The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 09, 1964, Image 3
nmanned Gemini Capsule uts U S Closer To Goal of the Ok; bright \j&. only m® ? freshnt 111 pus Dpi; it.” one ni{i: lester wk tired of i and in ok d them intt )ttoms aii rning until norning, been putti ime, yet it ■he campi); issappeare; rom Agi,* it. e price o! ;o help pay our water has fallen i close look ts wouldn’t t even tus CAPE KENNEDY, Fla., <^) — Ln unmanned Project Gemini )are ele' :8 P su ^ e was P ro P e ll e d into orbit ies used ,jr a ^^ tan ^ rocket Wednesday ' md the United States got a fly- ng start toward a goal of launch- explanati; ng two astronauts into space in 5 fact | a similar craft late this year. ^ ft )r % Analysis of data on Wednesday’s ns> i ^ ^ght and a second unmanned fir- ailed nipln : ing scheduled in the summer will they u/oii j e termine whether the manned mission will be achieved in Nov- 0 C0U Wp: ember or December as planned. The powerful Titan 2, making its debut as a space booster, lifted off at 11 a.m. after a perfect countdown and hoisted the 7,000- pound spacecraft into an orbital path ranging from 99.6 to 204 miles high. “We’ve got an orbit! It’s a beaut,” said the operations di rector, Walter C. Williams, just six minutes after blastoff. Williams told a news confer ence later the high point was 21 miles higher than desired because of faster - than - planned booster speed. But he said that on a manned mission, the astronauts easily could correct this with their on-board fuel supply. Project director Charles Ma thews termed the flight a mile stone in the program. He said Gemini teams can now move con fidently toward an unmanned bal listic space craft test in the sum mer and a flight by two astro nauts late in the year. Because officials sought only en gineering data, no attempt was made to separate the spacecraft from the spent rocket casing. The entire assembly, weighing 1(11,500 pounds, rocketed into or bit and was followed by the space agency’s worldwide tracking net work for little more than one or bit before its electrical power and radio beacon ceased as intended. The satellite was expected to circle the earth silently for about 3% days before burning up as a result of atmospheric friction. It is the second heaviest satellite launched by the United States, be hind the world record 37,700-pound giant boosted by a Saturn rocket in January. The Saturn satellite also mostly dead weight, but both are considered significant steps toward a U. S. goal of landing astronauts on the moon in this decade. The Gemini program promises many dramatic episodes. The first manned flight is to place a two- man team into space for three orbits lasting a total of about five hours, to check out all systems. The second manned flight, in 1965, will extend to four days and the third to seven days, gradually working to two weeks to gather information on man’s physical re actions to prolonged weightless _ flight. svery per- jOll’S sign ASTRONAUTS SURVEY GEMINI CAPSULE Astronaut Neil Armstrong, inspects project Gemini capsule. > A&M Veterinarian Attends CD Meet Dr. Alvin A. Price, dean of the College of Veter-inary Medicine at A&M University, will be in At lanta, Ga. April 9 for a study on “Civil Defense and the Veteri narian.” The U. S. Public Health Service called Dr. Price to the conference at the Communicable Disease Cen ter in Atlanta. The study will center on preparation of veteri narians for civil defense in na tional emergencies. Other College of Veterinary Medicine personnel have returned from recent meetings. Drs. L. C. Grumbles, C. F. Hall and A. I. Flowers were in Auburn, Ala., last week for the annual meeting of the Southern Confer ence on Avian Diseases. Dr. Grumbles presided as vice president. Dr. Hall presented a paper and Dr. Flowers seiwed as chairman of the Committee on Nomenclature and Disease Report ing. Scbufe AMONG THE PROFS * Geologist Slates Washington Meet Dr. Melvin C. Schroeder, geology professor, will present a paper on the distribution of radioactivity through ground water during the 45th annual American Geophysi cal Union meeting in Washington, D. C., April 21-24. The research paper, entitled “Studies Simulating Radioactive Contamination of Aquifers by Sub surface Nuclear Explosions,” is the result of work done by Schroed er and A. R. Jennings, geology graduate student. ★ ★ ★ Members of the Department of Oceanography and Meteorology are presenting technical papers and at tending professional meetings this week in several states. Reading a paper to the Ameri can Chemical Society meeting in Philadelphia are Dr. M. A. Zeitoun, Dr. Richard R. Davison and grad uate student Frank White. The paper is entitled “Solvent Ex traction of Sewage Secondary Ef fluents, Heterogeneous Equilibrium of Organics and Inorganics.” ★ ★ ★ Dr. Donald G. Barker of the De partment of Education and Psycho logy is author of an article in the current issue of “Research Quar terly,” a publication of the Ameri can Association for Health, Physi cal Education and Recreation. “The Factor Study of Major League Baseball Records” is Bark er’s second statistical study on the sport. ★ ★ ★ A&M University’s recently ap proved cyclotron will be the sub ject of a talk by Dr. John A. McIntyre at a Baylor University nationwide seminar Monday. McIntyre will meet with students and faculty for informal discussion on curriculum and research prob lems in physics. ★ ★ ★ Dr. John Paul Abbott, professor of English, has been reappointed to the Advisory Board of the Alley Theatre, Houston. ★ ★ ★ Five members of the library staff are attending the Texas Li brary Association annual meeting in Abilene. Making the trip with Library Director Robert A. Houze are As- ELECT DEMOCRAT B.H. DEWEY, JR. STATE Representative (28th District—Brazos County) MEMBER of Southern Re gional Education Board. LEGISLATOR— 1953-1962 “BEST FOR CRISIS IN EDUCATION IN 1965” (Paid Pol. Ad) sociate Director R. C. Woodward, Miss Phillyis Brown, head acquisi tions librarian, Mrs. Nan Cardwell of the veterinary medicine library and Miss Mayme Evans, documents librarian. Houze is chairman of the Coun cil of State College Librarians. Ag Information Host S. A. Meet Five states were represented as the American Association of Agri cultural College Editors opened a Subregional meeting Wednesday in San Antonio. Members of the De partment of Agricultural Informa tion of A&M University are serv ing as hosts for the occasion which continues through Friday. Editors from Arkansas, Louisi ana, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Texas were in attendance Wednes-, day. Walter McAllister, mayor of San Antonio, was scheduled to wel come the group Thursday morning when the formal program got un derway. “Urbanization — the Changing Scene,” was to the dis cussed by John G. McNeely, A&M professor of agricultural economics. Challenges for agricultural in formation will be heard from state, federal, and mass media view points. Participating in this dis cussion will be Edd Lemons, head editor at Oklahoma State Universi ty; Harold Bryson, chief, South west Area Information Division, Agricultural Marketing Service; James H. McCormick, assistant di rector, Office of Information, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Was hington, D. C., and Dave Shanks, Austin American, Austin. At a noon luncheon Thursday, Stanley Banks, Sr., attorney-at-law, San Antonio, reviewed historical points of interest in that city. The final day’s meeting will highlight “Our Key Efforts To day,” a report by states of the past year’s activities. THE BATTALION Thursday, April 9, 1964 College Station, Texas Page 3 Today’s Thought Prayer is a person-to-person re lationship. JUST RELEASED And Now on Sale in Music Stores in Bryan & College Station "Texas A&M Waltz" Written by MRS. ELIZABETH LLOYD Get Your Record Now at— THE EXCHANGE STORE • STUDENT CENTER SHAFFER’S • B&M MUSIC Hickman Garrett Bryan — College Station’s Only Authorized VOLKSWAGEN Dealer CARS — TRUCKS — PARTS — SERVICE Seniors See Us For A Money Saving Machine For That New Job. 403 N. Main TA 2-0146 Read Battalion Classifieds LEAN MEATY Short Ribs 33 Lb Buyers know Bom!Meat... and Make Sure You Befit! U.S.D.A. CHOICE PERSONALLY SELECTED BEEF 1?oo5t BLADE CUT CENTER CUT CHUCK T T c R0AST T! Os C Lb. Lb. ^7 SLICED BACON r™™,, 2,. L k b ,89e CHUCK STEAK ^ , L ,49c CANNED HAMS ^ 5^'$3.99 GIANT TIDE Limit One With Purchase $2.50 or More (Excluding Cigarettes) 39 FLOUR—Gold Medal 5 - 39 PINTO BEANS FRUIT DRINKS MELLORINE Lilly or Sanitary 3 2 * 19 10 $<|00 Tru-Vu TIP-TOP—Frozen Assorted Flavors—6-Oz. Square, Half Gallons FRESH VINE RIPENED TOMATOES Good Value Salad Dressing 39- pork & BEANS Uncle Williams. LIBBY’S CORN Cr am s,yl ‘ iOc 3 r s $i.oo 4, ":59c LIMA BEANS Golden Birds Eye With Cheese 10-Oz. 10c Free 50 Stamps With Purchase of Any 2-PIECES OF VACRON WARE We have held this outstanding offer open for two more weeks so that you can complete your sets. This offer expires April 18, 1964. LISTERINE Large 14-Oz. CANTALOUPES WINESAP APPLES Wash ng on YELLOW ONIONS Red \ WE GIVE GREEN .STAMPS. Cackleberry Large EGGS Doz. 43' 3.“,39c 3 Lbs. 25c QUANTITY RIGHTS .RESERVED &Aifcvn^ ORRS VALUABLE COUPON FREE 100 S6lH Green Stamps WITH THIS COUPON AND THE PURCHASE OF $10.00 OR MORE (LIMIT 1 PER CUSTOMER) MUST BE ONE PURCHASE COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 11. 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS Downtown Ridgecrest Specials Good Thur. - Fri. - Sat. April 9 - 10 - 11. 200 E 24 Street • 3516 Texas Ave RIDGECREST STORE HOURS-8 AM TO 8 PM DAILY CLOSED SUNDAY