The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 17, 1964, Image 1
Che Battalion Texas A&M University Volume 61 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1964 Number 32 Student Senate Hears Lecture On Blood Bank The Student Senate heard a film lecture Thursday night by Dr. David Soules on the Wadley Re search Institute and Blood Bank, the group that is presently con ducting the drive for donors on the campus. The Aggie Blood Drive, which has already succeeded in securing 540 signees to give blood will con tinue to take registrations until Monday afternoon. Soules reaffirmed the fact that the Wadley Institute of Dallas will have representatives in the Mem orial Student Center Wednesday and Thursday to receive the blood. Anyone who has not signed up be fore that time may still donate on those days. Soules outlined the method by which all donors to the blood drive will be able to receive blood dur ing the following 365 days. “Since we can keep blood for only 21 days, each donor is credit ed with having given one pint and may receive some of the blood from the blood reserve,” said Soules. FOB SERVICE TO THEIR FELLOW MAN Dr. David Soules presents a plaque to Alan Peterson for the Aggie effort in last year’s drive. There has been some misun derstanding in this area over the replacement of the blood in the blood bank, and I think that this trouble results from the fact that someone didn’t accurately report the number of pints received,” he continued. “Some of the banks that the people in the area draw from re quire a two-pint-for-one-pint re placement. Although we require only a one-for-one replacement, if we are told the number of pints needed for replacement, we will supply the number requested,” said Soules. Soules went on to explain that those students who needed to make use of their credit in the Dallas blood bank should get in touch with the chairman of their drive, who would report to the bank how many to transfer. Alan Peterson is the chairman of the A&M drive. The senate was told that only 80 of A&M’s credits for the past year had been called for use. UNDERSEA PLAIN PROBED Alaminos Scientists Return After Study Of Gulf Depths By DAVID RIDEOUT Special Writer Six research scientists of the Department of Oceanography and Meteorology have returned from a two-week long-coring cruise in the Gulf of Mexico aboard A&M’s R/V Alaminos. This latest cruise, completed April 9, was under the direction of Dr. Maurice Ewing of the La ment Geological Observatory which is associated with Columbia Uni versity, and John Antoine, research scientist with the Department of Oceanography and Meteorology. “THE PRIMARY purpose of this cruise was to leam from the per sonnel of Lamont the techniques of obtaining long cores from the deep- Peter, Paul, Mary Tickets Available Tickets for the Town Hall pre- coast spots, including the home sentation of “Peter, Paul and Mary” will go on sale Monday in the Memorial Student Center. The folk trio’s appearance here, April 30, was arranged apart from the regularly scheduled Town Hall program. Therefore, student acti vity cards will not be honored. General admission tickets will cost $1-50, reserved seats $2.50 and date tickets $1. The trio drew 10,000 persons at the second anniversary cele bration of the innauguration of the late President Kennedy. Since then, they have performed on col lege campuses and other coast-to- Wire Review By The Associated Press WORLD NEWS DARWIN, Australia — Ameri can woman flyer Joan Merriam de cided Friday to relay her depar ture to continue her world tour from Darwin 24 hours because of bad weather. ★ ★ ★ MOSCOW — Soviet Premier Khrushchev got a 70th birth day greeting Thursday from China’s Mao Tze-tung that ex pressed a conviction their dif ferences are only temporary. The greeting came as Khru shchev gathered around him the top Eastern European commun ists to help celebrate his birth day Friday — and to pool their thoughts about Mao, who is 71. U. S. NEWS ANCHORAGE, Alaska — A heavy new earthquake in the North Pacific 300 miles southwest of Kodiak Island created a brief tidal wave alarm Thursday but fears were quickly quieted. of President Johnson. Their largest crowds have been on college campuses, 9,800 at the University of Kansas and 9,500 at the University of Maryland. The two bearded gentlemen are formally referred to as Peter Yar row, a Cornell graduate, and Paul Stookey, a native of Michigan. Mary Allin Travers, the tall blond who often accents her singing with well-proportioned-body movements, was born in Louisville, Ky. The group has made the Top 10 several times with songs such as “If I Had A Hammer,” “Blowin’ In the Wind,” “Stewball,” “Puff, the Magic Dragon,” and ‘Go Tell It on the Mountain.” They were recently selected as the best singing group in the 1964 Playboy Jazz Poll. Local Scholar Pamela Ann Lindsey of Col lege Station has gained the Dean’s Honor List for the fall semester at Texas Tech. Miss Lindsey a freshman is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lindsey. Her father is Director of Infor mation and Publications for A&M. est section of the Gulf of Mexico,” said William Bryant, research scientist with the Department of Oceanography and Meteorology. He added that Lamont has done more deep sea coring than any other organization and is recog nized as the world’s authority in that field. One of the flattest large areas in the world, the abyssal plain of the Sigsbee Deep in the Gulf of Mexico was used for the research operations. The area is about 120 miles wide by 200 miles long with an extremely small gradient of only 1:8000 and is about 12,000 feet be low the surface of the Gulf. So far 21 knolls, some up to 1200 feet high, have been located in this flat plain. It is Dr. Ewing’s proposal that these knolls, known as the Sigsbee Knolls, are salt domes and are underlain by salt dome deposits which are part of a continuous bed of salt that underlies the major portion of the Gulf of Mexico. Scientists hope to prove this theory and others from information gained from the 40-50-foot cores, considered to be very long coming from such depths. BY USING an “Arcer,” an acoustic reflection device built by the Rayflex Company in Dallas, researchers can determine the lay ers and thickness of the beds, three to five thousand feet below the bottom of the Gulf. The sounding section and part of the receiving section of the “Arcer” is trailed 400-500 feet behind the ship. Two 8-foot sparks are gen erated from two separate elec trodes every four to six seconds, producing sound waves which are recorded and evaluated. Cambridge Prof To Address Grads Cambridge University professor J. A. Steers, whose geographical studies have received wide recog nition, will speak at 8 p.m. Mon day at A&M University. The Graduate College Lecture will be given in the Biological Sciences Lecture Room. “Recent Vertical Movements of the Coast of Great Britain” is Steers’ topic. Educated at St. Catharine’s Col lege, Cambridge, where he filled various posts including that of president, Steers is currently sen ior fellow. He is vice president of the Royal Geographical Society which in 1960 awarded him its Victoria Medal for distinguished service. He also has served on govern mental and professional commit tees concerned with wildlife con servation, coastal preservation, coastal flooding and sea defenses. His published papers have ap peared in various scientific pub lications. He also is the author or editor of eight books including “The Unstable Earth” and “The Sea Coast.” The corings that were made on this trip are now being processed at the Lamont laboratories. They will later be studied by scientists of Lamont and the Department of Oceanography and Meteorology. Bryant said that another re search cruise is scheduled in June to sample the same general area. Exec Committee Mum On Date For Decision About Political Clubs By JOHN R. WRIGHT Battalion News Editor The date for a decision to appeals by political clubs seek ing official recognition on campus remains uncertain, Dean of Students James P Han- nigan said Thursday night. “No decision has been made and I have no idea when one will be forth coming,” Hannigan said. He did say that the appeal is on the agenda for the committee’s weekly Monday meeting. A joint appeal was made a month and a half ago by represen tatives of both the Young Demo crats and the Young Republicans for official sanction following an Executive Committee decision de nying recognition to both clubs. A LETTER from Hannigan to both club presidents said that the decision of denial for official rec ognition was reached because “it is undesirable to have organiza tions on university property en gaging in partisan politics.” The letter from Hannigan ex plained that recognition was denied on the basis of Article II of the University Articles, and that the administration felt that off-cam pus organizations in the Brazos County area provided enough faci lities for political study by uni versity students. As a result of the Executive Committee’s decision, both politi cal organizations have had to move their meetings off campus. Both organizations have been long awaiting the Executive Commit- LBJ Confident; Reviews Troubles WASHINGTON GP) — Presi dent Johnson said Thursday the nation’s economy and defense are both in good shape. He came closer than ever before to confirm ing he’ll run for president in Nov ember. Johnson spoke at a far-rang ing and heavily attended news conference that was, as he took note, well-advertised in advance and carried live on radio and television. He expressed hope for a nego tiated settlement this week to end the railroad strike threat. And he called again for prompt pass age of the civil rights bill now being debated in the Senate. “WE WILL pass the civil rights bill because it is morally right,” he said. At the same time he deplored extreme measures some advocates of federal civil rights laws have threatened measures that would seek to dramatize their cause by civil disobedience tactics. “We do not, of course, condone violence or taking the law into your own hands, or threatening the health or safety of our people,” he said. “You really do the civil rights cause no good when you go to this extent. “We do not think the violation of one right, or the denial of one right, should permit the violation of another right.” JOHNSON seemed relaxed and confident as he talked, slowly and Bank Holiday Declared Tuesday As Aggies everywhere muster on April 21, several financial establishments in the Bryan-Col- lege Station area will close their doors in observance of San Ja cinto Day. The following business will observe San Jacinto Day as a holiday and will not open for business April 21: Bank of Commerce, First Bank & Trust, University National Bank, City National Bank, First National Bank, Bryan Building & Loan Association, Community Savings & Loan Association. Business will be resumed as usual Wednesday, April 22. San Jacinto Day is an official bank holiday. often with a half-smile, of the problems facing him as president and declared: “I’m enjoying the job and I’m prepared to continue.” That was one of several refer ences tying him closer to the al most universally accepted belief that the Democrats will nominate him in August to run for presi dent in November. Up to Thurs day, however, he hadn’t admitted even the possibility he might run. Illness Cancels Visit Of Librarian The illness of Hardin Craig of the Huntingdon Library in Cali fornia has caused cancellation of his lecture Monday as part of the Shakespeare Commemoration at A&M. Dr. A. L. Bennett of the Depart ment of English and chairman of the Shakespeare Commemoration was notified of Craig’s illness. “Mr. Craig will be hospitalized for several weeks,” Bennett said. tee’s decision concerning their ap peal. Both clubs appealed before the Executive Committee which in cludes the president, the deans and university directors of instruction, admission, extension and business affairs. RANDALL W. BLAND, club president of the Young Demo crats, said that both he and Rob ert B. Eubank, club president of the Young Republicans, had tried to convince the administration that the political clubs existed only for student political education outside the classroom. Bland said that as an unofficial university club the group is denied the right to meet in the Memorial Student Center unless they rent a room. Under that arrangement they would only be able to rent a room when an official organiza tion didn’t have first call. “FURTHERMORE, as an unof ficial club we cannot use even the most basic facilities of the MSC such as typewriters and mimeo graph machines—a facility that is afforded official university clubs,” said Bland. “This puts a handicap on our activities as we can hardly afford to have a com mercial printer make up our club notices.” Eubanks was unavailable for comment Thursday night, but Bland stressed that both organi zations were cooperating to gain recognition from the administra tion. Bulletin Outlines Freshman English High school students, teachers the Association of Texas Colleges and counselors now have available a comprehensive survey of fresh man English programs at Texas colleges and universities. The new bulletin lists pertin ent facts about first-year English programs in 76 colleges and uni versities. The Texas Education Agency Bulletin was a joint project of the agency and a commission of Film To Highlight Central America “Central America,” a color film of the lands that link the Ameri cas, will be shown by photographer Dwight Nichols Friday at 8 p.m. in the Ballroom of the Memorial Stu dent Center. The film-lecture is part of the Pan American Week activities, which will continue through to morrow. Nichol’s visit is spon sored by the MSC Great Issues Committee. The program is one of a series presented by Great Issues during the 1963-64 school year. Tickets will cost 50 cents, and Student Activity Cards will be honored. Nichols has made 19 trips to Central America, spending almost a quarter of a century photograph ing countries south of the border. The particular film to be shown is the result of editing more than 25,000 feet of film. It starts with a small village wedding and pro gresses to the bustling life of the more modem cities. The program will portray an cient ruins, jungle life, volcanoes, the mahogany and banana indus tries and a voyage through the Panama Canal. It will deal with the various types of societies that populate these countries. and Universities, A&M Dean of Arts and Sciences Frank Hubert said. He chaired the Commission on School and College Relations which participated in the project and also chaired the advisory panel. “This publication is especially valuable to students, as the fresh man English course forms a corn erstone of the academic program,” Hubert said. The bulletin is described by Dr. J. W. Edgar, state commissioner of education, as “an invaluable guide to secondary school teachers and counselors, to high school stu dents planning to attend college, and to the colleges and universities themselves.” Lee J. Martin who supervises freshman English programs at A&M served as general editor of the 186-page bulletin. The publication, “Freshmen Eng lish Course Descriptions, Texas Colleges and Universities,” is a- vailable as Bulletin 645 of the Tex as Education Agency, Austin. Sen. Moore Sets Education Talk State Senator William (Bill) Moore of Bryan will speak at 8 p.m. Tuesday to a combined meet ing of two A&M University facul ty organizations. His topic is “A Legislator’s View of the Problems of Higher Education” for the meeting in the Memorial Student Center Assembly Room. Plans for the meeting were an nounced jointly by President Edwin Doran of the American Association of University Professors chapter and President George M. Krise of the Texas Association of College Teachers unit. Second ‘Man Your Manners’ Panel The second “Man Your Manners” panel will be presented Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. in the YMCA Building. The Texas Woman’s Uni versity members include left to right, Carol Nevils, Elaine Meeks and Jane Sullins. Not pictured is Nanette Gabriel.