi zation will be held Friday in the Birch Room of the MSC. All local club presidents and Federal Board members will attend the meeting which will get under way at 2 p.m.