The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 07, 1964, Image 1
Battalion Texas A&M University Volume 61 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1964 Number 25 f ' - >y ..j. . T ’rWi : • * <. lij * ■ ■ ■ **. ~ '•■ •"■■ . - - VZ-m**: ■ ?«*#***»» %S,< J ■- -' ' '»ksi^- *•55? • _ * ' ' ~ - > <» ^ W^' ' % 2^ SiriigsS ■**”*"’ Ike Pauses At Monument To President Rudder’s Rangers Former President Eisenhower stands reading 1 the inscrip tion on the rough-hewn granite obelisk commemorating Col. James E. Rudder’s 2nd Ranger Battalion which climbed up a sheer 100-foot cliff where bunkers and coastal artil lery threatened the invading allied fleet on D-Day, June 6, 1944. The plaque stands on the bluff at Pointe du Hoc, the western anchor of Omaha Beach, Normandy. (This photo courtesy of Herbert Mitgang of The New York Times, and is taken from CBS Reports “D-Day Plus 20 Years: Eisenhower Returns to Normandy.”) Poetry Reading Is Scheduled By Van Doren Prize-winning 1 poet Mark Van Doren will present “A Reading of His Poems, with Commentary” Tuesday for the University Lec tures Series at A&M University. The free, public lecture sched uled at 8 p.m. in the Chemistry Lecture Room is another in the series sponsored by the Graduate College which brings eminent per sons in various fields to A&M. Van Doren, a professor emeritus of English at Columbia University, will be reading from his latest book, “Collected and New Poems.” His “Collected Poems” won the Pulitzer Prize for poetry in 1939. He received the Emerson-Thoreau Award in 1963. Professor Van Doren is the au thor of 13 principal books includ ing a play, critical works, essays, stories and his autobiography in addition to poetry. He was edu cated at the University of Illinois and Columbia and taught English at Columbia from 1920-59. The University Lectures Series for the current academic year ends May 7 when Dr. Bentley Glass, a distin guished biologist and member of The John Hop- kin s University faculty, speaks. Earlier speak ers have included a former prime minister of Hungary, an experi mental psychologist and a geolo gist, each with an international reputation. Dr. R. W. Barzak chairs the University Lectures Series Com mittee whose members include Professors H. M. Monroe, Jr., R. D. Turk, J. N. Weaver and B. J. Zwolinski. Van Doren Not Here Yet! Seat belts will not be dis tributed until next week, due to a delay in the arrival of the orders. A notice will appear in The Battalion when they become available. Aggies Overseas In Peace Corps j:-: I ! I Seven Texas Aggies now fill Peace Corps posts around the world, reports Professor Dan Rus sell, chairman of the faculty-staff Peace Corps Advisory Council. He based his report upon infor mation furnished by the statistics and records division of the Peace Corps. Grads, Voting Is Scheduled Elections are now being held for the 1964-65 Graduate Student Council. The ballots have been sent to each department head, and must be filled out and returned by 9 a.m. Friday. The council was organized last fall by Dean Wayne C. Hall, who appointed the first members. There are 12 positions open in the election, with the College of Arts and Sciences having 4, the College of Agriculture and College of En gineering having 3 each, and the College of Veterinary Medicine and the Institute of Statistics hav ing 1 representative each. The purpose of the council is to promote a suitable academic pro gram for the graduate students and to provide leadership for graduate student extra-curricular and college social activities. All graduate students are urged to obtain a ballot from their de partment secretaries and vote. Newcomers Club Hosts Game Party The Newcomers Club will hold a bridge and games party Wednes day at 2 p.m. in the Hillel Foun dation Building. The party is to be a benefit for the club’s nursery fund, so each person planning to attend is asked to bring a one dol lar contribution. Tickets for the party are avail able from Mrs. Robert Logan or may be obtained at the door. All women of Bryan and College Sta tion have been urged to attend, and those attending are requested to bring their own cards and ta bles. Russell said an eighth Texas Aggie, Jerry W. Dupuy, is a mod ern language major following Peace Corps service in the Do minican Republic. Dupuy assisted with plans for the Peace Corps recruiting team which was on the A&M campus last week. “ALL AGGIES who have served or are now serving in the Peace Corps and who have been heard from report satisfactory experi ence and advise other interested Aggies to join,” Russell said. The Peace Corps headquarters names these Aggies in overseas service: Nelson L. Jacobs, now in his third year in Brazil; John Bond, Ethiopia; John A. Geisweidt, Dominican Republic; Carl T. Gold- enberg and Harold G. Lierly, Thai land; Joseph R. Preston, Peru; and Don R. Reynolds, Philippines. The Aggies list as their majors such fields as aerospace engineer ing, botany, range management, education and mathematics. JACOBS is staying in Brazil for a third year because he was named supervisor of 4-S (4-H) work in a province. “I’m really anxious to get back to school ... I believe the eye opening effect of this experience will more than compensate for any loss of factual information in school,” Jacobs wrote. He added that Peace Corps ex perience “has helped me to see more clearly my limitations and potential ... In short I will be expecting much more of my self . . .” The Peace Corps recruiting team completed its five-day visit at A&M Saturday. “We talked to about 65 upper classmen in different fields of study,” team leader Burt Swanson said. HE REPORTED a good re sponse from faculty and students. About 30 Aggies, described by Swanson as “good prospects for the Peace Corps,” took application tests. Swanson said information about the Peace Corps was available from Professor Russell. Ags To Visit SDX Conclave In Oklahoma Fourteen students and two fac ulty members from the A&M Uni versity Department of Journalism will attend meetings in Oklahoma Thursday through Sunday. The sessions include the South western Journalism Congress Thursday and Friday at the Uni versity of Oklahoma in Norman and a regional Sigma Delta Chi con ference in Oklahoma City, Friday through Sunday. Attending both meetings will be William F. Braden, Cat Spring; Glenn A. Dromgoole, Sour Lake; David S. Jones, Killeen; Ben Matula, Sinton; Hamilton D. Mc Queen, Longview, and Michael S. Reynolds, Houston. Others who will attend the Nor man meeting include Charles Teague, San Antonio; Juan Ti jerina, Laredo, and Ted M. Jablon- ski, Woodside, N. Y. At the Region 8 SDX conference also will be John R. Wright, Hous ton; David E. Stiles, Midlothian, and Dan J. Louis, Jr., Bryan. Student Government Filing Begins In MSC By CLOVIS McCALLISTER Battalion Staff Writer Filing- opened Monday for students interested in becom ing members of the student government or the civilian yell leader for the 1964-65 school year. Students may file for eight senate positions, civilian yell lead er, and Class Agent for the Class of 1964 before the April 14 dead line. Wayne Smith, election commis sion advisor, said Monday that candidates may register in the stu- Big Weekend Due Civilians The highlight of the year for A&M civilian students, the annual Civilian Weekend, will get under way Saturday at 5:30 p.m. with a barbeque in the Grove unless it rains in which case it will be held in DeWare Field House. Thirteen girls, each nominated by a dorm or housing unit, are finalists for Civilian Sweetheart. These girls will be presented in the afternoon at the barbeque. The Sweetheart will then be chosen Saturday night at the Civilian Stu dent Ball which will be in the Ramada Inn from 9:30 p.m. until 1:00 a.m. Music for the dance will be fur nished by Jimmy Heap and the Melody Masters. The theme of this semi-formal dance will be Casino— Gambling, Dancing, Roulette. The cost of the barbeque is $1.00 per person and the dance is $3.00 per couple. Students may secure tickets through their Counselor’s office. Tickets are presently on sale and will go off sale April 8. The various offices where tickets are on sale are Robert O. Murray Jr., room 203, Counseling and Test ing Center; William G. Breazeale, room 1-H, Puryear Hall; and Robert Melcher, 28 Milner Hall. If a student who holds a Spring Stu dent Government Activity Card, he can change it for a free barbeque ticket. A student who holds a Fall Stu dent Government Activity Card may exchange it for a free dance ticket. June 1 Deadline For NSF Grants June 1 is the application dead line at the A&M University Grad uate College for the five graduate traineeships in engineering. The new program is authorized by the National Science Foundation, Graduate Dean Wayne C. Hall re ports and becomes effective in September. The traineeships are for full time work and for nine- or 12- month tenure pex-iods. The basic, 12-month stipend is $2,400 to $2,- 800, depending upon the student’s academic level. Dependency allow ances, tuition and fees will be paid. Tlie NSF specified that two of the trainees should be nuclear en gineering students. The other three may study other branches of engineering. dent programs office in the Memo rial Student Center between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. each weekday until April 14. STUDENT BODY positions open to students are president, vice president, parliamentarian, and re cording secretary. Class require- Police Book Teens In Alleged Assault Two Bryan teen-agers alleg edly used a metal pipe to attack four Aggies Saturday night at the Texan Drive-In. The Aggies were Douglas P. Porter, John S. Stanton, Ronald Miles and Jim Reynolds. Rey nolds was taken to the univer sity hospital where he was treat ed for a three-inch cut on the forehead. The Bryan youths have been released on bond from the Braz os county jail after being charged with aggravated as sault. ments are that the applicant be a senior for president and parlia mentarian, a junior for vice presi dent and a sophomore for recording secretary. Also the student must have a 1.5 grade point ratio to be eligible for any one of the posi tions. Student Senate posts open to either juniors or seniors with a 1.25 grade point ratio are chairman ships of the issues committee, the public relations committee, the student life committee and the stu dent welfare committee. Civilian yell leader candidates must be either a junior or senior next year with at least a 1.25 grade point ratio. 1964 GRADUATING seniors will be able to file for Class Agent for the Senior Class of ’64. This will be the only office for which they may file. The Class Agent will keep an account of the graduating class and try to get the class back for the first reunion. Smith said the deadline for filing for office is 5 p.m., April 14. The general election will be held April 23. Pool Opens To Fair Skies The Wofford Cain Swimming Pool opened Monday with the com ing of fair weather. The schedule, through May 30 will be two to 5:30 p.m. on week days, 10 to 12 a.m. and 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. on Saturdays, and 1:30 to 5 p.m. on Sundays. All A&M and public school stu dents will be charged 25 cents for each admittance. Adults will be charged 50 cents. Faculty and all members in their immediate fam ily may obtain season tickets for $10 each session. The first session will be April 6 through July 12. The second ses sion will be July 13 to October 17. Persons who are eligible for pool entrance are A&M students and guests, members of the faculty and guests, former students and guests, guests registered at the Memorial Student Center and their guests. All guests must be accom panied by those who are eligible. Local Stations To Host Talent, Radio-thon For Cancer Drive The Bryan-College Station Can cer Crusade 1964 will get under way Sunday with a day-long Ra dio-thon, according to Mrs. Wil liam R. Vance, chairman of the crusade. Mrs. Vance said the broadcast will be carried by both WTAW and KORA and that local talent as well as records will be used. Requests will be played for those listeners who wish to contribute to the crusade. Mrs. Vance added that there will be a Crusade March April 21, which will climax the campaign. She said that all those associated with the crusade have shown real enthusiasm in their efforts al ready. The slogans for the 1964 cam paign are “To Cure More, Give More” and “Fight Cancer With A Check-Up And A Check.” A 10- year old girl will appear on the local posters in support of the campaign. She is Miss Laura Lee Greathouse of Parkersburg, W. Va. Today’s Thought We are not “finished,” we ca become better than we now art Commemoration Starts By T. E. GENTRY With the showing of “Henry V” on Sundays and Monday, the commemoration of Shakespeare’s 400th birthday got underway on campus. This commeration is being sponsored by Sigma Tau Delta, the English Society, the Depart ment of English, the Department of History and Government, the School of Architecture, Cushing Memorial Library and the Ag gie Players. There are several events planned from now until the com meration ends on April 23, Shakespeare’s birthday. The pro gram includes lectures by famous scholars, a play by one of Shake speare’s contemporary p 1 a y - wrights and lectures by local scholars. DR. GEORGE SUMMEY, pro fessor emeritus of English at A&M, will deliver a lecture on “Hamlet” at 4 p.m., Wednesday, in the Memorial Student Center. On Thursday Dr. Fred Ekfelt, professor of English, will speak on “Interpreters of ‘Hamlet’ ” in the Memorial Student Center at 4 p.m. The w T eek of April 13-18, the Aggie players will present “Dr. Faustus” in Guion Hall at 8 p.m. nightly. The play, written by Christopher Marlowe, will be pro duced by C. K. Esten and di rected by Vic Wiening. A lecture on “King Lear” will be given by Dr. Stewart Morgan, former head of the Department of English at 4 p.m. April 14. April 17 a lecture by Dr. John Paul Abbott on “Antony and Cleo patra” will be presented at 4 p.m. THE FINAL WEEK will see a Graduate Lecture by Hardin Craig, famous Shakespeare schol ar from the Huntington Library in Los Angeles, on April 20. The lecture is scheduled at 8 p.m. in the Physics Building, Room 146. Dr. Lloyd Taylor and George Liccioni will discuss two of Shakespeare’s most famous plays, “Henry VIII” and “Richard III” on April 23 at 4 p.m. in room 2C-D in the Memorial Student Center. In the MSC Assembly Room at 8 p.m., the same day Victor Wiening will direct scenes and readings from Shakespeare. During the commeration, dis plays will be located in Cushing Memorial Library, the Architect ure Library and the third floor of the Academic Building. THE ENGLISH Society offi cers are Joseph DePasqual presi dent; Waylon Ward, vice presi dent; William Buckellew, secre tary, and Paul Humphries, treasurer. The Officer of the Texas A&M Chapter of Sigma Tau Delta are Craig Abbott, president; John Hilliard, vice president; Alan Love, secretary; Eldon Winters, treasurer; Gary Underwood, his torian, and Jerry Jessup, marshal. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETYI She developed cancer at 20 months, was cured b y sur- gery, and has been free of the disease for eight years. Laura is one of five cured victims of cancer chosen to appear on the 1964 pos ters and is one of 1,200,000 Americans alive today who have been cured of cancer. The American Cancer Society uses its funds to combat cancer through research, public and pro fessional education, and providing services to combat the disease. The society has estimated that if each individual had a yearly check-up, heeded the danger signs of cancer, and took treatment, 90,- 000 more persons could be saved from cancer in 1964 than were in 1963. Wire Review By The Associated Press WORLD NEWS RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil — The military-civilian revolt which ousted President Joao Goulart came just a month before a planned Communist push for pow er in Brazil, the newspaper O Globo said today. U. S. NEWS NEW YORK — Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge has moved in to first place in the preference of the nation’s Republican voters, the Gallup Poll reports. In a nationwide survey complet ed prior to his victory in the New Hampshire primary, Lodge was first choice of only 16 per cent of the rank and file of his party. Today he polls 42 per cent of the vote of this group, nationally, George Gallup says. ★★★ WASHINGTON — The Navy said Monday four handpicked div ers will spend three weeks living and working on the bottom of the Atlantic this summer. The four divers, one of them a Navy doctor and three enlisted men, will live in a 40-foot-long laboratory 192 feet below the sur face.