Page 2 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Thursday, April 30, 1964 Reynolds 9 Rap by Mike Reynolds They said it couldn’t be done: most people figure that no matter how bad a cook is, there is no way that he can mess up on such a simple thing as a glass of water. But just leave it to the A&M dining halls to come up with the solution. Actually, they haven’t got the water problem solved yet, but I am sure they are working on it. What I’m talking about is the ice. I walked into Sbisa Dining Hall a couple of weeks ago and reached for the stud bucket, ex pecting to pour a glass of iced tea with those nice pieces of ice floating on top of it. I turned up the bucket and began to j our. Out came the tea but no ice fol lowed. I looked into the pitcher and there all balled up in the middle of it was a big chunk of shaved ice. I watched others around the table as they either turned up the pitcher just a little and got no ice, or they turned it up too far and the big ball came out in a hunk, rolled around the top of the glass and bounced off across the table. When I finally got a few pieces in my glass, I discovered that this new shaved ice melts in a very short time. In fact, it melts in about the length of time it takes you to pick up the glass. Now I realize that this shaved ice is a new way to save money in the dining halls, but is time so short and mechanization so cheap that it can be bought at the price of a hot glass of stud? Seriously, griping about food in our dining halls has long been a great pasttime of all Aggies. To appreciate it though, all you have to do is eat on some other campus. Most of them are about half as good and you get a third as much food to boot. I can’t testify about the food in the cafeterias at the U of H, but students long ago gave up trying to eat anything served up in the Cougar Den. You can’t get a seat there for all the bridge players. I recall one time last year when I chanced to eat with a former girlfriend of mine over at Sam Houston. We walked into the cafeteria that serves King and Elliot Halls, the freshmen coed dorms. The main course selections were sliced roast beef and grilled cheese sandwiches. I reached for the beef and my girl was about to do the same when a big roach crawled out of the plate she had reached for and scrambled out across the hot plate. I was slightly nauseated and expected a couple of girls to scream, but they just looked mildly surprised. The woman working behind the counter flattened him with one swat of her dishtowel, smiled sheepishly and said, “Don’t worry, he didn’t eat much.” My sweet young thing whis pered to me that it happens every once in a while but they don’t say anything about it. I cringed, sucked up my intestinal fortitude and managed to tell her that I was sure going to say something about it. I leaned over the counter, look ed the lady right in the eye and told her just exactly what I was thinking. “Would you mind letting me have a grilled cheese sandwuh, please.” GOP To Divide Officer Positions At National Presidential Convention WASHINGTON (A*) — Repub licans have decided to divide the presiding officer positions at their presidential nominating con vention on the basis of party fac tions and geography. An informal but firm agree ment has been reached among party leaders for the selection of Sen. Thurston B. Morton of Kentucky, an Eisenhower mod erate, as permanent chairman of the convention. Morton, who heads the GOP senatorial campaign committee, is acceptable to party conserva tives headed by Sen. Barry Goldwater of Arizona. Under compromise arrange ments now under way, Gov. Mark O. Hatfield of Oregon, who generally is characterized as a liberal, is likely to become the temporary chairman who opens the convention. State Chairman Robert A. Forsythe of Minnesota, who is regarded as a middle of the road Republican, reportedly has the support of National Chair man William E. Miller, New York representative, to become the convention keynoter. CADET SLOUCH by Jim Earle if- “I think you misunderstood! When they said th’ new benches were indestructable, they didn’t mean it as a challenge!” Pass EDITOR’S NOTE: The fol lowing is a series taken from old college journals and early editions of The Battalion just to prove that things really weren’t so good in the Old Army Days. By TOM HARGROVE From The College Journal April, 1890 “We had a run-away at the college the other day. Some peo ple were passing and the Corps were drilling; the horses, never having seen such, were frighten ed, ran against a tree, and threw a baby, two ladies and a man out of the wagon, none of which were injured.” ★ ★ ★ From The Battalion April 29, 1908 It has been suggested that the complete khaki uniform or khaki trousers with drill shirts, replace grey wool as the warm weather uniform of the cadets. Perhaps the authorities would do well by considering the matter! ★ ★ ★ April 14, 1909 The strike of the Corps of Cadets is at an end. The cadets have reconsidered the demands of the authorities and will drill Attention Aggies Candidates for Vanity Fair for the Aggieland ’64 can be entered at the Office of Student Publications in the basement of the Y.M.C.A. A portrait (8x10) head & shoulders and 1 snapshot full length with vital statis tics should be included. The deadline for turning in pic tures will be May 1st. FRIDAY SINGING CADETS CONCERT SATURDAY “THE GREAT Plus LOCOMOTIVE CHASE’ “SANDS OF IWO” THE BATTALION Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the student writers only. The Battalion is a non tax-supported, non-profit, self-supporting educational enterprise edited and operated by students as a university and community news paper and is under the supervision of the director of Stu dent Publications at Texas A&M University. SATURDAY NITE Preview Also Sunday “FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APPOCALYPSE” McGu Holcom Lindsey, chairman ; Delbert e of Engineering ; J. M. ge of Veterinary Medicine. The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A&M on, Texas daily except Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, a ber through May, and once a week during summer school. Th dispati is published in College Sta nd holiday periods. Septem- he Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all n< .ches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news ineous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter he spontaneous origin i in are also reserved. of all news of ere- Second-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas. MEMBER: The Associated Press Texas Press Assn. Represented nationally by National advertising Service, Inc.. New York City, Chicago, Los An geles and cago, San Mail subscriptions are S3.50 per semester: S6 per school year, $6.50 per full year. All subscriptions subject to 2% sales tax. Advertising rate furnished on request. Address: The Battalion, Room 4, YMCA Building; College Station, Texas. News contributions may be made by telephoning VI 6-6618 or editorial office. Room 4, YMCA Building. For advertising or del VI 6-4910 or at ivery call VI 6-6 the 415. RONNIE FANN EDITOR GRADUATING SENIORS —are you in need of a car? There is no need to wait if you have a military con tract or a job commitment. Come in today — “Test Drive” the “Really Hot One”—the 1964 Plymouth. Brazos Motor Co. ‘Serving the Brazos Valley for 41 years’ 1211 Texas Ave., Bryan, Texas TA 2-7009 TA 2-1965 Plymouth - Valiant - Studebaker Review by night whenever it is deemed advisable and practical. ★ ★ ★ February 20, 1929 The college architects assure us that before September, 1930, we shall have a new library, worthy as to size, beauty and comfort of our patience in waiting these many years. It’s construction will begin as soon as the com pletion of the new Chemistry Building will permit the destruc tion of the old one.” ★ ★ ★ April 26, 1945 Approximately $650 has been collected for the erection of a suitable memorial for our late mascot, Reveille. The exact marker has not been decided on yet. Bulletin Board THURSDAY The Rio Grande Valley Home town Club will meet in Room 208 of the Academic Building at 7:30 p.m. The SanReBee Hometown Club will meet in Room 202 of the Academic Building at 7:30 p.m. Officers will be elected. The San Angelo-West Texas Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room '2-B of the Memor ial Student Center. FRIDAY The MSC Billiard Committee will meet in the Art Room of the MSC at 7:30 p.m. All members of the billiard tournament have been urged to attend. SUNDAY The Unitarian Fellowship of Brazos County will be at the Hillel Foundation at 8 p.m. Sun day to view the British film “Animal Farm,” based on George Orwell’s famous book. MONDAY The BA Wives Club will hold a special meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the South Solarium of the YMCA Building. Dr. William Roman will present two films concerning cancer and will answer questions. There will be no admision charge. ELECT JOEL HOGAN Pd. Pol. Adv. ■.Oft HMD Wiu nwfii PETER EDWARD JEAN ■ GEIGUD mil HUN1 BROWN GLENVILLE ANHALT ANOUILH * For Parties or Groups Contact Dept, of Special Services MgRtlSi| mwmfXxrm P.O. Box 22611, Houston, Texas 77027 Evenings 7:55 P.M S2.50 Matinee Sunday 2 P.M $2.50 Mats. Wed. and Sat. 2 P.M. S1.75 Youth Show Sat. 10 A.M Sl.OO PREMIERE APRIL 30th Hey Aggies!! There is still plenty of time for your outfit, floor or ramp to sign up for Varsity Shop’s Hamburger Fry. All you can eat or drink and THE VARSITY SHOP IS picking up the bill! Sign up ... as often as you wish ... at the Varsity Shop. The unit with the most cards in the pot wins. / Contest closes Friday, May 1, 5:00 p. m. The Varsity Shop will meet with the winning group to determine date. Bryan 9 &ioj Townshire Texas Meet DAVID HAINES '51 Son of Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Haines of College Station and Graduate of A&M Consolidated High School. IN A&M— Cadet Colonel, Secy-Treas. Sr. Class, Pres ident of the Senior Court, President of the Singing Cadets, Who’s Who, Member of Ross Volunteers, Aggie Players, Press Club, Manager of Freshman Baseball team, Distinguished Student & Distinguished Military Graduate. SINCE A&M— 3 yrs. as Regular Army officer in Field Artillery including duty as Battery Commander and later as Aide to Commanding General V Corps Artillery in Germany. LATER— Award winning (SDX & United Press) radio newsman in San Antonio. Former TV newsman and later manager of KORA. NOW— An outstanding new member of Texas House of Representatives serving on 5 major committees—Authored A&M name change bill—Helped to secure greatest appropriation in history for Texas A&M— Successfully worked for & defended co-ed decision. DAVID HAINES has earned a 2nd Term as Our STATE REPRESENTATIVE Vote for him in Democratic Primary on May 2nd Pd. Pol. Adv. PEANUTS By Charles M. Schulz VE5...IM JU5T COMBINE MV HAIR...I'M 50AKIN6 IT DOWN U1ITH LOTS OF IdATER... -IT