The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 28, 1964, Image 1

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. . First Wing Commander . . . Second Wing Commander
Che Battalion
Volume 61
Number 37
Board Of Directors OK’s
Record Systems Budget
Sophomore Sweetheart
A smiling: Evalynn Eichholtz receives congratulations from
Travis Williams, sophomore class secretary, after she was
named Sophomore Sweetheart. She was chosen from a
group of seven finalists at the Sophomore Ball held in
Sbisa Dining Hall Saturday night.
Students To Fit
Giant Puzzle Here
Cadet Corps
Names Kellner
As New Head
Associate Editor
The Board of Directors of the
A&M University System approved
Saturday a record budget of
$61,668,886 for the next fiscal year.
This amount, to be apportioned
among the various parts of the
A&M System, exceeds last year’s
total by more than $2 million.
Accounting for these funds were:
State General Revenue, 33.95 per
cent; Federal grant funds, 10.09
per cent; University Available
Fund, 4.07 per cent;
Income from tuitions, student
fees, sales and services of educa-
12 Initiated
Into National
English Group
Ten students and two faculty
members, have been initiated into
the national English honorary fra
ternity, Sigma Tau Delta.
Among those initiated into the
fraternity were four women, all
students of A&M.
The A&M University chapter
president, Craig Abbott, made the
announcement. He said the fa
culty members, both former heads
of the department of english, are
Stewart Morgan and Professor
Emeritus George Summey.
The new student members are
Mrs. Patricia Broussard of Athens;
Mrs. Judith Lee Rowe of Fayette
ville, North Carolina; Mrs. Doris
V. Whitelock of Houston, and Lani
Presswood of Fort Worth.
Also initiated were Jack B. Klug
of Garden Grove, California, a
graduate student; Raul R. Oliver
of Grapeland; Thomas R. Avant
of Jayton, and Mrs. Mary Lynn
Brown of Lordsburg, New Mexico.
Initiated at the same time were
William L. Malaise of Refugio
and Gregory C. Holochwost of San
By The Associated Press
NICOSIA, Cyprus — Greek Cy
priot fighters drove ahead Mon
day night in a pincers assault on
the medieval castle of St. Hilarion,
a major Turkish bastion in the
Cyprus civil war.
★ ★ ★
MOSCOW — Soviet engineers
prepared Monday a massive
explosion to release a dammed-up
mountain river as a first step
toward saving the flood-threat
ened, timeless city of Samar
Thep planned to set off 110,-
000 pounds of explosives Tues
day in their effort to cut a canal
outlet through a landslide that
has blocked the Zeravshan Riv
er 1,700 miles southeast of Mos
WASHINGTON — The Supreme
Court agreed Monday to rule on
the validity of Florida laws that
prohibit Negro and white persons
of the opposite sex from getting
married or living together unmar
tional, research and extension de
partments, services and revolving
funds, auxiliary enterprises, gifts
and grants from private and gov
ernmental sources, 51.89 per cent.
The board noted that increases
in the budget were necessary to
meet the costs of rising enroll
ments, salary increases, and goods
and services needed in various
parts of the system.
A&M University will receive
$24,835,762. The Agricultural Ex
periment Station will receive
$8,200,976 and the Agricultural
Extension Service will receive
$6,943,912. Arlington State Col
lege will be given $7,074,746 and
Prairie View A&M College will get
The remainder of the budget will
be apportioned among the A&M
University System offices and de
partments, the Rodent and Preda
tory Animal Control Service, the
Texas Engineering Experiment
Station, the Engineering Extension
Service, the Texas Maritime Acad
emy, Tarleton State College and
the Texas Forest Service.
During their meeting, the board
members accepted grants-in-aid,
gifts, scholarships, awards and fel
lowships totaling $171,612. The
gifts came in the forms of money,
stocks and bonds, machinery, books,
movie pi-ojection equipment and
livestock. These gifts are in addi
tion to $1 million given A&M
University by the Moody Founda
A&M received $20,869 from 26
donors. Arlington State was given
grants totalling $52,690 and the
Agricultural Experiment Station
received grants-in-aid totalling
In other business the board ap
proved a $2.5 million loan commit
ment from the Federal Housing
and Home Finance Agency to be
used for the construction of two
new dormitories at Prairie View
A&M. The dormitories will pro
vide for the housing of 933 addi
tional students.
Contracts were also awarded for
Post Office Limits
Saturday Service
In Economy Move
New Saturday morning Post Of
fice schedules go into effect next
Monday according to Ernest Gregg,
College Station Postmaster.
Window service at the main of
fice will be limited to one con
solidated stamp and parcel post
service on Saturday mornings.
Registry, cash-on-delivery and gen
eral delivery business will be con
ducted through this window.
Domestic and international mon
ey orders, inquiry and claims, in
formation, meter - settings, trust
fund deposits and box rent col
lections will be suspended on Sat
Post Office service in the
Memorial Student Center branch
will be limited to parcel post de
livery from 8 to 9 a.m. on Sat
urdays. No money order or box
rent business will be transacted.
These moves, said Gregg, are
in line with President Johnson’s
recently announced postal economy
move. Johnson has asked the
Post Office to cut 500 employees
by July 17, and another 3100 in
1965. The move is designed to
save $12.7 million dollars.
dormitory equipment and furniture
at A&M, new furnishings at Ar
lington State, laboratory equip
ment at Tarleton and campus im
provements at Prairie View.
Will Depend
On Computers
Data processing is becoming one
of the master keys of successful
management of colleges and uni
versities, the College and Univer
sity Machine Records Conference
learned here Monday.
Jack R. Woolf, president of Ar
lington State College, said comput
ers and other electronic equipment
will soon become a necessity to
save time and simplify manage
ment complexities.
“Schools that are efficient in
management will find it much
easier to survive,” Woolf pointed
out. “Grants and other funds will
go to those institutions which can
demonstrate efficiency.”
The college president was the
keynote speaker at the opening
session of the conference at A&M
University. About 400 persons
representing more than 150 uni
versities in the United States and
Canada are attending the three-day
Topics range from data process
ing for educational management
to automatic scheduling and regis
tration in schools.
Colleges and universities have
been “archaic” in management
methods and have “paid attention
to nearly all areas of society ex
cept our own,” Woolf said.
He described data processing as
the best method of securing accur
ate, quick information for manage
ment. And university presidents
should approve and encourage the
system, Woolf said.
Data processing, the speaker ex
plained, improves communication
among departments of a school. It
can compile grade reports and
show how each student stands in
his studies.
Woolf emphasized that electro
nic equipment “is not turning each
student into a number and is not
de-personalizing him.”
Data processing at Arlington
has been used to study teaching
loads and class sizes. The result
is higher teacher salaries and im
proved classroom utilization, he
Woolf recommended that data
processing answers be as simple
as possible for university heads,
such as the president. They do not
have time to read elaborate re
ports. Detailed reports should go
to second and third eschelon per
sonnel, Woolf maintained.
Data processing must be “sold
to faculty and staff, who are still
inclined to be suspicious,” he con
Woolf urged creativity and im
agination in setting up processing
“Data processing has much to
offer educational institutions. Let’s
get with it,” he concluded.
A main attraction on Tuesday’s
program was Robert Fano’s re
port on Project MAC. Fano, elec
trical engineering professor at
Massachusetts Institute of Techno
logy, will transmit data from the
conference headquarters to MIT
in Massachusetts. A calculation
will be made on machines there and
transmitted back to the meeting,
all in a matter of seconds.
A Texas-sized jigsaw puzzle will
be fitted together Friday on the
A&M University campus as indus
trial arts students from 31 high
schools assemble a 1,250 square
foot building.
Industrial arts students have
built sections of the structure and
will bring them here for assembly
as a highlight of the Texas Indus
trial Arts Student Fair Friday and
Saturday. Approximately 1,000
students are expected for the fair.
“The building sections can’t
measure over 4x8 feet, so they’ll
fit into a pickup,” W. A. Mayfield
said. He is an industrial arts
teacher in the Bryan schools, an
A&M doctoral student in industrial
education and state advisor for the
Texas Industrial Arts Student
The exhibition hall designed by
Thomas Faubion, a junior in
Bryan’s Stephen F. Austin High
School and a student of Mayfield’s,
won a $1,000 award. Faubion plans
to use the money to attend A&M.
Corps Boosts
Champ Fund
Project Champ got back on the
track Monday afternoon. Head
Yell leader Mike Marlow held an
organizational meeting with out
fit commanders pledging the sup
port of their units toward the
fund set up by The Battalion to
buy basketball coach Shelby Met
calf a new car.
Companies G-l and E-2 and
Sqd. 10 have already turned in
their contributions but other than
these three units, the students
have showed very little interest.
Sqd. 10 leads with $42.32.
The slow-moving project ap
pears to have suffered from lack
or organization. It is hoped that
the renewed effort promised by
campus leaders will boost the
fund toward its desired goal.
May 15 is set as the current
deadline, coinciding with the Ag
gie All-Sports Banquet.
All contributions should be
turned in to The Battalion office
in the basement of the YMCA.
The building to be constructed
on a lot opposite the G. Rollie
White Coliseum will be taken apart
almost immediately and shipped to
San Antonio for erection in June
on the Teen Fair of Texas grounds.
The industrial arts fair is being
held at A&M for the fifth consecu
tive year.
Mayfield said 24 to 31 students
from a dozen high schools will
erect the exhibition hall here.
“That way we hope we won’t
have too much help but will have
enough to get the job done,” May-
field said.
The exhibition hall will be
erected in June at the Teen Fair of
Texas grounds in San Antonio by
a crew including Mayfeld and
Ronald Foy, industrial arts teacher
at Ballinger.
Managing Editor
“The' Corps will grow if
people will have the right atti
tude. If everybody doesn’t put
out, we won’t have anything.”
Those were the predictions
concerning the future of A&M Uni
versity's Corps of Cadets by the
man chosen to head the organiza
tion next year, Neil L. Keltner.
The Army cadet, a junior from
Student Senate
Election Filing
Now Underway
Filing opened Monday for the
Student Senate elections in the
programs office of the Memorial
Student Center.
Wayne Smith, election commis
sion advisor, said these elections
are “The most confusing of them
all.” He said that filing is gen
erally the most confusing part of
the whole procedure.
Smith added that people usually
don’t know how to file and that
it was hard to explain just what
they were running for.
There will be 12 Student Senate
and 15 election commission posi
tions open for the May 15 elec
The Student Senate positions
open are the representatives from
the Colleges of Arts and Sciences,
Agriculture, Engineering and Vet
erinary Medicine. Each college
sends a sophomore, a junior and. a
senior representative.
For the election commission there
will be five positions from each
of the three upper classes.
The dean of the graduate school
will appoint the graduate student
representative to the Student
Smith said that in the past this
election has received the least
amount of voter interest of any
of the school elections, but added,
“I’m sure there will be a better
turnout this year because of the
increased civilian activity.”
Smith said the voting machines
will be marked by colleges, and
that each voter will vote for only
the representative from his school
in his class.
Lansing, Mich, majoring in in
dustrial distribution, continued,
“If we can get the co-operation
from the men who will be in
command positions next year, we
will grow.”
Chosen as Deputy Corps Com
mander was H. Hale Burr from
Vidor. The number two man is
an Air Force cadet majoring in
Keltner and Burr noted, “The
Corps has come through an awful
lot this year. I think we’ve shown
everyone that we can come out
on top.”
Named to head the First Brigade
was Jerome Rektorik, an econo
mics student from Corpus Christi.
Rob Nalley from Dallas was
selected commander of the Second
Brigade. He is studying civil en
Next year’s Third Brigade com
mander will be Jim Bourgeois from
New Braunfels, a finance student.
David Franklin from Houston
will head the First Wing, while
Tommy Harrison from Baytown
will have command of the Second
Wing. Both are business adminis
tration students.
The new commanders will not
officially assume their positions
until Final Review on May 23,
but as Keltner put it, “There is a
lot to be done before then.”
This year’s Colonel of the Corps,
Paul A. Dresser Jr., said of the
selectees, “I think all the boys
will do a real fine job next year.”
Dresser’s recommendations for
the two top positions were sent
to the Trigon, after which Keltner
and Burr were interviewed by the
Corps Commandant, Col. Denzil L.
Baker, Dean of students James P.
Hannigan and President Earl Rud
Battalion Staff
Proves It’s Human
One of those rare, freak occur
rences took place in our April 22
issue. The staff of The Bat
talion, proving they really are
human, made a mistake.
The picture labeled Robert J.
Phillips on the front page of that
issue is actually Dr. Leonard R.
Burgess, the new Business Ad
ministration professor. The ban
quet mentioned in the tagline
will be held Thursday at 6 p.m.
Two Injured
Two Aggies were hurt, one seriously, last
night about 10 o’clock in this head-on col
lision in the 4000 block of Old College Main.
Injured and listed in good condition at the
University Hospital is Larry L. Stanley
In Collision
from Midland. Also slightly injured was
Kenneth L. Cantey of 505 Gilchrist in Col
lege Station. Damage was not extensive to
either vehicle.